Guoshu!My martial arts has a strengthening panel

Chapter 235 Create a Miracle and Kill a Bloody Path

Chapter 235 Create a Miracle, Kill a Bloody Path

Channel [-] of China National TV Station.

Due to Chen Yang's current status and status, he has a very large influence in the country.

The fifth channel of the TV station cooperates with the Douyin platform.

[Soul of Chinese Art] The live broadcast room is synchronized with the fifth channel of the TV station.

at this time,

In the live broadcast room, the opening of the third round of the Ultimate Fighter World Tour is being held.

The boxers of both sides entered the preparation stage.


All boxing fans and spectators across the country stared at the TV screen.

In order to better adjust the atmosphere of the [Soul of Chinese Art] live broadcast, and also to let more boxing fans understand the pattern of the ultimate fighter in the global martial arts.

This time, in the [Soul of Chinese Art] live broadcast room, we specially invited the most famous TV host in China——Xiaoya!

Invited the top Sanda king 'Liu Hailong' who retired in the last century, and some of the most famous boxing gym coaches in China.

no way,
Chen Yang is competing in the global martial arts world. For all boxing fans, this is a grand occasion in the domestic martial arts world.

Therefore, in order to expand its influence, the special program produced by the TV station invited the most famous "famous" guests in the domestic martial arts to give live explanations in the live broadcast room.

As the screen of the [Soul of National Art] live broadcast room opened.

The atmosphere in the Santiago Sports Center in Chile, South America, reached its peak.

Due to the time difference,

It's eight o'clock in the evening in the San Diego Sports Center, but it's eight o'clock in the morning in China;
The famous TV host Xiaoya, with a charming professional smile on her face, said to all the audience outside the camera in the live broadcast room:
"Good morning to all audience friends in front of the TV!"

"I'm Xiaoya, the host of Channel [-], the ultimate fighter of the world's top martial arts competition. The third round of the world tour is about to kick off!"

"Our No. 1 martial artist in China, Chen Yang, who is also the number one martial artist in Asia, has won two consecutive matches and entered the third round!"

"He created a record in the Asian martial arts world, leading this 'Ultimate Fighter'!"

at this time,

Inside the live broadcast room, inside a huge screen.

The live broadcast of the San Diego Sports Center was displayed in front of everyone.

"Three months ago, Chen Yang represented China's 'National Martial Arts' in the 'War of Thai Kings' in Southeast Asia and won the final championship!"

"He is not only the best boxer in China, but also the number one martial artist in Asia."

"In the Asian Martial Arts Federation, Chen Yang is the honorary ambassador!"

"His never-say-die spirit is worth learning from all of us, let us cheer for him...!"


Xiaoya turned her head and glanced at the guests sitting in front of the live broadcast camera.

"In order to allow everyone to understand the specific situation of the 'Ultimate Fighter' in the global martial arts world, we specially invited Liu Hailong and several top coaches from major domestic martial arts gyms to explain today's boxing match in detail for everyone."

"Liu Hailong is one of the most outstanding Super Sanda Kings of the last century, and has achieved brilliant results for China's 'National Martial Arts'!"

"Coach Liu, what do you think of Chen Yang's campaign against the 'Ultimate Fighter'?"

The camera switches to a middle-aged man who looks slightly obese.

bangs dragon!
At the end of the last century, one of the top powerhouses in the domestic martial arts.

Although he has not achieved glory in the global martial arts world, his record in the Asian martial arts world is very impressive.

Especially in the duel with the Muay Thai champion, it showed the momentum of "National Martial Arts".

In the hearts of all domestic boxing fans, Liu Hailong has a very high status.

After he retired, he became a coach.

Maybe it was because he relaxed himself, he didn't train as hard as before.

Liu Hailong's body began to gain weight, and his whole body became fatter.

If it weren't for the introduction in the live broadcast room, many boxing fans would almost not recognize him.

at this time,

Liu Hailong took a deep breath, looking worried.

He stared at the big screen in the live broadcast room with a serious expression on his face.

After hearing Xiaoya's voice, Liu Hailong turned his head, looked at the live camera and said:

"To be honest, 'Ultimate Fighter' is one of the top three competitions in the global martial arts world, and there are so many masters! It is very difficult for anyone to win a game on a global tour!"

"This boxing match is very unfavorable to Chen Yang!"

"Chen Yang is still in the stage of improving his strength. He has not reached the peak stage, and he still has great potential!"

"Once injured, it will have a devastating blow to his martial arts path."

"He created the history of Chinese martial arts. What I am most worried about now is that he will be injured...!"


[Soul of Chinese Martial Art] Liu Hailong was invited to be a guest in the live broadcast room to explain the boxing match, the purpose is not to let him "passively" pour cold water.

Liu Hailong took a deep breath, nodded and continued:

"Of course, I believe that Chen Yang will be able to create brilliant again!"

"To tell you the truth, he is my idol now. He will definitely overcome any difficulties and enter the final 'Ultimate Battle' of the 'Ultimate Fighter'!"

"He has been creating miracles!"

That's right,

Ever since Chen Yang entered the martial arts world, he has been a legend.

When Chen Yang came to kick off the Focheng Sanda Fighting Team, no one could believe that he could sweep the entire Focheng Sanda Fighting Team in the end.

When he participated in the "Battle of Thai Kings" in Southeast Asia, no one could believe that he could finally sweep Southeast Asia and finally win the championship!
When he fought for the ticket to the ultimate fighter trial, no one could believe that he could finally sweep the Lumpini boxing arena, invincible.

And now,
He participated in the "Ultimate Fighter" global tour, leading the entire "Ultimate Fighter" leaderboard for two consecutive games.

at this time,

[Soul of Guoshu] The camera in the live broadcast room just happened to freeze on Chen Yang.

on the ring,
Chen Yang's face was very calm, and his heart was calm.

His state is very stable, without the slightest tension.

After seeing this scene, all boxing fans in China couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

To know,
Ever since Chen Yang fought in the 'Ultimate Fighter' global tour.

All boxing fans in China are sweating for him!

The competition is so fierce!

The 'Ultimate Fighter' is one of the top three competitions in the global martial arts world. Compared with the 'Battle of Thai Kings', it is not at the same level at all.

This is the global martial arts world, and even the 'Xeon King' will play!
"According to Coach Liu's analysis, this year's 'Ultimate Fighter' is indeed very dangerous. Every time Chen Yang advances, it is very difficult!"

"However, since Chen Yang has decided to fight in the global martial arts world, he must be full of confidence in himself!"

"Coach Liu is right about one thing. Since Chen Yang entered the martial arts world, he has been creating miracles!"

The little girl had a professional smile on her face.

It can be seen that she is also a loyal fan of Chen Yang.

at this time,

She looked at the live camera and continued:

"As soon as he gets on the octagon boxing ring, Chen Yang is extremely calm, and his state is very stable!"

"Although relatively speaking, his size has no advantage over European and American boxers."

"But the aura exuded from him, as well as his never-say-die confidence, far surpass any opponent!"

Just as Xiaoya finished her words of confidence in Chen Yang.

[Soul of Martial Arts] The live guest invited by the live broadcast room, a middle-aged man said indifferently out of time:
"The world's top martial arts competition 'Ultimate Fighter' is about comprehensive combat power!"

"I admit that Chen Yang's psychological quality is very firm, but this does not mean that he can defeat his opponent and advance!"

"Everyone, don't forget that the opponent he is facing now is Jushi Kuangsen, the top veteran in North American martial arts."

"The key to winning in the boxing ring depends on the boxer's speed, strength, and combat experience!"

"Although I am not a boxer and have never practiced martial arts, our 'Iron Fist Foundation' has promoted many boxing matches and trained many top boxers."

"Chen Yang's comprehensive combat strength is unquestionable. In the Asian martial arts world, he is invincible!"

"However, he is too young after all, has no experience in fighting in the global martial arts world, and his strength has not grown to the peak yet."

"His entry into the 'Ultimate Fighter' of the global martial arts scene is, in my opinion, a very unwise choice."

"Perhaps he thinks that 'Ultimate Fighter' is similar to the 'King of Thailand' in Southeast Asia. He has not suffered any setbacks, and his self-confidence is too inflated!"

"However, I have to remind everyone that the tragic level of 'Ultimate Fighter' far surpasses any boxing match of any level in Asian martial arts."

"The title of 'Ultimate Fighter' represents the pinnacle of martial arts power in the world, standing at the pinnacle of martial arts in the world!"

"In the world tour, how many rounds can Chen Yang reach? You know, there are twelve rounds in the world tour, and every boxing match is a race against death."

"The further you go in the boxing match, the stronger your opponent will be!"

"Just like in this boxing match, Chen Yang is facing the opponent of 'Big Rock Crazy Forest'! Can he win the opponent?"

"To tell you the truth, I don't have any confidence in Chen Yang, I can only sincerely wish Chen Yang never get hurt...!"

The words of the middle-aged man suddenly made the atmosphere in the live broadcast room look awkward.

Ding Taisheng!
The name of this middle-aged man is Ding Taisheng.

He is the promoter of the domestic 'Iron Fist Foundation' and has always been known for his sharp words.

In the domestic martial arts world, Ding Taisheng has little influence, but his tone is not small!

He is a very controversial figure who always likes to comment on any boxer in the domestic martial arts world with personal attacks.


In the previous various live variety shows, Ding Taisheng repeatedly attacked with sharp words, causing many controversies.

[Soul of Martial Arts] Guests are invited to commentate on boxing matches in the live broadcast room, the purpose is to create atmosphere.

Chen Yang's influence in the country is too great, he is the idol of all boxing fans.


Ding Taisheng's inappropriate remarks in the [Soul of Chinese Arts] live broadcast at this time suddenly made the atmosphere in the live broadcast room awkward.


It also made many boxing fans nervous.


Chen Yang swept the Asian martial arts world and became the number one powerhouse in the Asian martial arts world.


He has no experience in fighting in the global martial arts world, and it is too difficult to enter the 'Ultimate Battle'.

It is clear,
Ding Taisheng is not optimistic about Chen Yang's fight in the global martial arts world.

Although his remarks made many people dissatisfied, what he said this time was the truth.

Among domestic boxing fans, there are not a few people who have the same idea as Ding Taisheng.

"This year's Ultimate Fighter, I'm personally more optimistic about the previous 'Ultimate Fighter' title winner, Frazier!"

"Frazer is the 'Supreme King', one of the top powerhouses who dominate the world."

"He will continue to fight for the ultimate fighter this year. If he is not sure, he will definitely not play easily."

"According to my observation and analysis, Frazier's state is at its peak, and he should be able to successfully defend his title."

"Of course, there are also several top martial arts masters in the world whose strength cannot be underestimated. They will become Frazier's biggest challenge in defending his title!"

"The strength of each of the strong men who can compete in the Ultimate Fighter World Tour is terrifying!"

"If they compete in the Asian martial arts world, any one of them has the combat power to sweep the Asian martial arts world."

Ding Taisheng didn't seem to care about the awkward atmosphere in the live broadcast room.

He talked incessantly, with a confident face, and talked with eloquence.

This is his specialty.

Sharp words, like to hate people, like to maintain a different point of view from others.

If there was another word to describe him, it would be—to make an uproar!
of course,

His words are not without reason, so there are still a group of loyal fans.

When he saw that the other guests remained silent, he became more and more complacent, and continued:
"I'm not adoring foreigners, nor denying Chen Yang's strength."

"Chen Yang is indeed the best fighter in domestic martial arts, and even the best fighter in Asian martial arts."

"However, his experience in fighting in the global martial arts world will become his shortcoming!"

"This is very deadly!"

"To be honest, I feel that Chen Yang's confidence is too inflated!"

"Young people, a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, it is a good thing to have confidence and drive!"

"But he has forgotten his current identity, he can't lose! Once he loses, it will be a disaster for our Chinese martial arts!"

"He's too impulsive! For personal honor, he even made his own claim and fought against the ultimate fighter in the global martial arts world!"

"If China's 'Guowu' puts the future on him, I think the risk is too great."

"I didn't mean to belittle Chen Yang, but think about it, everyone, everything I said is true."

[Soul of Martial Art] Xiaoya, the host of the live broadcast room, heard Ding Taisheng's remarks.

She was in a hurry!

If it wasn't for the fact that it was a live broadcast, she couldn't help but rant, and even told Ding Taisheng to get out of the live broadcast room.

What kind of guest did this Nima invite?

Why invite a 'troll' to the [Soul of Guoshu] live broadcast room?

Doesn't the person in charge of the TV station know the significance of Chen Yang's global martial arts campaign?
You are a 'domestic boxing match promoter', what qualifications do you have to comment on Chen Yang?
If Chen Yang doesn't have the fighting power to fight for the ultimate fighter in the global martial arts world, how can he get the vigorous promotion of the organizer of "Ultimate Fighter"?
Even if you are worried about Chen Yang's safety and have no confidence in Chen Yang, you must not say it in the [Soul of Guoshu] live broadcast room.

Your point of view can only represent yourself!

This is the [Soul of Guoshu] live broadcast room, not a place for you to 'judgment freely'!

at this time,

[Soul of Chinese Art] In the live broadcast room, the other guests remained silent.

Everyone was a little shocked by Ding Taisheng's remarks.

The atmosphere suddenly became very awkward, and everyone was silent.

After all, Xiaoya is a professional host, and her response ability is very fast.

Although she disliked Ding Taisheng's remarks very much, she did not fight with him, but quickly changed the subject.

There was an indifferent smile on her face, she turned her head to ask Liu Hailong, and ignored Ding Taisheng without any trace.

"Coach Liu, you used to be the top Sanda king in the domestic martial arts world. What's your opinion on today's boxing match?"

The little girl asked Liu Hailong with a smile.

Hearing this, Liu Hailong was taken aback for a moment.

He quickly understood what Xiao Ya meant, she wanted to use his words to stop Ding Taisheng's 'spitting' mouth.


He nodded, took the topic with a smile and said:
"Although I used to be a professional boxer, my record is far worse than that of Chen Yang!"

"To be honest, strength is king in professional boxing. I'm not qualified to comment on Chen Yang."

"Actually, I have a different opinion on Teacher Ding Taisheng's comment just now."

"The experience of fighting in the global martial arts world is not the key to victory, any experience is earned!"

"Before this, Chen Yang also had no experience in fighting in the Asian martial arts world, but he finally won the championship of the 'Battle of Thai Kings'!"

"Fighting for the ultimate fighter in the global martial arts world, Chen Yang has always maintained his peak state. He has won two fights and even killed Mino, the top South American fighter!"

"Although Jushi Kuangsen has a high reputation in the global martial arts world and has rich experience in fighting, he is not at his peak!"

"From the perspective of comprehensive combat power, he is not far behind 'Mino'."

"I believe that in this boxing match, Chen Yang can defeat the opponent and advance to the fourth round!"

Liu Hailong deserves to be the former Super Sanda King, and his analysis is very convincing.

all of a sudden,

[Soul of Chinese Art] The atmosphere in the live broadcast room became active.

"Chen Yang is very calm and full of confidence!"

"Even if he fights in the global martial arts world, he can always maintain this firmness, which is really shocking!"

"Honestly, that's why I look up to him as an idol."

"Only a professional boxer can understand how powerful Chen Yang's calm state is."

Liu Hailong took a deep breath and continued:
"The mind is as calm as water, and the mountain collapses in front of you without changing your face!"

"This is the super-strong psychological quality possessed by top powerhouses."

"We don't care whether Chen Yang can win the title of 'Ultimate Fighter' or not. With his calm state at the moment, it will be very difficult for any opponent to defeat him!"

"He will definitely be able to perform miracles and fight his way out on the 'Ultimate Fighter' global tour!"

Liu Hailong said sincerely, expressing his inner admiration.

Although he has retired for many years, he has no contact with Chen Yang and doesn't know Chen Yang well.


Whenever he saw Chen Yang, he would feel extremely shocked in his heart.

He has studied every boxing match in Chen Yang's 'Battle of Thai Kings' in detail.

The more he studied, the more shocked he became.

at this time,

When he saw Chen Yang's calm expression on the octagonal boxing ring in the live broadcast room.

Liu Hailong's heart was shocked again.

So calm!

It's scary to be calm!
His opponent in this boxing match was Jushi Kuangsen, who was well-known in the North American martial arts world.

How could Chen Yang be so calm in such a peak duel?
Isn't he excited at all, not nervous...?
at this time,

[Soul of Chinese Art] In the live broadcast room, the bell rang.

Chen Yang VS Jushi Kuangsen!

The boxing match officially started, and the atmosphere in the live broadcast room suddenly became extremely tense...

(End of this chapter)

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