Guoshu!My martial arts has a strengthening panel

Chapter 278 One Punch Bone Crushing!Hit 'Bomber' hard

Chapter 278: A Bone Breaker!Hit 'Bomber' hard

'Bomber' Rogelio frowned slightly, while constantly twisting his neck.

Although he broke free from Chen Yang's shackles.


His neck was still painful.

Standing not far away, Chen Yang also swung his arms and couldn't help but take a deep breath.

this moment,
His heart was extremely afraid of the 'bomber' Rogelio.

Just now, the opponent suddenly released a 'tornado back throw', which almost defeated Chen Yang with one move.

Too dangerous……!
If it wasn't for Chen Yang's last moment, he supported the ground with his arms, and at the same time completely exploded his strength, breaking free from the opponent's control.

Once it was hit hard on the ground by the 'tornado on the back'.

Then, even if you don't die, you will be seriously injured.

"Huh! In order to be able to break the melee anti-joint and wrestling, I was beaten by the 'Spirit of War' to the point of being autistic!"

"You want to kill me with a 'back throw'? You're a little bit off the horse."

Chen Yang looked up at the 'bomber' Rogelio on the opposite side, and couldn't help but let out a cold snort.

of course,

Chen Yang just stuck the neck of 'Bomber' Rogelio in an instant, preventing the other party from exerting force.

He himself was unable to use his strength because the opponent blocked his other arm.

For both, Rogelio the 'Bomber' was unhurt.


The super nirvana of the 'death roll' that he was bound to achieve was easily deciphered by Chen Yang.

This scene completely frightened the 'bomber' Rogelio.

Ding Ding Deng

'Bomber' Rogelio stepped back a few steps in a row, leaning against the iron net surrounding the octagonal boxing ring.


He kept taking deep breaths to adjust his state.

at this time,

He didn't continue to explode super nirvana, but distanced himself.

Although his neck was stuck by Chen Yang, it hurt a little.


Both sides restricted the opponent's power, and his combat power was not affected.

'Bomber' Rogelio didn't dare to continue to explode close-range ultimate moves.

Do not,
It should be said that he has no chance to get close to Chen Yang.

I saw 'Bomber' Rogelio stomping his feet, his whole body concentrated in his legs.

at this time,

Just when Chen Yang broke out in the twelve-way Tan-leg chain pose.

'Bomber' Rogelio took the lead in breaking out his legs.

With a kick, he kicked Chen Yang first.

Punch kick, side kick, kick...!
The combined attack of the three styles is as powerful as a broken bamboo.

Raid attack style!
Kick back with your feet to form inertia, and at the same time rush forward, and kick at Chen Yang's leg with a kick.

The purpose of this heavy-leg combo killing move was to interrupt Chen Yang's burst of leg skills and disrupt Chen Yang's attacking rhythm.

That's right,

His main purpose was not to attack, but to destroy Chen Yang's attack.


'Bomber' Rogelio's sixth sense of crisis is also extremely sensitive.

He felt the crisis, and without any hesitation, he exploded his leg skills directly.

At the moment when the combo ultimate move of rushing, kicking and kicking broke out.

I saw his body suddenly soaring up into the air, and then he slammed his legs and slashed down at Chen Yang.

Reverse ultimate move!
This whirlwind leg kick was aimed at Chen Yang's head.

Sudden movement, endless changes, people are hard to guard against.

Super nirvana - scorpion wagging its tail!
Judging from the ultimate move of swinging the legs and hitting hard, it is somewhat similar to the "crocodile tail swing" of ancient Muay Thai.


Completely different from the 'Crocodile Tail Waggling' nirvana, this scorpion's tail swaying movement is extremely subtle, sudden and unavoidable.

Lightning strikes!
Once the super nirvana of the scorpion wagging its tail breaks out, the speed is too fast!

At this moment, the air seemed to be exploded.


Chen Yang's sixth sense of crisis is not a display.

not to mention,
At this time, his attention was highly concentrated without any slack.

Facing the super nirvana of 'Scorpion Tail Wagging' that 'Bomber' Rogelio is bound to achieve, how could Chen Yang stand still and let the opponent hit him?


The moment Rogelio's swinging leg approached Chen Yang's head.

His body fell back instantly.

at the same time,

His center of gravity was lowered, and his legs stood firmly.

Its feet are like pillars, its body is like an iron plate, and it leans like a bridge!

This body leaning back was like a stroke of genius, and it cleverly avoided Rogelio's leg-swinging killer move.

'Bomber' Rogelio's heavy-legged killer move is extremely ferocious.

After his body flew into the air, under the acceleration of gravity, he chopped down with a heavy leg, forming a sure-kill momentum!

in fact,

Although 'Bomber' Rogelio's fist was wrapped with a ribbon, making his fist as hard as iron.


His main attack is not fist.

His fists are only used for defense, his real core of offense has always been his leg skills!

The core of the offensive killing moves of the world's top five black boxing training camps are all leg skills!

In general,

Boxing is only used for defense and to maintain the balance of the body.

In the world's top martial arts arena.

Leg skills, elbow strikes, knee top lore, etc. are the mainstream.

At this time, Chen Yang faced the craziest swinging legs and pounding nirvana of 'Bomber' Rogelio, and the most efficient way to fight was to avoid his sharp edge!
After Chen Yang avoided the opponent's super nirvana.

He quickly opened the distance, and then his waist sank.

He punched upward with a heavy uppercut, hitting Rogelio's mid-line abdomen in the past.

Fight back hard!

Do the opposite.

That's right,

At this time, Chen Yang didn't use his leg skills to fight back, but took advantage of the moment when the opponent was approaching him.

When he avoided 'The Bomber' Rogelio's leg-swinging thumping ultimate move, he countered violently with an uppercut.

Eight poles - subdue the tiger, split the mountain, hold the hammer!

Three in one!

This uppercut burst was very sudden and very fast.

have to say,

'Bomber' Rogelio's battle experience and comprehensive combat power have already stood at the top of the world's martial arts.

He is worthy of being the real 'Xeon King' and the chief boxer of the Black Cross training camp!

Tenacious, fierce, and fearless of death!

His speed and explosiveness, as well as his combat state, are shocking.

Especially after he was injected with drugs and his state reached its peak, he seemed extremely excited.

At the moment when Chen Yang's uppercut broke out.

'Bomber' Rogelio landed on one foot with his leg-swinging slam attack.

He didn't stop attacking, but continued to move forward with one kick, and kicked Chen Yang's heavy uppercut.

Domineering, fierce, unstoppable!

Action conversion, smooth and free, in one go.

An explosion-like sound spread throughout the boxing hall.

Chen Yang's heavy uppercut collided with Rogelio's kick very fiercely.

The fierce reckless fight of heavy-legged killing moves and heavy punches.

For a while,
Chen Yang's heavy punch combo ultimate move was interrupted by the heavy leg of 'Bomber' Rogelio.

of course,

'Bomber' Rogelio's leg combo ultimate move was also resolved by Chen Yang's heavy punch.

Evenly matched!

The two of them fought recklessly with this ultimate move, evenly matched, and did not have any advantage.

bang, bang, bang...

The two people on the octagon boxing ring broke out in the craziest confrontation.

The rhythm of offense and defense is getting faster and faster, which is dazzling.

Move without shadow!

All the boxing fans around opened their eyes wide, staring at the scene on the ring in disbelief.

too fast……!
Except for some top fighters, other ordinary boxing fans simply couldn't see the moves of both sides clearly.


At this time, it can be clearly felt that although the two of them broke out in the most intense reckless fight.


The boxing time has exceeded 4 minutes, and the two sides have become more cautious.

Judging from the state of the two at the moment, they did not adopt the 'full attack method', but both began to stay on the defensive.

no way,
After 4 minutes of fierce confrontation, both sides are very aware of the power of the opponent's heavy attack.

Even if 'Bomber' Rogelio's fist is wrapped with gauze, it's like having two hammers.


Facing Chen Yang's stormy attack, 'Bomber' Rogelio did not dare to be careless.

There is no gauze protection for his chest, arms, knees, lower body and other parts.

Once hit, it is very deadly.

After more than four minutes of fierce fighting, the two on the ring began to become more cautious and cautious.

this moment,
Anyone who is negligent in defense will bear the price of life.

bang, bang, bang...

In the fierce reckless fight on the octagon boxing ring, it can be quickly felt that the state of 'Bomber' Rogelio has become more and more crazy.


He kept adjusting his breathing, and his eyes became red.

this moment,
He had to suppress the beating of his heart, feeling like his heart was about to burst.

The efficacy of the medicine exploded completely and reached the limit.

He could clearly feel that the load on his heart had reached its peak.

His muscles began to heat up, and his bones felt like ants were crawling.

The potential is fully stimulated, and the state is at its peak!

To know,
Although the drug he injected, the effect of the drug can last for more than half an hour.


The real peak period of efficacy is less than 3 minutes.

And now,
The effect of the medicine has been fully stimulated, and the peak period has arrived!
If Chen Yang cannot be killed within the next 3 minutes, his condition will decline once the drug's effect has passed its peak.

In this way, he is not far from losing!

"Ah... bastard! Huaxia Chen Yang, tonight... I will kill you!"

"I want to use your blood to pay homage to Sean's spirit in heaven!"

'Bomber' Rogelio roared to the sky.

If he can't defeat Huaxia Chen Yang at the cost of injecting medicine and wrapping gauze around his fists.

He couldn't bear such a result.

To know,
Although the medicine he injected had little side effects, he only needed to cultivate for more than half a year to recover.

But is this the case?

All of these are just words to comfort him.

As the chief boxer of the Black Cross training camp, how could 'Bomber' Rogelio not be aware of this?
Any medicine that stimulates the body's potential will cause irreversible damage to the body.

After he injected the medicine, it already means that he will quit the martial arts world.

"Hmph! If I can kill 'Piranha' Rogoshin, I can also kill you, Rogelio!"

"You want to kill me, do you have the strength?"

"Using medicine to stimulate the potential of your body, although it can improve your state for a period of time, it can't improve your peak combat power!"

"Choose to use drugs to improve your strength, you have gone in the wrong direction!"

"Your reaction ability and crisis sensing ability have not been improved at all, but have been restrained!"

"Tonight's boxing match is destined to be your point of no return!"

"I am bound to win the title of 'Ultimate Fighter' in the global martial arts world!"

"Anyone who wants to snipe me will have to pay for his life...!"

Chen Yang snorted coldly, stomped his feet, and his momentum reached its peak.

this moment,
His eyes also turned red with endless killing intent.

He also looked extremely crazy, like a wild beast, fierce and ruthless.

bang, bang, bang...

Chen Yang unleashed the craziest combination of killer moves on the ring.

The pace is too fast...!
He kicked his feet, his waist sank, and his body rushed forward.

A kick kicked towards Rogelio's center line.

At the moment when the kick broke out,

The Jiugong Flying Step under his feet was fully used, and he slid forward.

The Eight Extremes Ultimate Move - Hades' Three Hands!

The combination of leg skills and boxing skills makes people unavoidable!

This combined ultimate move combines Bajiquan, Twelve-way Tan Kick, Nine Palace Flying Step, and Taijiquan's power, and its power is extremely terrifying.

Unreal, unpredictable!
Using kicks to attract the opponent's heavy punches to defend, followed by an eight-pole ultimate move - Hades' three-point hand!

The super combo ultimate move explodes in an instant!


Rogelio only felt a buzzing in his head.

His sixth sense of crisis gave him a stern warning.

When he felt the power of Chen Yang's combination ultimate move, he was shocked.

He bowed his body to avoid Chen Yang's rushing and kicking.


At the moment when he was about to stand up straight, he couldn't avoid Chen Yang's "Three Points of Hell" that Chen Yang was bound to win!
Hades let you die on the third watch, who dares to keep you until the fifth watch! ?

Chen Yang's octopus ultimate move hit the vital point of the 'bomber' Rogelio's chest extremely viciously.

Extremely fast, ferocious, domineering, ruthless...!
The power exploded at one point, like a bomb falling to the ground.

An ear-piercing sound of bones breaking spread throughout the boxing hall of the Caesars Palace Hotel.

'Bomber' Rogelio's defensive ability is beyond doubt.

In particular, his fist was wrapped with gauze, which was as hard as iron and could withstand any heavy blow.

With his superb sixth sense of crisis, his defense is like an impregnable wall.


From the start of the boxing match, he has always been vigilant against Chen Yang, guarding his vitals closely.

global martial arts,

It is extremely difficult for anyone to break through his defense.

What's more, his current state has reached its peak, and no one can easily tear his defense apart.


Chen Yang's combination killer move was too sudden!

The combination of false moves and real moves instantly tore apart Rogelio's defense with heavy punches from the 'bomber'.

Like a bomb out of the chamber.

This three-pointed hand of Hades instantly smashed into the chest of 'Bomber' Rogelio!

Just when 'Bomber' Rogelio's face changed drastically, he blocked with his fists down, trying to block Chen Yang's heavy punch.

Chen Yang's heavy punch instantly changed direction and hit the shoulder of 'Bomber' Rogelio.

to be frank,
Fortunately, 'Bomber' Rogelio's fist was as hard as iron. He blocked and protected his vitals in the chest, making Chen Yang have to change the direction of attack.

This three-point hand nirvana of Hades, once it hits the vital point of the 'bomber' Rogelio's chest, he will kill the opponent with one move.

at this time,

Although 'Bomber' Rogelio blocked his chest with his fists.


His shoulder was exposed under Chen Yang's heavy punch.

This octopus killing move, Hades' three-point hand, is extremely lethal.

With a heavy punch, 'Bomber' Rogelio was hit hard.

In an instant,

'Bomber' Rogelio's left shoulder was like being hit hard by a hammer.

The bones were crushed with one move!
An unbearable pain spread all over his body.

'Bomber' Rogelio's expression completely changed at this moment...

(End of this chapter)

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