Chapter 372 Gambling

In the sky full of white and black, a jet-black figure tinged with red pierced the night sky like a flying arrow, and landed on Bai Shui's shoulder with the ear-piercing cry of a crow, "Gah!!!"

It lowered its head and rubbed its head against the white braid beside Bai Shui's ear.

Bai Shui stretched out his hand, and touched the crow feather on its forehead with his fingertips, and he left it as soon as he touched it.

As soon as he raised his hand, the white outfit on his body had completely changed and the change was completed.

The hat that flew away with the wind quickly disintegrated in the strong wind and turned into white fragments. Even if someone picked it up, it would be difficult to tell that it was Kaitou Kidd's hat.

At the top of the rooftop, the bright moon hangs low, quietly hanging behind the strange thief Crow.

The Phantom Thief Crow gave a low laugh, and said unhurriedly, "Phantom Thief Kidd."

His figure was slender, with the shape of an adult male, his voice was deep and magnetic, with a bit of a smile, like a cello vibrating in the air.

Because it's a voice changer.

The electromagnetic induction of the voice changer is not strong, and it is different from the voice changer of the Phantom Thief Black Cat placed directly on the bright surface, full of electric sound, the main purpose is to cover up the original sound, the voice changer used by the Phantom Thief Crow is very real, with only a slight magnetic induction.

The previous communication was through the phone, and the phone and the high-altitude cold wind dissipated the only few strands of current. Now, without the conversion of the phone, the voice of the strange thief crow wearing a voice changer came directly, which made it a bit more obvious.

He said: "What a young boy."

Bai Shui looked at Phantom Thief Crow calmly, his eyes swept down from the pitch-black hat, past his glasses, across the black suit, and then landed on Phantom Thief Crow's head again.

The strange thief crow was backlit, blocking the appearance, only a few parts of the outline of the face were vaguely revealed.

These outlines are very familiar, Bai Shui sees them every day.

If Kuroba Kaito was more mature, he would be exactly the same as Kaito Crow.

"You are so young and cute," Kaitou Crow said with a smile, "If you cover your eyes with white gauze, can you still see me?"

"Not only is she young and cute, but the way she looks at me seriously is also kind of cute. I'm almost reluctant to fight with you and crush you cruelly."

This is provocative trash talking.

But unfortunately, Shirasui's blood pressure often fluctuates with Kuroba Kaito, and he is now immune to most of the trash talk.

He ignored the real identity of the phantom thief Crow, and regarded the crow as his real enemy, and said flatly: "You are also very cute."

"It's been a long time since I've seen an enemy that hides its head and shows its tail, like a black-footed ferret."

The black-footed ferret is a member of the mustelidae family, the same as the yellow ferret. It looks somewhat similar, but has a face like a raccoon and looks a bit like a gangster mask. It is a rather thief-minded animal.

"No," he corrected himself, apologizing sincerely, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have insulted the black-footed ferret."

"The black-footed ferret is not like you. It's just that it doesn't dare to reveal its true colors, but even its actions imitate the uniforms of other people."

"Amazingly timid."

Kaito Kuroba reminded in a low voice, "The police are here."

There are too many black feathers floating on the roof, and the nearby police helicopter has noticed it and is hovering unsteadily, not sure whether to approach or watch from a distance.

Bai Shui calmly scanned the positions of the helicopters, and then the strange thief Crow, and quickly planned the escape route in his mind.

Phantom Thief Crow ignored the helicopter that was paying attention, and the black feathers that were constantly flying in the wind gradually stopped. He asked in a light tone: "Really?"

"If I were a ferret, would there be another ferret on the field?"

He spoke slowly, as if playing a cello, and added leisurely, "My sister."


Bai Shui was silent for two seconds.

This time, the phantom thief crow is really talking trash, the trash talk that can mobilize phantom thief Kidd's blood pressure, 100% pure fabrication and slander, without a trace of reality.

Kuroba Kaito's blood pressure spiked.

"The police have clearly discovered the existence of the two phantom thieves Kidd, but because of a slight deviation, they missed the truth," the phantom thief Crow said with a smile, "What a pity, isn't it?"

"But it's quite interesting to speculate." The smile in his voice deepened, and he said lightly: "Is your sister a fan of mine?"

"I actually dress up exactly like me, but the color is different. I have to be so misunderstood. I can only speculate that such a cute lady not only regards Kudo Yusaku as an idol, but also regards me as an idol."


Too bad.

Kuroba Kaito: "Huh?!"

"Hold on, this is a provocation," Shirasui, as a doting brother, calmly reassured Kuroba Kaito, "Don't be fooled, or you will lose."

Phantom Thief Crow: "Would you like to make a bet with me?"

"Tonight's action, you have watched the whole thing," he said with a smile, "I'm so sorry, you didn't even have a chance to make a move."

It seemed to be regretful, "If I had known that you were hiding on the roof of the opposite building so undisguisedly, I would have acted slower, so that you could see some of my actions."

"Otherwise, wouldn't it expose the gap between you and me, making you realize your own incompetence and fall into deep fear?"

"It's not a gentleman's style to make a lady feel frightened, unfortunately."

He laughed lowly, raised the brim of his hat a little, looked behind Bai Shui, "The helicopter is coming."

Bai Shui did not look back.

But the drone of the helicopter approaching could be heard, and some very excited human voices could be faintly heard.

"During tonight's operation," Phantom Thief Crow smiled, "I pocketed the Crow in the middle of the night without touching the gem with my hands."

"You also watched the whole process."

"Let's make a bet on whether you can crack the technique of my actions tonight," he declared, "it's a technique."

The emphasis is on nature and science, rather than fantasy factors.

Bai Shui had expected this, and amidst the approaching buzz of the helicopter, he asked, "What's the bet?"

Kaitou Crow was still smiling, "If you lose..."

"I'm asking," Bai Shui interrupted, "what's your bet?"

The strange thief Crow paused, then laughed again, "I'm really confident."

He deepened his smile, "If I lose, how about I tell you a piece of information about Pandora?"

"I can divulge a few points in advance: June."


It's not the first time that 'June' and 'Pandora' have been linked together. Baishui heard from Yusaku Kudo that the guys at the zoo pay special attention to June and want to get Pandora before June.

And it's not that the sooner the better, it's that it's never too early or too late.

Bai Shui's eyes moved and his brows furrowed.

Black feathers began to appear in the sky again, and in the feathers, the black cloak of the Phantom Thief Crow appeared and disappeared, and the sound was a little farther away.

He smiled and said, "But if you lose..."

"I will put your sister's treasured things into a private treasure box."

The sound disappeared, and the black feathers suddenly multiplied, and when they covered the sky and covered the ground, they spread out in the wind, revealing the empty top of the roof.

Only white water remained on the roof.

He stared at the place where the Phantom Thief Crow disappeared for a few seconds, then turned to look at the helicopter approaching staggeringly, and jumped off the rooftop without hesitation.

In the middle of the fall, Baishui unfolded his hang glider when he received the sudden screams from the crowd below, and left the action scene with the gradually diminishing white snow and black feathers.

(End of this chapter)

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