Guoshu!My martial arts has a strengthening panel

Chapter 293 Dead!Backlash, such a tragic death

Chapter 293 Dead!Backlash, such a tragic death
bang, bang, bang...

Nickerson's combo of leg skills was a powerful sure-kill move, and he once again exploded with ferocity.

Hit hard!
He wanted to suppress Chen Yang again, making Chen Yang unable to fight back.

The narrow road meets the brave to win!

Chen Yang counterattacked with the most fierce and domineering combo of killing moves, breaking up Nickerson's offensive rhythm.


At this time, Nickerson's offensive rhythm accelerated again.

He wants to control the rhythm of the ring again at all costs.

at this time,

What you have to fight for is your own courage.

Whoever has a stronger martial arts willpower will have a greater chance of winning.

Facing the accelerated pace of Nickerson's attack, Chen Yang had no choice but to fight hard.

He must limit Nickerson's offensive speed and rhythm.

The consequences are unpredictable.

At this time, Nickerson also did not back down.

His time is limited and his physical potential is fully unleashed.

The boxing match has exceeded 3 minutes. The longer it drags on, the worse it will be for him.

He knew very well,
Huaxia Chen Yang's ability to adapt to the rhythm is terrible.

If the opponent adapts to his own offensive rhythm again, it will be difficult to continue to suppress the opponent.

So Nickerson didn't hesitate anymore and burst out in the final madness.

His momentum is extremely violent, and his attack is like a tsunami, sweeping invincibly!

this moment,
His heavy leg combo is a special move that explodes wildly.

I saw his body soaring into the air, and then a whirlwind slashed his heavy legs, slashing down on Chen Yang's chest.

Super powerful nirvana - heavy leg smash six combos!
bang, bang, bang...

One of the most terrifying super special moves in the Kangba training camp.

Sudden force, cruel and ruthless!
This is one of Nickerson's most terrifying super special moves, and it is also his trump card.

This killing move is famous in the global martial arts world!

This is also one of the killer moves that any top boxer in the Kamba training camp must practice.

However, there are only a handful of strong people who can practice a six-hit combo.

A crackling sound spread throughout the sports center.

Ding Ding Deng

Chen Yang kept retreating.

He used his leg skills to hit the opponent with this killing move, and his whole body took five or six steps back.



Chen Yang's body was seen leaning against the iron mesh surrounding the Octagon ring.

The iron net around the octagonal boxing ring was violently impacted and crumbling, as if it was about to collapse.


Chen Yang couldn't help but take a deep breath, and his fighting spirit broke through the limit.

A suffocating and powerful shock wave spread towards the surroundings where the two men had just fought hard.


The entire octagonal cage ring was like a storm.

Some boxing fans gathered close to the ring.

They felt the strong wind, which was so exciting that they didn't dare to breathe.

Chen Yang kicked off his feet with unparalleled dominance, and his momentum reached its peak.

Ming Jin Dacheng's powerful fighting spirit, which was at its peak, completely exploded at this moment.

this moment,
He looked extremely fierce, sturdy and powerful.

Then he exerted force under his feet, kicked suddenly, and rushed towards Nickerson.

Twelve-way tan legs-whip legs!
Nine Palaces Flying Step, Tai Chi Power!

Three attacks!

Speed, strength, momentum, fist intention...

at this time,

Chen Yang's combat status exceeded his own limits.

One leg explodes, sweeping invincibly and invincibly!

Nickerson was not afraid, nor did he retreat.

He is very calm, so calm that it is scary.

Even Chen Yang's whip kick was about to hit his fatal part.

There was no change in his eyes, and he was not afraid of death.

The big mountain collapsed in front of him, but his face did not change!
Even Chen Yang was extremely shocked by Nixon's super perverted inner quality.

No one can truly face death calmly.


It can be seen at this time that Nixon has done it.

He faced death calmly.

I saw Nickerson's foot suddenly kicked, remembering an upward kick, and kicked Chen Yang's whip leg hard.

Head to head!
Strong counterattack, ferocious, ruthless, bloodthirsty...!
this moment,
Chen Yang's offensive rhythm also accelerated, and he began to control the distance between the two sides.

At this time, he used the combo killer move of Twelve Road Tan Leg to suppress Nickerson's counterattack.

To know,
Once Nickerson's kick is suppressed with speed, he will be unable to explode into a super powerful six-hit combo.

bang, bang, bang...

Chen Yang's twelve-way Tan Kou combo killer move, once it explodes, its power can be imagined.

at this time,

Nickerson wanted to block Chen Yang's leg attack with strong kicks.

But unfortunately,

After all, he still underestimated the power of Chen Yang's Twelve Road Tan Legs.


In the Octagon ring, it was like a hurricane was blowing at this moment.

Chen Yang's twelve-way Tan Kou combo was unstoppable and enveloped Nickerson.

He went all out, fought fast, and completely exploded his fighting power.

His leg skills are extremely powerful and powerful.

at the same time,

The blessing of Jiugong Flying Step made his combined killing moves stronger and more powerful.

In an instant...

He seemed to be in an indescribable state.

The brain is clear and the attention is highly concentrated.

this moment,
It would be very difficult for anyone to stop Chen Yang's twelve-way Tan Kou combo killer move.

Nickerson's step and kick exploded instantly, before his legs could accelerate.


In an instant, Chen Yang's heavy leg kicked Nixon's abdomen.

Originally, the target of Chen Yang's heavy leg attack was the fatal wound on Nickerson's chest.

It only takes one effective hit to kill the opponent instantly.


At the last moment, Nickerson's defensive ability was very good.

His body reflexes were normal, and his arms instantly formed a blocking force.

As a result,
Chen Yang's heavy leg combo was his ultimate move, and he had to change the position of his attack.

A dull voice came out.

It was like a cannonball hitting him instantly.

I saw Nickerson being kicked away by Chen Yang with a heavy kick!

Even though Nickerson's spiritual sensing ability is not much worse than Chen Yang's.


His reflexes are very fast, his agility is agile, and his calmness is scary.


Facing Chen Yang's inevitable heavy leg move, he had no time to defend.

too fast……!
Unprepared to attack!

Chen Yang's timing of this heavy leg attack was superb.

The scene in the octagonal cage shocked all the spectators in the sports center and stunned them.

Nickerson was like a garbage bag, kicked away by Chen Yang's heavy kick, and hit the iron net around the Octagon ring hard.

The iron net surrounding the octagonal cage ring was violently impacted and shook violently.

all of a sudden,

The iron net was actually knocked into a dent.

One can imagine how ferocious the explosive power of Chen Yang's heavy-leg killing move was.

at this time,

Cold sweat broke out on Nixon's forehead, and his face completely changed.


His body leaned against the iron net surrounding the octagonal boxing ring, coughing violently.

A mouthful of blood spurted out, and Nickerson's eyes turned red, like a beast, which was horrifying.


Chen Yang finally breathed a sigh of relief.


The second-ranked top player from Kamba training camp is so powerful!

It's hard...!
Whether it is his offensive ability or defensive ability, it can be regarded as the only one Chen Yang has ever seen in his life.

no way,
Nickerson's offensive speed is too fast, and his explosive power is even more shocking.

Fortunately, Chen Yang's speed is not weak, and his spiritual sensing ability has reached an incredible level.

After his Nine Palace Flying Step was integrated with the three major martial arts, his combat power increased dramatically.

There is no way to restrain Nickerson's extreme speed attack style, let alone counterattack.

And now,
He finally hit the killing blow with a heavy kick, injuring Nickerson.have to say,

This master from the Kamba training camp has extremely terrifying peak combat power.

His defensive ability is very strong.

Chen Yang's tan leg combo kill move is infinitely powerful, and its explosive power can be called a burst.


Even if he hit it with all his strength, it only slightly injured Nickerson.

It seemed that Nickerson's fighting ability was not affected after Chen Yang's heavy leg attack.

His body flew backwards, but he was not injured.

Chen Yang took a deep breath and frowned slightly.

Immediately afterwards, he stomped his foot, and his strength gathered again.


Nickerson's body was leaning against the wire mesh surrounding the Octagon ring.

He raised his head and stared at Chen Yang, his eyes deep and terrifying.

After his body fully unleashed its potential, his condition had reached its peak.

For a while,
His body's pain sensation dropped significantly.

After the adrenaline rush, he was so high that he couldn't even feel the pain.


At this time, he knew very well that he should be injured!
That's right,

Just now, after he was kicked away by Chen Yang, his body hit the iron net around the ring.

He has indeed been injured!

at this time,

Nickerson's face was ferocious and his fists were clenched.

The abdomen is an extremely important part of the human body. After suffering a heavy blow, it is easy to cause internal bleeding in the internal organs.



I saw Nickerson's feet kicking, and his muscles tightened, actually increasing sharply again.

this moment,
His state became more and more crazy, his face was ferocious, and his eyes were red!

The potential is stimulated to the limit!
Nickerson's mind was buzzing, as if he had lost his mind, and all the cells in his body began to tremble with excitement.

"Chinese Chen Yang! I didn't expect your combat power to be so strong!"

"I have to say that you are a true genius and worthy of everyone's respect!"

"However, today you will die after all...!"

The state is completely violent.

Originally, after Nickson's potential was activated, he had been controlling his body to prevent his state from becoming violent and out of control.

Three states that stimulate the potential of the body, after a complete explosion.

His state will be out of control and his body must be suppressed.

To know,
Once the condition is out of control, the heart beat will double.

For a while,
His heart, blood vessels, head, internal organs... and other parts will all be under extreme pressure.

Although in a short period of time,
His combat power will soar beyond the limits of human martial arts and become unstoppable.


No one can accurately assess the consequences of an out-of-control situation.

He might even die suddenly on the spot.

This may be the sequelae of the aroused state.

But now,

Nickerson could no longer suppress his potential.

He must use all his fighting power to suppress Chen Yang once again.

Do not,
It should be said that he must end the battle within 1 minute.

After Nickerson's state completely exploded, he exerted force on his feet and rushed towards Chen Yang.

A kick, a kick, a heavy leg chop and a killer kick!
Super special move - heavy leg six-hit combo!

In an instant,

His offensive rhythm increased sharply again, which was shocking.

Chen Yang's expression changed and he quickly raised his arms forward.

this moment,
He didn't dare to relax at all and concentrated all his strength on his arms.


Nickerson's state is completely violent!
His heavy leg killing move was explosive beyond the limit and could not be resisted.

Even though Chen Yang was highly focused, he was fully committed to defense and effort.

And circulate the power of Tai Chi throughout the body.

Unfortunately, at this time, he still couldn't resist Nickerson's violent extreme blow.

I saw Chen Yang being kicked away by Nickerson with a heavy leg, and fell hard a few meters away.

" is this possible!?"

Chen Yang turned over and tried to get up.

He found that he couldn't move and felt violent shock all over his body.

At that moment just now,

Chen Yang clearly felt that Nickerson's speed and explosive power had doubled in an instant!
I can't stop...!
I can't stop it at all!


Chen Yang couldn't help taking a deep breath.

How do you fight this horse?
The power that Nickson exploded at this moment was almost the same as Chen Yang's activation of [Powerful Explosion Technique].

Not to mention resisting, even if you want to dodge, you can't do it...!
This has completely surpassed the pinnacle of human martial arts and is inevitable.


Chen Yang coughed, took a deep breath, and struggled to sit up.

That's right,

At this moment, he could only sit up, and he didn't even have the strength to stand up.

He was seriously injured by the heavy leg killing move just now.

Can't fight...!
This is the first time that Chen Yang has been so seriously injured since he competed in The Ultimate Fighter in the global martial arts world.

Nickerson's heavy leg killing move exploded instantly, tearing apart Chen Yang's defense and forming the most terrifying killing move.

Break the defense...!
Chen Yang's combat power was shattered!

Chen Yang raised his head and glanced at Nickerson, who was completely crazy, had lost his mind, and had bulging veins all over his body.

this moment,
Chen Yang's heart was caught in a tangle!

Give up!
If you hit the horse with a hammer, you can't stop it at all!
Nickerson's state suddenly became very strange, and his combat power was extremely violent.

Such terrifying combat power subverted Chen Yang's cognition.

to be frank,
Chen Yang felt that even if he broke through the realm of martial arts to the realm of 'dark strength', he would not be able to withstand the combo of killer moves that Nickerson unleashed at this moment.

This is simply not the combat power that humans can unleash!
never mind……!
Keep the green hills, not afraid of running out of firewood!

admit defeat!

For Chen Yang at this moment, it is the best choice.

Although he was very reluctant, he didn't want to give up.

But at that moment, Nickerson's powerful explosion shook Chen Yang's belief in victory.

If you continue to fight at this pace, you will definitely die!

That's right,

As long as Nickerson breaks out such a terrifying killing move again, Chen Yang believes that no one in the global martial arts world can stop him.

Nickerson's violent state made Chen Yang feel powerless.

Chen Yang's palms moved down, and he was about to slap the ground and admit defeat.


The next scene in the Octagonal cage left Chen Yang completely stunned.

After Nickerson unleashed a heavy kick, he stood in the middle of the ring and did not continue to attack.

He remained motionless, staring at Chen Yang with a ferocious expression.

In an instant!
I saw that the veins all over Nickerson's body burst at this moment!
Blood splashed and instantly dyed the ground red!

That's right,

A blood vessel burst!

In the blink of an eye, Nickerson turned into a bloody man!
In Nickerson's mind, there was no time to think carefully at this moment, and the blood vessels in his brain exploded instantly.

Potential cannot be stimulated at will!
this moment,
Nickerson's potential stimulation reached its peak, making his combat power reach an extremely terrifying level.


After all, his body couldn't bear it.

The blood vessels burst...!
That's right,

His blood vessels could not withstand such terrible pressure and burst instantly!
Killed on the spot!

It has to be said that the cost of stimulating potential is too high!
This is why in the global martial arts world, any top warrior must be extremely careful and cautious when stimulating their potential!
How can there be no side effects if you want to stimulate your potential and improve your combat power?
No one's heart, blood vessels, brain, or internal organs can withstand such a terrifying backlash.

Just imagine,

The heart and blood vessels exploded several times in a short period of time, how could they not be affected?

Especially the blood vessels in the brain.

When Nickerson suddenly burst out with a killing move and released his state of suppression with all his strength, the blood vessels in the brain were under several times the pressure. Can he not suffer a cerebral hemorrhage?
What's more, the heart cannot unleash its potential without limit and is destined to fail prematurely.

Chen Yanggang was ready to admit defeat.

But when he saw Nickerson whose blood vessel suddenly burst, he was completely dumbfounded.

what happened?

Is Nixon dead?

Kill yourself! ?
Why did this bastard stand in the middle of the ring in the blink of an eye, bleeding all over his body?

Chen Yang couldn't help but take a breath and his head buzzed.


Nixon actually committed suicide like that!

Chen Yang was unable to counterattack that terrifying combo of kicks just now!
Why did Nickerson die?
Originally, Chen Yang felt a fatal danger enveloped him and could not be reversed, forcing him to admit defeat.

But now,
The fatal danger is gone!

That's right,

Just when Chen Yang was about to throw in the towel and admit defeat, the fatal danger disappeared without a trace.

this moment,
Chen Yang was completely confused...

(End of this chapter)

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