Guoshu!My martial arts has a strengthening panel

Chapter 309 I, the ultimate fighter!

Chapter 309 I, the ultimate fighter!

After checking for a moment, the medical staff shook their heads helplessly.

Killed on the spot!

Fraser's internal organs and bones were completely shattered and there was no way to save him.

Even 20 meters away from the ring, there was an ambulance parked.

But Fraser's vitality was destroyed on the spot by Chen Yang.

Watch Fraser being covered in white cloth and his body being taken to the hospital morgue.

Chen Yang let out a long breath.

Two minutes and 20 seconds!
Chen Yang killed Fraser and won the title of 'Ultimate Fighter', becoming the king in one battle!
From this moment on,
The Chinese King of Destruction stands at the top of global martial arts and becomes the 'Supreme King'!
this moment,
Inside the Madison Square Garden boxing hall.

All the boxing fans at the scene couldn't believe it. They stared at Frazier's body covered in white cloth with shocked faces and remained silent for a long time.

The entire boxing match hall fell into dead silence!

Everyone was so shocked by the aura that Chen Yang exuded after he killed Fraser that they dared not make any move.

The ferocious, sharp, and ruthless killing intent merged with the artistic conception of "the way of killing".

Almost everyone present felt terrified inside at this moment.

Chen Yang raised his head and glanced around, then faced the camera and said hello.

next moment,
He restrained his murderous intent.

have to say,

Since his martial arts power level broke through to the dark power level, he has been able to control his momentum to a superb level.

The violent momentum that was originally domineering was restrained in the blink of an eye, and there was no wave in the ancient well.


Strongly crowned king!

next moment,
Chen Yang clicked on the enhancement panel in his mind.

Name: Chen Yang

Martial arts: Bajiquan (Dacheng); Taijiquan (Dacheng); Twelve-way Tan Kick (Dacheng); Jiugong Flying Step (Dacheng);

Reinforcement: 【】+【Reinforcement Stone】=【】

Basic attributes:
[Strength]: 150 (10%)

[Agility]: 150 (10%)

[Defense]: 150 (10%)

[Stamina]: 150 (10%)

[Comprehension]: 57.6 (10%)

[Comprehensive evaluation]: 131.5 (10%)

Strengthening stone: 0 (primary); 230 (intermediate);

Free attributes: 0 (primary); 26 (intermediate);

Reputation value: 28 million;
Note 1: The percentage values ​​in parentheses of the basic attributes are the hidden attributes inspired by An Jin;
Note 2: The realm of martial arts power breaks through to dark strength. Strengthening martial arts does not increase basic attributes, but can improve understanding!
Note 3: [Intermediate Strengthening Stone] and [Intermediate Free Attribute] can be exchanged for [Treasure Box];

After Chen Yang saw the enhanced panel in his mind, he couldn't help but take a deep breath.


The limit value of basic attributes is 150;

In other words, the basic attributes of [Peak Ming Jin] and the limit of human martial arts are 150;

[Dark Power] realm belongs to the [hidden attribute] for the strengthening panel;
The realm of martial arts power has broken through to [Dark Strength], which means the hidden basic attributes are activated;
Chen Yang's martial arts power level relies on his own understanding to break through to the [Dark Power] level.

His major boxing technique "Bajiquan" naturally broke through to the realm of Dacheng.

Although the power levels of other major martial arts have not been improved, they have been integrated with Bajiquan and have also been upgraded to the Dacheng state, with their combat power increasing dramatically.

of course,

What makes Chen Yang most happy is that there has been a change in the improvement of [Comprehension].

Strengthening martial arts at the Dacheng realm can improve [comprehension].

To know,
[Comprehension] represents the lower limit of the basic attributes that can be exploded.

Therefore, the higher the [Comprehension], the stronger the overall combat power will naturally be.

How much does martial arts that strengthen the Dacheng realm improve [comprehension]?
Now is obviously not the time to verify...!
in addition,

In addition to completing the main mission, [Treasure Box] can be obtained through [Intermediate Strengthening Stone] and [Intermediate Free Attribute].


Chen Yang let out a breath to calm himself down.

He looked at the taskbar.

main mission:

[Raging World: Battle of the Lost City! 】

It is clear,
Although Chen Yang defeated Fraser and won the title of 'Ultimate Fighter'.


The main mission has not changed, it has always been the battle in the maze.

It can be seen from this that only by completing the final level of the Lost City Battle can one truly stand at the top of global martial arts.

of course,

At this time, Chen Yang felt a little confused.

With his current peak fighting power, even Fraser could only survive his punches for two minutes and 20 seconds.

He really couldn't think of anyone else in the global martial arts community who could pose a threat to him?

When the dark power comes out, who can compete with him?

His Ming Jin has reached the limit of human martial arts, and his An Jin is also constantly improving.

Fight the [Battle of the Lost City] by yourself, who can stop you from passing the level in the end?
Who can stop himself from winning the title of [King of the Lost City] and getting the [Key to the Lost City]?
Chen Yang took a deep breath again and was full of confidence in the next [Battle of the Lost City].

of course,

What surprised Chen Yang even more at this time was that the [Reputation Value] had reached 28 billion;
In other words, he doesn't need to worry about [Reputation Points] at all in the future.

He has enough [Reputation Points] to open the [War Spirit Card];
have to say,

Competing in the 'Ultimate Fighter' martial arts competition is a very wise choice.

of course,

The benefits obtained also made Chen Yang very satisfied.

He is bound to win the next [Battle of Lost City].

He has defeated Fraser, won the title of this year's 'Ultimate Fighter', and became the 'Strongest King' in the global martial arts world!
not to mention,
He is now the top seed player in [Battle of the Lost City];

He believes that he will definitely win the title of [King of the Lost City] and get the [Key to the Lost City].

Put it simply.

When the battle of the century ends tonight, Chen Yang has stood at the top of global martial arts and has the qualifications to dominate the global martial arts scene.

Since the establishment of the Global Martial Arts Federation, no one has been able to become the truly 'recognized' No. 1 in the global martial arts world.

To know,
Anyone who wants to be 'recognized' as the number one fighter by boxing fans around the world must compete in the three top martial arts competitions at the same time.

The ultimate fighter, the battle of the lost city, the arena of life and death!

If you want to sweep the top three competitions in the global martial arts world, you not only need super combat power, but also luck and time!
Because generally speaking,
The time intervals between the three major competitions in the world are very long.

Sometimes, if you want to complete the three top competitions, the time span reaches ten years.

It is really difficult for any boxer to maintain his peak form for ten years.

To dominate the three top martial arts competitions in the world in a short period of time requires luck.

have to say,

For Chen Yang, this is definitely the best opportunity.

Because just when The Ultimate Fighter ended, the Battle of the Lost City began.

of course,

If Chen Yang wants to be recognized as the world's No. 1 in the global martial arts world, even with his luck, it will take five years.

Because, according to the arrangements of the Global Martial Arts Alliance, after the Battle of the Lost City, the [Life and Death Arena] will open in five years.

Chen Yang has won the title of 'Ultimate Fighter'.

Next, as long as he wins the title of 'King of the Lost City', he will have a chance to enter the final 'Gate of Life and Death'!
As a warrior.

No. 1 in the global martial arts world!
This is not a title, but the most powerful person recognized in the global martial arts world. It represents more than just the pursuit of martial arts.

To know,
No. 1 in global martial arts!
This is truly one of the top martial arts in the world.

to be frank,
The final pinnacle showdown of the ultimate battle.

In tonight's boxing match, Chen Yang's peak fighting power has not completely exploded.

Even compared to the last boxing match, this boxing match seemed easier.

Although Fraser is very powerful, he can unleash a super powerful seven-hit combo.

But the threat to Chen Yang is much lower than that of Nickerson, the second-ranked player in the Kamba training camp.

Chen Yang's spiritual prediction, speed, dark energy penetration, etc. all surpass Fraser's.


His tactical play restrained Fraser.

Not only can he predict Fraser's offensive intentions in advance, but he can also effectively judge the direction of Fraser's killer move.

Especially when fighting from a distance.

Fraser wanted to threaten Chen Yang with a killing move, but there was no chance of getting close.

Just when Chen Yang won, the final result of the boxing match was broadcast on the live broadcast, and Chen Yang interacted with all the boxing fans in the [Soul of Chinese Martial Arts] live broadcast room.

next moment,
All the boxing fans at the scene reacted and screamed at the top of their lungs.

Almost all the audience watched in stunned silence as Fraser was taken to the hospital morgue.

too strong……!
Chen Yang's final burst of "step forward to hit the heart and elbow" was too fast and its lethality was explosive.

A killer move with an elbow shot instantly knocked Fraser into the air and killed him on the spot!
Such a terrifying offensive killing move gives people a sense of spiritual impact that cannot be expressed in words.

at this time,

Many boxing fans who had placed heavy bets on Frazier, including many European and American extreme boxing fans, roared and cursed at the top of their lungs.

"Lost! Damn it... Fraser actually lost to the Chinese in two minutes and 20 seconds."

"Why is this happening? Frazier was the last winner of the 'Ultimate Fighter' title. Has his condition begun to decline?"

"He was crowned king! Bastard... The Chinese were crowned king in one battle, and he became the supreme 'Mighty King' in the global martial arts world!"

"Chinese said in interviews that his goal is to dominate the global martial arts world. He has now become the number one seed in the 'Battle of the Lost City'. Can he win the 'King of the Lost City'?"

"The rise of Eastern martial arts is unstoppable! No one can stop the rise of Eastern martial arts!"

"It's unbelievable that Eastern Martial Arts has stepped on Western Martial Arts and stood at the top of global Martial Arts!"

"Chen Yang of China is very young. He is very likely to break the curse of the global martial arts world and become the unprecedented 'Global Martial Arts No. 1' in the global martial arts world!"

"Hmph! He wants to dominate the global martial arts world. It's not that easy. Just wait, the 'Battle of the Lost City' begins, and the Global Martial Arts Alliance will attack him with all its strength!"

"If he wants to break the global martial arts landscape, it depends on whether he has the strength!"

"The 'Battle of the Lost City' is the most cruel battlefield in the world. I would like to see if he can pass it?"


Many European and American extreme boxing fans were extremely reluctant when they saw Chen Yang defeat Frazier and win the 'Ultimate Fighter' title.

To know,
However, Chen Yang was invincible under the strong sniper attack. He swept all the way, defeated one opponent after another, and finally succeeded in becoming the king!
He not only represents himself as the king, but also represents the rise of Eastern martial arts.

This scene,
How can European and American boxing fans, who have always been accustomed to European and American martial arts dominating the world, be convinced in their hearts?

The structure of the global martial arts world was broken by China's Chen Yang.

Not only the extreme boxing fans in Europe and the United States cannot accept it, but even the boxing fans in South America are very unconvinced.

this moment,
Many European and American extreme boxing fans even felt a bit of panic in their hearts.

Do not,
It should be said that Chen Yang's strength gave all European and American boxing fans a bad feeling.

Eastern martial arts are on the rise.

In the coming time, Western martial arts will definitely be suppressed.

Once Eastern martial arts fully revives, the global martial arts landscape will be completely reversed.

All this is definitely not good news for the West.


All the viewers in the domestic [Soul of Martial Arts] live broadcast room screamed with excitement after seeing the final result of the boxing match.

"Win! Finally won...Chen Yang reached the top of the global martial arts world and won the title of 'Ultimate Fighter'!"

"Be crowned king in one battle! I knew Chen Yang would definitely win!"

"Haha...Chen Yang killed Fraser with one move in two minutes and 20 seconds. It was so exciting."

"The steel wire mesh around the ring has deformed. It's so explosive, so exciting!"

"This is the 'ultimate battle'. I didn't expect it to end so quickly. Fraser doesn't seem to be very strong, right?"

"Just kidding, Fraser was the last 'Ultimate Fighter'. He just met Chen Yang. Who else could beat him in such a short time?"

"I have always believed that Chen Yang will definitely be able to create brilliance, and he will definitely be able to stand at the top of global martial arts."

"Chen Yang created the history of Chinese martial arts... I look forward to the next step, the comprehensive rise of Chinese martial arts!"

"It's so exciting! This 'Battle of the Century' will go down in the annals of global martial arts and become one of the most classic battles in history."

"Chen Yang won the title of 'Ultimate Fighter' and is about to return to China. I want to go to the airport to welcome him on his triumphant return!"

"Form a group...let's form a group together...!"

"The 'Thousand Feathers Alliance' fan group issued a recruitment order, and all fans formed a group to welcome Chen Yang's triumphant return..."


The fans in the [Soul of Chinese Martial Arts] live broadcast room were completely crazy.

at the same time,

The major domestic live broadcast platforms are extremely popular and the atmosphere has reached its peak.

of course,

Chen Yang is still in North America and is unaware of all this.

He knew that his influence in the country had reached a very terrifying level.

But people from the 'Thousand Feather League' fan group spontaneously began to celebrate for him.

When he learned about such a hot scene, he was extremely surprised.

When the broadcast in the boxing match hall announced that Chen Yang had finally won the title of 'Ultimate Fighter'.


Chen Yang yelled at the camera.

He took a deep breath and looked up at the European and American extreme boxing fans.

He remembered that these European and American extreme boxing fans just raised their middle fingers at him.

at this time,

Many extreme boxing fans in the audience wanted to boo Chen Yang to vent their inner dissatisfaction.


When they heard Chen Yang's roar and the domineering look from his eyes.

Do not know why,

All extreme boxing fans were almost scared to death.

Murderous, fierce and domineering!

The aura exuding from Chen Yang was like the king of beasts, shocking the entire boxing hall.

Don't say that ordinary boxing fans can't bear the pressure.

Even the many top boxers who were watching the fight in the boxing hall were too frightened to speak out when they felt Chen Yang's momentum!

This is the invincible power of the top martial arts warriors in the world!

(End of this chapter)

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