Guoshu!My martial arts has a strengthening panel

Chapter 272 The King of Destruction's Strength!The bloody battle begins

Chapter 272 The King of Destruction's Strength!The bloody battle begins

Chen Yang took a deep breath and looked up at the 'bomber' Rogelio on the opposite side!
The strong sense of crisis forced Chen Yang to be cautious.

very dangerous!
This sense of crisis far exceeds any previous boxing match.


Chen Yang had a feeling of facing death, which was very uncomfortable.

According to the crisis sense of spiritual sense,
Chen Yang had no more than [-]% chance of winning this boxing match.

That's right,

Chen Yang never doubted his intuition.


The boxing bell hasn't rung yet, there's still a chance!

Without too much hesitation, Chen Yang turned around and walked outside the octagonal boxing ring.

With a kick, he instantly kicked open the iron door of the octagonal boxing ring.

Chen Yang raised his head expressionlessly and looked at the high platform in the distance, with one palm raised above his head and leveled.

At the same time, the other hand pressed up against his own palm, making the movement of 'pausing the boxing match'.

As long as the boxing bell does not ring, you can pause!
Once the bell rings, it is not allowed to leave the octagonal boxing ring without authorization.

If you leave the octagonal boxing ring after the boxing match starts, it means you are defeated and you will give up automatically.

And now,
Taking advantage of the moment before the bell rang, Chen Yang directly kicked open the iron door of the octagonal boxing ring.


Las Vegas, the casino city of North America, Caesars Palace Casino Hotel, inside the boxing hall.

All boxing fans were shocked after seeing this scene.

" Karma! What's the situation? Huaxia Chen Yang actually called a timeout?"

"Is he going to give up this boxing match?"

"He opened the iron door of the octagon boxing ring and called a timeout. What is he going to do?"

"Is the Chinese not ready yet? Is he afraid?"

"This is the first time that Huaxia Chen Yang has stopped a boxing match before it started. Could it be that he feels uncomfortable and wants to give up immediately?"

"Impossible! The betting market has already been opened. If he gives up the boxing match at this time, he will lose a lot of money. Even if he gets on the octagon boxing ring for 15 seconds, it is impossible for him to admit defeat before the bell rings."

"Admitting defeat before the boxing match has even started is equivalent to giving up the 'Ultimate Fighter' competition!"

"No, Huaxia didn't admit defeat, he just suspended the boxing match, something should have happened."

"Scared me, I thought Huaxia Chen Yang gave up this boxing match, but I bet him 2000 million dollars!"


Just when Chen Yang opened the iron gate of the octagonal boxing ring and stood at the gate to suspend the boxing match.


A person in charge of the boxing match came over and came to Chen Yang's side.

With Chen Yang's current identity and status, as well as his current influence.

The staff of 'Ultimate Fighter' were very polite to him, for fear of offending him.

To know,
Chen Yang is now the 'Public Enemy', and is the most powerful contender for this year's 'Ultimate Fighter'.

Besides, this boxing match is broadcast live worldwide.

The betting turnover of this boxing match, including outlying villages, exceeded 3000 billion US dollars.

How dare a small staff member act arrogantly in front of Chen Yang?
at this time,

After the staff came to Chen Yang, they smiled and whispered:
"Mr. Chen Yang, hello, the boxing match is about to start!"

"You called to stop the boxing match at this time, is there anything I can do for you?"

The staff seemed very polite.

He seemed low-key, soft-spoken, and well-mannered.


Anyone can feel that this humble 'staff' is definitely not low in the organization of the organizer of the Ultimate Fighter.

Chen Yang didn't talk nonsense, and said straight to the point:

"The opponent's arms, wrists, fists, knee joints, ankles and other parts are wrapped with too many gauze ribbons!"

"He, using foreign objects, interferes with my judgment!"

"This is very unfair!"

"Although the Ultimate Fighter World Tour does not limit the use of ribbons, but if you use too much, it loses the meaning of the Ultimate Fighter's peak showdown!"

"If the opponent insists on using gauze, I will apply to suspend the fight. After I prepare as many gauze as him, the fight will start again."

"I hope that any subsequent boxing matches will be held in a fair environment!"

Although Chen Yang didn't say it clearly.

But anyone could tell that he was very dissatisfied with 'Bomber' Rogelio using so many gauze tapes!
we can even say,
Chen Yang clearly doubted the purpose of 'Bomber' Rogelio's use of the gauze tape.

no way,
Chen Yang had already suffered a loss when he fought against 'Piranha' Rogshine.

The strength of the opponent was not particularly strong.


When 'Piranha' Roger Sean's gauze was as hard as iron, Chen Yang was almost seriously injured by the opponent.

And now,
What he was facing was 'Bomber' Rogelio, whose peak combat strength was one level stronger than that of 'Piranha' Roghein.

In this case, the opponent uses a special gauze belt.


Not only was Chen Yang not sure of defeating the opponent, but he was even likely to suffer heavy losses.

Although there is no evidence that 'Bomber' Rogelio's gauze tape cheated.

But Chen Yang can put forward his own request to reduce the danger.

no way,
The sense of crisis was so strong that Chen Yang had to 'suspend' the boxing match.

"Uh... OK! I'll talk to 'Bomber' Rogelio!"

The staff nodded.

It has to be said that Chen Yang's suspension of the boxing match caused a great sensation.

After knowing Chen Yang's request, many boxing fans unanimously supported him.

'Bomber' Rogelio had too many ribbons wrapped around him.

5 minutes later...

'Bomber' Rogelio went back to the locker room.

When he returned to the boxing ring.

The gauze bands on his arms, knees, and ankles were all cancelled, only the gauze bands on his fists remained.

at this time,

'Bomber' Rogelio's face became extremely ugly.

Although there is no evidence that he used gauze to cheat.


Before the boxing match started, Chen Yang asked him to remove the gauze belt in front of all boxing fans around the world.

All this is like being slapped severely by Chen Yang.

in addition,

After the gauze was removed, both his attack and defense were affected.


When he returned to the octagonal boxing ring, he quickly adjusted his state.

He is 'Bomber' Rogelio, the number one ranked powerhouse in the Black Cross training camp.

Even if he didn't use gauze to cheat, he still had the confidence to defeat Chen Yang.

not to mention,
He has been injected with drugs.

'Bomber' Rogelio!
The chief boxer of the Colombian Black Cross Training Camp, and also one of the most terrifying 'Xeon Kings' in the world of martial arts.

With the restart of boxing.

this moment,
Around the octagonal boxing ring, the vigilance and security measures have been strengthened again.

Because Chen Yang suddenly suspended the boxing match just before the boxing match started.

Boxing fans all over the world are very concerned about the fairness and justice of this boxing match!
no way,
The influence of this boxing match is too great!
In addition, the location of this boxing match is also very clever, it just happens to be Las Vegas, the casino city in North America.

The turnover of betting broke the previous record!
Once the fight is over.

In the entire boxing scene, many 'uncontrollable' things are prone to occur.

Remember, North America is the place where guns are legal to carry.

The law and order environment here seems to be good on the surface.


Once there is chaos, it must be a big deal.

not to mention,
There are too many boxing fans at the scene.

Not just in the boxing hall of the Caesars Palace Hotel and Casino.

Even the square outside the hotel was filled with boxing fans from all over the world.

Generally speaking,
The most classic battles of Ultimate Fighter, including the final decisive battle, are held in North America!

in addition,

The three top competitions in the global martial arts world, the final decisive battles are all in North America!

This time, the ninth round of the Ultimate Fighter World Tour will be held in Las Vegas, North America.

all the reasons,

It is because Chen Yang's popularity is too high now, and the audience is too enthusiastic.

In the end, not only the location of the boxing match was arranged in Las Vegas, the casino city.


On the periphery of the Caesars Palace Casino Hotel, more security forces have been added to ensure order and no disturbance.

In tonight's boxing match, there must be no accidents.

Hundreds of billions of dollars in gambling, as long as there is any situation, it will be extremely fatal.

No one can afford this responsibility.

Chen Yang suddenly suspended the boxing match, which shocked the organizers of The Ultimate Fighter.

Fortunately, Chen Yang just asked Rogelio, the 'bomber', to remove the wrapped gauze tape.

If it is other requirements, the organizers of Ultimate Fighter really don't know how to deal with it.

But now the two sides are finally on the stage again.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

'Bomber' Rogelio looks huge, with shocking muscles.

He is like a steel tower, ruthless.

His eyes were cold, without any temperature, and his whole body exuded a beast-like aura, violent, fierce, and crazy!


While his elbows and arms, as well as the gauze bands at his knees and ankles were removed.

But his fist retained the gauze.

no way,
Fist wraps are acceptable and must be wrapped.

Chen Yang's fist was also wrapped with gauze.

The gauze belt can not only condense the strength of one's fist, but also reduce the force of the shock.

Moreover, the way of wrapping the gauze around the fist is different, which does not limit the use of claw skills.

When the 'bomber' Rogelio boarded the ring from the locker room again.

He stared fixedly at Chen Yang.

this moment,
He is like a fierce beast that is about to go mad, giving people a strong sense of oppression.

From the outside, 'Bomber' Rogelio bears some resemblance to 'Piranha' Rogo Sheehan.

He didn't have a hideous face, nor did he act viciously.

Although in terms of appearance, he is not handsome!

He doesn't look obnoxious.

His body is covered with tattoos, strange patterns, which are indescribable.

From breath,
He is like a lion.

That's right,

It's like a lion king who sweeps across the African savannah, has many lionesses, and has a very large territory.

That kind of domineering is shocking!
His heart was full of fighting spirit and fearless.

Ever since he stepped onto the ring again, the gauze on his fist had already started to harden.

in addition,

The medicine he injected before has already started to attack.

The effect of the medicine was very strong, and he quickly became excited.

at this time,

His state reached its peak, his fighting spirit began to explode, and his eyes were full of murderous intent.

From the moment he stepped onto the boxing ring again, he could feel the killing intent on Rogelio the 'Bomber'!
The battle for revenge!

In this boxing match, he never thought that he would be able to go on.

Fight for your life!

Not only did he want to prove his peak combat power, but he also wanted to avenge his younger brother Roger Sean.

The eyes he looked at Chen Yang were full of hatred, which made people shudder.

"Nimma's... sense of crisis has been eliminated a lot, but why is it still so strong?"

"There is indeed a problem with the 'veil' wrapped around his body, and the sense of crisis is much better now!"

"However... looking at his state, it seems a bit unusual!"

Chen Yang looked up and down the 'bomber' Rogelio on the opposite side, and frowned slightly.

Although the sense of crisis is no longer as strong as before, Chen Yang still feels very threatened.

His powerful spiritual sense made him aware of the crisis.

It is clear,
'Bomber' Rogelio's peak combat power should not be underestimated, it can pose a threat to Chen Yang.

Chen Yang watched Rogelio's boxing video.


At this time, the 'bomber' Rogelio, compared to his previous boxing match, his combat power has improved a lot.

In the few years since he retired, his strength has increased dramatically.

The chief boxer of the Black Cross training camp, no one can shake his position.

One can imagine that

How terrifying is 'Bomber' Rogelio's peak combat power.

at this time,

Chen Yang once again felt a strong sense of oppression.

This sense of oppression is different from the previous sense of crisis.

This is the imposing coercion!

To know,
Chen Yang's spiritual sensing ability has reached the level of "six senses", which is very sensitive.

This powerful sense of oppression can never go wrong.

Chen Yang's heart became extremely fearful, he did not dare to relax in the slightest, and maintained a high degree of vigilance.

He took a deep breath, put himself into a fighting state, and focused his attention.


next moment,
The entire Caesars Palace Casino Hotel in Las Vegas, inside the boxing hall.

All the boxing fans stood up, screaming and screaming.

Everyone is cheering and cheering for the two on the ring.

The ninth round of the Ultimate Fighter World Tour, the peak duel, starts now!
In the entire boxing hall, the atmosphere exploded completely at this moment.

All boxing fans became extremely crazy.

"Rogelio, come on, kill China's 'King of Destruction'!"

"come on……!"

"Huaxia Chen Yang, come on, fight like an Asian boxer!"

"Use your leg skills to kill 'Bomber' Rogelio! Huaxia Chen Yang, you are the best!"

"Huaxia Chen Yang, I bet you 1000 million dollars, come on, you will definitely win...!"


In the boxing hall of the entire Caesars Palace Casino Hotel.

All the boxing fans stood up, screamed and cheered.

At this moment, they became extremely crazy.


'Bomber' Rogelio kicked up with one foot, straddled the iron net around the boxing ring and began to warm up.

He kept twisting his legs.

this moment,
The muscles all over his body were as tight as iron, and his blood was congested and swollen, as if his strength was about to explode.

The violent sense of muscle power gives people an infinite visual impact.

have to say,

'Bomber' Rogelio's muscles are indeed very strong.

His martial arts strength is very high, and his muscles contain terrifying strength.

It seems,
His height was about the same as Chen Yang's, but his weight was more than ten kilograms heavier than Chen Yang's.

Looks like 'Bomber' Rogelio is getting stronger.

Not only is he extremely powerful, but his speed is even more terrifying.

At this time, the two of them were on the octagonal boxing ring, giving people a feeling of contrast.

If only from the state of the two at this time,
'Bomber' Rogelio seemed even more dominant.

not to mention,
'Bomber' Rogelio has been injected with drugs.

His state began to skyrocket, the effects of the medicine began to take effect, and his body's potential was stimulated.

After his muscles were congested and swollen, his state reached its peak at this moment.

Tonight's peak duel is destined to become a bloody battle of life and death!

Both sides have reasons not to lose.

Las Vegas in western North America is an extremely beautiful city.

This is the most desirable tourist city in the world.


The other side of this city is gambling, a battlefield full of cruelty and blood!

Both parties are ready, the bell is ringing!
The ninth round of the ultimate fighter's global tour, the super sniper battle, officially kicked off...!
(End of this chapter)

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