Guoshu!My martial arts has a strengthening panel

Chapter 274 Ultimate Skill!super explosive

Chapter 274 Ultimate Skill!super explosive
bang, bang, bang...

'Bomber' Rogelio's medicine began to take effect.

He looked extremely crazy and violent.

next moment,
He unleashes the most terrifying attack of destruction.

Kicking like a knife, unstoppable...!
The strong attack for 15 seconds in a row, the extreme style of play, the fast pace is shocking.

Ding Ding Deng

Chen Yang kept retreating, parrying, parrying, and unloading.

Under such a fierce attack from the opponent, he couldn't fight back.

at this time,

He unleashes the strength of Taijiquan and displays it superbly.

I saw his arms go up, block, his center of gravity sinks, and at the same time he pulls his arms to the side, all around!
This miraculous Tai Chi defensive unloading force cleverly blocked the heavy-legged killing move of 'Bomber' Rogelio.


Just now.

'Bomber' Rogelio suddenly withdrew his legs and changed his move, twisted his waist, and punched him with a heavy punch.

The heavy fist was thrown down obliquely, at a tricky angle, and suddenly the arm swung and the elbow bumped forward!
The nirvana - hitting the elbow and hitting the abdomen!
The speed of changing moves is amazing and hard to guard against.

A dull voice spread throughout the entire boxing hall.

'Bomber' Rogelio's elbow and abdomen hit Chen Yang's abdomen extremely viciously.

Quick, accurate, ruthless...!
The power is like a falling meteorite, fierce, domineering, and powerful.

Especially the angle of attack, tricky and weird.

It slammed down obliquely, and at the same time, it changed from a heavy punch to a heavy elbow, which made people unable to react.

There is no way to avoid it!

Chen Yang's spiritual sensing ability has been raised to the peak.


His attention was highly concentrated, and he didn't dare to be careless.

At the moment when Rogelio the 'Bomber' broke out with this nirvana of hitting the elbow and hitting the belly.

Chen Yang's spiritual sense has already sensed the crisis.

His waist bowed, and his body quickly stepped back.

have to say,

Chen Yang's reaction ability and spiritual perception prediction, as well as his agility, have reached the limit of human martial arts.


At the moment when he was about to retreat, at the same time, the strength of Tai Chi was concentrated in his arms, forming a tendency to block.

'Bomber' Rogelio's elbow hit his abdomen, and it hit his abdomen first!

Fortunately, Chen Yang's sixth sense of crisis is extremely sensitive.

His physical reflex was normal, and he bowed back instantly.

At the same time, he concentrated all his strength on his abdomen, and his abdominal muscles were as tight as iron blocks.

Otherwise, this blow to the elbow and abdomen could instantly knock Chen Yang into the air.

It is even possible to be killed with one move.

The speed is so fast that it is hard to guard against.

"Damn it... so fast?"

"Dog, sure enough, the gauze on the fist has become as hard as iron."

"This bastard's state is very wrong. He is too excited. He must have used drugs."

"Hiss...almost beat me out of internal bleeding, damn it...!"


Chen Yang stepped back quickly, and after opening the distance, he continued to take deep breaths.

at this time,

His concentration and telepathy abilities have been raised to the limit.

He didn't dare to relax at all, a powerful deadly threat enveloped him, making him feel suffocated.

'Bomber' Rogelio's combo attack is very ferocious, and the rhythm is incredibly fast.

His attacking elbow and belly attack is terrifying in both the suddenness of the attack and the lethality.

Even more terrifying is,
This elbow bump can interfere with Chen Yang's spiritual perception prediction!
That's right,

Chen Yang's spiritual sensing ability just now has been noticing the heavy punch of 'Bomber' Rogelio.

Because 'Bomber' Rogelio's fist was wrapped with gauze, which became as hard as iron at this moment, posing too much threat to Chen Yang.

All his attention is on the opponent's heavy punch.

But 'Bomber' Rogelio suddenly changed his move into an elbow-bumping move, almost defeating Chen Yang with one move.

To know,
Chen Yang's spiritual sensing ability has reached the point of "six senses".

This shows that

'Bomber' Rogelio's trick is so tricky, weird, and vicious.

of course,

What makes Chen Yang's scalp tingle even more is that 'Bomber' Rogelio doesn't seem to care about his own life or death at all.

He ignored his defense and launched an all-out attack again.

He is like a mad beast, attacking wildly without fear of life or death.

This is also the root cause of the 'bomber' Rogelio's daring to launch a 'sniper war' against Chen Yang.

From the moment he stepped onto the octagon boxing ring.

He no longer cared about his own life and death, and had the belief to die.

"You are riding a horse...!"

Chen Yang took a few steps back and couldn't help cursing again.

this moment,
He felt his abdomen, as if he had been stabbed by a knife, and the pain was splitting.

Even if he defends, blocks, unloads, and bends his waist with Taiji posture.

At the same time, he concentrated his strength on the abdominal muscles, and [Defense] was used to the limit.


'Bomber' Rogelio's elbow-hitting abdomen nirvana is too lethal.

at this time,

Chen Yang only felt that he was suffocating, unable to breathe, and extremely uncomfortable.

Chen Yang couldn't help taking a deep breath to relieve the pain in his abdomen.

He leaned against the barbed wire that surrounds the octagon ring.

this moment,
He re-evaluated Rogelio's peak combat power.

After a while...

I saw Chen Yang stomping his feet, his muscles tensed up, and his momentum surged.

this moment,
His fighting spirit reached its peak.

Let go of all fantasies and risk your life!

This sniper battle is destined to be a tough one.


This is also a life and death bloody battle, never ending.

Fighting with one's life, who is afraid of whom?

There was a glimmer of understanding in Chen Yang's mind, and his thoughts were clear.

He let go of his baggage, honor, fame and all.


Bloody battle baptism, meet on a narrow road, the brave wins!

Any martial artist wants to stand at the top of the world's martial arts, and wants to make himself invincible.

Then, you must let go of everything and fear no life or death, in order to be invincible and invincible!
At this moment, Chen Yang's aura broke through the peak, and it seemed that his artistic conception had been completely sublimated and transformed!

Fist burst!

That's right!

This is a complete stabilization of the fist intention, a qualitative change has taken place, forming an explosion of fist power!
The improvement of mental strength!
Chen Yang had a deeper understanding of the meaning of boxing.

It had been a long time since he had been suppressed so strongly by his opponent in the ring.

Unexpectedly, his martial arts strength state has reached the peak state of Ming Jin Dacheng.

On the contrary, in the boxing ring, when facing the 'bomber' Rogelio of the Colombian Black Cross Training Camp, he was almost crushed by the opponent's elbow bump!
This feeling of being strongly suppressed and hit by a killer move made him very uncomfortable!
A burst of anger, burning blazingly!
In an instant,

Chen Yang's eyes turned red, and his fighting spirit surged.

He constantly adjusted his state, and took a few steps back to distance himself from the 'bomber' Rogelio's attacking range.

During this time,

Although Chen Yang has been improving his power fusion.


He didn't slack off in the slightest when it came to improving his state of mind, spiritual sense, and boxing intent.

At this time, although he was hit by the 'bomber' Rogelio's elbow and stomach, he almost fell to the ground.


Chen Yang didn't panic, nor did he mess up his rhythm.

bang, bang, bang...

Next, I saw Chen Yang launching the fiercest counterattack.

He was almost collapsed by the 'bomber' Rogelio's elbow and stomach.

this moment,
When he regained his strength, how could he not fight back?
Chen Yang took a deep breath to restore his state to its peak.


He kicked his feet back and sprinted forward a few steps.

With a kick, the most violent counterattack broke out in an instant.

Kick, kick, sweep...

Twelve-way Tan's leg combo killer move is like a violent storm, unstoppable.

at this time,

Chen Yang's offensive and counterattack rhythm reached the limit, so fast that people couldn't see his legs clearly.

That invincible momentum erupted completely, extremely domineering!

Once Chen Yang brought out the momentum of the 'Ming Jin Dacheng' realm, the super-strong offensive rhythm, the effect can be called a burst.

'Bomber' Rogelio's defensive ability is definitely not bad.

In particular, his fists use special gauze tapes, which are extremely hard, making his defense like a fortress of copper and iron.


Compared with Chen Yang, his physical agility and his sixth sense of crisis still have some gaps.

The injection of medicine can only increase his explosive power and attack speed, and his state becomes extremely excited, and his pain sensation decreases.


The effect of improving his body's response ability and spiritual perception ability is not obvious.

An eye for an eye, an eye for an eye!

With a kick, Chen Yang kicked 'Bomber' Rogelio's abdomen very viciously!

This kick was similar to Rogelio's elbow and abdomen hit before, and it has the same effect.

Ding Ding Deng

'Bomber' Rogelio was kicked by Chen Yang, almost fell to the ground.

He felt his stomach, as if it had been blasted.

His mind went blank, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

at this time,

He felt a sharp pain spreading all over his body.

To know,
He injected the medicine, which has begun to take effect.

His pain has dropped a lot.


Even so, the pain in his abdomen at this time almost made him collapse.

After Chen Yang's ultimate kick kicked out.

A powerful explosive force formed a force spread, impacting his internal organs.

Compared with the 'bomber' Rogelio's previous elbow and abdomen.

Chen Yang's kicking special move is more powerful and more lethal.

The most frightening thing is that explosive force, forming a force spread.

The key is,
The explosion of Chen Yang's kick was very sudden, without any warning.

Although the movement looks extremely simple and direct, without any fancy movements.


Even with the powerful crisis sensing ability of 'Bomber' Rogelio, he couldn't detect Chen Yang's attacking intention of this heavy-legged ultimate move.

'Bomber' Rogelio's forehead was dripping with cold sweat.

Ding Ding Deng

His waist sank, and his feet exerted force instantly, and he retreated quickly to open the distance.

He is the chief boxer of the Black Cross Training Camp, and the 'Supreme King' of the global martial arts world!
He has experienced countless battles and has extremely rich battle experience.

'Bomber' Rogelio not only fought in South American martial arts, he even went to North America to fight.

He has defeated many strong players in the North American martial arts world, and has earned his reputation.

He was able to hold the position of chief boxer of the Black Cross Black Boxing Training Camp because of his fists.

Since he fought in the global martial arts world.

He had never been kicked in the stomach with such a strong counterattack.

To know,
He wasn't distracted just now, and his defense was extremely tight.


Chen Yang's sudden blow and kick was too fast, and the timing of the kick was even more unpredictable.

at this time,

'Bomber' Rogelio's back was drenched in cold sweat.

The heavy-leg ultimate move is too powerful!
Especially that explosive force made 'Bomber' Rogelio almost crouch down.

"Damn it... How can this kid's kick be so lethal?"

Rogelio took a deep breath.

If it was just an ordinary counter kick, it would be impossible to injure him, or even hit him at all.

It is clear,
The lethality of Chen Yang's heavy-legged counterattack exceeded Rogelio's estimate.

this moment,
'Bomber' Rogelio's eyes were bloodshot and red.

He continued to take deep breaths, his heart beat faster, and his whole body entered a state of rage.

The effect of the potion is completely explosive!
Hu Chi... Hu Chi...!
'The Bomber' Rogelio's body leaned against the barbed wire that surrounds the octagonal boxing ring.

at this time,

He kept taking deep breaths to adjust his state.

He had never experienced the feeling of being exploded in the abdomen.

The explosive impact formed a shock of force, causing his internal organs to be violently impacted.

For a while,
He found himself unable to gather strength.

The key is,
He felt that his lungs seemed to be squeezed and he couldn't breathe.


'Bomber' Rogelio's martial arts willpower is extremely firm.

His crisis sensing ability and force unloading skills have long been practiced to the bone, forming a conditioned reflex.

Chen Yang's heavy-legged killing move came close to his body for a moment.

His body retreated, and he bowed and unloaded more than [-]% of his strength.

this moment,
Have to admire 'bomber' Rogelio's willpower.

After he took a deep breath, he quickly recovered his fighting spirit.

He stomped his feet suddenly, raised his arms, and covered his head with his fists.


His body was bowed, his gaze was slanted upwards, staring at Chen Yang's fatal chest.

It seems,
He is like a wounded lion.

Domineering, vicious, brutal, crazy, ruthless...

A shocking aura emanated from him.


At this time, Chen Yang launched the most violent attack regardless of the opponent's state.

bang, bang, bang...

Destructive attack!
Leg skills, elbow strikes, heavy punches... Combinations of ultimate moves, endless!

His attack is like a storm, destroying everything, unstoppable.

At the moment when he was sprinting close to the 'bomber' Rogelio, he kicked fiercely with a whip kick.

too fast……!
This heavy blow from the whip nearly kicked 'Bomber' Rogelio away again.

On the octagonal cage ring,

At this moment, Chen Yang was so powerful that it was shocking.

He completely controlled the rhythm of the ring and gained the upper hand.

He has no fear of life and death, his state of mind has been sublimated, his fists have become powerful, and he has completely exploded!
Once he controlled the rhythm of attack and defense in the boxing ring, how could Chen Yang give up the opportunity to attack?
I saw that his feet exerted force again, kicked with a rush, and kicked over again.

at the same time,

The moment his body was in the air, it spun extremely fast.

Like a drill, it dived towards the 'bomber' Rogelio.

The nirvana - rushing, kicking and kicking five times in a row!

Dragon Drill!
This super nirvana is aimed at the vital points of Rogelio's chest!

The speed exceeds the limit, and the moves are invisible!
'Bomber' Rogelio's face changed, and his fists began to explode.

With a heavy punch wrapped in gauze, he forcibly defeated Chen Yang's 'Poisonous Dragon Drill'!
However, at the moment when Chen Yang broke out the 'Shadowless Leg'.

He suddenly changed his moves, kicking and attacking stopped.


Chen Yang's body approached the opponent, forming an impact with the inertia of his body!
Bajibeng nirvana - rushing to the iron mountain!

All his strength was concentrated on his shoulders, and he hit the center line of the 'bomber' Rogelio.

(End of this chapter)

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