Guoshu!My martial arts has a strengthening panel

Chapter 284 All goals are to kill the opponent

Chapter 284 All Goals Are To Kill The Opponent
Only fast is not broken!

Speed ​​opponents have always been the most difficult.

not to mention,
'Blade Runner' Coulson is not a pure speed fighter.

He is tall and strong, not only super fast, but also has super explosive power.

The boxing match has just begun.

'Blade Warrior' Kusen unleashed a six-strike combo super powerful nirvana, and at the same time used a combination of claw skills to attack Chen Yang's throat.

Such a ferocious and fierce attack style can be called a burst.

What Chen Yang didn't expect was that the bell had just rang.

Kusen broke out in an instant attack without any pause.

before this,

Chen Yang has carefully studied Couson's style characteristics.

This black guy's style of play is sharp, his attack is fierce, his speed is fast, and his strength is fierce.


He rarely breaks out into a powerful attack at the moment the bell rings in a boxing match.

That is,

Although his style is very tough, his style of play is not so aggressive.

Coulson's combination of heavy kicks, elbow strikes, and claw skills have killed many strong men in the ring.

His combined style of play is sharp and ruthless, making it hard to guard against.


This is also the most obvious feature of Krav Maga, with its superb skills.

Not only is it unexpected when attacking, but the key is that the direction of attack is tricky, weird, and infinitely lethal.

Even more terrifying is,
His leg skills and claw skills are not false moves, but actual moves.

Anyone facing Couson's strong attack is easy to attract attention and defense by his leg skills.

His combination of claw skills is the most terrifying fatal blow nirvana.

If he was hit by his claw skills, even if he didn't hit the throat, he would be seriously injured.

to be frank,
Even boxing fans who were familiar with Coulson were shocked after seeing what happened in the boxing ring.

To know,
The combined killer move of the six-strike combo of the leg skill and the claw skill is one of Kurson's trump card killer moves.

That's right,

With this nirvana, Kurson has killed many masters.


No one expected that Kurson would unleash his killer move at the very beginning of the boxing match.

It's surprising...!
What does he want to do?
In general,

For evenly matched top powerhouses.

The moment the bell of the boxing match rang, both sides would conduct a test, and even put on an offensive and defensive style.

Advance to attack, retreat to defend!

Just like Chen Yang's eight-pole offensive and defensive style, his style of play is very cautious and careful.

At this time, if you burst out your trump card killing move instantly, the chance of successfully hitting the opponent is very small.

to be frank,
When you don't know the opponent's offense and defense, it is very unwise to explode super nirvana.

Chen Yang took a step back and frowned slightly.

this moment,
Even if Chen Yang is ready to fight, stay vigilant, concentrate his attention, and raise his spiritual sensing ability to the limit.


After Kusen broke out with a strong attack in an instant, for a while, Chen Yang was unable to judge the opponent's attacking intention.

What do you mean...?
What is the purpose of this guy's terrifying attack from the very beginning of the boxing match?
Chen Yang took a deep breath, backed away continuously, and distanced himself from the opponent.

The Nine Palaces Flying Step under his feet has been promoted to the peak, and his heart is full of fear, not daring to be negligent in the slightest.


Backing away and dodging at this time is very passive, and it is not the best choice.

no way,
Coulson took the lead in launching a six-hit combo of super-powerful special attacks. The rhythm was very fast, and the explosive power was so explosive that it was unstoppable.

The area of ​​the octagonal cage ring is only so big.

If you blindly retreat and dodge, you will become passive once the opponent blocks you in the corner of the ring.

The bell had just rung.

If the opponent controls the rhythm of the boxing ring at this time.

Then for the next time, Chen Yang will fall into an absolute passive state.

To break the stalemate, the most efficient way is to launch a strong attack and disrupt the opponent's offensive rhythm.

"Damn it... is this trying to force me to fight hard!?"

"The boxing match has just started, and this bastard wants to force me to fight hard!? Is there a mistake?"

"It seems like this bastard is extremely confident in his defensive abilities!"

"That's right, in terms of size, this guy is really resistant to beating...!"

After Chen Yang exhaled, he stomped his feet and took a few steps back again.

He has never been afraid of head-to-head attacks.

not to mention,
His current martial arts development state has broken through to the state of Ming Jin Dacheng, and he is only one step away from dark energy.

With his [Basic Attributes] that surpasses the limit of human martial arts, he dares to fight head-on with anyone in the martial arts world.

to be frank,
If the opponent is like 'Piranha' Roger Sheen, his arms and legs are wrapped with special gauze ribbons.


Chen Yang may be afraid and dare not fight head-on with the opponent easily.

After all, it is only the tenth round of the Ultimate Fighter World Tour.

Once someone is seriously injured in a head-to-head fight, no one can guarantee what uncontrollable things will happen in the next boxing match.

If it weren't for being forced to do nothing, Chen Yang would not easily fight head-on with his opponent.

He must ensure that he is not seriously injured.

of course,

It is not so easy for anyone to fight hard to get Chen Yang injured without cheating.

At this time, Kusen took the lead in attacking, forcing Chen Yang to fight recklessly.

He didn't cheat, but formed a strong attack with his combination of ultimate moves.

In this situation, how could Chen Yang continue to retreat and dodge?
bang, bang, bang...

The scene on the octagon boxing ring left all the boxing fans on the scene stunned.

Even all boxing fans in the [Soul of Chinese Art] live broadcast room, and even in front of TVs around the world, felt their blood boil and their adrenaline soared.

It took less than ten seconds for the boxing bell to ring.

The most intense head-to-head fighting began on the octagon boxing ring.

Domineering, fierce, extremely fast, wonderful, brutal, bloodthirsty...

This kind of fierce fight with life and death, tough confrontation, is the peak duel that any boxing fan likes to see most.

The fierce collision of blood is shocking!


next moment,
In the entire Sydney Sports Center, all boxing fans stood up and let out a hoarse cry.

Intense, wonderful, shocking!
No one expected that this boxing match would be so intense.

This was just the beginning, and the two of them seemed to be angry, and they broke out into such a fierce fight.

This bloody battle is destined to become one of the most classic battles of the Ultimate Fighter World Tour.

Generally speaking,
Experts of this level and level seldom break out such a tough battle as soon as the bell rings.

bang, bang, bang...

Fighting like wild beasts, the speed and strength have broken through the limit of human martial arts.

Krav Maga fighting skills and Huaxia Kungfu, launched the most brutal confrontation on the octagonal boxing ring.

Fierce and domineering, wonderful!
This scene deeply stimulated the hearts of all boxing fans and gave people a visual shock.

at this time,

Kusen vividly demonstrated the lethality of Krav Maga and other fighting techniques around the world.

This killing technique of the Israeli military and police is famous all over the world.

In fact, not many people know about Krav Krav Maga.

in addition,

In China's domestic martial arts circle, there are even fewer people who know Krav Maga.

Because Krav Maga rarely appears in the ring, it is mainly used in actual combat.

Krav Maga on the battlefield is the stage where it can exert its combat power.

From the perspective of development history, the establishment of Krav Maga is very short, only a few decades.

But it was built for killing, not for ring fighting.

So it has no rules at all.

The most notable feature of this style of killing technique is killing people.

The core of its attack is usually the opponent's vital point, advocating a one-hit kill.

Whether it is its offensive power or the target it kills, it is all aimed at the weakness of human beings.

The purpose of every killing move is to subdue the opponent and kill him!

Israeli Maga!

It is said that in the Israeli military and police departments, this killing technique is a compulsory item.

It is a powerful martial art of the Jews that combines all fighting skills from all over the world.

In the global martial arts world, which fighting skill has the strongest actual combat ability?
this problem,

It is difficult to have a unified answer, everyone will have a different answer.

Some people think it is Kyokushin Karate, some people think it is Muay Thai, some even think it is Mongolian wrestling, and some people think it is boxing or Samborg killing skills.

Of course, some people think it is Chinese Kung Fu.

With different opinions, there must be different choices.


If you want to talk about which kind of killing technique in the global martial arts world, it is the most widely used on the battlefield.

I believe that many people will think of Sanborg's killing skills, or kick boxing and so on.

Because Sanborg's killing skills are martial arts that must be trained by polar bear agents and soldiers, and have experienced the baptism of bloody battles.

In the war, the title of the polar bear's fighting nation was earned.


If you want to look into it.

Israel's Krav Maga can truly be called the strongest killing technique.

It is mysterious, fierce, vicious, and as fast as thunder!


It combines the advantages of boxing, judo, karate, muay thai, sambo, and all other fighting skills.

Even in the actual combat of Maga, it contains some offensive killer moves of China's "Sanda".

Moreover, Krav Maga has its own unique characteristics of killing people, and it has a very terrifying power.

All the goals of its establishment are to kill the opponent!

Krav Maga has become famous all over the world in such a short period of time.

This battlefield killing technique can even be said to be all-encompassing.

Israel can be called the 'little bully' in the Middle East, except for its powerful technology and weapons.

It has a certain relationship with the power of the Krav Maga technique.

On the battlefield in the Middle East,

In hand-to-hand combat, there is no other fighting skill that can compete with 'Maga'.

Israel is known as the "little bully" in the Middle East, and its geographical area is not large.


Their population is small, but they have the world's most advanced technology, weapons and so on.

The economic strength is also very strong, with a very terrifying combat effectiveness.

anywhere in the world.

Israel's status is beyond doubt.

Krav Maga killing skills, after the verification of the battlefield, fame does not need hype and publicity at all.

Chen Yang's attention was highly concentrated, and his spiritual sensing ability was raised to the peak.

Ding Ding Deng

He stepped back quickly, and after a few reckless strikes, he opened the distance between him and Kusen.

this moment,
His fists were clenched like iron, his muscles tensed, and his eyes were fixed on Kurson's chest.


He bowed his feet, his center of gravity sank, and his arms moved forward to form a blocking posture, protecting the vitals of his head.

Kusen's attack speed and explosive power have surpassed the limit of human martial arts, and he has super attack power.

If he hit him in the head, he would definitely be severely injured.

Chen Yang was very cautious and cautious at the moment.

He has studied Couson's style characteristics in detail and knows the opponent's style of play.

This guy's offense is extremely fierce, explosive, and infinitely versatile.

Especially the combined killing moves are even more cunning, weird, and unavoidable.

Just like the ultimate move of the claw skill combination that was just started before, it is vicious and vicious!

After Chen Yang opened the distance, he stomped his feet and started Tai Chi offensive and defensive style!
Tai Chi Potential——as closed as closed!
See tricks and demolition tricks, to static braking!
this moment,
Chen Yang's eyes became serious, and the muscles under his feet tensed up, ready to unleash his killer move at any time.

If Kusen wanted to get close at this time, he could fight Chen Yang recklessly with the Krav Maga technique.


In the shortest possible time, Chen Yangneng burst out the [Madden Explosive Technique] in an instant on the defensive.

As long as the timing is right, use [Madden Explosion Technique] to forcefully challenge the opponent's ultimate offensive move.

Chen Yang was confident that he could completely defeat the opponent and even kill Kusen with one move.


If Kusen wanted to use the claw skill to get close, Chen Yang could use the same ultimate move to interrupt the opponent's attack.

With his current spiritual sensing ability, he is confident that the moment the opponent gets close to him, he will unleash the most powerful trump card ultimate move.

to be frank,
Chen Yang has never practiced Krav Maga, so he is not particularly familiar with the techniques of Krav Maga.

So he was extremely careful and vigilant.

Before he knew Coulson's killer move, and when he didn't adapt to the opponent's offensive rhythm.

Chen Yang's use of static braking is a very wise tactic.

bang, bang, bang...

Cousin's offense is incredibly fast-paced, and his explosive power is even more frightening.

Oppressive attack style!
this moment,
Without the slightest hesitation, Kusen broke out into a desperate play.

A destructive attack, sprinting towards Chen Yang, risking his life!

His heavy-leg combo killing move is as powerful as a bamboo, like a high-speed dump truck, charging towards Chen Yang!

Hitting and kicking combos, leg skills are incomparably domineering!
At this time, Kusen's combo of leg skills, elbow strikes and claw skills formed the most terrifying combination of killer moves.

His attack angle is tricky and weird, making it inevitable for people to avoid!

bang, bang, bang...

The fierce collision sound erupting on the octagon boxing ring is frightening!
Domineering, brutal, ruthless...!
Chen Yang didn't panic at all, but adopted a static braking style of play.

See tricks and disassemble them, and respond to all changes with the same!
After the fusion of Tai Chi and Baji Quan, the speed and strength have been increased to the limit.

Use fast to make fast, use softness to overcome rigidity!
Although Couson's offensive speed and explosive power are terrible.

But under the prediction of Chen Yang's powerful spiritual sense.

His attack did not pose much threat to Chen Yang.

For a while,
Kurson couldn't do anything to Chen Yang at all, and couldn't tear through Chen Yang's defense.

Tai Chi Potential——as closed as closed!
Chen Yang's defense was impeccable, like an iron wall, without any flaws.

bang, bang, bang...

Couson's offense is getting faster and faster.

The dull voice kept ringing.

The octagonal boxing ring seemed to be shrouded by a powerful shock wave!

That white-hot killing intent is terrifying...!
This is the most classic offensive and defensive battle, the peak duel between defense and offense.

As fast as thunder, there is no room for trickery!

Chen Yang took a deep breath, his heart was extremely calm, there was no wave in the ancient well!

He kept his eyes on Coulson's center line and used his telepathic ability to the peak.

at this time,

His arms are constantly blocking, using his strength to fight, defending and unloading, and his attention is highly concentrated.

His super sixth sense of crisis and six senses allow him to accurately judge the direction and intention of Coulson's attack.

have to say,

Kusen's sixth sense of crisis is also not weak, he can accurately predict Chen Yang's ultimate move to counterattack.

Whenever Chen Yang wanted to unleash his killer move.

Kusen could predict in advance and keep a distance, so that Chen Yang could not unleash the most terrifying ultimate move to counterattack.

Although from the perspective of the scene,
Couson's attack was extremely ferocious and took the initiative.

But Chen Yang steadily controlled the distance between the two sides and controlled the rhythm of the ring.

The boxing bell rang for less than a minute.

On the octagonal boxing ring, the most intense reckless fight was launched, which made people's adrenaline soar.

(End of this chapter)

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