Guoshu!My martial arts has a strengthening panel

Chapter 264 Bloodthirsty Devil! 1 generation Xeon

Chapter 264 Bloodthirsty Devil!Generation Xeon

The atmosphere in the Cairo Sports Center in Egypt exploded.

Boxing fans from all over the world shouted and cheered.

"Haha... 'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli! I didn't expect it was really him. He actually played the Ultimate Fighter World Tour with a wild card!"

"I always thought it was impossible for 'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli to fight, but I didn't expect him to finally be unable to hold back."

"The odds are one to one, making it difficult to choose. The Chinese are not weak in combat power. In the last boxing match, he killed the 'Piranha' Roger Sean."

"Bet on 'Bloodthirsty' Aoli, don't hesitate, this sniper battle, 'Bloodthirsty' Aoli will definitely win."

"That's right, 'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli is the head of the Xingyue training camp. He has fought countless battles and never lost a single one."

"The Huaxia people's peak combat power is indeed very strong, but it is definitely not that easy for him to defeat the 'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli."

"'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli is participating in the battle with a wild card. If he is not sure, how can he challenge Huaxia Chen Yang?"

"The world's five major black boxing training camps have begun to jointly attack the Chinese people, and the next one will be a good show."

"Tonight's boxing match is definitely the most exciting peak match."

"Huaxia people are very dangerous, and his next situation is not good."

"The Ultimate Fighter World Tour has entered the second half. It's not so easy to be a 'public enemy'."

"Hmph! The Huaxia people shot too fiercely. Since he killed Mino, he should have thought of today's consequences."

"Bet on 'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli, you can't go wrong, he can win...!"


What people didn't expect was.

The betting in this boxing match has become extremely crazy.

Odds are one for one!

The peak match between the two finally returned to normal odds.

fair and just!
to be frank,
Such odds make it difficult for many boxing fans to choose.

With Chen Yang's current state, many boxing fans are ready to bet on him.


Since Chen Yang went on the Ultimate Fighter World Tour, he has not disappointed all the boxing fans who bet on him.


Tonight's boxing match, Chen Yang is facing the 'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli.

A super strong man who stands at the pinnacle of martial arts in the world and has his own halo.

'Bloodthirsty' Aoli is no ordinary boxer.

He is not only the chief boxer of Xingyue training camp, but also the 'king of the strongest'!
That's right,

'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli is one of the 'Xeon Kings' at his peak, not a generation of Xeons whose strength has declined and has been retired!
He was already in the boxing ring three years ago, a fierce man who had exploded with a super powerful six-strike combo.

Huaxia Chen Yang killed the 'Piranha' Roger Sean, and Hijima 'Ghost Back' Hattori Chikun, and his strength was in a mess.


He has yet to fight an 'Xeon' in his prime.

In this boxing match tonight, can he defeat the 'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli?

Before the boxing match started,
Many boxing fans are very entangled in their hearts when they look at the handicap odds given by the bookmaker.

Betting on boxing is such an evenly matched boxing match, full of unknowns.

It's hard to choose.

Since the odds are the same, there are no unpopular situations.

The possibility of either party winning is very high.

Just when many Regal boxing fans were hesitating on who to bet on.

I saw 'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli stepping onto the octagonal boxing ring unhurriedly.

He is covered in tattoos, tall and mighty!

The muscles that are so fierce that they explode give people a super visual impact.

"Haha... Huaxia Chen Yang, I have to admit that your strength is shocking!"

"I never thought that I would play the Ultimate Fighter World Tour with a wild card."

"I never thought that in order to snipe you, the 'public enemy', the world's five major black boxing training camps will cooperate."

"I have seen the combat power of Tuglev and Hattori Chikun before, and their strength is not weak."

"It's a pity that to everyone's surprise, they all died under your fist."

"To tell you the truth, I'm very interested in you, and even the 'leader' of the Xingyue training camp admires you very much."

"Before the boxing match starts, I will give you a chance, how about joining our Xingyue?"

"As long as you agree to join us, I can let you go in this boxing match tonight."

"Otherwise... I'll bite your throat, drink your blood, twist your head off, and kick it like a ball...!"

"Ha ha……!"

while talking,

Just listen to the ear-piercing laughter of 'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli, like a croaking frog.

His oppressive voice gives people a strong sense of oppression.

I saw the 'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli laughed wildly.

He unscrupulously exuded hostility towards Chen Yang.

this moment,
He was like a wild dog that was about to go crazy with hunger, his killing intent was as real as it was, showing his sharpness.

Anyone who feels his state at the moment will feel a sense of dread.

not to be trifled……!
The momentum on his body seems to exude a 'bloodthirsty' breath, which makes people frightened.

Sure enough, the reputation is well-deserved, with its own murderous intent.

Domineering, ruthless, arrogant, bloodthirsty...

When 'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli stepped onto the octagonal boxing ring, he went directly to the iron net surrounding the octagonal boxing boxing ring.

The next scene on the boxing ring shocked all boxing fans.

I saw him grabbing with both arms and pulling directly.

A piercing sound came out and spread throughout the Cairo Sports Center in Egypt.


In his hands, the iron net around the octagonal boxing ring was like paper, and a gap was torn open by him.

next moment,
He completely tore open one side of the octagonal boxing ring.

The iron net surrounding the entire octagonal boxing ring was pulled by him forcefully and shook violently.

at last,

The iron net around the octagon boxing ring collapsed!
The boxing match hadn't started yet, and no one thought that after the 'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli stepped onto the ring, he actually destroyed the iron net around the octagonal boxing ring.

"Ha ha……!"

'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli's whole person's state seemed a little out of order, he was so crazy that he was about to lose his mind.

As if he didn't see Chen Yang, he destroyed the iron nets around him self-consciously, laughing unscrupulously.

He grabbed the iron net around the octagonal boxing ring with his hands again and tore it vigorously.

The iron net on the other side was torn, overturned, and collapsed by him again...!
All the boxing fans who were close to the boxing ring were almost scared to pee after seeing the scene on the octagon boxing boxing ring.


What does this bastard want?
Before the boxing match started, he actually took the lead in destroying the iron net around the octagonal boxing ring.

Many boxing fans stood up, too scared to speak out.

Fortunately, around the octagonal cage boxing ring, two additional security personnel are in charge of vigilance.

Even if the iron net of the octagonal boxing ring is completely destroyed, it will not be so easy for boxers to rush to the auditorium.

But even so, many less timid boxing fans were completely frightened at this moment.

Can you not be afraid?

The iron net around the octagonal boxing ring was originally intended to isolate the boxing ring from the audience.

In this case,

The auditorium cannot throw mineral water bottles and fruit peels on the ring.

At the same time, boxers on the ring will not rush to the audience because they lose their minds.


'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli actually tore open the iron net of the octagonal boxing ring.

This scene really scared many boxing fans
It seems,
'Bloodthirsty' Aoli's eyes were red like a madman.

The boxing match hadn't even started yet, but he actually competed with the iron net surrounding the octagonal boxing ring.

When he knocked down the iron net.

He didn't even let go of his anger, and stepped on the iron net with his feet.

After a while,

He seemed to let out a breath of anger, and stopped fighting with the iron net. After tearing the two iron nets apart, he stepped back a few steps and returned to the middle of the ring.

He stomped his feet suddenly, his body rose into the air, and he stepped down on the ground with a heavy leg.

A crackling sound spread throughout the Cairo Sports Center.

at the same time,

A gust of wind blew past, and the surrounding area seemed to set off a shock wave, spreading around.

Fortunately, the floor of the ring has been reinforced.

He stomped down with such a tyrannical leg that it was likely that the entire octagonal boxing ring would be dismantled.


This bastard is a complete lunatic!

Before the boxing match started, the octagonal box ring was almost torn down by him.

to be frank,
If in a boxing match, the boxer on the ring suddenly loses control.

Even if there are security personnel around to guard.

But with the peak combat power of the two on the boxing ring, how can ordinary security personnel stop them?

If you lose control of your emotions and rush into the auditorium, it will be too scary!

You must know that those who come to watch the fight, especially the audience not far from the boxing ring, are all top rich people who buy high-priced tickets.

Their main concern is their own safety.

They haven't practiced kung fu, and they can't block the blow of any boxer at all.


More boxing fans saw the state of 'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli at this time.

Instead of being frightened, they became extremely excited.

"Haha... that's great! 'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli, I bet you 1000 million dollars! Come on...!"

"As expected of the chief boxer of the Xingyue training camp, 'Bloodthirsty' Aoli is in very good condition tonight, he will definitely win!"

"Going crazy! 'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli, the bastard, has taken medicine again. It seems that he has taken a lot this time, so I'm afraid he will overdose!"

"As long as 'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli goes mad, his combat power will increase several times, and his body's potential will be infinitely stimulated. If this continues, he will not live to be 40 years old."

"He's a 'Bloodthirsty Demon', he never cares about the future!"

"This bastard is so cruel, every time I see him, I feel scared!"

"I was wondering if this guy would take down the iron net after he got on the boxing ring, but I didn't expect him to do that."

"'s not the first time he's done this!"

"'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli's body is full of murderous aura, and I feel extremely scared from such a distance."



Inside the Cairo Sports Center throughout Egypt.

Many boxing fans stood up and cheered.

They began to cheer for the 'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli.

Especially after seeing the 'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli go berserk and remove the iron net from the octagonal boxing ring.

Originally, many boxing fans were struggling with who to bet on.

all of a sudden,

They didn't hesitate any longer, but directly started betting on 'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli.

It is clear,
'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli's state at this time is starting to go crazy!
In previous boxing matches,

As long as the 'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli starts to go crazy, his combat power will become unfathomable and terrifying!
Strong, vicious, domineering, crazy...!
It is difficult to describe the state of 'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli at this time.

Xingyue Black Fist Training Camp!
This is the most brutal, intense, brutal and bloody black boxing training camp among the top five black boxing training camps in the world.


It is in a war-torn area and has always been in turmoil.

The turnover of students in the training camp is very fast, and many students who come out of the Xingyue training camp will be thrown into the war.

In the training camp, they must improve their strength all the time and stimulate the potential of their bodies.

in training.

Any method that can stimulate the body and enhance the potential will be adopted by all students.

In the simplest terms,

In the Xingyue training camp, any boxer will do everything in order to improve his combat power.

They trained their bones to be as hard as steel.

Extreme training method, strong current stimulation method, drug stimulation method, golden needle stimulation method...

They may not care about their bodies, but they must maximize their potential.


In order to allow all students to reduce pain during training.

In the Xingyue Black Fist training camp, students are encouraged to take drugs.

The purpose is simple,
After taking the medicine, the feeling of pain decreases, making people excited, which can infinitely stimulate the potential of the body and enhance one's combat power.

The world's top competition - the ultimate fighter, is not allowed to use weapons in the octagonal boxing ring.

So 'Piranha' Roger Sean's tampering with the ribbon is purely cheating.


If you take drugs, you are not restricted in the arena of the ultimate fighter.

In fact, to be honest,
For the top competitions, taking drugs cannot improve the overall combat power.


Although drugs can reduce pain, improve the state, and make people excited.


The side effects are also obvious. Drugs that can reduce pain usually affect the nervous system, causing the body's ability to respond and agility to decrease.

To know,
In the world's top martial arts masters, agility and reflexes are crucial.

Once the reaction ability drops, it is very fatal.

Few people take drugs to stimulate their state in top competitions.

According to the rules of the Ultimate Fighter World Tour,

Although before boarding the ring, several inspections will be carried out.


But no urine and blood tests.

And for the boxers in the world's five major black boxing training camps, most of them have the experience of taking drugs.

no way,
In such a brutal competition, who can guarantee that he will not be injured.

The most direct way to recover from injuries and reduce pain is to take medicine.

Some boxers take too many drugs in order to improve their combat power, and have formed a kind of dependence.

Extreme training is painful.

No one can keep going without medication.

in fact,

Taking drugs to stimulate the body, reduce pain, and sometimes help a lot in improving strength.

As long as it is not excessive, it will not have any great impact.

not to mention,
Drugs can make people very excited, full of fighting spirit, and eliminate fear.

Especially before stepping on the boxing ring, after taking drugs, although it will reduce the body's response ability, it can make people's state break through the limit in a short period of time.

in addition,

After taking the medicine, it can make people more focused, fearless, and dare to fight tough battles!
In this case, the chance of defeating the opponent must be increased by at least [-]%.

Just imagine,

On the octagonal boxing ring, the opponent felt less pain, his state was bursting, and the whole person seemed extremely excited.

Once this kind of opponent starts to fight for their lives, their fighting power is very terrifying.

(End of this chapter)

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