Chapter 142 [Run! ! ! 】

Miss the culprit was angry.

Bai Shui pressed his chest, and he looked at Koizumi Hongzi's angry smile, "Why?"

Why would you want to get 'likes'?
Koizumi Hongzi was stunned for a moment, "There is no reason."

"Witches are born to be loved by everyone," she raised her chin. "How can someone not like me? If you don't want to take the initiative to like me, I can only come and get it myself. The nature of a witch is to plunder."

"Even if you don't take the initiative to fall in love with me now, after you get out, you will fall in love with me under the influence of magic."

Whether it's a genuine liking or a magical liking, it's all liking.

Koizumi Hongzi doesn't care, everything is acceptable.

She suppressed the uncomfortable feeling in her heart, continued to raise her chin high, and sneered again, "Anyway, you will like me sooner or later, so I don't care."

"However, before that... I want to see your real inner world!"

Why did Bai Shui still not like her at this point?

Obviously it is in the inner world, and the name of [Bai Shui] is clearly written on the doll, but the two seem to be useless at all.

The name was recognized by two people. Koizumi Hongzi could only grit her teeth and think that part of the name was missing, so the effect was not so good, and her inner world...

Here is the inner world of Kuroba Kaito.

Perhaps, mental illness is different from normal people, and each personality has its own inner world. In short, it is absolutely impossible that Bai Shui doesn't like her no matter what!
Koizumi Hongzi gritted her teeth again, she raised her chin, and walked towards Baishui.

"Let me see your inner world, let me, let me..." She and Bai Shui looked at each other, clenched her back molars tightly, "Let me see why you don't like me, even though I... ..."

Her deep wine-red eyes lit up.

That gleam also shone in Bai Shui's eyes.

The world was turned upside down, Koizumi Hongzi crashed into Baishui's inner world, and she was caught off guard by a sense of falling.

Everyone's inner world is different. Kuroba Kaito's inner world is a calm and open land that can support everything and is very inclusive. Baishui's world is a sky, and those who come can only be caught off guard. come down.

Koizumi Hongzi stretched out her hands in panic and wanted to grab things around her, "Wait!"

When falling down, she hit a series of floating objects.

The floating objects on the top floor are fragments of memory one by one. Those fragments are very ordinary. Some are dim street lights. Under the street lamps, a slender figure is making a phone call. Some are streets after heavy snowfall, with people carrying bags of shopping bags. , walking alone on the street, there is a beach full of golden warm sun, among the crowd, a girl with a bright smile is the focus of vision.

And under the night, a family of four is dining warmly.

Except that the location span is a bit large and there is no white water, each piece is a fragment of everyday life.

Maybe because he was falling, every time he saw a piece of debris that he hit, Koizumi Hongzi's panic would get worse.

'As if,' she tried to hold on to something solid, and an uneasy thought arose, 'as if there was something terrible hiding in this everyday scene. '

She is still falling.

The unidentified floating objects in the air are smaller and less, but they are still quite dense.

When bumping into them, the policemen in the corresponding clips appeared in front of Koizumi Hongzi.

The police were all kinds, blond, brunette, redhead, white, black, male, female, young and old.

Their expressions are also different, some are full of sympathy, some are stunned, some are indifferent, and some are slightly suspicious and then dissipated.

Falling further, the fragment triggered by the floating object is the corpse.

Corpses one after another, some of them were lying on the snow-covered streets with shopping bags, some were squatting in the dark alley with their eyes wide open, some were struggling in the living room at home, some were Some were covered with a layer of white cloth, and some lay neatly on the dissection table.

Some are undiscovered, some are under martial law by the police, some are being dissected by forensic doctors to find clues, and some are quietly soaked in formalin.

After a hasty glance, he exchanged a glance with a woman who was staring straight at her with wide eyes, Koizumi Hongzi subconsciously closed her eyes and screamed, "This, what is this?!"

Even if you close your eyes, you can still see it.

Witches and humans are not the same species. You can easily kill a human being with a wave of your hand, or you can angrily decide to 'kill this person', but that doesn't mean you can turn a blind eye to human corpses without any emotional fluctuations.

Perhaps an experienced witch could.

But 17-year-old Koizumi Hongzi can't.

She was about to collapse, so she could only curl up her body as much as possible on the way down to make the floating objects she collided with smaller, and tried her best to restrain the tears that were about to burst out of her eyes.

"What the hell is this..."

When falling further, Koizumi Hongzi hit a floating object, and his eyes suddenly went dark, and all the other horror clips that were still queued for loading all left.

In the darkness, the sense of weightlessness rose, she stretched out her hand feebly, and heard a crisp and cheerful knocking sound.

It was the sound of human fingers tapping on the wall, with a certain rhythm.

The moment he heard it, Koizumi Hongzi automatically understood the knocking sound: [Then let's exchange the three secrets of No.40, let me talk first. 】

The percussion sound is cheerful and crisp, like a happy little lark.

The little lark sang: [No. 40 Three secrets, I think you are like a bird, a free-spirited bird, different from everyone around you, clean, beautiful, full of charm, really, different from everyone around you People are different. 】

[You are a detective, a super powerful detective! 】

After a pause for a few seconds, the knocking sound sounded again, this time softer: [Thank you for finding the cat for me, I like birds. 】

I like you.

Koizumi Hongzi reacted, in the darkness, she forgot to curl up to avoid the floating object, stretched her body unconsciously, and her eyes widened a bit.

This darkness was not over yet, she heard another knocking signal sound, this signal sound was a bit deeper and more stable, and it was closer to Koizumi Hongzi, and it was knocked out by the owner of the clip.

The knocking sound slowly sounded: [I also like birds, your cat is very cute, I found it with my friends. 】

After more than ten seconds, there was no other knocking sound, and the lark started singing again: [Friend?Are there other children here, not just us...]

The cry stopped abruptly, and then hurriedly sounded: [Sorry, I didn't mean to find you, it was... it was...]

Lark explained in embarrassment, 【The stationmaster uncle told me that you are the only one who is loved by animals nearby. You must have brought the cat back. You told me your name and said you like birds very much. 】

It was quiet again, and after a while, the lark's knocking sound replied: 【Have you been in contact with the station master? 】

[Yes,] the lark tapped the password, [he also took me to see the woodpeckers, they are so beautiful, their feathers are very white, like snow elves! 】

The owner of the clip tapped his finger on the wall, and slowly replied to Lark's embarrassing explanation before, [It's okay, I know who you are, and you know who I am. 】

The steady knocking sound continued: [My No. 40 three secrets, I know you are the earl's daughter. 】

[A daughter of an earl from Petersburg who is as beautiful as a lark]

The tapping slowed down again.

[No.40 four secrets, let me tell you first. 】

The surrounding darkness became thicker, so thick that Koizumi Hongzi almost thought she had gone blind. As compensation, her hearing became more acute, and she heard the sound of sleeves rubbing, knuckles brushing hesitantly against the wall, and...

【run! 】

【Now! 】

【Run! ! ! 】

 Add more.

  I recommend this book. It has about the same number of words as mine. It is also a Conan fan. The cover is very beautiful~

(End of this chapter)

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