Guoshu!My martial arts has a strengthening panel

Chapter 245 Recurve bow kill!risk your life

Chapter 245 Recurve bow kill!risk your life

Tuglev's waist twisted, and then he kicked Chen Yang in the chest with a fierce kick!
Get back from him, dodge, swing your legs!
The action is done in one go, as fast as lightning.

Swinging legs and hitting hard, whirlwind slashing, the momentum is heavy!

this moment,
Tuglev's offense became more and more frenzied.


The surrounding air was enveloped by his leg skills.

at this time,

The boxing match has exceeded 2 minutes.

Tuglev broke out with all his might, not daring to delay any longer.

Fierce, fast, violent...!
His legs became the deadliest weapon at this moment, vicious and explosive.

Like a sword falling from the sky, it blasted the entire octagonal boxing ring with one leg.


The sound of breaking through the air was horrifying.

Swing your legs, hack and kill, whirlwind combo ultimate move!
The autumn wind swept away the fallen leaves, sweeping away invincible!

The combo of the heavy-legged killing move broke out completely, attacking Chen Yang's vital points frantically.

This is the most terrifying combo kick skill in sambo, and its power is shocking!
It combines the characteristics of Karate, Muay Thai, Judo and Mongolian wrestling, and the style of play is extremely comprehensive!
While attacking, his arms are raised, forming the tightest defense.

this moment,
There was a buzzing sound in Chen Yang's mind, and the sixth sense of crisis issued a stern warning!

There seemed to be a deadly threat hanging over him.

"What's going on? This guy's leg speed is within my defensive range, so there should be no threat. Why do I feel such a terrible threat?"

"Could it be...he has other back tricks for his leg skills?"

"Sang Bo's combo kick skill is a must-kill skill, it shouldn't have any power... No!"

"Fuck...this is a false move! His real killing move is elbow strike!"

When Chen Yang thought of something, he couldn't help being surprised.

Chop elbow five times in a row!
The super nirvana that Tuglev became famous for.

Chen Yang has watched many videos of Tuglev's boxing matches, and he knows Tuglev's super nirvana very well.

at this time,

When he saw Tuglev's slightly raised elbows, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind.

Too late to think about it.

Chen Yang stomped his foot, followed by a sweeping kick of the whip leg, blocking the opponent's advance. At the same time, he exerted force with his feet, and quickly retreated to open the distance.

in a blink,
Chen Yang was out of the attack range of Tuglev's five-strike combo of elbow chopping.

this moment,
Chen Yang couldn't help but take a deep breath, a trace of cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Too confusing...!
Just now, Tuglev suddenly broke out with a combo of leg skills. Chen Yang was still thinking about how to crack the opponent's leg skills.

If you really do this, the consequences will be disastrous.

Tuglev's leg combo killer move was indeed a false move.

The purpose was to interfere with Chen Yang's spiritual perception prediction, and his next elbow was the deadliest move.

After leaving the opponent's attack range, the extremely dangerous feeling disappeared.

Chen Yang's spiritual perception predictions have never been wrong.

Tuglev's killer move, what he was about to perform, was indeed the ultimate move of fame-cutting elbows five times in a row!

The purpose of the heavy-leg combo killing move is to interfere with Chen Yang's judgment and break through Chen Yang's defense.

His real trump card is the 'five strikes with elbow cut'!
After opening the distance, Chen Yang finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately afterwards, he raised his leg upwards, and his leg counterattack broke out instantly.

Kick, kick, kick, kick!

The three-style combo ultimate move, the action is fierce, explosive, and fierce!

It was like a landslide, without any pause.

Tuglev's 'five elbow-cutting strikes' didn't have time to explode, and was instantly interrupted by Chen Yang's counter-attack kick.

His offensive rhythm was suddenly destroyed!
Ding Ding Deng

After the two of them fought hard with their heavy legs, they each took a few steps back, their expressions became extremely fearful and solemn.

Generally speaking, the heavy-leg combo ultimate is usually the strongest offensive move.


At this time, Chen Yang used offense instead of defense, and when he retreated to increase the distance, he suddenly broke out with three combos of kicks.

The purpose is very simple, it is to interrupt Tuglev's elbow-cutting five-strike combo ultimate move.

at this time,

Chen Yang's three-style combo of kicks was extremely strong against Tuglev's feigned kicks of kicks.

The defensive effect can be called a stroke of genius!
Chen Yang's heavy-legged counterattack interrupted Tuglev's offensive rhythm with great precision.

It's like a cannon is ejected from the chamber, and it misfires instantly!

Tuglev took a deep breath and kept shaking his legs!

The combo of leg skills he unleashed just now was a false move, but his strength was not in vain.

Chen Yang suddenly opened the distance, and his explosive leg skills prevented him from getting close, making him unable to perform the super nirvana of 'cutting elbows five times in a row'.

to be frank,
All this surprised Tuglev.

To know,
His leg-heavy killing move and elbow-cutting five-hit combo are false and real, and it is difficult for the opponent to judge the false and the real.

in addition,

Don't think that his heavy-legged ultimate move is a false move, and that he has no attack power.

On the contrary, false moves can be transformed into real moves in an instant.

This heavy-legged killing move is the ultimate move in Sangbo's combo killing move, and it is very powerful.

In general,

Any opponent facing such a fierce combo of leg skills will block, unload, retreat, and dodge!

Tuglev even calculated all the opponent's reactions.


He never expected that when Chen Yang was retreating, he suddenly counterattacked with a three-stroke combo of heavy legs, interrupting his five-stroke attack of chopping elbows.

The key is,
The explosive power of Chen Yang's heavy legs is stronger and more powerful than Tuglev's!

"Damn it... this kid's sixth sense of crisis is really terrifying!"

"Such a hidden elbow-cutting combo killer move was seen through by him in advance!"

"Hiss... His heavy legs are too lethal, how can I break through his defense?"

Tuglev took a deep breath and couldn't help frowning.

at this time,

His eyes became more and more dignified, and he kept thinking in his mind.


After all, Tuglev is the strongest polar bear and the true disciple of Andre, the great master of Sambo.

He has fought countless battles, experienced many bloody boxing matches, and has extremely rich experience in fighting.

He and Chen Yang fought hard again with a heavy-legged ultimate move.

Immediately afterwards, his body took a few steps back, and at the same time, he kicked his feet, and instantly exploded with strength, and his body rose into the air.

next moment,
His body reversed in the air, and he slashed down with one leg.

At the same time, like a spinning fan, his body turned into a spinning top.

Slash five times in a row!
This is the most difficult ultimate move among the super powerful nirvana of the legs, and its power is extremely terrifying!
The target of this chopping five combo is Chen Yang's head, shoulders, chest...!
This is one of Tuglev's most powerful five-hit combos.

From when he stomped his feet suddenly, until his body soared into the air, and then he slashed with his heavy legs, his body spun down.

The power conversion is smooth and free, without the slightest pause, and the attack direction is unpredictable, bursting out in an instant, making it hard to guard against.

This extremely difficult chopping five combo, rotating style, is extremely difficult to practice!

It must go through continuous hard training, and at the same time, it must be inherited, and it must have extremely high talent.


No matter how many years of training, it is difficult to practice such a powerful combo killing move.

this moment,
Tuglev fully demonstrated the power of Sambo's combo killing move.

Sangbo combat skills are a fusion of many kinds of martial arts, and the inheritance time is not long!

That super lethality has been recognized by the global martial arts world.

In the world of martial arts, the Sangbo combat technique is definitely the most powerful fighting technique, and it has been promoted in the military departments of many countries.

At this time, Tuglev broke out to attack with all his strength.

His legs, punches, knees, and elbows have all become the most terrifying weapons.

Whether it's speed and explosive power, they have surpassed the limit of human martial arts, and they are fierce and domineering.

Let's not talk about the combination killing move he is displaying at the moment, even the aura he exudes at the moment.

In the global martial arts world, there are only a handful of people who can surpass him.

"Nimma's... the lethality of Sangbo's combat skills is so fierce?"

"This stepping on a horse is a bit unreasonable...!"

Chen Yang couldn't help taking a deep breath, his heart was extremely shocked.

to be frank,
Even if Chen Yang's martial arts strength has broken through to the state of 'Ming Jin Dacheng'.

But he can't match Tuglev's 'extreme potential'.

This is not only the speed and power possessed by 'Sangbo Dacheng Realm'.

Tuglev's offense became more and more violent and the rhythm became faster and faster.

He is like a real 'Tiger of the Far East', launching the craziest bite to his prey.

This is the most terrifying part of Tuglev's peak combat power.

Once he launched a strong attack, he was extremely decisive and ruthless, without any extra moves.

this moment,
The killing intent emanating from his body was like substance, giving people an indescribable sense of oppression.


Tuglev adopted an oppressive attacking method in order to disrupt Chen Yang's offensive and defensive rhythm.

If he wanted to kill Chen Yang, he had to break through Chen Yang's defense.

The most efficient tactic to break through Chen Yang's defense is to forcefully suppress.

As the strongest fighter in the Moscow boxing arena, Tuglev is not a kind person.

There are countless strong men who died under his fist.

Now it is the ultimate fighter's global tour, and there are no restrictions on boxing.

As long as there is a chance to kill the opponent, he can't show mercy.

Faced with Tuglev's violent and oppressive attack, Chen Yang only felt Alexander.

The opponent's attack surpassed Chen Yang's prediction.


An incomparably overbearing wind swept down.

Feeling a deadly threat, Chen Yang couldn't help but take a deep breath and concentrate his attention.

Chen Yang lowered his weight, and then clenched his fists like iron.

Fight back hard!

The Eight Extremes Ultimate Move - Hades' Three Hands!

That's right,

What Chen Yang used at this moment was not a killer move with legs, but a counterattack with punches.

The key is,
He used the Baji killer move, not for offense, but for defense!

this moment,
Suddenly, while stepping back, he countered with a punch forward.

This eight-pole ultimate move happened to be a head-to-head confrontation with Tuglev's heavy-legged ultimate move.

have to say,

Chen Yang's Hades three-point hand, used for defense at this moment, is like a stroke of genius.

After Yan Wang's three-point hand recklessly fought the opponent's heavy-legged ultimate move, Chen Yang's style was not to back away and dodge.

As long as he has a chance to fight back, he will never let it go easily.


I saw his feet speeding up, and he kicked forward with a heavy leg!
at the same time,

His body is parallel to the ground, and his body spins rapidly.

The heavy-leg ultimate move showed a tendency to spin, and kicked towards Tuglev's center line.

Nirvana - super poisonous dragon drill!

The poisonous dragon drill erupted, like a high-speed rotating drill bit, its strength was like a spiral, and the attacking direction of its legs was unpredictable, making it hard to guard against.

at this time,

A suffocating domineering aura erupted from Chen Yang's body, which could be called invincible!
The artistic conception of Bajiquan erupted in him at this moment.

"Damn... what kind of leg work is this?"

"How can you rotate your body to form a sprint attack?"

"Damn it, what kind of evil kung fu is this?"

"It's not Bajiquan, a Chinese martial art! What my teacher said is very correct. This kid's martial arts are unique and unfathomable!"

"His martial arts willpower is extremely firm, and his sixth sense of crisis prediction ability is too strong!"

Tuglev's heart was extremely shocked at this moment.

He kicked his foot, followed by a heavy kick with a sweeping leg, and kicked Chen Yang's rushing poisonous dragon drill.

Head to head!
Ding Ding Deng

The next moment, Tuglev quickly backed away.

This time between the two of them, the heavy-legged reckless fight and the powerful counter-shock force made both sides feel extremely uncomfortable.

Tuglev staggered and almost fell to the ground.

Fortunately, he leaned on the barbed wire around the ring to keep his balance.

at this time,

Tuglev's face changed completely.

"Impossible! This Jedi is impossible!"

"How could the power of his spinning leg be so terrifying!"

"How could he break my leg-sweeping blow so easily?"

"Damn...Fortunately, my Sambo has broken through to the Dacheng realm, and stimulated the 'extreme potential', improving the combat power!"

"Otherwise, I will be hit hard by this reckless fight."

Tuglev kept shaking his calf to relieve the pain in his leg.

A powerful counter-shock force almost broke his calf bones.

Too fierce...!
"Huaxia Chen Yang, I didn't expect your combat power to be so powerful!"

"However, no matter how strong you are today, you must die in Moscow...!"

Tuglev took a deep breath, looked at Chen Yang, and snorted coldly.

this moment,
He let go of his defense, his muscles tensed, and his blood surged.

put all one's eggs in one basket……

Fight with your life!

to be frank,
Originally, Tuglev was afraid of Chen Yangyang, feeling that Chen Yang's comprehensive combat power surpassed his own.

From the beginning of the boxing match, he went all out and did not dare to relax in the slightest.

And before stepping onto the boxing ring, he performed the sambo secret technique, which stimulated his 'extreme potential' and improved his combat power.

But now he found out.

All of this is not enough, you must give up all defenses and adopt the full attack method to have a chance!

Tuglev's veins were bulging all over his body, he took a deep breath, and his aura reached its peak.

He began to look ferocious, full of murderous intent.

Suddenly, a violent aura permeated the entire octagonal boxing ring, making people crazy.

Tuglev's center of gravity was lowered, and his legs were bent like a giant bow!
this moment,
His posture was very strange, his muscles tensed.

Super nirvana - Recurve bow kill!

That's right,

Without any hesitation, Tuglev was ready to unleash one of his strongest hole card killer moves - Recurve Bow Kill!

In an instant.

Tuglev is like a different person.

He is like a hungry 'Tiger of the Far East', roaring at his prey.

Even if the auditorium was more than ten meters away, some boxing fans who were close to the ring felt unable to breathe with that super murderous aura.

The aura of his whole person suddenly increased, making people horrified...!
(End of this chapter)

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