Guoshu!My martial arts has a strengthening panel

Chapter 214 Spiritual Awareness Manifestation, 6 Senses of God

Chapter 214 Spiritual Awareness Manifestation, Six Senses Connecting God
Inside the tree hole, it was a little damp.

Rong Rou's body was curled up inside, her arms and body were scratched and hurt a little.

She took out the pistol and dagger and held them in her hands.

Seeing Rongrou enter the tree hole, she hid her whereabouts.

Chen Yang dragged off his shoes, kicked hard, and jumped up.

He jumped, then grabbed a branch and swung.

It was like swinging on a swing, from another direction, to the tree hole where Rongrou was hiding.

Chen Yang came to Rongrou's side and looked around.

Because this tree hole needs to hide for at least a whole day.

Chen Yang had to check his surroundings to ensure safety.

Just as Rong Rou hid in the tree hole, she was dumbfounded when she saw Chen Yang's flowing movements.

this moment,
She knew very well in her heart that Chen Yang was not an ordinary person.

She looked at Chen Yang quietly, not knowing what was going on in her heart.

Chen Yang didn't notice Rongrou's expression at the moment, he looked around the tree hole.

at this time,

Chen Yang did not greet Rong Rou, but continued to check the surroundings.

He was within ten meters around, relying on his sensing ability to detect the crisis.

It is very dangerous in the rainforest.

Although there are no poisonous snakes hidden in the tree hole, it doesn't mean that there aren't any around.

In case there is a poisonous snake or something not far away, drill into the tree hole.

Once Rong Rou screamed, it was easy to reveal her whereabouts.


When Chen Yang checked his surroundings, he saw two poisonous snakes in a row. After seeing Chen Yang, they even launched an attack.

There is a very long venomous snake with sharp fangs, and if it is bitten, the bison will be reimbursed immediately.

Chen Yang reached out with his arm, and as fast as lightning, he caught the poisonous snake with extreme precision.

Then he twisted his arm hard, directly breaking the snake's seven-inch neck, and then he directly threw the snake into his backpack.

A few minutes later,

Chen Yang confirmed the safety of the surrounding area and found no other threats.

He came in front of Rongrou, and said calmly: "Take off your clothes and give them to me."


Rongrou was stunned for a moment, she didn't obey now, but stared at Chen Yang in disbelief.

at this time,

She didn't lose her temper anymore, but her face became very ugly.

Everyone could see that she felt incredible about Chen Yang's words.

"Did you hear that? I don't have time to explain to you, give me the clothes!"

Chen Yang said again.

"What are you going to do?" Rongrou couldn't help asking.

Chen Yang shook his head helplessly, and could only patiently explain to her.

"The clothes on your body are wet, staying in the tree hole, you have to wear this clothes all day, can you bear it?"

"Change this dress! Change to a drier one."

While talking, Chen Yang didn't wait for Rong Rou to react, and changed Rong Rou's clothes by himself.

at this time,

Rongrou originally wanted to struggle and resist.


For some reason, there seemed to be a voice in her heart, reminding her not to move.

Chen Yang changed Rong Rou's clothes, and at the same time changed the medicine for the wound on her body.

After getting everything done.

Chen Yang exhorted:

"Okay! Just wait for me in the tree hole, don't make any noise, let alone leave here."

"Even if someone passes by under the tree, don't come out."

"Tomorrow morning, at noon tomorrow at the latest, I will come and find you."

"If I haven't come by noon tomorrow, you can go the rest of the way by yourself!"


Chen Yang checked his surroundings again, took a deep breath and said:
"I promised to take you out, and I will definitely fulfill my promise!"

"Unless, I die!"

"Otherwise, I won't leave you alone."

Chen Yang took a deep breath, helplessly shook his head and gave a wry smile.

To be honest, he himself didn't know why he did it.

Meeting Rong Rou was purely accidental.

Why did he risk his life to help Rongrou?

This matter has nothing to do with me, it is purely thankless.

in fact,

Even if Chen Yang leaves alone now and gives up protecting Rongrou, it will not affect him in any way.

With his strength, he has enough confidence to break through.

And after discovering the armed team, Chen Yang could think that this place should not be too far from the outskirts of the rainforest.

He can leave the rainforest at any time.

But he couldn't let it go in his heart.

As the top master in Asian martial arts, and a totem-like figure in Chinese martial arts.

Maybe...he has a responsibility in his heart, right?

In addition,

He has never had a good impression of northern Myanmar in Southeast Asia.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Chen Yang finally ran into the armed forces in the fraud park, so he naturally wanted to do something.

Chen Yang's body flickered and quickly disappeared around.

In the rainforest, the surrounding environment seemed to have an outline in his mind.

Where is danger, where is someone approaching, where is the terrain dangerous...?
His senses became more and more clear.

The spiritual sense is manifested, and the six senses are connected to the gods!

The perception of the spiritual level cannot be described in detail.

Only the mind can understand and sense!

at this time,

Chen Yang's mind became more and more calm.

The killing intent all over his body was restrained at this moment, and the aura of his whole body became more and more condensed.

In Buddhist Tantric Buddhism, it is called Vajra Anger!

The killing intent was condensed and turned into an aura.

With great perseverance and great wisdom, he condensed his murderous aura, but his state of mind seemed extremely peaceful.

After breaking through the realm of martial arts to the realm of great strength, the aura exuding from the whole body can be restrained, making people become ordinary and peaceful.

And there will be a feeling that people are easy to approach, with a flat appeal.

Although Chen Yang has not yet broken through to the realm of Ming Jin, his aura has changed in the past few days.

This is why Rongrou no longer rejects him.

Follow the law!
His words are reassuring.

When Rongrou was beside Chen Yang, she had an illusion.

It seemed that after she got close to Chen Yang, she felt particularly safe without any troubles.

When Chen Yang left her and opened a distance, she felt a sense of emptiness in her heart.

It's like something is lost in my life.


That's right, this is because she has a sense of dependence on Chen Yang from the bottom of her heart.

And the reason for all this is because Chen Yang's spiritual sense manifested, generating a powerful aura.

After spirituality manifests,

The state of Chen Yang's martial arts development is only one step away from the state of 'Ming Jin Dacheng'.

Rong Rou watched Chen Yang leave from the tree, and carefully erased all traces around him.

She stared at Chen Yang's back with dazed eyes.

For a while,
There was something she wanted to say out loud.

However, after all, she still didn't have the courage.

It wasn't until she saw Chen Yang disappearing from her sight that Rong Rou made a voice that only she could hear:

"Chen Yang, be careful...I'll wait for you!"

Half an hour after Chen Yang left.

Rong Rou was inside the tree hole, not daring to act rashly.


She heard some slight voices coming from under the big tree.

Then, she heard someone talking.

The current sound of the walkie-talkie was extremely harsh in the silent rainforest at this moment.

After a while, I saw a team of more than 30 people passing under the big tree.

at this time,

Rong Rou hurriedly held her breath, not daring to make any noise.

Under the tree, a strong man kept looking around, seeing the footprints left by Chen Yang intentionally, frowned and said:
"Damn, why are there man's footprints?"

"It seems that someone is picking up the target person in the rainforest."

Another person took a deep breath and said:
"There must be others! This guy is a master, everyone be careful."

"Strange, why only see the man's footprints, where is that woman?"

The strong man walking in the front snorted coldly and said:

"Looking at the depth of the footprints, that guy probably ran away with that woman on his back."

"This bastard is very strong. If it weren't for him, we would have caught the target and received the bounty long ago."

"This is the rainforest in northern Myanmar. We have grown up in this environment since we were young, and we are very familiar with the rainforest!"

"But this guy, since yesterday, has been fleeing with the target person, and wounded and killed so many of us!"

"If I'm not mistaken, this bastard should be a master like 'Soldier King'."

"Fortunately, a helicopter was dispatched to search in the air, so that he could not escape quickly with the target."

"Otherwise, it would be useless to rely solely on ground pursuit."

"This time, let's see where he escapes...!?"

Hearing the words of this strong man,

Everyone else laughed confidently.

Rong Rou hid in the tree hole, and naturally heard the voices of the people below.

It seems,
The roundup of more than a hundred people in the rainforest, those who scammed the garden by phone, were bound to get what they took away.

Chen Yang never said it was difficult in front of her.

He always gives people a strong sense of security and seems to have no difficulties.

every fight,

Chen Yang acted very relaxed.

At this time, when she heard the people below, she knew that Chen Yang had to face so many people alone.

Originally, before this, Rongrou felt that Chen Yang looked very relaxed, and it seemed that it was not difficult to take her away.

But now she realized that it was much more difficult to take her out of the rainforest than she had imagined.

"Call to area [-] in the southeast direction, call to area [-]! 'Cobra' receives it, please answer, it's over...!"

A hoarse voice came from the intercom.

In the bushes of the rainforest, an armed team of nearly 30 people looked around with full vigilance.

They kept calling, summoning all the people in the rainforest.

"Cobra got it, Cobra got it! Please answer...!
Frequent communication started on the walkie-talkie.

"The target person has left the No. [-] area, and the direction of the other party's departure has not been confirmed, and the target's position cannot be judged. Support is needed!"

"According to the search range of the helicopter, it is basically confirmed that the target is in the No. [-] and No. [-] areas, and all personnel will search the No. [-] area."

"Helicopter blockade area [-], the reinforcement brigade will arrive in two hours, and the recovery is complete!"

"Received! All personnel began to search Area [-], it's over!"


When the walkie-talkie hangs up.

The people around looked at the leader of the armed team.

The leader is in his 30s, not tall, and his name is Santo.

One of his subordinates asked, "Boss, what should we do next?"

Santo frowned, looked up and looked around, and said in a deep voice:

"Let's talk about it, where will our enemies escape from?"

"Judging from the footprints, there seems to be only one person on the other side. Where can he go with a woman?"

At this time,

A fellow next to him said:
"Boss, this person is a master and very cunning, it is difficult for us to find his whereabouts."

"The best way is to disperse our people and search the surroundings with all our strength. As long as we find his whereabouts, we will shoot the police."

"Our current personnel are gathered together, and the search scope is too limited. Even if he is by our side, I am afraid we will not be able to find his whereabouts."

Santo frowned, shook his head and said:

"No! The personnel cannot be dispersed, the 'Cobra' people have been beaten and disabled!"

"That guy has been blocked in the first area and the second area!"

"We need to prevent him from jumping over the wall in a hurry. I don't want our people to die in the rainforest."

"Everyone, don't forget that there are many armed teams taking over this task this time, and we are just one of them."

"In the rainforest, there are many dangers, and it is not worth dying here...!"

The subordinates next to him nodded in sympathy.


Suddenly, only a dull voice came out.

The subordinate who just answered suddenly opened his eyes wide.

The sound stopped abruptly, and his neck was shot through.

Blood spurted out, taking his life away in an instant.

Say, say, say...

Intensive gunshots rang out, followed by frenzied killings.


The people around were so frightened that they quickly found a place to hide and hide their figure.


Everyone started fighting back, assault rifles firing heavily.

at this time,

I saw a grenade falling from the sky.

One of them heard a strange noise in the air and looked up.


He was so frightened that his face changed drastically, and he roared wildly: "Grenade! Get down quickly...!"

Others who were fighting back with assault rifles quickly got down when they heard the sound.


A loud noise spread around.

The grenade exploded in the air, and its power was maximized.

Near the place where the grenade exploded, several people let out miserable howls.

Although they were wearing body armor, the shrapnel were ruthless and injured them instantly.

Hang up... hang up...

Others fired forward and fought back violently.

The bullets of the assault rifle roared, and even the rockets started to explode two.

The heavy firepower suppressed and blasted the surrounding trees to the ground.

For a full 3 minutes, the ammunition covered the front like no money.

When everyone felt that no one was shooting in front, they stopped shooting under Santo's order.

"Damn it... Come on, someone! Go ahead and check to see if the bastard is dead?"

Santo shouted angrily.

This wave of attacks caught them off guard and killed five of them in one fell swoop.

After hearing Santo's order, a six-member team dispersed and surrounded the front.

The six people are in the shape of sharp knives, and they can copy each other. As long as one of them is attacked, the other five will concentrate their firepower to suppress it.


The six-member team searched carefully in the bushes that were about to be flattened in front of them.

They couldn't help exhaling.

It is clear,
After the target person dropped the bomb, he left quickly.


Then the six people were startled suddenly, the target person was not in the front area.


The six rushed forward rashly, and they were already exposed to each other's guns!
this moment,
The six-member team broke out in a cold sweat nervously, and quickly got down on the ground in fright, not daring to act rashly.

(End of this chapter)

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