Chapter 221
The sun is about to rise.

Kaito Kuroba's first reaction was: What?Isn't it just dark, and there is still a long, long time before the sun rises.

Second reaction: Wait, Bai Shui has a complicated tone when he said this, and since he heard the real-time news, he has always had a somewhat strange attitude.

There was nothing special in the real-time news, at most it was a report of a roller coaster homicide in an amusement park. Since the case had not yet been solved, no information about the suspect was mentioned, only the circumstances and method of death of the deceased were briefly mentioned.

The situation of the on-site detectives and the police was probably mentioned later, but Kaito Kuroba left the range where the real-time news could be heard.

There are no clues, but Kuroba Kaito's third reaction is: "Kudo Shinichi!"

He threw out the name without thinking, and he reacted again before repeating quietly, "Kudo Shinichi."

"Aren't you, are you using the 'sun' as a metaphor for Kudo Shinichi?"

Narcissism in the late stage is really unbearable.

"It's too nasty!"

Can't you use this dazzling word to describe 'myself'? What if you are narcissistic? Baishui is seriously lacking in narcissism, and it is a tendency not to actively love life.

Always look at what the detective is doing with the eyes of worship and appreciation, it is better to look at "myself" and appreciate "myself"!
Kuroba Kaito: "And said you don't worship Kudo Shinichi!"

Obviously super worship.

Bai Shui: "?"

Ah Zhe.

I mentioned a protagonist of a work I had seen in my childhood, and the work is a regular work with a positive meaning, and the protagonist is also a positive and sunny protagonist with a positive meaning.

As long as you don't have a repulsive dislike for this work and the protagonist, when you mention it, your tone will be friendly, isn't it normal?
It's normal to use the 'sun' as a metaphor, right?
Mainly, "'Sun' is a conventional metaphor."

white waterway.

Aoko Nakamori can be described as 'sun'. When she showed her face, she was shining brightly, and Kaito Kuroba could also be described as 'sun'.

Yi shoots at the nine suns.

After thinking about it, Bai Shui added, "I'm not sure if 'sun' has any special meaning in neon."

I think should not be?
"You don't often live in neon, so what you're talking about is definitely not the meaning of neon," Kaito Kuroba said even more faintly, "I remember that in Russian, 'my sun' is a very intimate metaphor, right?"

Similar to 'my baby' and 'my sweetheart', it can be just a casual address between friends, and it can also be used between lovers, which is very versatile.

Bai Shui: "..."

Thanks and shut up.

He didn't answer and paused.

He only paused for a moment, then suddenly turned his head to look into the distance.

A very subtle intuition descends.

It is a dangerous intuition, like walking alone on the grassland, but being stared at by a pack of hungry wolves. They move silently, and the humans who are gradually surrounded cannot see their figures or their green eyes. All I could see was a peaceful grassland.

But even the body tensed up unconsciously, and the nerves also tensed up, instinctively aware of the slowly approaching crisis.

Now, Bai Shui has this feeling, but instead of "slowly approaching", he suddenly looked at a green-eyed wolf. After subconsciously looking sideways to the distance, he stared straight at it without moving away. line of sight.

"This feeling," Kuroba Kaito stopped making jokes and lowered his voice, "is it a sniper?"

Bai Shui replied without blinking, and gave an affirmative reply, "En."

A few hundred meters to the right, there is a sniper.

A sniper is aiming at him.

The sniper is actually very easy to deal with. You just need to launch an attack to interrupt his sniper forward swing before he sets up the sniper rifle, or just withdraw from the sniper range. Very good citizens can use passers-by’s mobile phone to call the report number, and it can be easily resolved. Snipe crisis.

Snipers who have completed a long sniper swing are also easy to deal with, just need to dodge the bullets.

Hmm... easy to deal with.

Bai Shui didn't move, and his eyes didn't move half an inch. He confronted the sniper at a distance of several hundred meters.

From his perspective, he could only see the dim sky and the neon lights of the city, and he could only confirm the approximate range of the sniper, but it was impossible to accurately determine which centimeter the sniper was on the night scene.

But the sniper can see his expression through the scope.

Bai Shui said calmly: "Distance from the green channel: 15 meters."

"Load: 1 person."

White Horse Detective.

It takes five or six seconds.

Five or six seconds is enough for a sniper to react. If the ability is excellent, he can even fire three or four shots.

"Wait," Kaito Kuroba lowered his voice again, "wait for him to shoot."

The sniper fired first, and taking advantage of the empty shot, Baishui could immediately drag Baima Tan back, and it was Baishui who had the advantage.

Baishui retreated first, and the snipers could directly predict and shoot, and the snipers had the advantage.

Now is the moment of tense confrontation.

Kuroba Kaito tensed his nerves, and his sleepiness subsided a bit.

Kuroba Kaito concentrated his attention, staring at every inch of the night.

Kuroba Kaito confronted earnestly, capturing every trace of movement.

Kuroba Kaito concentrated and calmed down, concentrating 100% of his attention.

Kuroba Kaito was lost in thought for a moment, then immediately tightened his focus.

Kuroba Kaito was a little sleepy.

Kuroba Kaito reached the peak of sleepiness and exhaled a few times.

Kuroba Kaito became furious, "It's been 5 minutes, did the sniper fall asleep!"

The police car roared in, and the police car roared away.

The sniper in the distance remained motionless and did not shoot.

Bai Shui: "."

Ignoring the roaring police cars, he slowly stretched out his hand to comb the wings of the crow on his shoulder.

The crow is like a puddle of slime. When Bai Shui's hand touches it, it rubs against it softly, showing no sign of nervousness against the enemy.

The progress bar of the anger value is still slowly accumulating, and it is still far away from absorbing a bird that can resist damage.

Bai ShuiMian combed the crow's wings for more than ten seconds without changing his expression, and confirmed: "It's not an enemy."

Before the words fell, he stopped.

An off-string arrow came from the darkness, and the sniper bullet hit the flying police uniform on the railing, knocked off the police badge on the uniform, and drove into the darkness again.

Until then, there was the sound of sniper gunfire.

The sense of crisis dissipated.

Just like when it came, it came suddenly and disappeared suddenly.

Below, the police car roared again, and it took less than a minute to drive away from several nearby streets and roar away.

Baishui didn't move.

He paused and repeated: "Not the enemy."

A... passing sniper?
I didn't come to snipe Kaitou Kidd, but to greet Kaitou Kidd.

... a little familiar, not sure, look again.

Bai Shui looked down at the police uniform on the railing, "It's the same sniper as last time."

Last time, when Kuroba Kaito dealt with Koizumi Koiko, the witch, on the high tower, a sniper fired from a distance, accurately sniping the blue ribbon on Kaitou Kidd's top hat.

This time, a sniper fired a shot from afar again, as if sniffing in displeasure, and precisely hit the police badge on the police uniform.

Consistent style.

"Ah, it's that 'father's friend' from last time," Kaito Kuroba still remembered his own judgment, and he complained, "It's fine once, why come a second time, it seems that when dealing with dad accurate."

Otherwise, I wouldn't be so obsessed with it and come over to say hello again and again.

"If you do it again, you have to call back," he said solemnly, "you can tell from his appearance that Dad must have the upper hand in the fight. According to Dad's personality, if he greets three times, but he doesn't If he is hit backhanded once, he will definitely be dazed and confused."

Black Feather Pirates would ignore the provocative person if he didn't smile, and would go back to the provocative one instead.

Bai Shui: "Yes."

He glanced at the original direction of the sniper a few more times, frowned briefly, was a little puzzled, thought it over, and temporarily dismissed this article.

"Compared to this, have you forgotten one thing?"

Kuroba Kaito: "What?"

He is still swimming happily.

"It's 07:30 now," Baishui said, "the end of the movie, and..."

15 minutes.

Aoko Nakamori is still in the cinema.

It takes half an hour to rush from the clubhouse to the cinema in the amusement park.

Kuroba Kaito: "..."

Kuroba Kaito interrupted in horror, "Ah!"


"Only 15 minutes?! Running out of time! Help!"

"Come on!"

(End of this chapter)

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