Guoshu!My martial arts has a strengthening panel

Chapter 229 Once offended, must be wiped out

Chapter 229 Once offended, must be wiped out

Piercing legs!
Powerful and heavy, suddenly moving, the focus is on power penetration!
Although this heart-piercing kick seemed casual, it contained Chen Yang's fist.

In an instant,

At the cost of recklessly fighting the opponent's heavy attack, Chen Yang instantly shattered Mino's heart on the spot.

Desperate to kill!

Use your body as a matchmaker to forcefully overwhelm your opponent's heavy blows and form the deadliest counterattack.

This heart-piercing kick perfectly combined the strength of the Twelve-Road Tan Leg and the strength of the other three major martial arts.

Just hit the opponent,


It is impossible for anyone to be intact.

Hit his face and hurt his bones!
The core of the heart-piercing leg is to pay attention to its penetrating power.

Kicking out with one leg, it seems that there is not much damage.


The power penetrates in an instant, breaks through the surface, and directly reaches the internal organs through the surface of the body, forming the diffusion of power.

at this time,

Many European and American boxing fans who did not understand the situation were very surprised to see the scene on the ring.

what's the situation?
Why did Mino not move all of a sudden?
His body was leaning against the iron net around the ring, was he trying to ease his injury?

Why doesn't he continue to attack?
Doesn't he know that the boxing match has not yet been decided?
Now it's the Ultimate Fighter's global tour, and the fight isn't over yet.

of course,

More boxing fans turned their attention to Chen Yang.


At this time, Chen Yang did not continue to attack, but stood in the middle of the ring with a cold face.

all of a sudden,

All the live boxing fans couldn't understand it.

no way,
Because Chen Yang's explosive lunge just now was too fast, and it seemed very casual, without any lethality.

Although he kicked Mino.


This heavy-legged killer move didn't seem to have caused any harm to Mino.

Just when everyone was extremely puzzled.

Mino finally fell!
He fell into the ring like a garbage bag.

Blood gushed out as he fell, instantly staining the ring red.

One hit kill!

Three minutes and 30 seconds!
Chen Yang killed Mino and won the second victory of the Ultimate Fighter World Tour.

at this time,

In the entire Sao Paulo Sports Center, there was no sound for half a minute.

All the on-site boxing fans seemed to be unable to believe the scene in front of them.


All the boxing fans were shocked by the final killing intent of the two on the ring, and lost their voices in shock.

That killing intent, which is as real as it is, is indeed frightening...!
When Mino finally fell down, all the boxing fans at the scene reacted.

next moment,
The entire Sao Paulo Sports Center was completely boiling.


"The Huaxia people actually won! He killed Mino, how is this possible?"

"The shots are fierce, decisive, and ruthless. The Huaxia people have the strength to win the title of 'Ultimate Fighter'!"

"It's too fast! In the end, their ultimate move was reckless. I thought Mino would kill him instantly, but I didn't expect Mino to die in the end."

"Damn it! I bet on Mino, and I didn't expect to lose!"

"It's unbelievable, are the Asians already so powerful?"

"The Huaxia people killed several top players in the black boxing training camp in a row, and no one can stop him anymore."

"The pattern of the global martial arts world is about to change!"

"The Huaxia people are so strong that they are likely to break the pattern of the global martial arts world. It's incredible...!"

"Could it be that the Chinese can win the title of 'Ultimate Fighter'?"


Chen Yang didn't stay in the octagon ring for long.

When the result of the boxing match was announced, he left the octagon boxing ring blankly.

In the locker room, after changing clothes.

Chen Yang didn't stay long, and quickly rushed to the International Hotel.

no way,
The law and order situation in Brazil is not optimistic.

Although Chen Yang has already strengthened security measures, and Zhan Zhilei transferred a group of people from China to be responsible for Chen Yang's security.

But in South America, it has to be low-key and there can be no accidents.

If you encounter trouble here, it is difficult to get help from the local area.

not to mention,
Hijima is in Brazil and has several training bases.

Therefore, we must leave here as soon as possible to avoid long nights and dreams.

Everything is going smooth.

In less than an hour, Chen Yang arrived at the hotel under the protection of security personnel.

No blockage was encountered.

After all, on the surface, Chen Yang is now the honorary ambassador of the Asian Martial Arts Federation.

What's more, during the Ultimate Fighter World Tour, any boxer is protected by the Global Martial Arts Federation.

Even if the relationship in this place in South America is intricate.

In a short period of time, no one dared to act rashly against him.

To know,
For the Global Martial Arts Federation, Chen Yang's current status is very unusual, and he can be regarded as the most valuable cash cow.

In every boxing match he participated in, the amount of gambling money was astonishing.

Other boxers simply don't have such a big influence.

Therefore, under such circumstances, it is impossible for the Global Martial Arts Federation to tolerate any force trying to deal with Chen Yang.

And if conditions permit, Chen Yang will get a lot of convenience and special protection.

After returning to the hotel parking lot,

Zhan Zhilei seemed very excited, even more excited than Chen Yang.

He is now Chen Yang's apprentice, seeing his master killing all directions and sweeping the South American martial arts world.

As the chief disciple, Zhan Zhilei, how could he be unhappy?
"Chen Yang, I didn't expect you to kill Mino so easily. It's unbelievable."

Zhan Zhilei said with a smile.

"Is there any movement from the major forces in South America?"

Chen Yang didn't say much, nodded and said: "The public security situation in Brazil is not optimistic, we must be more cautious."

"Ever since we've been here, I've always had this uneasy feeling."

Zhan Zhilei nodded, took a deep breath and said:
"Actually... the major forces in South America will not make any movement."

"Because they know very well that the price of moving you is too high, even the Global Martial Arts Federation will not let it go."

"I feel that in foreign countries, the most difficult people are those 'Chinese dudes'!"

"There are a lot of 'Chinese organizations' who are trying to find a way out. They don't dare to touch Westerners, and they only target Asian orientals."

After Zhan Zhilei came to Sao Paulo, Brazil, he greeted many local snakes.

Due to Chen Yang's current status is very special, the local forces are not stupid, so naturally they will not move Chen Yang easily.

not to mention,
Chen Yang increased the security forces, and it was not so easy for anyone to move him.


According to the news that Zhan Zhilei got, there are quite a few "Chinese organizations" that are ready to move, which really makes him depressed.

"The Chinese organization wants to touch me instead?"

Hearing this, Chen Yang felt a little confused.

Just when he, Zhan Zhilei, and the security personnel came out of the parking lot and were about to enter the hotel lobby.


I saw bright lights in the hotel parking lot.

More than a dozen cars gathered together, and the motor rumbled.

They stopped at a distance and did not approach.

It is clear,
The cars were well-trained and parked just outside the fire of the security teams.

In terms of distance, the control is very appropriate.

The key is,
At this time, Chen Yang just got off the car, but the surrounding security personnel did not panic, and quickly occupied a favorable terrain.

"Your horse... I've already said hello before, no one should dare to go to the hotel to make trouble!"

"These people really ate the bear's heart and leopard's guts...!"

Zhan Zhilei's eyes turned cold, and with a swish, he took out two pistols.

Just after returning to the hotel from the St. Paul Sports Center, someone ran here to provoke.


It's too rampant!

These people dare to be so blatant, and they simply don't take the regulations of the Global Martial Arts Federation seriously.

In other words, these people are too arrogant!

"Chen Yang, you go first, I will take someone behind!"

"With just a few people, they want to stop us, they are courting death!"

Zhan Zhilei took a deep breath, motioned to the security personnel, his eyes were red.


At this time, he did not panic, but appeared very calm.

next moment,
Two groups of security personnel around, in an orderly manner, began to prepare.

Although Zhan Zhilei is Chen Yang's chief disciple, he is a soldier with an extraordinary status.

His military literacy is extremely high, and his marksmanship is very good.


Just when Zhan Zhilei was getting ready to fight with the opponent.

Chen Yang ordered calmly:

"Don't worry! Let's see who the other party is. It seems...they don't seem to be hostile."


I saw a bulletproof car slowly driving over from a distance.

The car stopped steadily not far from Chen Yang's car.


From behind the armored vehicle, a black off-road vehicle drove.

"Mr. Chen Yang, don't be too nervous, we are not hostile!"

"Next is Liu Zhensheng from South America. I want to discuss something with you. Can I have some thin noodles, a cup of tea, and a chat?"

The black off-road vehicle stopped in front of Chen Yang.

There was a loud voice from inside the car, which didn't seem hostile.

"Who is Liu Zhensheng? Nima...could it really be 'Chinese Ergouzi?'"

Chen Yang was stunned when he heard the words, and turned his head to look at Zhan Zhilei in surprise.

He didn't seem to have heard the other party's name.

Judging from the tone of the other party, it seems that the reputation in South America is not low.

"Nimma's... South American Liu Zhensheng? Why is this bastard...?"

Zhan Zhilei next to him frowned immediately when he heard the words, and said in a low voice: "These guys have made a lot of money in South America, they are so arrogant!"

Chen Yang turned his head and asked in a low voice: "Zhan Zhilei, do you know him?"

"I know him as a hammer, but I've heard that this guy is notorious in South America."

Zhan Zhilei took a deep breath and explained in a deep voice:

"The two most powerful Chinese organizations in Brazil in South America, one of them is the 'Liu Group'. It is said that the helm of this generation is called Liu Zhensheng."

"He has great influence in Brazil, South America, and can even be called one of the most powerful figures in South America."

"The Liu Group started to make a fortune in the last century and owns many mines in South America."

"They also operate an underground boxing arena, have a boxing license, a hotel, a marina, and even the Sao Paulo Sports Center. They have investments."

"In Brazil, Liu's Group still has great influence and has its own private armed force."

"At the beginning of this century, the Liu Group wanted to enter the domestic market, but because they were not in a legitimate industry, they were blocked by the country!"

"I don't understand. What are they looking for us all of a sudden?"

Hearing this, Chen Yang frowned.

"What can you do? It's impossible to really invite me to drink tea, right?"

Chen Yang smiled lightly and took out a pistol.

at this time,

He showed a half-smile expression, which seemed intriguing.


The SUV's door opened.

It seems,
They were aggressive and not easy to provoke, as if they wanted to give Chen Yang a blow.

They are professional personal armed forces, with cold eyes and murderous aura.


The security team hired by Chen Yang is not vegetarian.

More than a dozen security personnel dispersed, pointing their guns at important figures in the convoy.

Once a fight really broke out, Chen Yang's security team would definitely be able to take the initiative and blow up the opponent.

This is not a joke,

Chen Yang spent 2000 million dollars to hire a security team, which is the elite of the elite.

If they let go of their hands and feet and fight, they will definitely annihilate each other.

The major forces in South America are intricate.

Japanese islanders, North Americans, Europeans, Chinese, etc. all have their own interests in South America.

"These guys look ferocious. It seems that the private armed forces in this place are not weaker than those in northern Myanmar in Southeast Asia."

Chen Yang exhaled, his face was very calm.


At this moment, he didn't dare to be careless in the slightest, his attention was highly concentrated, and he was very vigilant.

He has experienced life and death fights, and his marksmanship is very good, and he has killed many people.

But seeing these people around, Chen Yang could feel that there should be snipers not far away.

The smell of blood from these private armed men was very strong.

They have killed people, and they have killed many people.

In other words, these people can be desperate for money, and they don't pay attention to the regulations of the Global Martial Arts Federation at all.

Chen Yang took a deep breath, held the pistol in one hand, and looked at the assault rifle beside him with the other.

this moment,
His eyes became deep, and his killing intent began to burn.

As long as the other party made any move against him, he was confident that he would wipe out all these people in the shortest possible time.

Chen Yang was naturally very cautious when he didn't know the other party's purpose.

Just when Chen Yang clenched his pistol tightly and was ready to strike at any time.

I saw an arrogant middle-aged man stepping down from the off-road vehicle.

The middle-aged man was wearing a white shirt and a pair of glasses.

After getting out of the car, he nodded to Chen Yang and Zhan Zhilei as a greeting.


He turned around and came to the bulletproof car in front of him.

door open,

An old man in his sixties got on and off the bulletproof car.

The old man was wearing a Tang suit, he looked very good, and he was in a very good state of mind.

"Haha...Chen Yang! The Light of China... Good! Seeing is worse than hearing about it for a long time. We finally saw you today!"

After the old man got out of the car, he laughed at Chen Yang.

He is more than 60 years old, but there is no gray hair.

From the footwork of his feet, it can be seen that this old man must have been a practitioner when he was young.

The key is the aura on his body, not angry but powerful, giving people a strong sense of oppression.

One step forward, the momentum is majestic!

It can be seen at a glance that this person is definitely a heroic figure with great means.

"I'm sorry, I don't know you! Excuse me, what do you want to do to stop me?"

Chen Yang tried his best to speak calmly.

If it wasn't because the other party was not hostile, how could Chen Yang talk nonsense to him?

If you dare to blatantly block yourself in the parking lot, you must bear the price.

Naturally, Chen Yang would not show any good looks to the other party.

"At the beginning of the last century, members of our family left China and came to South America to pan for gold!"

"After the hard work of my parents, I finally got a foothold in South America, and the Liu Group's development is getting better and better."

"In this place in South America, friends from all walks of life respectfully call me 'Mr. Liu'. To be honest, I am very pleased!"

"As a Chinese, it is not easy to gain a foothold in South America!"

"And for you, as a Chinese, it's even more difficult to make a name for yourself in the global martial arts world...!"

Liu Zhensheng looked at Chen Yang with a smile on his face.

It seemed that he didn't regard Chen Yang as an outsider at all, and his tone seemed very friendly.

That's right,

In a foreign country, although everyone has different ideas, they all flow with oriental blood, so naturally there is a special sense of intimacy.

Chen Yang didn't say anything when he heard the words, but looked at the other party calmly.

of course,

He doesn't know much about the influence of the 'Liu Group' in South America.

He has no interest in learning about these either.

For South America, he is just a passerby.

After two fights, he will leave this place.

Chen Yang looked up and down at the helm of the 'Liu Group' across from him.

have to say,

This old man named 'Liu Zhensheng' is indeed number one.

Being able to fight a bloody road in this place in South America is not low.

Generally speaking,
For a hero like Liu Zhensheng to gain a foothold in South America, he must have both black and white.

The wealth accumulated by the Liu Group is bloody.

Especially when the other party can block him in the parking lot of the hotel, he is lawless and lawless.

For such a person,
Don't offend if you want, once you offend, you must destroy it completely to avoid endless troubles.

Chen Yang took another deep breath.

He looked up at the other party and said indifferently:
"Master Liu Zhensheng, right?"

"You brought so many people and blocked me in the parking lot, what do you want to do?"

"I don't like to beat around the bush!"

"If you want to invite me to drink tea, it's free, I'm very busy now, I don't have time!"

"What's the matter, tell me now!"

"Are you asking for money? Or something else?"

Chen Yang said calmly, and motioned to Zhan Zhilei to get him ready to fight.

Liu Zhensheng looked up at Chen Yang, looked up and down for a moment, then nodded, as if he was very satisfied with Chen Yang.

He smiled and said:

"Don't be nervous, haha...we have no malicious intentions!"

"I've watched all the fights you fought against the Ultimate Fighter!"

"Very good! Really, I, Liu Zhensheng, seldom convince others, but after watching your boxing match, I can say that I am completely convinced by you."

"Since you said that you don't like to beat around the bush, I'll get straight to the point. I hope you don't mind."

"I admire you very much, and I would like to ask you to help us fight two boxing matches. I wonder if the little brother can give me the face of someone Liu?"

"Don't worry, I won't let you suffer. I can pay you 1000 million US dollars for the appearance fee of each boxing match!"

"As long as you have any request, we will help you!"

Hearing this, Chen Yang was stunned for a moment.

Fight two fights for you?

Save face! ?
You... have a big face on a horse?
You have been in South America for a long time, do you know how much you weigh?

Even Stephen, the leader of the 'Siberian Training Camp' of the world's top five black boxing training camps, is polite when talking to himself.

Although they want to let themselves help fight a boxing match.

But from the beginning to the end, the Siberia training camp was very polite and did not dare to have any threats.


The Siberian training camp is very aware of Chen Yang's influence and energy.

It is absolutely unwise for anyone to offend a 'super potential' warrior, even the Siberian training camp is very cautious.

And now,
A Chinese organization that made a fortune in South America, even brazenly said that he wanted Chen Yang to show him face.

At this moment, Chen Yang really felt like laughing.

He really didn't know, where did the other party get his confidence?

This Nima is called without malice?
In addition,

1000 million dollars just want yourself to help fight a boxing match?
A smile appeared on Chen Yang's face, and he stared at the other party without saying a word.

(End of this chapter)

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