Guoshu!My martial arts has a strengthening panel

Chapter 299: Kill with one hit, cruel and ruthless

Chapter 299: Kill with one strike, cruel and ruthless


The arm was completely broken and the bones were shattered.

'Cowboy' Jack couldn't help but take a breath of air, his eyes were terrifyingly deep.

The next moment, he kicked his feet suddenly.

All he could see was one of his legs resting on the uprights around the ring.

Instant force, like a landslide.

'Cowboy' Jack's feet took advantage of the shock from the iron net posts, and his body was like a bow and arrow leaving the string.

too fast……!
At this moment, he made a desperate move, like a bolt of lightning, sprinting towards Chen Yang.

Rush, kick, kick!
Super special move - six-hit combo with dash and kick!

The target is Chen Yang's abdomen, chest, midline spine and vital points.

Fierce, cruel, ruthless!

at this time,

'Cowboy' Jack unleashed his ultimate fighting power and fought for his life!
His super-powerful punches and kicks all target Chen Yang's fatal points.

Every heavy leg kick can kill someone.

Super powerful killer move!
That's right,

This is a special move that explodes after the fusion of punching leg skills, boxing intention, and extreme speed.

To know,
This is 'Cowboy' Jack's life-saving ultimate move, and it is also one of his strongest special moves that has swept across the North American martial arts world.

At this time, 'Cowboy' Jack looked extremely miserable.

His arm bones were broken by Chen Yang's kick, and his condition declined very obviously.

The arms cannot gather strength and form the most terrifying killing move.

He can only rely on his leg skills to unleash his final killer move.

of course,

All he had was a broken arm bone.

His other arm can still produce the most terrifying elbow strikes.

As long as he is close to Chen Yang, he will seize the opportunity and suddenly unleash a killing move with an elbow, which is very confusing.

At this time, it would be very dangerous if you only pay attention to his leg skills and ignore his other arm.

Just now, Chen Yang unleashed a super powerful kick with a six-hit combo, kicking off one of his arms and seriously injuring him.

For a while,
'Cowboy' Jack's peak combat power declined rapidly.

He had to make a desperate move and fight for his life.

It takes less than half a minute to be ranked No. 12 in the global cycle of The Ultimate Fighter in the global martial arts world.

Chen Yang severely injured Jack, the champion of this year's martial arts competition in North America.

One can imagine that

Chen Yang's martial arts power level has broken through to the dark power level.

His current fist strength contains terrifying 'secondary damage', and his peak combat power has been increased to such a terrifying level!

"Hmph! Originally, I was thinking not to kill anyone today!"

"I gave you a chance, but you didn't cherish it!"

"If you want to die, I will make it happen for you...!"

Chen Yang took a deep breath and snorted coldly.

this moment,
There was a horrifying murderous intent in his eyes.

Originally, before this, he thought that he had just broken through to the realm of dark strength.

My state of mind has undergone a transformation, and I have a glimmer of understanding of the true meaning of life.

When he knocked down 'Cowboy' Jack, severely damaging his opponent's arm.

He did not continue to kill him, feeling that the other party could no longer pose a threat to him.

of course,

More importantly, Chen Yang began to consciously control his murderous intention.

What surprised him was.

'Cowboy' Jack actually broke out on the offensive again and wanted to make a comeback from adversity.

In this case, Chen Yang would naturally not show mercy.

The moment 'Cowboy' Jack's heavy leg attack approached Chen Yang.

Chen Yang didn't have any merciful thoughts and instantly burst out with the most violent counterattack.

He took a deep breath and stamped his feet suddenly.


His center of gravity sank, and then he kicked forward.

Nirvana - Heart-piercing legs!

The kicks are like knives and the momentum is like breaking bamboo, making people unable to avoid him!

Chen Yang didn't hold back with this lunge, and exploded with all his strength.

His mind went into a state of emptiness, and all he could see was the 'cowboy' Jack who was sprinting toward him.

this moment,
All his strength was concentrated in this one fatal move of the heart-piercing kick.


The air seemed to be torn apart, and there was a whining roar.

This is a state where speed and power can explode beyond their limits.

A bursting sound spread throughout the Emirates Stadium in Dubai.

The moment 'Cowboy' Jack's heavy leg combo approached Chen Yang.

His super-powerful special move, the Heart-piercing Kick, struck last and struck first, kicking 'Cowboy' Jack in the vital part of the chest extremely fiercely.

A powerful counterattack.

Chen Yang retreated quickly, widening the distance between him and 'Cowboy' Jack.

His movements were done in one go, which was shocking!

"Competition in the global martial arts world is extremely cruel, and it is not a place where benevolence and justice are valued!"

"Chinese martial arts' observance and understanding of life are not suitable for the arena of martial arts competition!"

"The core here is to maim and kill!"

"If you want to survive, you must kill your opponent. There is no third option!"

"It seems that I am destined to follow the 'path of killing' to temper my martial arts mentality!"

"In the Octagon, if you don't kill your opponent, as long as you give him any chance, he will most likely launch the most powerful counterattack!"

"This is...the glory made of blood!"

Chen Yang took a deep breath and his eyes became firmer.

this moment,
He seemed to have a deeper understanding of the state of mind of the 'killing way'.

Winners live, losers die!

This is the most cruel martial arts road in the global martial arts world.

Bloody, cruel, ruthless!
to be frank,
Ever since Chen Yang entered the martial arts world, he had become accustomed to life and death.

Countless masters died under his fists.

He is not a good man or woman, and he definitely has no kindness or mercy.

before this,

Chen Yang has always advocated the "way of killing" and tempering his mind.

Especially when facing the assassination by the 'Angel Organization', Chen Yang almost condensed the 'killing way' to the extreme.


When he broke through to the realm of 'dark strength'.

He began to restrain his murderous intention and temper his state of mind.

Now it seems……

If you want to reach the top of the global martial arts world, the martial arts path of 'killing life' will be unavoidable!

After stepping into the Octagonal cage, either you die or I die!

There must be no oversight here.

this moment,
When Chen Yang saw that 'Cowboy' Jack was seriously injured by him, he did not choose to admit defeat, but wanted to continue to fight back.

He no longer tolerated the opponent's attacks, and had no intention of showing mercy.

In an instant,

He unleashed the most ferocious super special move!

Punch through the heart leg!
One hit kill!

He had given 'Cowboy' Jack the chance to admit defeat.

Since the other party doesn't cherish it, then go to hell...!
Chen Yang's mind became extremely calm and ruthless.

He instantly unleashed his killing move without any hesitation, extremely decisive and ferocious.


A violent aura swept through the surroundings.

Do not know why,

When Chen Yang completely let go of his killing intent, he could clearly feel the fighting spirit burning throughout his body.

It seems that the whole person's state has become extremely excited, making people's blood boil.That super strong fighting spirit and fighting spirit became stronger and stronger.

This is the state of mind of the 'killing way'!

of course,

'Cowboy' Jack actually chose to fight back at this time, which was simply seeking death.

38 seconds!

That's right,

From the moment 'Cowboy' Jack started to attack, he was hit in the chest with a running leg from Chen Yang.

The time is exactly 38 seconds!

The process sounds long, but in fact it only took half a minute.

Even many boxing fans at the scene have not yet entered this intense atmosphere.

The winner of the North American Martial Arts Tournament, Jack is nicknamed 'Cowboy'.

In the 12th round of The Ultimate Fighter Global Tour, he only lasted 38 seconds under the punch of China Chen Yang.

One hit kills, fierce and ruthless!
The power of the super special attack is frightening and unstoppable!
this moment,
The entire Emirates Stadium in Dubai was silent and you could hear a pin drop.

All the boxing fans at the scene were shocked and speechless when they saw the scene in the boxing ring.

Everyone stared at the Octagon ring dumbfounded, unable to believe it all.

The key is,
This boxing match ended too quickly!
Battle of the century, super sniper!
The time is only 38 seconds!


"The boxing match is over!? How is this possible? What happened?"

"Oh my God, I wasn't dazzled. Why did it end so quickly?"

"This is the last match of The Ultimate Fighter's global tour. The fight of the century was promised, but why did it end like this?"

"Shet... what the hell! 'Cowboy' Jack is the champion of the North American Martial Arts Competition. Why did he lose to Chinese Chen Yang so quickly?"

"As expected of the King of Destruction, Huaxia Chen Yang's peak combat power is really terrifying!"

"No, this is impossible. I bet $3000 million on 'Cowboy' Jack. There is no way he will lose!"

"Dead! I didn't expect 'Cowboy' Jack to die like this, shot to death on the spot!"


Boxing is over!

38 seconds.

Throughout the Emirates Stadium in Dubai, many boxing fans looked confused.

Before they could even react, the boxing match was over.

Lightning strikes!
The battle ended in 38 seconds, who would have thought?

This is the final round of The Ultimate Fighter global tour.

To know,
'Cowboy' Jack is very famous in the North American martial arts world and his popularity is also very high.

He came up in the underground boxing ring. After the baptism of bloody battles, his fighting ability is beyond doubt.

In the world of martial arts,
'Cowboy' Jack can definitely be regarded as the top strongman, a super master who stands at the top of the world's martial arts.

Although in the minds of many boxing fans, even based on the judgment given by the betting company.

Chen Yang has a great advantage, and his winning rate is higher than that of 'Cowboy' Jack.


No one expected that 'Cowboy' Jack only lasted 38 seconds under Chen Yang's punch.

How could this be?
Damn... Could it be that the Chinese people's combat power has become so terrifyingly powerful?

Do not!
This is absolutely impossible!

There's no way 'Cowboy' Jack could lose so quickly.

Many European and American extreme boxing fans cannot accept such a result.


'Cowboy' Jack's body fell on the Octagon ring, motionless!
After the medical staff came on stage, they checked for a moment and quickly covered his body with a white cloth.


The atmosphere in the entire Emirates Stadium in Dubai completely exploded after the audience reacted.

Many boxing fans rubbed their eyes, unable to calm down for a long time.

to be frank,
If you are not watching the boxing match at the scene, no one can believe that all this is true.

The medical staff carried away the body of 'Cowboy' Jack on a stretcher and sent it to the hospital morgue.

There were many extreme boxing fans from North America present. When they saw this scene, tears finally fell down.

Although they were unwilling to admit such a boxing match result, they had to accept the reality.

In the global martial arts world, no one dares to underestimate the peak fighting power of 'Cowboy' Jack.

To know,
'Cowboy' Jack can win this year's North American Martial Arts Championship.

Although there was a certain amount of luck, it all relied on his own fists.

From the underground boxing scene in North America, he fought one boxing match after another and kept fighting to achieve the fame and status he has today.

His strength is absolutely real and unquestionably powerful!

In the world of martial arts,
'Cowboy' Jack can even be regarded as a figure standing at the top of the pyramid.


Such a powerful master only lasted 38 seconds under the punch of Huaxia Chen Yang.

One hit kills, irresistible!
Could it be that...'Cowboy' Jack's strength has declined?

In other words, his style of play was restrained by the Chinese?
'Cowboy' Jack's fighting style is very popular among boxing fans, and this boxing match is the last one of The Ultimate Fighter's global tour.

This sniper battle is extraordinary.

'Cowboy' Jack dared to launch a final sniper attack on the Chinese.


He must be sure to defeat the opponent, how could his strength decline?
In addition, it is impossible for him to underestimate the enemy, let alone be restrained by the Chinese in his playing style.

It can be seen from the odds before the start of the boxing match that

Huaxia Chen Yang's winning rate is greater and his advantage is more obvious.

Therefore, it is impossible for 'Cowboy' Jack to underestimate his opponent in a boxing match.

not to mention,
China's Chen Yang is nicknamed the 'King of Destruction' in the global martial arts world.

From his "Thai King's War" in Southeast Asia, he was extremely cruel and ruthless.

Not only has he defeated all the invincible opponents in Asia, but he has also defeated any opponent on 'The Ultimate Fighter'.

As long as 'Cowboy' Jack isn't stupid, he can't look down on China Chen Yang.

Why was 'Cowboy' Jack shot to death on the spot in 38 seconds?

All of this... what the hell is going on?

Perhaps the only way to explain it is:
China's Chen Yang's peak combat power has increased dramatically again!

His strength is even more terrifying than in the last boxing match, making him unbeatable.

His current combat power has reached the top of global martial arts.

Even facing a master of the level of 'Cowboy' Jack, he has the potential to absolutely crush him.

38 seconds.

Chen Yang's offense and counterattack, as well as his control of the timing of his moves, were simply perfect.

He has surpassed the limits of human martial arts and reached an unbelievable realm!

Fierce and domineering, he can kill with one strike and is unbeatable.

of course,

The most shocking thing is that 'Cowboy' Jack's offense cannot threaten him at all.

His sixth sense of crisis allows him to accurately judge 'Cowboy' Jack's offensive intentions.

at this time,

All the boxing fans in the Emirates Stadium in Dubai were so shocked by Chen Yang's super fighting power that they could not make a sound.

Even in the domestic [Soul of Martial Arts] live broadcast room, all domestic boxing fans were completely stunned at this moment.

Many die-hard boxing fans screamed with excitement after seeing the results of the boxing match.

Damn... I just won! ?
38 seconds,

Chen Yang actually killed Jack the Cowboy, the champion of the North American Martial Arts Competition, on the spot!
Too fierce...!
Unexpectedly, the final round of the Ultimate Fighter global tour would be called the "Fight of the Century" by the media.

Chen Yang is still so fierce and unbeatable!

He is worthy of being the 'national idol' in the Chinese martial arts world!
The totem of Chinese martial arts!
at this time,

Zhan Zhilei, who was under the ring, breathed a sigh of relief.

"You win! Haha... As expected of me, Zhan Zhilei's master!"

"Killing the champion of the North American Martial Arts Competition in 38 seconds gave North American Martial Arts a severe slap in the face!"

"The Global Martial Arts Alliance wants 'Cowboy' Jack to snipe Chen Yang, but this wish is about to come true!"

"In the final 'ultimate battle' of the Ultimate Fighter Martial Arts Competition, Chen Yang will definitely defeat Fraser, create history, and win the final 'Ultimate Fighter' title!"

"The battle against Fraser is the real 'fight of the century'...!"

Zhan Zhilei thought to himself.

next moment,
The atmosphere in the entire [Soul of Chinese Martial Arts] live broadcast room was completely explosive...!
 Resume update!
  Some time ago, something happened at home.

(End of this chapter)

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