Guoshu!My martial arts has a strengthening panel

Chapter 317 Cun Jin!Jiu Jitsu Buster

Chapter 317 Cun Jin!Jiu Jitsu Buster

All along,
Zassen Berg was full of confidence in the attack power of his ultimate move.


The crazy attack just one minute ago.

Chen Yang was actually able to engage in a head-to-head duel with him, and his counterattack was extremely fierce.

Judging from the hard-fought killing move,

The penetrating power of Chen Yang's 'Cun Jin' was obviously more fierce and terrifying than that of Zassen Berg.

"Hiss...this bastard's peak combat power seems to have improved a lot compared to when he killed Fraser a few days ago?!"

Zazenberg's eyes were burning with anger.

He bowed his feet, then charged forward, his legs slashing to both sides!

next moment,
I saw him let out a roar, and his power completely exploded at this moment.

His waist formed a twist, and his legs struck continuously!

A sweeping leg strike, suddenly changing the direction of the attack, body bumping forward, and an elbow strike erupting at the same time.

Elbow chop and pounding!

Sudden exertion of force, endless changes of moves, making it difficult for people to guard against.

Super special move - turn around and chop the elbow!
This killing move was so powerful that no one could react.

A dull voice spread all around.

The speed of cutting the elbow was too fast, at such a close distance.

Even though Chen Yang's spiritual sense had already detected the crisis, he still had no time to mount an effective defense.

at this time,

As soon as Chen Yang made a move to block and defend, the elbow chop was already on Chen Yang's right arm.

Zaisenberg's turning and elbow chop is his unique skill!
He was cultivated by the "Church" since he was a child, and he practiced hard for more than ten years in order to develop his own unique super-powerful special skills.

During the training camp,
With this super powerful move, he killed many competitors.

Originally, the target of this turning and chopping elbow was Chen Yang's neck.

As long as he can effectively hit Chen Yang, Zassen Berg is sure to defeat Chen Yang with one move, or even kill him on the spot.


It is a pity that this fatal move of cutting the elbow and hitting Chen Yang failed to hit Chen Yang's fatal vital point.

The moment he approached Chen Yang, Chen Yang's arms formed a conditioned reflex to block.

You know, Chen Yang is also proficient in the killer elbow strike move.

In the last "Ultimate Fighter" showdown, he used a running elbow to kill Frazier on the spot.

in addition,

Chen Yang's reaction ability and spiritual sensing ability are unparalleled, and his agility exceeds the limits of human martial arts.

When he felt Zassen Berg instantly burst out with his killing move.

Although he could not judge the opponent's attack direction, he could sense the crisis.

When Zassen Berg's killer move approached Chen Yang's body, he reacted like a conditioned reflex and formed a block with his arms.

have to say,

The lethality of this turning and slashing elbow is indeed very ferocious.

Chen Yang's arm was hit. Although more than [-]% of the force was relieved, the pain was so painful that he almost collapsed.

"Hmph! The killer move of elbow attack? You are not the only one who can do elbow attack, I can also...!"

Chen Yang stepped back quickly, widening the distance between the two sides.

He took a deep breath, then his center of gravity sank, and he immediately launched a counterattack.

I saw his body sprinting forward two steps, twisting his waist, and then sweeping his elbow.

This elbow strike was a killer counterattack. It seemed to be very slow and not lethal at all.


Chen Yang was very good at timing the explosion when he turned around and bumped his elbow.

Zassen Berg was at the point of retracting his strength and had no time to make defensive moves.

Chen Yang turned from defense to offense, his movements were smooth and smooth, and it was all done in one go, which was amazing.


Zassen Berg was turned around and hit his elbow by Chen Yang, sending his body flying backwards.

next moment,
I saw Zassen Berg falling to the ground and being eaten by a dog!

Although his arms formed a blocking force.


The explosive power of the elbow strike is too strong, and it also contains terrifying concussive force.

After Zazenberg fell to the ground, he almost collapsed in pain, and his arms almost broke.

He turned over, then bounced off his feet, bouncing up from the ground.

Ding Ding Deng

Then Zassen-Berg backed away quickly, like a frightened hare.

It hurts so much...!
His arms became numb at this moment, unable to gather strength.

very dangerous!
Zaisenberg must stabilize his rhythm, calm down and regain his condition.


In the 'Lost City' boxing match hall not far from the decisive battle between the two.

The boxing fans at the scene were completely crazy at this moment, shouting at the top of their lungs.

Especially the loyal believers of the 'church' screamed and cheered for Zassen Berg.

"Zazenberg, come on, fight back...!"

"Beat him to death, beat him to death!"

"Use your punches to kill him and blow his head off."

"Hit the spine, attack from the side, crush his lumbar spine, kill him!"

"Attack closely, don't distance yourself, be careful of the Chinese's heavy-leg killing move!"

"Zassenberg, you are much stronger than the Chinese. Only by controlling the distance and suppressing the Chinese's killing moves can you kill him."

"Hit the heart, the weakness of the Chinese is the vital part of his heart!"

"Come on... Zaisenberg, come on... Zaisenberg!"


The atmosphere in the entire boxing hall was completely explosive.

Unfortunately, this is just a boxing match scene with 3D projection.

In the ring at the entrance of the 'Lost City', Chen Yang and Zassen Berg could not hear the shouts of all the boxing fans.

at this time,

In the boxing match hall, in the auditorium near the 3D projection, there were several powerful men with terrifying strength.

The aura they exude makes it impossible to get close to them.


The eyes of these powerful men became extremely solemn at this moment.

They held their breath, opened their eyes wide, and stared at the 3D projection.

There were even two tall and strong men who actually stood up, clenching their fists and their eyes full of fighting spirit.

No one thought,

The opening battle of this 'Maze Battle' was so fierce and brutal right from the beginning of the boxing match!

The boxing match had only lasted one minute.

The two of them broke out at their peak fighting power.

of course,

To everyone's surprise, Huaxia Chen Yang was worthy of being the top seed player in the 'Battle of the Lost City'.

When he faced Zassen Berg, one of the three strongest men of the 'Church', he was actually able to defeat the opponent's heavy-hitting ultimate move.

The two fought fiercely for more than a minute, and it was incredible that Chen Yang had the upper hand.

To know,
Zassen Berg is truly the 'King of Kings'.

His fierce battle with Chen Yang in the opening battle of the 'Battle of the Lost City' was originally a strong 'sniper' attack on Chen Yang!
If there was little chance of winning, how could the 'Church' let him play?

this moment,
Many 'church' believers in the boxing match hall began to feel nervous.

As time went on, Zaszenberger seemed to be in an increasingly disadvantaged position.

Just when Chen Yang felt that the time was right, he was ready to unleash the super powerful "Inch Jin" special move.

It only takes one move to kill the opponent!
No matter what Zhazenberg's peak combat power is.

If he could effectively hit the opponent with a killing move, Chen Yang would be [-]% sure that he would kill the opponent with one strike.


Just when Chen Yang kicked off his feet, the power had just gathered in his legs.


Zassen Berg's center of gravity sank, his body suddenly rushed forward, and he split Chen Yang's blocking arms with both fists.


He wrapped his arms around Chen Yang's waist, hugged, pulled, and tossed...!
"Nima's...Gracie Jiu-Jitsu?...No, this is Judo? That's not right...What kind of Jiu-Jitsu is this?"

Chen Yang only felt a buzz in his mind.

His arms went down, tightly blocking Zassen Berg's arms, restricting the opponent's power.

Among the three powerful men of the 'Church', Zassen Berg's fighting style is the most ferocious, cruel and crazy.

He rarely used jiu-jitsu.

To know,
He was practicing killing techniques, not for the purpose of subduing his opponents.

What he advocates is to kill the opponent with one move, he advocates strength and speed, and his fighting style is extremely fierce!
But now, Zassen Berg suddenly got close and unleashed a Jiu-Jitsu killer move!

In the fierce fight that lasted more than a minute, Zaszenberger was at an absolute disadvantage due to his leg skills, elbow strikes, knee strikes, and even boxing.

As a strong man 'above kings', he naturally knows to continue fighting at this pace.

He will surely die!

Zassen Berg instantly changed his tactics and used close-quarters jujitsu to limit Chen Yang's killer moves.


It can also be called the 'king of duel' fighting skills!

It focuses on skills. As long as you get close, whether it is anti-joint techniques or restricting the opponent's power, it is impeccable!

Zazenberg's Jiu-Jitsu has been practiced to an extremely advanced level.

When he got close, he tore apart Chen Yang's defense with his fists and hugged Chen Yang's waist.

this moment,
The two of them were in close proximity, and the distance was too close for Chen Yang to unleash his killing move.


Zaisenberg's head was leaning against Chen Yang's chest, pushing forward tightly, preventing Chen Yang from having any room to exert force.

It seems,
He was like a python, no... I should say an octopus, wrapped tightly around Chen Yang.

The two fell to the ground and started the most peak close-quarters jujitsu duel.

Chen Yang once suffered losses in Jiu Jitsu.

During his actual combat training with [War Spirit], he not only practiced it, but he was also very proficient in it and his attainments were quite high.

At this time, he had to admire Zassen Berg's combat experience.

The opponent's offensive style changed so quickly that even Chen Yang had no time to defend.

in fact,

Zaisenberg used Jiu-Jitsu to get close, and the timing was too clever.

Even if Chen Yang fights head-on to resolve it, blocking the opponent's approach.

So there is no doubt that both of them will suffer a lose-lose situation.

If Zassen Berg gets close, the two of them will fall to the ground, and they will start a peak jiu-jitsu contest.

this moment,
Chen Yang concentrated all his strength on his arms and stuck them tightly in Zaisenberg's arms.

The most efficient way to break Jiu-Jitsu is to limit the opponent's power.

Jiu-Jitsu VS Jiu-Jitsu!

At this time, it depends on the endurance of both parties and the explosive power in the static state.

of course,

You can imagine how difficult it is to break Jiu-Jitsu in close quarters.

If it is so easy to crack, how can Jiu-Jitsu be called the 'King of Duel'?
at this time,

Chen Yang held his breath and concentrated all his strength on his arms.

Zaisen Berg hugged Chen Yang with his arms and pushed his head forward.


He let go of one arm and stuck it on Chen Yang's neck.

Like an octopus, its feet were wrapped around Chen Yang's legs, restricting Chen Yang's leg strength.

"Hmph! Damn... double jujutsu's special move?"

"Crossbar and guillotine? Want to lock me and then kill me with one blow?"

Chen Yang snorted coldly and his eyes became sharper.

He took a deep breath and concentrated his strength on his right fist.

Zassen Berg just released one of his arms and moved upwards, trying to completely lock Chen Yang's neck, and then unleashed the most deadly killing move.

After Chen Yang let go of his arm, how could he let the other party get his wish?
bang, bang, bang...

Cun Jin's power exploded, suddenly, fiercely, and viciously.

Fast speed, short distance, strong penetration!
Chen Yang's fists kept hitting Zassen Berg's legs.

Zazenberg's expression completely changed.

Seeing his loosened arm, he was about to completely lock Chen Yang's neck.

Once the cross is formed, he will instantly burst out with a guillotine and kill Chen Yang completely.

In the world of martial arts,
Zaisenberg believes that no one can crack his 'double soft kill'!

Suddenly, there was an unbearable sharp pain in my thigh, and my strength was instantly shattered.

It hurts too much...

It was like the bones in the leg were completely broken.

The penetrating power of that dark energy can be called an explosion.

"Damn... what's going on here?"

"How could he erupt with such weird power from such a short distance?"

After several consecutive 'inch punches', Zassen Berg completely collapsed!
Without any hesitation, he instantly loosened his arms.



I saw Zassen Berg rolling on the ground, avoiding Chen Yang's 'inch punch', and widening the distance between the two sides.

Even if he can successfully lock the opponent, if the leg bones are broken, he will not be able to form a cross at all.

The pain was so severe that his arms couldn't gather strength at all.

Fall short!
Zassen Berg vomited blood in frustration.

at this time,

He found that trying to win with Jiu Jitsu was simply courting death.

The Chinese were able to erupt with such terrifying power within such a short distance.

All this subverted Zassen-Berg's cognition.

The instant burst of force almost shattered his leg bones, causing unbearable pain.

Chen Yang flicked his feet, turned over, and stood up from the ground.

He took a deep breath, eyes cold.

In order to deal with the killing moves of close-quarter jujitsu, Chen Yang fought fiercely with the [War Spirit] countless times.

In general,

The most effective way to deal with Jiu-Jitsu is to use softness to defeat softness!

But Chen Yang's current martial arts power has broken through to the level of 'hidden power'!

His strength is simply the nemesis of close-range jujitsu.


After Zaisenberg got up from the ground, he did not continue to break out the attack.

no way,
Chen Yang's 'inch punch' hit him almost to the point of collapse.

He had to distance himself, ease the pain, and regain his composure.


Just when Chen Yang felt that the opponent's condition was declining, he sprinted at extremely high speed, hoping to use his super special move again.

Zassen Berg stomped his feet, focused downwards, and rushed toward Chen Yang.

Since close-quarter Jiu-Jitsu and anti-joint techniques cannot pose a threat to Chen Yang.


Zassen Berg's tactics changed instantly.

A sliding shovel, and then a scissor movement with both legs, targeting Chen Yang's lower knee!
Unexpected and instantaneous!

Super special move - sliding shovel scissors combo!
This is a scissor kick change move that attacks the opponent's lower body. Whether it is speed or strength, it has completely exceeded the limits of human martial arts.

of course,

The scariest thing is the surprise.

Who would have thought that Zassen Berg would suddenly make a sliding tackle when his leg was injured?

At this time, Chen Yang had already controlled the offensive and defensive rhythm of both sides.

How could Zaisenberg's sliding shovel attack hit him effectively?
His spiritual prediction ability can predict all crises in advance as long as he has enough distance.

Chen Yang moved his feet three steps sideways, and his center of gravity also dropped.

He avoided Zaisenberg's sliding tackle with light footwork, looking relaxed, casual and deft!
Zaisenberg's leg muscles are extremely developed and full of power.


If you only focus on his legs and ignore his head, you are likely to suffer a big loss.

To know,
When he sprints, his head can also become the most deadly weapon.

Chen Yang turned sideways to avoid Zassen Berg's sliding tackle.

He kicked his foot and struck with a slash, slashing down on Zassen Berg's head extremely fiercely!

no way,
Chen Yang felt that the opponent's head was the core of this sliding tackle attack.

The sliding tackle and scissor kick was just a feint, the purpose was to attract Chen Yang's defense.

Once close.

Zaisenberg's head will be slammed forward, targeting Chen Yang's knees.

After Chen Yang sideways avoided the opponent's sliding tackle, he hit the heavy leg without hesitation and went straight to Zassen Berg's head.


A heavy leg chop, powerful and heavy!
The air seemed to be exploded, and a roar erupted.

this moment,
Chen Yang's leg speed increased to the limit, and his legs were invisible, which was shocking!
Crazy and domineering murderous intent envelopes the surroundings, making it inevitable for people to avoid...

(End of this chapter)

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