Guoshu!My martial arts has a strengthening panel

Chapter 384 1 fleeting, leaving no trace

Chapter 384 Gone in a flash, leaving no trace


Chen Yang took a deep breath and stopped moving forward.

at this time,

He kept thinking in his mind about how he could completely kill the 'Son of Satan' next.

next moment,

He took steps forward and continued walking.

The blood trail went straight ahead. As long as Chen Yang followed the blood trail, he could know the whereabouts of the 'Son of Satan'.

It is clear,

The 'Son of Satan' left a trail of blood in order to lure Chen Yang into pursuit.

Chen Yang also wanted to see what other methods the other party would use next.

to be frank,

The 'son of Satan' wanted to assassinate him and kill him.

Doesn't Chen Yang have such a purpose?

If we don't kill the 'Son of Satan' completely this time, it will be almost impossible to find him in the future.


While the opponent is already injured, this is the best opportunity to kill him.

After a while,

Chen Yang followed the trail of blood dripping from the 'Son of Satan'.


He walked through a deserted alley and came to a small bar in the deepest part.

It seems,

This small bar must have been abandoned for a long time.

The blood stains left by the 'Son of Satan' quickly disappeared when they arrived in front of the small bar.


Chen Yang took a deep breath and frowned slightly.

at this time,

He was highly focused and used his spiritual sensing ability to the limit.

next moment,

He checked the body armor on his body, the protective helmet on his head, etc.

of course,

It's more important to check the firepower in yourself.

The pistol's magazine was full of bullets, and there was plenty of ammunition in the backpack.

When everything was ready and checked, Chen Yang walked forward.

He opened the door of the abandoned small bar and walked in expressionlessly.

at this time,

Inside the small bar, everything was dark, with no lights around.

It seems,

It must have been abandoned for too long, and there is a musty smell everywhere.

The ground is a little damp, so few people should come here.


There are abandoned seats everywhere and a mess of iron shelves.

Maybe this small bar used to be very lively and had many bars, but unfortunately they have been abandoned.

After Chen Yang entered the small bar, he clenched the gun in his hand.

this moment,

He became extremely calm in his mind, constantly observing his surroundings.


Chen Yang stepped on a rusty iron bar,

A scrap iron frame blocked his way, blocking the entrance to the small bar.

Chen Yang kicked the iron frame away from him.


He didn't hesitate at all, and then shot.

The bullet fired against the iron frame next to it, and a ball of sparks erupted.

The surroundings suddenly became brighter under the sparks.

at this time,

Chen Yang saw the situation in the small bar.

too messy……

There are abandoned wooden stools, iron shelves, wine bottles, and some other random things everywhere.

There was dust everywhere on the ground and a lot of water.


There were no traces of the 'Son of Satan' coming around.

Although the ground was very dusty, no footprints were found.

From the surrounding traces, it is difficult to find traces of the 'son of Satan' entering this place.

The blood stains had disappeared at the door of the small bar.

"What the hell...he disappeared so quickly?"

"There's no reason. This bastard should still be here. How could he disappear so quickly?"

Chen Yang took a deep breath and frowned slightly.



He tightened his grip on the gun and continued walking forward.


at the same time.

He took out a high-explosive grenade from his backpack, pulled the spring safety bolt open, and pressed it with his hand.

As long as the 'Son of Satan' appears in an abandoned bar.


While Chen Yang was shooting, he must let the other party have a taste of high-explosive grenades.

A high-explosive grenade had already injured the 'Son of Satan'.

I wonder if one more explosion can knock the opponent down completely?


at this time,

Chen Yang adjusted his breathing to put himself in a state of absolute emptiness.

this moment,

He was highly focused and did not dare to make any mistakes.

The other party is the number one killer in the world.

I believe no one dares to be careless at this time.


When Chen Yang came to the middle of the abandoned small bar.

The 'Son of Satan' seemed to have not appeared here, there was no movement at all.

Could it be that I guessed wrong?

This bastard has never been here before?


Chen Yang frowned slightly, clenched his pistol and looked around.


Chen Yang believed in his own judgment.

The 'Son of Satan' must have entered this abandoned bar, and his judgment cannot be wrong.

To know,

Chen Yang's spiritual sensing ability has always been very sensitive.

at this time,

His spiritual sense told him that the 'Son of Satan' had not only entered this abandoned small bar.

And he was hiding in a corner, preparing to launch a fatal blow.


Chen Yang now needs to wait until the other party makes a move.

As long as the other party shows murderous intent, Chen Yang believes that he will definitely be able to sense it.

When we meet on a narrow road, we must show our swords!

at this time,

It just depends on the two sides, who can keep his composure more.

Whoever judges more accurately will have the upper hand.

To kill the opponent, you only need one shot. The key is to see who hits the opponent first.

This is not a peak showdown in the ring, where you can defend, block, and offload...!

The competition of marksmanship is completely different from the peak showdown in the ring.

In general,

When a killer performs an assassination mission, everything is targeted.

They were very careful when starting their mission.

If you miss one hit, you will be able to escape thousands of miles!

He has always kept himself invisible and in the dark.

Killing is their ultimate goal, and they never care about the means.

in addition,

Killers are inhumane, and their targets are no different from any animals.

They don't care about being aboveboard, nor do they care about sneak attacks.

As long as the target can be killed, any method is wise.

of course,

For the world's number one killer.

They are extremely proud in their hearts.

The 'Son of Satan' has his own rules and will never allow his mission to fail.

They had already investigated everything before the assassination.

That is,

They cherish their lives even more. Even if they give up their goals temporarily, they must ensure their own safety.

in fact,

The ‘Son of Satan’ is very clear in his heart,

If Huaxia Chen Yang had not been killed today.


It will be too difficult to kill the world's number one master in the future.

A strong man like Huaxia Chen Yang who has a gun sense, a sixth sense of crisis and is extremely sensitive.

Any crisis that is close to him will be easily sensed by him.


The assassination of the 'Son of Satan' has been exposed. If he wants to assassinate Chen Yang in the future, even if he restrains his killing intent, it will be difficult for him to get within ten meters of Chen Yang.

Once he gets ten meters closer to Chen Yang, his breath will be detected by Chen Yang.


The chance of assassinating Chen Yang again is slim.

And with Chen Yang's skills, it would be even more difficult for him to use a sniper rifle from a long distance.

To know,

Huaxia Chen Yang has a huge security team around him.

The sixth sense of crisis is extremely sensitive to sniper rifles.

For someone like Chen Yang who has gun sense, anyone who wants to assassinate him with a sniper rifle will easily be sensed by him in advance.

This is the terrifying thing about the manifestation of the sixth sense of crisis and the formation of spiritual awareness.

not to mention,

Chen Yang's current spiritual sensing ability has reached the realm of 'six senses and spiritual connection'.


'Son of Satan''s mission tonight, if it fails, will not kill Chen Yang.

Then it means that he failed the mission for the first time in his life.

His undefeated myth will be completely ended.

At the same time, his identity as the world's number one killer will also be questioned.

Tonight is his only chance to assassinate Chen Yang.

From the bottom of his heart, the 'Son of Satan' naturally hopes to kill Chen Yang.

As long as there is any opportunity, he will not give up easily.

of course.

The 'Son of Satan' wanted to kill Chen Yang in his heart, and Chen Yang naturally did the same.

If we don't kill the 'Son of Satan' tonight.

There would be no chance of finding him in the future.

This is also an important reason why Chen Yang has been following the blood trail to the abandoned small bar.

Tonight is the best chance to take out the 'Son of Satan'.

If I don't kill the world's number one killer, I will never have peace in the future. I will be stared at by the world's number one killer. Who can bear it?


Chen Yang stood in front of an abandoned wooden table, exhaled and adjusted his breathing.

next moment,

He closed his eyes.

at this time,

The entire abandoned bar fell into absolute silence.

There were no lights around, it was pitch black.

Although with Chen Yang's eyesight, it would not have a great impact on his vision in such a dark night.

He can use the faint light to observe his surroundings.


Face the world's number one top killer, the 'Son of Satan'.

It is very difficult to find the whereabouts of the 'Son of Satan' by observation.

A killer of this level has reached a master level in hiding his whereabouts.

Where is it so easy to see the other party's whereabouts?

at this time,

Chen Yang closed his eyes slightly and felt the changes around him with his spiritual sense.

But to his surprise,

The surroundings were very quiet and no movement was heard.

After checking for a while, no trace of the 'Son of Satan' was found.

"Nima...what's going on?"

"After this guy entered this abandoned small bar, why did he disappear all of a sudden?"

"He hid his whereabouts and went into hiding completely?"

Chen Yang frowned slightly, thinking to himself.

at this time,

He had no other way to find the whereabouts of the 'Son of Satan' except staying still and waiting for the other party to appear.

have to say,

The world's number one killing move like 'Son of Satan' once hides its whereabouts.

It was too difficult for others to find him, so they had to wait for him to show up.


Chen Yang believed that the other party would definitely not give up and he would definitely show up.


next moment,

Chen Yang continued to investigate.

When he took a step, he would stop, close his eyes slightly, and sense everything around him.

After the spiritual sensing ability reaches its peak.

Any abnormal movement around him will be noticed by him.

to be frank,

In the state of 'Six Senses', Chen Yang was like having a radar.

As long as the 'Son of Satan' is within a few meters of him, Chen Yang can quickly detect it.

at this time,

Chen Yang became more and more cautious.

Every step he took was very light and made no sound.

It seems,

He was like a hunched cat.

at this time,

Chen Yang completely restrained his murderous intent and escaped into darkness.

He knew very well that he must not emit any murderous intent at this time.

The other party is the world's number one killer, and he also has a super sixth sense of crisis.

Just make some noise yourself.

With the 'Son of Satan's' super sixth sense of crisis, he can definitely judge his own direction.

Until then,

If you are enveloped by the opponent's gun, you will be in a disadvantageous situation.


The safest way is to restrain all aura and let yourself escape into the darkness.


In an instant,

Chen Yang exerted force with his feet, kicked suddenly, and then his body rose into the air.


The next moment, his body twisted in the air, like a ghost, and quickly landed next to a stone bench.


A piercing gunshot rang out and spread all around.

A spark spread out around where Chen Yang was standing just now.

Bang Bang...!

Chen Yang didn't seem to pause and fired the gun in his hand.


In this abandoned small bar, a fierce fight broke out.

The constant sound of gunfire is frightening.

After a while...

The figure of the 'Son of Satan' disappeared from the surroundings again, making it impossible for anyone to discover his whereabouts.

have to say,

The 'Son of Satan' hides his whereabouts with great skill.

Disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Even with Chen Yang's powerful observation ability, when the other party disappeared, he suddenly lost the whereabouts of the other party.


During the fierce exchange of fire between the two just now, Chen Yang had already seen the true appearance of the 'Son of Satan'.

Although the other party is wearing a mask, his true appearance cannot be seen clearly.


The other party's demeanor was both male and female, but Chen Yang was very surprised.

If he were to meet the 'Son of Satan' in the ring, given his size, Chen Yang would be sure to kill him with one punch.

to be frank,

The opponent's size was unable to block Chen Yang's punch.

But the 'Son of Satan' is the number one killer in the world.

The most terrifying thing about him is his killing methods, not his power.

"Hmph! You're so stupid... I knew you must have ended up in this abandoned bar."

"Sure enough, I guessed right, I want to hide...where can you hide?"

"Can't you calm down? Haha... After all, you still can't let go of this mission, or do you still want to kill me?"


Chen Yang took a deep breath and couldn't help but snorted in his heart.


next moment,

Chen Yang was seen exerting force under his feet, and his body was like a bow and arrow loose from the string, sprinting forward quickly.

at this time,

The Nine Palaces Flying Step under his feet was used to its limit.

His center of gravity went down, and his speed reached its peak at this moment.

It seems,

He swayed from side to side to avoid being targeted by the opponent's gun.

With his feet on the Nine Palaces, he rushed left and right, and his movements looked very awkward.

But I have to say,

With this way of advancement, even with the superb marksmanship of the 'Son of Satan', it would be difficult to aim at Chen Yang.

not to mention,

At this moment, Chen Yang's speed was very fast, fleeting and leaving no trace.

In an instant,

Chen Yang came to the deep corner of the abandoned small bar.

The 'Son of Satan' appeared here just now, but at this time his whereabouts had disappeared.

have to say,

The number one killer of the 'Angel Organization' has quick reflexes and very fast speed.

After he missed a hit, he immediately ran away and left the place where he was just standing.

Bang Bang...

Just when Chen Yanggang stabilized his figure.


There was a harsh gunshot from behind...!

(End of this chapter)

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