Chapter 249 Ninja!Killing intent

Eight fifteen!
The boxing bell rang.

The sixth round of the Ultimate Fighter World Tour has officially kicked off.

Hattori Chi-kun took two steps back to increase the distance between him and Chen Yang.

He didn't take the lead in attacking, but nodded to Chen Yang again, showing a smile.

Very polite, very hypocritical, very pretending...!
Those who don't know Hijima boxers are easily deceived by his polite demeanor.


Under his smile, there was a frightening killing intent, like a mountain torrent erupting.

Fortunately, Chen Yang's spiritual sensing ability is second to none.


He doesn't have any affection for the Japanese islanders.


It's easy to be fooled by the smile on Hattori Chikun's face.

"Huaxia Chen Yang, it's been less than half a year since he entered the martial arts world!"

"A few months ago, you became famous with a live broadcast in China, and then fought in Southeast Asia's 'Battle of the King of Thailand', and finally won the championship, causing a sensation in the Asian martial arts world!"

"You killed the king of fighting in Japan, the king of muay thai in southern Thailand, and the king of legs in South Korea...!"

"I have to say that the speed at which you became famous is so fast that it is unbelievable."

"No one would have thought that you would be able to dominate Southeast Asia's 'War of Thai Kings', fight all the invincible opponents in Asia, and become the number one martial artist in Asia!"

"With your own strength, you have trampled Tainan and Hishima Budo under your feet!"

"To be honest, when I heard the news for the first time, I was so shocked that I couldn't even believe it!"

"You are a top powerhouse who deserves everyone's respect!"

"Before this, I never thought that there are still people in the Asian martial arts world that can make me feel in danger!"

"You did it! From the first time I saw you, I felt a terrible sense of crisis."

"The pressure you bring to me is more terrifying than the world's top 'Xeon King'."

There was no expression on Hattori Chikun's face, and no one knew what he was thinking.

at this time,

He was unusually calm. again! ?
Hearing this, Chen Yang frowned slightly.

Hijima boxer tradition, nonsense flow.

The stronger the strength, the more he likes to talk a bunch of useless nonsense before the boxing match starts.

This kind of nonsense tactics engraved in the bones is really speechless.

Is this interesting?

Originally, Chen Yang felt that Hattori Chikun was a little different. Ever since he stepped into the ring, he had always seemed extremely cold.

He is like a sharp steel knife, ruthless and icy cold.


Unexpectedly, after the start of the boxing match, he finally tore off his disguised face and began to adopt the "nonsense flow" tactic.

Chen Yang smiled lightly and said solemnly:
"What do you want to express? Hurry up, I have plenty of time!"

"Today is the last day of your life, please say more, there will be no chance in the future!"

"When a person is about to die, his words are good! Originally, I didn't intend to listen to your nonsense, but after thinking about it, why should I care so much about the dead?"


Chen Yang sneered, and stared at Hattori Chikun indifferently.

Hattori Chikun took another half step back, smiled lightly and said:
"Interesting, I didn't expect you to be as arrogant as before!"

"I have always liked Chinese culture...!"

Chen Yang calmly said:
"Let's get started, don't talk nonsense anymore, I have already understood the virtues of you Japanese islanders very clearly!"

"What's the use of talking nonsense?"

"You don't think these nonsense can affect my state?"

"If you think that your Japanese 'nonsense' tactics can affect my performance, then you may be disappointed!"

"I heard that you are a true disciple of the ninja sect of the Hishima Iga Sect? You can't get along in Hishima, and you have to go to Europe in the end?"

"Come on, let me see if you, the leader of the troika in the European Dutch boxing arena, are you capable?"

After Chen Yang finished speaking, he took a step forward and started the Tai Chi offensive and defensive style.

Overcome rigidity with softness and advance with retreat!

Chen Yang did not rush to attack rashly, but remained vigilant.

no way,
From Hattori Chikun's body, he felt an extremely terrifying aura.

at this time,

Chen Yang's aura reached its peak.

Before that, he had met several top Japanese fighting kings.

Miyamoto Musashi, Watanabe Ichiro, Chiba Ruming...!
The characteristics of these Japanese fighting kings are very distinct. Before the boxing match starts, they all like to talk a lot of nonsense.

This tactic is characteristic of the Japanese islanders.

If the opponent doesn't interrupt their nonsense, they can talk for 2 minutes, constantly consuming the opponent's fighting spirit.

Hattori Chikun wanted to rely on this tactic to take the lead, but it seemed that he had miscalculated.

How could Chen Yang's state be disturbed by him?
"Hmph! Boy, don't think that killing Tuglev means that you can truly dominate the world of martial arts!"

"go to hell……!"

After Hattori Chikun finished speaking, he suddenly exerted force on his feet, swept across with one leg, and took the lead in attacking.

His body sprinted forward quickly, sweeping his legs and hitting hard like a battle axe, roaring towards Chen Yang.

Rush and sweep your legs!

Four combos nirvana!

Form a burst of power with the inertia of sprinting, then twist the waist, and sweep and kick the target.

This is the killer move of sweeping legs in karate!
The lethality is fierce and the speed is fast!
The key is that it is very sudden, the attack angle is extremely tricky, and the force is instantly exerted under the feet to form a burst of power, which is extremely powerful.

At the moment when the body rushed forward rapidly, a four-hit nirvana of sweeping legs broke out.


The arms are erected, forming a blocking posture, and the defense is extremely tight.

Hattori Chikun's attack is extremely ferocious and powerful, and it is a killer move as soon as he makes a move. He has both offense and defense, making it hard to guard against.

this moment,
Hattori Chikun launched the most ferocious attack, the fighting spirit reached its peak, and the killing intent enveloped the surroundings.

His back gave off an indescribable feeling!

Ghost back!

Yes, he was called 'Ghost Back'.

It is said that 'ghost back' is a unique skill of the Hishima Iga sect ninja sect.

The power of the ghost's back is no small matter. Once activated, it can explode several times.

Even in the history of Rishima martial arts, someone has trained the 'ghost back' to the peak, breaking through the limit of human martial arts, and can explode more than three times the combat power!

That's right!

Once the ghost back is trained to the limit, once it is activated, it can explode with three times the offensive power!

To what level did Chi-kun Hattori practice "ghost back"?
no one knows!

Because in the European Dutch boxing arena, Hattori Chi-kun has never burst into a "ghost back" without limit!
However, the power of the 'ghost back' is terrifying, there is no doubt about it.

Every time Hattori Chi-kun bursts out with a 'ghost back', his opponents are instantly killed by him!

at this time,

Hattori Chi-kun performed the nirvana of sweeping legs with four combos, bursting out with all his strength, giving people a strong sense of oppression.

Chen Yang couldn't help but take a deep breath, his attention was highly concentrated, and he didn't dare to be careless.

There was a crackling sound.

Hattori Chikun's attack speed became faster and faster.

at this time,

On the octagon boxing ring, the two erupted into the most exciting and intense confrontation.

In the entire Tokyo Dome Sports Center, there was no sound, and needles could be heard.

All the boxing fans at the scene stared at the two fiercely fighting on the ring, feeling extremely nervous.

After Hattori Chikun launched a strong attack, his leg skills reached the peak. He was as fast as a thunderbolt, making it impossible to avoid.


Hattori Chikun's four-strike combo did not pose a threat to Chen Yang.

He stopped on his feet, then kicked, twisted his waist, and sprinted forward again.

next moment,
I saw his body soaring into the air.


The boxing ring seemed to be shaking at this moment.

It's like a storm is blowing around, which is frightening.

This shows that

Hattori Chikun's ultimate move exploded, how terrifying the power is.


On the octagonal boxing ring, it was like a shock wave.

The extremely fierce wind set off a huge wave and spread towards the surroundings, making people frightened.

Some spectators who were not far from the boxing ring felt Hattori Chikun's murderous aura and were too frightened to move.

That's right,

At this time, the killing intent erupted from Hattori Chikun's body, it could be called an explosion, which made people shudder.


Chen Yang acted as if he hadn't seen it, and his heart was extremely calm.

The murderous aura on his body was no weaker than that of the opponent.


Chen Yang is now in the 'Brightness Dacheng Realm', and his willpower in martial arts is extremely firm.

How could the aura emanating from Hattori Chikun shake Chen Yang's belief in martial arts?

Not to mention Hattori Chikun, the top fighter in Japan, even if Frazier, the last 'Ultimate Fighter' in the global martial arts world, was in front of Chen Yang, he would not be affected in any way.

The big landslide was in front of me, and my face didn't change!

This is the most basic psychological quality of being a warrior.

With his current level of strength in martial arts, his state of mind is as firm as a rock, invincible!
Even in the face of real life and death, it is difficult to affect his state of mind.

Before Hattori Chikun stepped into the octagonal boxing ring, he had already stimulated his physical potential with the "golden acupuncture point technique".

at this time,

He began to unleash the most ferocious attack, trying to completely suppress Chen Yang.

Sweeping the leg combo is the ultimate move, which is as powerful as a bamboo, and its power reaches the limit.

Under Chen Yang's feet, he used the Jiugong flying step to the limit, and quickly retreated.


He used Taiji posture to block and unload his strength.

See tricks and disassemble them, and respond to all changes with the same!
Do not know why,

Chen Yang's spiritual sense has been faintly warning him.

After feeling Hattori Chikun's attack speed, Chen Yang kept opening the distance.

His heart became extremely fearful, and his observation skills were raised to the peak.

Hattori Chikun's heavy-leg combo killer move is very lethal and difficult to defend.

Especially with such a fast attack speed, the attack angle is extremely tricky and weird.

From the rhythm of his attack,
Hattori Chikun's comprehensive combat power is almost comparable to that of Tuglev.

To know,
At this time, Hattori Chi-kun has not opened the 'ghost back' yet!
It's not that he wants to open it, but that he must be familiar with Chen Yang's tactics before opening the 'Ghost Back'.

Once the 'ghost back' is turned on, the boxing match will soon be divided into winners and losers.

Only one chance!
Hattori Chi-kun dare not activate the 'ghost back' rashly!
But even so, the power of Hattori Chikun's heavy-legged ultimate move made Chen Yang full of fear, and he dared not be negligent in the slightest.

to be frank,
At this moment, Chen Yang couldn't understand.

This top Japanese island fighter is not at the same level as all the Japanese island fighting kings that Chen Yang has encountered before.

What if Chen Yang met an opponent not Miyamoto Musashi but Hattori Chikun in the "Battle of Thai Kings" in Southeast Asia.

There is no doubt that Chen Yang will be instantly killed by the opponent.

Even in the Lumpini Boxing Arena, if Chen Yang met Hattori Chikun in advance, he would not be able to pass the level and get the ticket for the 'Battle of Trials'.

too strong……!
Hattori Chikun's strength gives people a sense of suffocation.

Even when Chen Yang faced Tuglev, he didn't have such terrible pressure.

He could feel that Hattori Chikun's body seemed to contain a terrifying power.


next moment,
In the entire Tokyo Dome Sports Center, the atmosphere reached its peak.

All Hijima boxing fans at the scene stood up, raised their arms and cheered, and let out a hoarse cry.

After the bell rings,
Hattori Chikun broke out with an extremely fierce attack, and the boxing match became extremely exciting, intense, and adrenaline soared.

The sixth round of the Ultimate Fighter Global Tour, the peak bloody battle!
This is a battle of fate that attracts the attention of the world and all boxing fans in Asia look forward to.

This boxing match is the last counterattack of Hijima Martial Arts!

As long as Hattori Chi-kun defeats Chen Yang,


He will replace everything Chen Yang has and become the number one martial artist in Asia.

Ding Ding Deng

Chen Yang quickly took a few steps back. After opening the distance, he couldn't help but take a deep breath.

His fists were clenched like iron, his muscles tensed, and his eyes became sharper.

on the ring,
Chen Yang did not underestimate Hattori Chikun, and even kept vigilant all the time.


That strong sense of crisis is getting stronger and stronger.

Extremely dangerous...!
Do not know why,

As the two fought hard, Chen Yang actually felt that the other party was becoming more and more dangerous.

"Damn... what's going on?"

"Do you still have reservations about this guy's strength?"

Chen Yang couldn't help but take a deep breath, his attention was highly concentrated.

Hattori Chikun exerted force again, kicked back, and kicked Chen Yang with a kick.


The offensive intention of this lunge and kick was too obvious, and Chen Yang easily avoided it.

at this time,

Hattori Chikun stomped his foot and stopped attacking instantly.

To Chen Yang's surprise,
At this time, Hattori Chikun did not attack again, but stared at Chen Yang with cold eyes.

His center of gravity sank, his waist muscles tensed, and his whole body bowed.

His gaze was slanted upwards, staring at Chen Yang's vital point, his gaze was deep and terrifying.

The muscles all over his body suddenly began to swell with blood, exuding a terrifying aura.

this moment,
Chen Yang felt a suffocating killing intent roaring towards him, filling the surroundings.

That oppressive feeling was shocking.

Endless killing intent!
It's like facing the most evil giant beast, full of murderous aura, making people timid before fighting!
Very powerful, very depressing, very uncomfortable!

Hattori Chikun is the descendant of the Hishima Iga faction ninja.

To put it simply, he is a real ninja.

He has experienced the cruelest extreme training since childhood, constantly improving himself between life and death.

To know,
When he was very young, in order to exercise his willpower, and the spirit of 'Bushido'.

He has trained in cages with wolves, hyenas, crocodiles and other ferocious animals.

The only way to leave the iron cage is to kill the beast.

That kind of extremely cruel training is simply a life-and-death torture for people.

But in the end, Hattori Chi-kun survived!

He became the best ninja of the Iga faction, bar none.

At this time, Hattori Chi-kun completely erupted his killing intent, which made people horrified.


Chen Yang took a deep breath, and his status began to rise in a straight line.

Strong is strong!

When he felt Hattori Chikun's terrifying murderous intent, Chen Yang had nothing to fear.

In an instant,
His state reached its peak, and his brain became clear.

The strength of Ming Jin Dacheng realm penetrates the whole body.

(End of this chapter)

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