Chapter 106 Rescue the Crow
For Kuroba Kaito, 'causing trouble' is a very familiar word.

From childhood to adulthood, he grew up alive and kicking, and wherever he went, he was basically accompanied by all kinds of commendatory and derogatory "causing trouble".

'Forest' is an unfamiliar word.

During the tour of Kuroba Pirates, Kuroba Kaito has seen all kinds of scenery, including golden beaches, blue oceans, static castles, colorful oil paintings, high-altitude winds, and The darkness of the underground, the cascades of Big Ben chimes and the star-studded Empire State Building.

Naturally, there is also the mysterious Las Vegas.

However, none of these places is a 'forest'.

It wasn't until he heard Ginzo Nakamori mentioning the 'forest' in an unusual tone that Kaito Kuroba looked back on his childhood and realized that in his childhood memories, there was not a minute or a second that belonged to the forest.

This is an unusual thing.

"I," Kaito Kuroba struggled to recall, pausing repeatedly, "I have no memories related to the forest."

He asked Bai Shui, "Is it related to you?"

Aoko Nakamori's expression was equally confused, "What are you talking about, Dad, have I ever been to the forest with Kaito?"

She looked sideways at Bai Shui, frowning in confusion, "Did we cause trouble in the forest?"

For Aoko Nakamori, 'causing trouble' is a more unfamiliar word.

Bai Shui pretended not to notice the line of sight, he let go of the subconsciously clenched hand, maintained a calm expression, and asked calmly, "Forest?"

"What did Qingzi and I encounter in the forest?"

'Forest' is an unremarkable concept.

For most ordinary people, forests are just an insignificant part of human life, just like flower seas, beaches, soil, and oceans.

Bai Shui is no ordinary person.

He had lived for a long time in the Komi primeval forest, where Siberian pine trees grew, and every winter, the pine trees were covered with white frost and snow.

The woodpecker only needs to peck lightly, and the snow will keep swaying down.

Before resisting woodpeckers and birds, Baishui would often step on the soft thick snow, walk to the boundary of falling snow, and look up at woodpeckers and cedars.


"Ah," Nakamori Ginzo avoided his gaze, he scratched his head in distress, "I forgot you don't remember."

He laughed again in a concealed manner, "It's not such an important thing anyway, don't worry too much about it, hahaha!"

"Police," Bai Shui repeated, "what happened in the forest?"

"It's nothing," Nakamori Ginzo was vague, and the moment he looked at Bai Shui, he subconsciously fell silent, "I, I, Kaito, you now..."

Inexplicably, Nakamori Ginzo's intuition resounded: familiar.

It is a very familiar taste and smell.

In this underage high school student who looked at most seventeen or eighteen years old in front of him, he smelled a very familiar dangerous smell, so familiar that he could feel it even with his eyes closed.

Nakamori Ginzo asked where he had smelled this dangerous smell, and why did it feel familiar?

A policeman is most familiar with all kinds of criminals, of course, but his own children cannot be criminals.

He ruled this out first, and after searching for a long time, he locked on the source of the familiarity: Black Feather Pirate One.

An angry Kuroba Pirates.

When he was angry, Black Feather Pirates also had an aura that shocked the police radar.

At the moment of locking, Nakamori Ginzo breathed a sigh of relief unconsciously: Let's just say, it's the same as before, and my brain has twitched again, and I almost thought wrongly.

"You are very similar to your father now!" He immediately finished the sentence, and added, "When Pirate was angry, he was almost exactly like you. Although I only saw it once, it was quite impressive."

From Nakamori Ginzo's point of view, Kuroba Roichi has a very good temper. Even if he is provoked by an arrogant guy in public, this noble magician will respond calmly with a smile, as if he doesn't know what anger is.

He only saw the Black Feather Pirate get angry once, and it was when he caused trouble in the forest.

Hearing this sentence, Kaito Kuroba almost retorted subconsciously, "Impossible!"

"Dad is a 'poker face', how could he be angry?"

It's normal to be angry, but for Nakamori Ginzo to see that he is angry, something is obviously wrong!
As a world-renowned magician, Black Feather Pirates has one principle: poker face.

That is to say, when playing cards, no matter what card you draw, you must keep your face and don't let your expression reveal yourself.

In the Kuroba family, this is a very important principle.

Bai Shui didn't speak, didn't blink, stared at him intently as if he didn't hear Ginzo Nakamori's nonsense.

Nakamori Ginzo dodged a few times, hesitatingly said: "Your father, your father won't let me speak."

"I asked the doctor, and the doctor also said that it is best not to mention this matter in front of you, so as not to trigger the psychological shadow again."


Baishui caught the word, and he repeated it for the third time, "Police Department, what happened in the forest?"

Nakamori Ginzo: "..."

"When you were nine years old, you met gangsters in the forest," he himself didn't know why he explained so quickly, "It's not actually a forest, it's the Forest of Peace Park."

Heiwa no Mori Park is a park, and there is no lush forest inside.

"That's what you and Qingzi call it, 'forest'."

Nakamori Ginzo honestly explained: "It used to be your secret base. The first time I heard the name 'forest' was not long after you met Qingzi."

"It was summer."

"Aoko said that there is a dense forest covered with snow in Heihe no Mori Park, which is as deep and as big as a primeval forest."

This is obviously nonsense.

Nakamori Ginzo didn't believe it.

"Your father and I didn't pay much attention," he said, "but your father asked a few more questions about the situation in the forest."

The young Aoko Nakamori said that the forest covered with heavy snow was hidden in the mirror.

There is a big mirror in the corner of the park, with a bright ruby ​​inlaid on the top of the mirror, and the mirror image is the snowy forest.

"The mirror is not a reflection of reality, but a non-existent forest, isn't it strange?" The young Kuroba Kaito was even more proud, "What's even more strange is that no one else can see the mirror!"

"Even though I walked in front of the mirror, I couldn't see the mirror at all."

"We saw the mirror because we rescued a little crow, which brought us there."

After hearing this, Nakamori Ginzo judged rationally: it's ridiculous.

I don't care even more.

Black Feather Pirates didn't pay too much attention to the children's words, but he coaxed Aoko Nakamori, saying that he welcomes to share the progress next time.

"Yes, yes?" Aoko Nakamori looked blank, she unconsciously looked at Bai Shui again, asking for advice with her eyes, "I don't remember this at all..."

Kuroba Kaito said: "I don't remember."

Just like Heiyu Pirates said 'my children reject birds', he has no memory of this incident at all, even if he heard Nakamori Gin's faltering at this moment, he didn't recall any fragments at all.

"But, 'Save the Crows'?"

(End of this chapter)

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