Guoshu!My martial arts has a strengthening panel

Chapter 210 Almost Ripe, Ready to Eat

Chapter 210 Almost Ripe, Ready to Eat
Chen Yang turned his head and took a look.

Seeing that Rongrou was going crazy, she rushed towards herself with a dagger in her hand.

He didn't react right away.

Is this girl crazy?

The moment Rong Rou approached, Chen Yang waved his arm and grabbed Rong Rou's wrist.

at this time,

Rongrou pressed her whole body over.

Her wrist was grabbed by Chen Yang, and she couldn't stab it down with the dagger.

With her other arm, she clenched her fist and hit Chen Yang's shoulder desperately.

At this moment, Chen Yang's eyes gradually turned cold.

Unreasonable trouble......!
With Chen Yang's strength, it is naturally impossible for Rongrou to hurt him.

The reaction ability, strength, speed, etc. of the two are not on the same level at all.

Rong Rou was holding the dagger hand, and after being caught by Chen Yang, she couldn't break free for a while.

I saw her screaming with anger, wishing to bite Chen Yang...!
"Bastard! I'm going to kill you...I'm going to kill you...!"

A sneer appeared on Chen Yang's face, and he said in a deep voice, "Are you crazy!?"

He grabbed Rongrou's wrist with one hand and looked down.

Then I only heard Chen Yang teasingly said:

"I didn't find out last night, how good is your figure?"

"Tsk tsk... Not bad, it has a bit of weight, no matter in terms of feel or visual effect, it can be called first-class!"

"But the body is good, but the brain seems to be not working!"

Rong Rou was taken aback when she heard the words, and then she was startled.

next moment,
She quickly looked down at herself.

Only then did she realize that she was only wearing a large camouflage uniform.

Loose fitting clothing with little to no coverage.

With Chen Yang's height, and he grabbed his wrist, he glanced from top to bottom.

Everything about him was seen through by the other party.

What made Rong Rou even more mad was that,

Chen Yang grabbed her wrist, and her whole body was almost leaning against him.

Damn even talk about hand feeling!
Last night he...!
All of a sudden, Rongrou went completely crazy.

"Let go of me! You bastard...!"

She roared at the top of her lungs and struggled violently, wishing to bite Chen Yang, like turning into an angry little tiger.

Chen Yang felt Rongrou's madness like losing his mind at the moment, and shook his head helplessly.

Rongrou struggled for a moment, but couldn't break free at all.

She was so angry that she was about to burst into tears.

Next, Chen Yang's words made her jump again.

"I don't have much strength, but my temper is not small!"

"It's as if I ate you. To be honest, even if I ate you in this wilderness, what can you do?"

Chen Yang chuckled, and deliberately looked the other party up and down, with a half-smile expression in his eyes.

"Bastard! You damn... I must kill you!"

Rong Rou was so stimulated that she went crazy, and the other hand hit Chen Yang's shoulder again.

Chen Yang grabbed the wrist of her other hand and said calmly:

"Okay! Stop making trouble...Are you stupid? Did I eat you, don't you feel it yourself?"

"I see a lot of stupid women, but it's rare to see one as stupid as you!"

At this moment, Chen Yang felt a pain in his shoulder.

It turned out that after Rong Rou's hands were grabbed by Chen Yang, she bit Chen Yang's shoulder with her teeth without moving.

Depend on……!
Belong to the dog!
Chen Yang flicked his backhand and pushed Rong Rou half a step away.

Immediately afterwards, he flipped his wrist and took the dagger in Rong Rou's hand.

at this time,

He was very depressed, it was a rare time to help someone, but he was bitten.

He looked down at the row of teeth marks on his shoulder, and his expression changed with anger.

After Rong Rou was pushed away, she stared at Chen Yang vigilantly.

"Are you crazy about riding a horse? If you hate me so much, then get away from me."

"You leave here now, I will never stop you!"

"If I didn't see you as a woman, I would kill you with one knife...!"

Chen Yang said harshly.

He no longer paid attention to this silly woman, but turned to look at his barbecue.

It's almost ripe and ready to eat!

He tore the roast meat with his hands and started to eat it by himself.

Rong Rou was taken aback when she heard the words, as if thinking of something.

She quickly took a few steps back, turned her back, untied the camouflage uniform on her body, and took a look at her wound.

At this time, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Since she was wounded by the shrapnel, there was a bloody hole in her ribs, and the shrapnel got stuck between her ribs.

And now,
Her rib wound was treated well and the shrapnel was removed.


She tried to use her foot pads and jumped slightly.

It seemed that... nothing unusual was felt, and no pain was felt.

Are you thinking too much?

He didn't touch himself at all?
Rongrou looked at the white cotton shirt that had been torn into strips, and then at the bandage on her wound.

this moment,
She felt that she seemed to have misunderstood Chen Yang.

"It seems that this bastard really just treated my wound, he didn't touch me!"

After reaching the conclusion, Rong Rou let out a long breath.


When thinking of his own body, he was actually seen clearly by the guy in front of him.

all of a sudden,

Rong Rou only felt her face turn red.

Rong Rou took a deep breath to calm down her emotions.

She knew that Chen Yang helped her deal with the wound and saw her body, which was unavoidable.

at this time,

She became calmer.

After thinking about it, she raised her head to apologize to Chen Yang.

Turning his head to take a look, he found that Chen Yang was sitting by the campfire, eating barbecue by himself, and ignored her at all.

Rong Rou was a little embarrassed.

She took two steps forward, pretending that nothing happened just now, and sat down next to Chen Yang.

When he saw Chen Yang holding a piece of freshly roasted wild pork in his hand.

She hesitated for a moment, then looked at Chen Yang again.


She unceremoniously took the wild pork in Chen Yang's hand, and ate it by herself.

Unruly, pungent, unceremonious!


Chen Yang looked at his empty hands and was stunned for a moment.

Then he smiled and said, "Hey, it's popular now? You know you're hungry?"

"Also, you're not going to kill me? You're a dog... your shoulder was almost bitten off!"

Rong Rou acted as if she didn't hear it.

She began eating roast meat and drinking python soup.

So delicious!
With a piece of wild boar in her mouth, she said calmly:

"You helped me deal with the wound, why didn't you tell me in advance?"

"I need you to give me a reasonable explanation. Why did you secretly treat my wound while I was asleep without letting me know?"

Chen Yang smiled and said, "You fell asleep like a pig as soon as you fell down, how could I tell you in advance?"

"I do not care!"

Rongrou was out of breath, and immediately said: "Since you saved me, you must protect me."

"If I'm not mistaken, you should be from the domestic security department?"

"Or... you are someone from my family?"

"They asked you to save me, didn't they?"

Chen Yang smiled lightly, snorted coldly and said:

"I'm going... I saved you, but I have to protect you?"

"What do you think of yourself as?"

"Okay, I don't want to talk nonsense with you anymore, get out...!"

"From now on, let's go our separate ways, and you can go wherever you want."

"I'm not the same as you!"

at this time,

Chen Yang's tone was very indifferent.


Seeing that Chen Yang became so cold all of a sudden, Rong Rou became anxious again.

But there is no way.

She is hurt now and has to bow her head.

She took a deep breath to calm herself down.

But remembering that Chen Yang had watched herself over and over again, she was very unwilling.

If there is a chance to leave the rainforest, I will have a good time with you!
Rongrou thought to herself.

Chen Yang frowned slightly, and walked aside.

He suddenly bent his body down, lying on the ground, and listened for a moment with his ears pricked up against the ground.

Ten seconds later...

Chen Yang stood up with a serious face, and began to pack the things around him.

at this time,

His face became more and more cold, without any expression.

Seeing Chen Yang's aura suddenly changed, Rong Rou felt a little confused.

no way,
At this time, the killing intent emanating from Chen Yang's body was extremely strong, which made people horrified.

Rong Rou actually felt suffocated, unable to make a sound for a long time.

Chen Yang packed his things, and suddenly remembered something.

He turned to Rong Rou and said:

"Three kilometers away, two groups of people came from two directions!"

"This time, there are a lot of them, and they should all come for you."

"When you escape later, I hope you can learn to be smarter and don't hit the gun."


Chen Yang clenched the AK47 assault rifle in his hand, stopped talking nonsense, turned around and walked towards the bushes deep in the rainforest.

Rong Rou immediately stood up and followed behind Chen Yang, never leaving her.

"What do you mean? Why are you following me?" Chen Yang stopped, turned his head and said coldly.

"I will follow you!" Rongrou said firmly.

Chen Yang muttered helplessly:

"If I hadn't lost my way and met you, I would be too lazy to talk to you!"

"I saved your life, but I was bitten by you!"


Chen Yang walked forward on his own, without caring about Rong Rou.

Rongrou's injury has healed a lot, she followed behind Chen Yang, never leaving.

of course,

At this moment, Chen Yang didn't think about getting rid of her.

Otherwise, with Rongrou's current state, how could she keep up?
"I'm curious now, what exactly did you do in the Telecom Fraud Park in northern Myanmar?"

"Why are so many people chasing you all of a sudden?"

"Are you the daughter of some rich man in China? If these people can tie you up, they can make a lot of money?"

"By the way... what's your name?"

Chen Yang asked casually while walking.

"You came here from China to save me, but you don't even know who I am?" Rong Rou pouted and asked back.

Chen Yang laughed immediately.

"Which of your eyes can see that I came here from the country to save you?"

"Also, why do I have to know who you are?"

"Although I admit that you are indeed good-looking, it seems that there are no top stars in China without you."

"I'm solemnly telling you now, I didn't come here to save you, I just ran into you by chance!"

"To tell you the truth, I regret it now...!"

When Rong Rou heard this, she frowned.

She didn't make another sound, but her mind turned sharply.


regret what?
Could it be that he regretted accepting the task of saving himself?

Regret coming to northern Myanmar?
At this time, not only did she not believe Chen Yang's words, but she became more determined in her inner thoughts.

In her opinion, it should be in her own home, asking the country to dispatch people from the security department to save her.

The guy in front of him didn't know his identity.

He must be someone from the domestic security department.

Otherwise, how could his skill be so outstanding?

Thinking of this, Rong Rou became more determined in her heart.


She thought of Chen Yang's attitude towards her just now, and she felt annoyed in her heart.

Rongrou snorted coldly, and couldn't help but sarcastically said:

"What do you regret? Last night's cheap, you haven't earned enough, regret not doing something more outrageous?"

Speaking of this, she felt very uncomfortable.

Since she was a child, she has never been seen by the opposite sex.

And now...!
Chen Yang smiled lightly and said solemnly:
"Don't play your temper in front of me, I don't like this."

"I can tell you the truth, I am not the good person you imagined!"

"If you talk to me in this tone again, I have a hundred ways to make you regret it!"

"I have killed many people, have you seen how I killed those eight people before?"

"I cut my throat with a knife, and I didn't even bat an eye!"

"If you are unwilling and feel that you have suffered a disadvantage, you'd better get out before I change my mind. Get out as far away as possible."

"Follow me, it's very dangerous! If I don't control myself later, you won't even have time to cry!"

Rongrou laughed, "I'm not afraid! Unless you kill me, I'll follow you!"

"You're not leaving, are you?"

Chen Yang stopped suddenly, turned around and stared at Rong Rou.

There was an intriguing smile on his face.

"You...what are you going to do?"

Rong Rou was startled, she took a step back instinctively, crossed her hands, and covered her front.

Before Rongrou could react, Chen Yang turned around quickly and burrowed into the bushes.

His speed was very fast, and he only heard the surrounding trees shake a few times.


The surroundings quickly returned to calm, and there was no trace of Chen Yang.

In the blink of an eye, he disappeared before Rongrou's eyes.

"You... wait... me!"

Rong Rou hurriedly followed.

But after taking a few steps, she was completely dumbfounded.

Where is there any trace of Chen Yang?
The only thing I could hear was the shaking of the surrounding bushes, and the sound was getting farther and farther away.

After a while, the surroundings returned to calm, only the sound of the wind blowing in the rainforest remained.


Rong Rou panicked, tears rolled down her face.

She didn't expect Chen Yang to leave without saying hello.

Since following Chen Yang last night, she has experienced a sense of security that cannot be described in words.

all of a sudden,

A dependency was formed in her heart.

That's right, it's the dependence on Chen Yang.

As long as Chen Yang is by her side, she feels safe.

She played her temper in front of Chen Yang and deliberately said some ugly words, just to make Chen Yang pay attention to her and not to leave her easily.

This is an extremely contradictory state of mind.

And now,
Chen Yang left, and she faced all this alone.

She suddenly felt scared, panicked, helpless...!
She looked around hesitantly, wanting to call Chen Yang loudly.

Suddenly, she remembered that she didn't know the other person's name at all.

Just then, there was a gunshot in the distance!
Rongrou suddenly became nervous, and quickly squatted down, looking for a place to hide her whereabouts.

Hang, hang, hang, hang...!
Immediately afterwards, there was another fierce exchange of fire in the distance.

bang... bang...!
Not only the gunfire was dense, but it was also accompanied by explosions.

It is clear,
A kilometer away, a fierce battle was taking place.

Rongrou was completely panicked, she didn't dare to run around.

There happened to be a bush nearby, she didn't think much, and quickly hid in it...

(End of this chapter)

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