Chapter 146 Provocation?

The sniper from a distance is very pulling.


Bai Shui said concisely, "It is a medium-caliber sniper rifle."

Kaito Kuroba was equally brief, "The sniper is 700 meters away."

He let out a breath slowly, and said solemnly: "I'm in big trouble."

In the distance is a sniper with excellent sniper ability.

For a sniper, it is not difficult to hit a human body at 700 meters. What is difficult is to hit a fatal shot and accurately hit vital parts, such as the heart and head.

What is even more difficult is to shatter the bow tie with one shot.

The bow tie on Kaitou Kidd's top hat is very small, only the size of four or five fingernails. Since the sniper can scatter the bow tie at a distance of 700 meters, he can easily let the bullet pass through the eye socket of the enemy.

Best of all: the white dummy, which is inflatable.

As long as the surface is a little damaged, the dummy will directly leak air, but the white dummy is still floating leisurely in the night, which can only show that it is not damaged.

That bullet only hit the bow tie.

...too outrageous.

"But," Bai Shui added, "he is not hostile."

He followed Kuroba Kaito's field of vision and looked towards the vast night ahead, feeling that the sense of crisis that was on his back was slowly dissipating.

The sniper left.

From the beginning to the end, the sniper only fired one shot, and then retreated directly after firing a shot that was not damaged.

No matter how you look at it, this doesn't look like he wants to take Kuroba Kaito's life, but rather...

"Warning? Provocation?" Kaito Kuroba seamlessly followed Bai Shui's speculation process. He glanced into the distance, let go of his fingers tightly wrapped around the edge of the tower, and jumped down, "Or to say hello?"

Facing the bone-piercing wind, he leaped into a deep darkness, then unfolded his hang glider in the feeling of falling, drew a beautiful upward line in the air, and flew into the distance.

The crow's claws exerted a little force, and it clasped Kuroba Kaito's shoulder to avoid being thrown off.

Together they fly against the wind.

Regardless, "is a big problem."

Known: The sniper is not easy, it is very good.

Also know: the sniper is not hostile, but still has to shoot from a distance.

Further knowledge: The style of retreating after one shot basically confirms the identity of the sniper as a 'non-police'.

So here comes the question: Since it is not the police, and it is not a simple person, why did the sniper come here to snipe it?

The answer is actually obvious: Kaito Kidd.

That sniper came after Kaitou Kidd.

Kuroba Kaito had just become Kaito Kidd not long ago, and he didn't mess with any snipers, so it was already clear who the real target of the sniper who came to Kaito Kidd was to say hello.

It's Black Feather Robber One.

"It's Dad's 'friend' or 'enemy'," Hei Yu narrowed his eyes quickly, "Based on what I know about him, probably both."

Probably friend or foe.

That's why it's a big problem!
"He came here to snipe on purpose, maybe there will be a second time, so be careful in your actions in the future," he muttered, "I think of me as my father again, I hope I don't have the opportunity to fight at close range."

He poked Baishui again, "Do you know any information about snipers? This world is an anime, I know, such an outstanding sniper should have appeared in anime, right?"

Such an outstanding sniper who greets him from a distance and has a great personality should have really appeared in anime.


[Who cares about the Kaitou Kidd who seems to have nothing to do with the main line.jpg]
Silence is golden, and Baishui's tactical silence can add value to himself.

"...Okay, I see," Kaito Kuroba skillfully responded, and found that he was really used to it, "You don't care about the indifferent Kaitou Kidd, and you don't have any impression of it."

He bit down on his pronunciation, and his eyes narrowed again, "But thank you, I understand, that sniper is absolutely impossible to have anything to do with Kudo Shinichi."

Otherwise, Baishui will definitely remember.

Ahaha, it's nice to be able to rule out a possible background option and branch of the sniper.

Bai Shui: "..."

He felt the phone buzzing and vibrating in his coat pocket, so he changed the subject smoothly, "The phone is ringing."

Kaito Kuroba adjusted the direction of the hang glider, and while preparing to land, he pulled out his phone and glanced at it.

It was Aoko Nakamori who opened the phone.

As soon as the phone was connected, Aoko Nakamori's anxious voice came out of the microphone, "Kaito!"

Her breath was a little unsteady, "Are you all right?"

Kuroba Kaito listened, heard some hurried footsteps from the phone, subconsciously frowned, "I'm fine, are you outside?"

The wind at high altitude was very strong, and when talking on the phone, there would be a whistling wind that would be drawn obliquely into the microphone. It was obvious at first, but now it merged with Aoko Nakamori's unsteady breathing and rapid footsteps, making it difficult to distinguish.

"It's fine," Aoko Nakamori breathed a sigh of relief, and then brought it up again, trying to keep breathing so as not to get out of breath during the run. "I just received a call. Dad's colleague said that something happened to Dad, and I'm rushing over there."

She took a deep breath and exhaled deeply to adjust her breathing, trying to maintain the balance of speaking and running, "Dad's colleague said, Dad is very strange today, as if he was possessed by an evil spirit. It's very important, and I want to ask a detective to guide me."

"However, without knowing what happened, he suddenly became very angry and said that no matter what method he used, even if he used any means, he would catch Kaitou Kidd."

Aoko Nakamori paused, his pace slowed down a bit, and his tone sank, "—Even if you use a gun."

This is very, very wrong.

Kuroba Kaito, who witnessed for the first time that something was wrong with Ginzo Nakamori and was chased for two streets: "..."

Looking back now, I saw Nakamori Ginzo's eyes glowing red, chasing him like a red-clothed bull, and it was somewhat psychologically shadowy.

Cough, Bai Shui did a good job, scared well, and revenge is bound to be revenged, as expected of 'me'.

He cleared his throat and focused on the key points, "Where are you now? I happened to be outside too, so I'll find you now."

"Huh?" Aoko Nakamori said in surprise, "Are you outside too?"

She didn't worry too much about this, and simply reported her current location neatly, and added, "Dad has been taken to the hospital, and I can't get a taxi now!"

I found out from running on the road.

Kaito Kuroba raised his hand to press the monocle, he estimated the distance, and his tone relaxed, "Got it, now you find a brighter place and wait for me obediently, I will be there in 5 minutes."

The tone is too relaxed and sounds unbelievable.

"5 minutes?" Aoko Nakamori believed it without hesitation, "Okay!"

(End of this chapter)

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