Guoshu!My martial arts has a strengthening panel

Chapter 260 Genius!Enhanced Nirvana

Chapter 260 Genius!Enhanced Nirvana
Chen Yang's five combos of kicks and kicks, like a gust of wind blowing his bones, kicked towards the center line of 'Piranha' Rogshine.

The speed of combo kick is as fast as thunder.

Vigorous, fierce, domineering!

Without any hesitation, Chen Yang directly unleashed a super powerful nirvana, blocking the attack of 'Piranha' Rogshin.

Rough, simple, direct, without any fancy moves.

Incorporating Tai Chi posture into the combo killer move of leg skills, the speed is too fast.

this moment,
The fight is a speed.

This is not a head-to-head confrontation, but a peak duel of speed.

Who can take advantage depends on who can hit the opponent first.

How about cheating on the gauze?
Chen Yang took a deep breath, his gaze became firm.

Once the super nirvana bursts out, one leg follows another, the superimposed speed and strength make it unstoppable.

A crackling sound spread throughout the Riyadh Sports Center in Saudi Arabia.

at this time,

Chen Yang did not continue to use the fighting tactics, nor did he increase the distance.

Unlike the passive style of play just now Global, his style of play has become aggressive.

Assault style of play!
Compete with the opponent's speed with the extremely fast leg skills in a chain style!

That is,

Once the speed explodes, you must hit the opponent first before the opponent hits you.

As a result, 'Piranha' Roger Sean had to defend.

If you want to break the state of 'Piranha' Roger Sheen at this time, you must avoid the opponent's gauze defense.

at this time,

Chen Yang was at full speed and went all out to use the Jiugong flying step to the limit.

His feet are unpredictable, like a ghost, which is jaw-dropping.

no way,
At this moment, Chen Yang could not retreat, let alone be suppressed by the opponent.

The octagon boxing ring only has so much area.

Once the 'Piranha' Rogge Sean's attack forms a strong suppression, it will be difficult for Chen Yang to fight back in adversity.

By the time,
If 'Piranha' Rogshin starts to burst out his killer moves continuously, Chen Yang's situation will be even more difficult, even very dangerous.

It is necessary to interrupt the attacking rhythm of 'Piranha' Roger Sheen.

Otherwise, he has unlimited defense, and once the momentum of attack rises, he will become more and more fierce.

of course,

When Chen Yang broke out in an extremely fast attack, his observation skills were raised to the limit.

He must avoid the opponent's arms and fists, and must not fight recklessly with the opponent.

bang, bang, bang...

next moment,
A fierce confrontation erupted on the ring.

The two seem to have increased their speed to the peak at this time.

A burst of anger blazed on the boxing ring, shocking people.

Block, attack, block...

Both sides protected their vital points, and their style of play looked aggressive.


Both offense and defense appeared to be very measured.

'Piranha' Rogge Sean wanted to force Chen Yang to fight recklessly, but Chen Yang kept avoiding the opponent's reckless fight and counterattacked from an extremely tricky angle, forcing 'Piranha' Rogge Sean to defend.

A classic offensive and defensive battle began on the octagonal boxing ring.

Unknowingly, the boxing match has exceeded 2 minutes.

The intense and wonderful scene on the octagon boxing ring made all the boxing fans on the scene stand up, screaming and shouting at the bottom of their hearts.

The lightning-fast offensive rhythm gives people a super shocking visual impact.

Brilliant, fast, ferocious, unstoppable!
The atmosphere on the octagon boxing ring was completely ignited at this time, it was brilliant and shocking.

bang, bang, bang...

Without any reservations, Chen Yang completely exploded his combat power.


The two fought for speed with their legs.

Immediately after, he made a reckless move and took a few steps back at the same time.

You are riding a horse...!
After Chen Yang opened the distance, he couldn't help cursing in his heart.

at this time,

He felt that his leg became numb after he blocked 'Piranha' Roger Sheen with a reckless kick.

It hurts so much...!
The faster the speed, the stronger the explosive force, and the more terrifying the shock force received.

This superb speed duel.

What they are fighting for is reaction ability, observation ability, martial arts willpower, and defensive ability.

'Piranha' Rogue Sheen's fists, arms, ankles, and knees are protected by gauze belts.


His chest, abdomen, calves and other parts were not wrapped with gauze.


Chen Yang took two steps back, took a deep breath, and his eyes radiated fierce murderous intent.

Although 'Piranha' Roger Sean cheated and used the gauze belt.


It has to be said that his peak combat power is indeed terrifying.

Even if he didn't cheat, with his extreme speed, it would be difficult for Chen Yang to suppress him effectively.

Chen Yang raised his speed to the peak and concentrated his attention.

The exertion of Ming Jin's Dacheng realm completely broke out at this time, without any reservations.


'Piranha' Roger Sean has gauze protection, and he is not afraid of Chen Yang's attack.

Even if Chen Yang's strength is stronger, the explosive power of his ultimate move is stronger.

But in the fierce battle with 'Piranha' Rogge Sean, Chen Yang did not gain an advantage.

This shows that

With the protected 'piranha' Rogge Sheen, the peak combat power is stronger than Chen Yang.

The key is,
His speed is so fast that it is hard to guard against.

Chen Yang stared at the abdomen and calves of 'Piranha' Rogge Sheen!
If you want to tear apart the defense of 'Piranha' Rogge Sheen, you must hit his abdomen, chest, calf and other parts.

To know,
The gauze wrapping around 'Piranha' Roger Sheen's body is only at the joints.

His calves, shoulders, chest, abdomen and other parts are not protected by gauze belts.

If you can effectively hit these parts, you can break through the opponent's defense.


Thinking of this in his heart, Chen Yang took a deep breath.

"Hmph! Don't you like to fight hard with others?"

"What? Are you scared now...?"

'Piranha' Roger Sean stared at Chen Yang and snorted coldly.

at this time,

He exuded a fierce killing intent all over his body, and his eyes were full of beast-like aura.

That momentum gives people a strong sense of oppression.

next moment,
I saw 'Piranha' Roger Sheen burst into a sprint again, attacking with all his strength!

With a whip kick, it kicked Chen Yang's center line.

bang, bang, bang...

Whip leg combo killing move, as fast as lightning, enveloped Chen Yang.

The strong suppression of the heavy-leg combo ultimate move broke out again.

'Piranha' Rogge Sheen's arms defended his vitals, and unscrupulously broke out his leg skills to strike hard and attack strongly.


Chen Yang took a deep breath again, and his feet accelerated.

Assault style of play!
He didn't choose to fight recklessly with 'Piranha' Roger Sheen, but continued to fight fiercely with the opponent at speed.

Twelve-way tan-leg chain style, put the long and hit the distance!
at this time,

Chen Yang didn't use Tai Chi posture to unload his defense, nor did he use Bajiquan to attack 'Piranha' Roger Sean in close quarters.

The opponent has gauze protection, so they must keep a distance and counterattack with leg skills.

no way,
'Piranha' Roger Sean's fist and elbow joints were wrapped with gauze and became as hard as iron.

If he fights head-on, Chen Yang will be at an absolute disadvantage and will be easily hit hard.

in fact,

The more top-level boxing matches, the more ordinary the long-distance reckless leg skills seem.

This is the most mainstream counter attack method in the top competition.

Although boxing and elbow strikes often appear, they are rarely used for reckless fighting.


The attack at close range is too fast, and sometimes it is impossible to react at all.


When the boxer's strength reaches a certain level, once the close-quarters adopts a style of fighting that hurts both sides, it is easy for both sides to be maimed or killed, and it will become the end of both sides.

This is also an important reason why Chen Yang is more and more fond of performing leg skills.

It's too dangerous to attack with boxing in close quarters.

After the distance is widened, he uses his leg skills to fight each other. With his super telepathy ability, he has enough time to defend.

This is why Brazilian Gracie Jiu-Jitsu is less and less seen in the top competitions.

It's too dangerous to play in close quarters!

As long as they stand on the octagon boxing ring, almost no one will allow the opponent to come within half a meter of themselves.

Once approached by the opponent, a thunderous blow will erupt, preventing the opponent from performing any anti-joint skills.

To know,
Being able to stand in the top boxing ring of the world's martial arts world, every heavy punch and heavy leg that breaks out has the power to kill.

Close-range fights such as elbow strikes and heavy punches are all used to assist leg skills.

Vicious, domineering, ruthless heavy-leg combo killing move, the attack range is relatively far away, how can the opponent have a chance to get close under the intensive attack?

Ever since Chen Yang fought the Ultimate Fighter World Tour.

Any opponent he meets has very strong leg skills, and there is no weak one.

bang, bang, bang...

On the octagonal boxing ring, the peak duel of extreme speed leg skills dazzled people.

The lightning-fast heavy-leg chain-style, bursting with incomparable impact, gave people a visual impact that cannot be expressed in words, and a shock to the soul.

"Haha...'Piranha' Roger Sean's heavy-leg combo killer move is too powerful!"

"'Piranha' Roger Sean finally suppressed the Huaxia people, he will definitely win!"

"'Piranha' Roger Sheen has dominated the Colombian underground boxing circle. His leg skills have killed countless enemies. It seems that he has already controlled the rhythm of the boxing ring."

"The Huaxia people are completely panicked, his face has changed, haha...!"

"I finally know how to restrain the Huaxia people. I have to force him to get closer. The Huaxia people are very afraid of melee attacks."

"Strange, Chinese people's heavy punches are notoriously fierce, so why are they afraid of melee attacks?"

"I always thought that Huaxia's style of play was extremely perfect, but I didn't expect that he still has weaknesses after all."

"It's over, I bet Huaxia people 1000 million US dollars, is this boxing match going to lose?"

"'Piranha' Roger Sean is the top powerhouse in South America, how can an Asian be his opponent?"

"Come on! 'Piranha' Roger Sean, come on...kill the Huaxia people!"

"come on! Come on……!"

Throughout the Riyadh Sports Center in Saudi Arabia, many South American boxing fans stood up and cheered.

They saw 'Piranha' Roger Sheen burst out with a fast heavy-leg combo killing move, gaining the upper hand and controlling the rhythm of the boxing ring.

all of a sudden,

They were excited and jumped up excitedly.

The boxing match has reached 3 minutes.

The process is very long, but the fierce battle on the ring seems extremely short.

The two people on the octagon boxing ring no longer held back at this moment, and their speed was at full speed, breaking out the most exciting and fierce leg-speed duel.

Brilliant, intense, murderous, overwhelming...

In the sports center, the eyes of all the boxing fans were fixed on the two people on the octagon boxing ring.

Everyone knows in their hearts that the boxing match has reached the most important moment.

In the blink of an eye, the boxing match is likely to be over.


'Piranha' Roger Sean's sixth sense of crisis issued a stern warning to him.

A deadly threat looms over him!
next moment,
He didn't have time to think about it, he accelerated his feet, backed up, dodged, and wanted to distance himself.

Ever since Chen Yang killed Tuglev in Polar Bear Moscow, he has been very interested in Sambo's combat skills.

in addition,

He killed the Japanese ninja Hattori Chikun in Tokyo, Japan.

He also became interested in Hijima's ninjutsu.

In the past few days, when he was conducting actual combat training with [Spirit of War].

He merged Hattori Chikun's air-split, reverse-air slash, and whirlwind leg-slashing skills into his Twelve-Road Tan Kick.

The movement of the five-hit nirvana is very similar to that of Hattori Chikun.


The force is the twelve-way Tan legs, which looks more fierce, bursting, and ruthless!

The most important feature of the five-strike leg kung fu nirvana is its speed!
Due to the superposition of speed and strength, once the combo killing move erupts, the speed will become faster and faster, making it impossible to avoid!

Chen Yang kicked his feet, and his body rose into the air in an instant.

Super nirvana - splitting the air to kill five consecutive strikes!
This ultimate move that Twelve-Road Tan Kung erupted was stronger, faster, and more perfect than Hattori Chikun's ultimate move!
at this time,

Chen Yang's fighting spirit broke through the limit, and his momentum was like a rainbow.

"'s impossible!"

"This is... Chikun Hattori's nirvana! How could he do it?"

"what is the problem?"

at this time,

In the auditorium not far from the octagonal boxing ring, sat a strong man with a big mask on his face.

When he saw Chen Yang on the boxing ring, he suddenly unleashed a five-strike nirvana.

He stood up suddenly, his face completely changed.

"Damn it... this is not the ultimate skill of splitting the air!"

"It's just that the movements are a bit similar, but the force and attack direction are completely different!"

"How could it be that this five-strike combo killing move has the shadow of Sambo and the shadow of Hijima Goku Karate?"

"This kid is worthy of being a genius. He can actually fuse two kinds of leg skills together!?"

This brawny man wearing a big mask is the No. [-] powerhouse in the Black Cross training camp - 'Bomber' Rogelio.

This boxing match is his younger brother's fight against the 'Public Enemy' of this year's Ultimate Fighter World Tour.

How could he not come to the scene to watch the battle?
at this time,

He stared at Chen Yang, who was bursting out on the boxing ring with a five-strike nirvana, and couldn't believe it.

The speed of Chen Yang's combo killing move was completely blooming.

Run as fast as thunder, beyond the limit!

With the piercing sound of bones breaking, it spread throughout the octagonal boxing ring.

'Piranha' Rogge Sean's arm was raised upwards, trying to block Chen Yang's five-hit combo attack.

But... the speed is too fast!
The timing of Chen Yang's move was very ingenious, it happened to be the node of 'Piranha' Rogshine's attack.

Even though 'Piranha' Roger Sheen had sensed the crisis, he had no time to defend and block.

Chen Yang's super nirvana was almost accurate to the millimeter.

The moment his body vacated, his target was originally the head of 'Piranha' Rogue Sheen.

If this heavy-leg combo killer move hits the opponent's head, I believe it can kick the head of 'Piranha' Rogshine like a watermelon.


'Piranha' Roger Sean's arms have always been tightly guarded against his head.

Just after he felt a fatal threat.

His arms had a normal conditioned reflex, and he went up to form a block, protecting his head tightly.

The moment Chen Yang's body leaped into the air and burst into the air to kill the five-strike nirvana, he instantly changed the direction of attack.

This heavy-leg combo killer move slashed fiercely on the shoulder of 'Piranha' Rogsheen.

Ding Ding Deng

'Piranha' Roger Sean suffered a heavy blow to his shoulder, and stepped back five or six steps.

He staggered and almost fell on the ring.

this moment,
An unbearable pain instantly spread to the whole body.

"Oops...the left shoulder blade is broken!"

'Piranha' Roger Sheen only felt his head buzzing.

His left shoulder was hit by Chen Yang's heavy-leg ultimate move, and he was so powerful that his shoulder blade was shattered on the spot.

For a while,
His entire left arm was unable to gather strength.

'Piranha' Roger Sheen gasped.

The pain was bearable, and with his willpower in martial arts, the mere pain could not affect his state at all.


Now that the shoulder blades are shattered and unable to gather strength, this is the most deadly...!
Although 'Piranha' Roger Sean's main means of attack is not heavy punches and elbows.


Any fighter with a shoulder injury will drop dramatically.

this moment,
'Piranha' Roger Sheen's expression completely changed...

(End of this chapter)

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