Guoshu!My martial arts has a strengthening panel

Chapter 212 Rainforest Python!to kill

Chapter 212 Rainforest Python!to kill
Chen Yang changed direction and changed his position.

at this time,

He accurately calculated the distance around him.

He closed his eyes slightly, waiting for the target to pass by.

Just when this private armed group approached Chen Yang less than 30 meters away.

The first person accurately appeared in Chen Yang's induction.

Chen Yang shot without any hesitation.

As a harsh gunshot spread around, the unlucky guy was shot in the head and fell to the ground on the spot, not even having time to scream.

People around began to react.

Hang up... hang up...

A violent firefight ensued.

Chen Yang quickly hid his figure, and the AK47 in his hand spewed out flames from time to time, and the bullets were strongly suppressed!

A magazine was quickly emptied!

Chen Yang changed a magazine with one hand, and didn't even look at the result of the battle just now.

In his mind, it was like having a map at this moment.

When the attack was over, he immediately turned around and hid behind a tree.

Using the cover of the bushes, he quickly changed positions.

have to say,

After his spiritual sense manifested, he predicted the crisis very accurately.

With the opponent's counterattack, the firepower is fully opened.

More than a dozen guns fired violently, forming a fire suppression.


The rest of the dozen or so people surrounded Chen Yang in the shape of a character.

They first used assault rifles to suppress firepower, and then directly bombed indiscriminately with grenades.

With the sound of the explosion, a shock wave was set off.

There are four guys who take the lead and walk in the front.

Behind them are others covering fire.

One of them came to the side of the man who was shot dead by Chen Yang just now, bent down and began to check.

He wants to judge how many people, what configuration, and how much firepower the opponent has...?

This unlucky guy just started to check when another person outflanked Chen Yang's position just now.

Only two explosions were heard.

He ran into the grenade that Chen Yang had arranged before.

With the elasticity of the branches, the ring of the grenade was pulled apart, and the surroundings exploded.


The screams kept ringing.

The unlucky guy walking in the front was instantly blown up and died on the spot!
The others in the back were very lucky to wear bulletproof vests.

Although they were overturned by the shock wave of the grenade, they were only injured and did not die on the spot.

have to say,

This arrangement of 'flying thunder', the explosion effect can be called bursting.

at this time,

Chen Yang didn't want to bother with these people anymore, so he turned and left in another direction.

deep in the rainforest,
Serious injury to anyone is very dangerous if not attended to by companions.

Even if you want to leave the inside, you will have a narrow escape.

'Fei Lei' had already wounded them, Chen Yang didn't bother to repair the gun, and left directly.

The few people who followed the team hid at this time and were on guard.

They didn't even dare to look around, for fear that a sniper would headshot them in the rainforest.

The key is,
Several people have been raped by someone, but they didn't even see the shadow of each other.

Unknown dangers are the scariest.

Especially in the rainforest, if you don't know where the enemy is, if you are not careful, you may die.

This 15-member armed squad is in a panic at this moment, how dare it mess around?
"Support! Request support! We encountered an ambush, three were killed and three were seriously injured!"

"The enemy's situation is unknown, and the opponent's firepower configuration and number are unknown. The opponent's firepower is very fierce!"

In the walkie-talkie, voices continued to come out.

It is clear,
This 15-member armed squad asked for support from the last team that was not attacked by Chen Yang.

all of a sudden,

In the entire rainforest, the atmosphere became extremely tense and dignified.

Two consecutive squads were attacked and suffered heavy casualties.

The key is,
He didn't even see the other party's shadow, this horse riding was too scary.

The leader of the last armed squad is Shanchai, the deputy leader of the notorious private armed "Cobra" in Dianzhuyuan!
half an hour ago,

He got news that the target person was found deep in the rainforest.

At the same time, the personnel of the third team were violently attacked and suffered heavy casualties.

He ordered another armed detachment of 15 people to respond.


After ten minutes.

The armed squad sent to respond unexpectedly issued a request for support again.

And before reaching the destination, he was violently attacked.

The opponent's firepower is so fierce that they can't see the opponent's personnel at all.

This time, let Shanchai know that this time he encountered a hard problem.

"Damn it... who the hell is it?"

Shanchai gritted his teeth and became furious.

He knew that the opponent this time was very powerful and very difficult to deal with.

Two armed teams in a row were attacked, but no figure or firepower configuration of the other party was found.

What's wrong with this Nima?
Do not know why,

At this time, there was a bad premonition in Shan Gua's heart.

"Boss! What should I do next? Do you want to continue chasing?"

Just after receiving the news, a backbone next to him asked in a low voice.

"Why are you chasing? You don't even know who the other party is, and you haven't seen anyone. Where are you going to chase?"

Shanchai shook his teeth, sighed helplessly and said:

"I don't know how many people are there? Where do they all come from?"

"We are in the light now, and the other party is in the dark, so there is no way to chase after him!"

"Forget it, give up, this task is a heavy loss for us!"

"I was opposed to accepting this mission from the very beginning. For a woman, it's not worth going deep into the rainforest."

Shanchai started to give orders depressed.

Although Chen Yang didn't attack their last armed squad at all.


Sanchai finally started to feel scared.

As the deputy leader of the notorious 'Cobra' armed forces in the Dianzhai Park in northern Myanmar.

Shanchai has always been superstitious. He knows that he has done a lot of bad things and will receive retribution.

He does things very carefully, carefully.

Generally speaking, people who do more bad things are more afraid of death!
Shanchai is very afraid of death, so he is more ruthless and ruthless than others.

right now,

The entire 'Cobra' armed team has been defeated!

Several of the two armed squads died and five or six were seriously injured.

Let alone whether they can catch up with the target, it is difficult to guarantee whether they can safely evacuate from the rainforest now.

If the other side opened fire again, no amount of people would be enough in the rainforest.

On the way to support, Shanchai became more cautious and cautious.

Both armed units in front have been violently attacked.

He was worried that he would be attacked by the opponent's heavy firepower on the way of support.

At his request, everyone began to disperse, formed a formation of sharp knives, and slowly moved forward.

Every ten meters you travel, you have to stop and look around.

After confirming safety, continue to advance ten meters.

This time, although the speed of travel is very slow, it is very safe.

Chen Yang did not continue to attack Shanchai's third armed unit.

The main reason is that they are too cautious and travel too slowly.

And judging from the direction their team was heading, it wasn't Rong Rou's previous hiding place.

That is,

The 'Cobra' armed squad temporarily gave up chasing and killing Rong Rou, and began to defend instead.

at this time,
It doesn't make much sense for Chen Yang to continue spending time with them.

After all, after the assembly of several armed squads, there were dozens of people in total.

Even Chen Yang didn't dare to confront them head-on.

Now that they gave up chasing and killing Rong Rou, Chen Yang naturally didn't want to fight a war of attrition with them.

In addition,

In the 'Cobra' armed team, Chen Yang has injured many people.

Just these wounded were enough for them to waste a lot of time, and they had no way to continue chasing down.

Chen Yang didn't pay attention to the 'Cobra' armed team anymore, but turned and returned to the cave where he hid before.

Although he didn't say a word, he turned and left Rong Rou.


He didn't really intend to leave Rong Rou alone.

to be frank,
In the depths of the rainforest, with Rongrou's current physical condition.

Once Chen Yang gave up on ignoring her, even if she wasn't hunted down, there was no way for her to leave the rainforest alive.

Before that, Chen Yang left without taking her with him.

The purpose is to solve the current crisis.

If he had a wounded woman by his side, he must be bound and unable to let go.

In addition,

This woman has a bit of a temper, and she has to smooth it out.

Although Chen Yang didn't hold grudges, he was still very upset when he was bitten by the other party.

When Chen Yang returned to the previous cave, he did not see Rongrou.

This girl actually left alone!
of course,

Chen Yang wasn't particularly worried. After all, Rong Rou had a gun in his hand, so it wasn't that he was incapable of survival.

Even if she leaves, she won't be far away!

not to mention,
She is injured now, leaving many traces when she leaves, easy to track.


After a few minutes, Chen Yang quickly found the traces of Rong Rou's departure.

He followed the direction Rongrou left.

Say... say...!
There were two piercing gunshots in the distance.

Chen Yang was shocked when he heard the gunshot.

Next, he speeded up and chased forward.

Say, say...!
Rong Rou kept shooting at the front, and backed away.

Just about 20 meters in front of her, a giant python over eight meters long and weighing nearly 150 kilograms was lying on the ground.

It hid under a big tree, kept moving its body, flapping its tail left and right.

Although the bullets from the assault rifle in Rongrou's hand kept hitting the trees around it, it didn't scare it away.

It is clear,
This python is hungry...!
Rong Rou emptied the assault rifle bullet in her hand.

Only a few bullets hit the giant python's tail, leaving a few wounds, but it didn't really hurt it.

at this time,

Perhaps because of the pain, the giant python completely aroused its fierceness.

Not only did it not leave, but it kept approaching Rong Rou's position.

The swishing sounds around me, hearing it in my ears, made people tremble with fear.

Such a large python can only be seen in the depths of the rainforest.

Here, pythons have few natural enemies.

They are at the top of the food chain, and no beast can compete with such a huge python.

They can swallow a wild boar in one gulp.

Even if the tiger sees them, they have to avoid their sharp edge and run away quickly.

A gust of wind blew from the surroundings, and the speed of the giant python began to increase.

Rong Rou was completely frightened, her face turned pale.

She threw the assault rifle in her hand, turned and started to run.

The giant python doesn't seem to be stupid, it knows that the weapon in Rong Rou's hand is powerful, if it hits the body, not only will it hurt, but it is likely to be killed by a single shot.

Before that, the giant python kept circling around, not daring to get close to Rongrou.

at this time,

When it saw Rong Rou start to run away, it threw the weapon in its hand away.

all of a sudden,

The giant python exposed its body from behind the big tree, and started chasing Rong Rou in the direction where Rong Rou was running away.

Many people think that pythons are too big, have no feet, and move very slowly.

In fact, this understanding is very one-sided.

The speed of the python's movement is definitely not slow, especially when attacking the prey, their speed is very fast.

To know,
Boa constrictors eat a lot. If they don’t move fast, how can they hunt?

Some wild boars can't run in front of them at all.

As long as they are caught by them, wild boars can only become food and are doomed.

Even compared to the instantaneous speed, tigers and cheetahs may not be able to beat the giant python.

They can stand at the top of the food chain in the depths of the rainforest, but they have no skills, so how can they dominate?

of course,

Pythons are too big for their size to last.

If the instant sprint fails to kill the prey, they will give up quickly.

In addition,

In the rainforest, other obstacles have little effect on the giant python.

They are walking on the ground, and their speed is much faster than that of humans.

This is why the rainforest is more suitable for their survival.

at this time,

Rong Rou was completely terrified, only feeling her head buzzing.

She thought about her situation in the rainforest, and even thought about being eaten by a tiger and killed by the hunter.


She never thought that she would become the food of the giant python.

this moment,
Her heart was completely broken and she fell into despair.

Giant pythons eat food, they swallow it alive!

Did he just die in the mouth of the giant python?
Rongrou didn't dare to look back, so she could only keep running forward.


She just ran less than ten meters away.


She felt the whining sound of breaking through the air behind her, mixed with a stench.

It's over...!
It's over!

this moment,
Rong Rou's heart fell into despair.


She only felt a huge force sweeping towards her, and her body was knocked to the ground at once.

There was a sharp pain from the wound on the waist.


She felt that she couldn't breathe, and a stench made her feel dizzy.


Before she came back to her senses, she only heard a hurried voice next to her ear.

"Lie down and don't move! Don't step on the horse and let me get in the way!"

next moment,
Rong Rou saw a figure rushing forward from her side.

This figure is naturally Chen Yang!
At the moment when the giant python chased after him, he rushed towards Rongrou.

Chen Yang took the first step, threw Rong Rou to the ground, and dragged her two meters away.

If you wait until the giant python wraps around your body, manpower will not be able to compete with the giant python's wrapping power.

Like this super huge python, the winding force exceeds one ton.

Even if a tiger is entangled by a giant python, its bones will be shattered and it will die.

Although Chen Yang's defense is superhuman, his strength has even reached the full level of Ming Jin Xiaocheng.


If he competed with a 150-kilogram python, it would be courting death.

This thing can instantly kill the existence of ordinary tigers...!
at this time,

It's not that Chen Yang didn't think about shooting.


The boa constrictor is very smart, its head is always cowering under the body, it is difficult to hit its head.

If Rongrou was entangled by the giant python, even if Chen Yang could kill the giant python in the end, then Rongrou would definitely be seriously injured again, or even die on the spot.

Whether Chen Yang is wearing [Ten Thousand Pains, Muscles and Bone Activating Blood Paste], he dare not take the risk easily.

At the very moment, Chen Yang threw Rongrou down and opened the distance between him and the giant python.

The giant python saw another person appearing, and launched an attack again.

It opened its mouth wide and rushed towards Chen Yang.

The sharp fangs emit a cold light...!
Chen Yang swept across with his sword, sealing the attacking direction of the giant python.

so close!

Next, he lifted Rong Rou and threw it under a big tree next to him.

At this time,

The giant python also seemed to feel that the humans in front of him were not easy to mess with.

It felt a fatal threat from Chen Yang.

At this time, the giant python was really hungry.

It didn't retreat, but adjusted its direction and locked its target on Chen Yang!
Chen Yang took a deep breath, holding the saber in his hand, his aura began to rise!
With a knife in hand, I have the world!
this moment,
In Chen Yang's heart, there was a sense of pride.

In his mind, he fell into a state of emptiness at this moment!
It seemed that everything around him disappeared from his mind, except for the giant python opposite.

The giant python seemed to sense the terrifying murderous aura on Chen Yang, and became extremely vigilant for a while.

Murderous aura filled the surroundings!
Ordinary people can't feel this kind of 'aura' formed by murderous intent!
Only when the sixth sense is connected to the spirit, manifested, and forms a spiritual sense, can we feel things that ordinary people cannot feel.

Python is different!

Perhaps it is very different from the structure of human beings. The spiritual sense of animals is usually very strong and can predict danger.


It is difficult to describe this state in one or two sentences.

It is a spiritual thing, the manifestation of aura.

Therefore, when training a person's aura, one must become strong inside and have the belief that one must win.

Just like those great people, they have super self-confidence in every gesture.

The aura cannot be seen, but it can be felt.

Some people can become leaders and lead their own teams to overcome difficulties one after another.

This aura can affect those around you.

When the aura is large enough and integrated with the environment, it can be called the unity of man and nature!

On the road of martial arts, heart and mind, mind and qi, qi and strength!
This is called the inner triad of the realm of heaven and earth!

The true path of martial arts is the harmony between man and nature, the harmony between heart and spirit, and the harmony between god and Tao!

Stimulate the potential of the body, adjust your own life magnetic field, and synchronize with the magnetic field between heaven and earth.

This is an extremely profound realm in martial arts.

It can only be understood, not explained in words!
at this time,

The knife in Chen Yang's hand was integrated with the surrounding environment, reaching the point where man and nature are one.

The giant python was not far from Chen Yang, spitting out snake letters...

Martial arts have the ways of strengthening the body, strengthening the body, cultivating the body, and cultivating one's character.

At the same time, there are also ways of fighting, fighting, and killing!
Chen Yang is following the way of fighting, constantly tempering himself, and establishing the way with killing!

The murderous aura on him was very heavy.

The killing power is the strongest, but it is the easiest to indulge in the killing way, unable to extricate oneself.

It's easy to kill, but hard to calm down!

The more you kill, the heavier your intention to kill, the more karmic obstacles you will have, and your state of mind will be subjected to an extremely cruel test.

this moment,
Between Chen Yang and the giant python, a peak battle between man and beast will break out.

(End of this chapter)

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