Guoshu!My martial arts has a strengthening panel

Chapter 416 The winner takes all! Serious challenges

Chapter 416 The winner takes all! Serious challenges


Chen Yang kept twisting his arms and relaxing his legs.

It hurts so much...!

this moment,

He kept taking deep breaths to adjust his condition and relieve the severe pain in his legs.

Just now, his essence, energy, and spirit were combined into one, and he instantly unleashed his most powerful killing move.

The strength exploded wildly, and he hit the whip leg hard and kicked three times in a row, bursting out wildly.

The powerful counter-shock force made him feel splitting pain.


He even felt that the bones of his arm had cracked when he was with Hodgins just now.

Although this boxing match was not long.

But I have to say,

This is the most brutal bloody battle that Chen Yang has experienced since he entered the global martial arts world.

The powerful impact made him very uncomfortable.

Especially when the powerful 'Cun Jin' burst out perfectly at the end, Chen Yang's power was superimposed.

After the force rebounded, it far exceeded the limit of damage that humans could bear.

Just now, he was highly focused and his adrenaline was surging, so he felt no pain.

And now,

When he relaxed, he felt unbearable pain all over his body.

The pain in his arm bones, in particular, was unbearable.

From this we can see how ferocious the counterattack was after Chen Yang launched his powerful attack and killing move just now.

to be frank,

Although Chen Yang only suffered a little relief, it was not serious.

But when a bone is injured, the problem is different.

Just now, he had the fiercest fight with Hodgins, and his strength and speed exceeded the limit.

His attention was highly concentrated, and at the same time, his whole person was in a state of "six senses and spiritual connection".

Coupled with the adrenaline, his pain was reduced to the limit and he almost felt no pain at all.


When the human body relaxes, the pain from bone injuries can definitely make people miserable.

This kind of pain can only be understood by those who have experienced it personally.


next moment,

In the entire Lost City boxing match hall, all the boxing fans present reacted, and applause sounded like a tsunami.

The atmosphere was completely crazy.

All the boxing fans stood up, shouted, cheered and celebrated crazily for Chen Yang.

The most classic semi-final of the global martial arts 'Battle of the Lost City' has ended.

Chen Yang stood expressionlessly on the ring, looked up at the audience, and interacted with the boxing fans for a moment.

Because of this boxing match, Douyin Live only has the broadcast rights.


Chen Yang interacted with fans in the live broadcast room for a moment to thank all fans for their support.

After a while...

Amidst the loud music, Chen Yang left the ring and went to the locker room to change clothes.

The semi-finals of the Lost City Battle, this is one of the most famous boxing matches in the Global Martial Arts Federation.

The highest honor in the global martial arts world, supreme!


The final battle of the Lost City Battle is not only the honor that a warrior pursues throughout his life.


This is the sublimation of strength and speed, and the pursuit of life.

Blood creates glory!

Only with the blood of your opponent can you reach the pinnacle of a warrior.

If you want to climb to the pinnacle of martial arts and stand at the top of global martial arts, you can only rely on your own strength.

Ever since Chen Yang began his campaign as the 'Ultimate Fighter' in the global martial arts world.

After he won the title of The Ultimate Fighter, he then began to fight in the "Battle of the Lost City"!

He has never lost a single victory and conquered the world of martial arts.

As the 'King of Destruction', he killed the top strong men one after another.

In the arena of global martial arts competition, there is no such thing as mercy.

There is no room for mercy here.

As long as you step into the octagonal cage, it will be a fight of life and death.


Any sympathy and pity are the actions of the weak here.

All the boxing fans at the scene went to the locker room after seeing their idol defeat his opponent.


The atmosphere in the entire Lost City boxing match hall exploded once again.

All boxing fans stood up to celebrate his victory.

this moment,

Almost all boxing fans had a look of respect in their eyes.

Tonight’s semi-final in this maze battle.

Since large financial groups from Europe and the United States entered the fight, boxing fans who bet on Chen Yang made a lot of money.

The big consortium tried to harvest a wave of leeks with Hodgins' strength, but failed in the end.


Any boxing fan who bets on Chen Yang to win will be full of respect for Chen Yang after winning money.

'The King of Destruction'!

These three words are now more than just nicknames, but represent honor.

That's right,

Almost all boxing fans around the world recognize these three words.

This is the honorific title given to the strong men at the top of the world's martial arts.

The winner takes all!

The struggle for hegemony in the global martial arts world has always been like this.

If you want to win everyone's recognition and respect, you can only rely on your own strong strength.

Once you fail, everything is lost.


Chen Yang has won the respect of all boxing fans around the world by virtue of his strong strength.

Even many extreme boxing fans in Europe and the United States have sincere admiration for Chen Yang.

Not just anyone can conquer the global martial arts world.

Tonight's peak showdown is destined to become the most classic showdown in the Global Martial Arts League, and is of great significance.

This is a contest at the pinnacle of Eastern martial arts and Western martial arts.

for the rest of the time.

After Chen Yang entered the locker room, all the staff around him.

Their eyes were full of awe for Chen Yang, and everyone stood aside politely.


Judging from their expressions, they seemed to be full of fanatical admiration for Chen Yang.

Everyone has their own idol.

And Chen Yang conquered the global martial arts world and achieved such brilliant achievements.

His hard work and enterprising spirit deserve everyone's respect.

Not only in China, Chen Yang has many die-hard fans.

Even around the world,

With Chen Yang's current popularity and influence, he has more fans.

Chen Yang nodded to the staff around him and remained silent without making a sound.


Chen Yang and Zhan Zhilei nodded, and after coming out of the locker room, turned around and left the Lost City Hotel.

for the rest of the time.

Under the escort of security personnel, Chen Yang went to the resort hotel.

After tonight's life-and-death showdown, it was also the most brutal boxing match that Chen Yang had ever experienced.

Because the last finals is scheduled half a month later.


Chen Yang could just take advantage of this period to take a good rest and improve his mood.


Every boxing match he participated in was a life and death duel, and he killed many people.

The murderous intent is too strong!

Even though he has been tempering his state of mind to prevent himself from falling into the excitement of murder.


Just after tempering, the murderous aura disappeared a little.

Soon, he will experience the most brutal fighting again.

As a result, his murderous intention became more and more intense.

If you want to break through to the [late stage dark energy] state, if you want to break through to the state of transformation energy.

You must have a strong state of mind.

In the practice of Chinese martial arts, state of mind is very important.

Especially in the later stages, every time you advance to the realm of martial arts, your state of mind must be sublimated.

Otherwise, it will be difficult to improve the level of martial arts. The life-and-death showdown in the ring is too brutal, bloody, bloodthirsty, and cruel...

Every boxing match is an extremely brutal fight.

to be frank,

During this period of time, Chen Yang's state of mind has been tempered to a very advanced level.

Every time his state of mind enters the state of unity between nature and man, he must temper it once and his state of mind will be sublimated.


Since the Battle of Lost City, especially the previous peak showdowns on the 'High Altitude Arena'.

He couldn't bring himself to calm down.


The killing intent in Chen Yang's heart has accumulated a lot.

It must be said that without such a strong murderous aura, it would be very difficult for him to sweep the global martial arts world.

Murderous aura can not only improve his condition, but also suppress Du Du's strength.

The only drawback is that it is very difficult to improve your own level of exertion.

This is also the most important reason why Chen Yang has been stuck in the [Middle Dark Strength] for a long time, but has yet to break through to the [Late Dark Strength].

There was already too much murderous intention in his subconscious.


Before the finals of the Battle of the Lost City, the murderous intention in the subconscious was finally able to be eliminated.

At the same time, see if you can successfully break through to the [late stage of dark strength]!

A life and death showdown!

Although it can make your martial arts willpower stronger.


It has a huge impact on the state of mind.

In tonight's boxing match, after Chen Yang killed Hodgins, he advanced to the finals.


Chen Yang found that the battle between himself and Hodgins lasted nearly four minutes, and his mood and state were greatly affected.

Perhaps all this is because Hodgins' strength can threaten Chen Yang.

Chen Yang's attention has always been highly concentrated.

His murderous intention, which had been extinguished before, actually came out again during the fierce battle.

That's right,

Hodgins' murderous intent is too strong.

Chen Yang was stimulated by the other party's murderous intention, and the murderous intention in his heart quickly emerged.

After coming off the ring.

Chen Yang felt that the killing intent was very strong in his mind, and it seemed to be filled with bloodthirsty.

Very cruel, very domineering...

Although Chen Yang can control this murderous intention, he knows very well that once the murderous intention is too strong, it will definitely affect his personality and handling style.

Once this murderous intention becomes stronger and stronger, he wants to kill someone.

This state will directly have a very important impact on the people around him.

If you are an ordinary boxer, under normal circumstances, you do not need to pay special attention to your killing intent.

Because if the killing intention is not particularly strong, it usually will not affect the mind.


Chen Yang killed a lot of people.

Since he entered the global martial arts world, he has killed an opponent in almost every boxing match.

So he knew very well that if he didn't eliminate the murderous intention in his heart.

His character will be greatly affected.

His goal is to become a strong man at the top of the global martial arts world. He wants to sweep across Western martial arts, break the shackles of mankind, and allow himself to truly 'transcend'!

He didn't want to become a murderous person, a pervert that everyone was afraid of.

To put it bluntly.

With his current economy, status, strength, fame, influence, etc.

Once his personality split, he became murderous.


Really no one can control him.

But this kind of life is not the life Chen Yang wants.

Once he turned into a demon that everyone was afraid of, he became a pervert.


All the honors he won lost their meaning.

After making up their mind, Chen Yang and Zhan Zhilei sat in the security guard's car.

The convoy started slowly.

The security personnel are very responsible and have strengthened triple security around the area.

Anyone who comes close to Thor will be questioned.

Chen Yang is now the big boss, and those small forces cannot even think of getting close to him.

Like what happened in Sao Paulo, Brazil, some small forces wanted to suppress him and make money from him, but it is impossible to happen now.

To know,

After being assassinated several times.

Chen Yang's current security force is at the top level in North America.

This place is no different from other places. As long as you have money, you can really do whatever you want.

The security level is considered 'presidential' level.

The best security team, as long as you pay, everything will be arranged for you.


The power of money here far exceeds anything else.

After being inspected by the security team, the motorcade drove towards the resort hotel and left the parking lot.

"Chen Yang, I got the news that the Hojins killed this time has a great background."

"He is completely different from the masters from other forces."

"You killed Hodgins, which is a real confrontation with Europe and the United States, and destroyed an important experiment in the European and American laboratories."

"But to be honest, even if you didn't kill Hodgins, you would still be fighting them to the death!"

"Under the current circumstances, it's best for us to return home as soon as possible so that we can be safer."

"Of course, for the sake of international public opinion, they will not make any big moves for the time being."

"Once the Battle of the Labyrinth is over, I suspect North America will definitely take action. We have to be careful."

Chen Yang nodded slightly when he heard this.

Indeed, the killing of Hodgins this time had a huge impact.

"How many masters have been trained in European and American laboratories?"

Chen Yang took a deep breath and asked in a deep voice.

He doesn't know much about the global martial arts world, and he doesn't even know much about the major forces.

He trains hard every day to improve his strength.

He paid little attention to other things.


He knew very little about the masters trained in European and American laboratories.

Zhan Zhilei shook his head helplessly and said:

"I know very little about European and American laboratories distributed around the world."

"I spent money to hire people to get information about this, but unfortunately, very little was known."

"There are said to be more than fifty of these laboratories, distributed around the world."

"They not only use human experiments to improve various abilities of the human body, but are also the most advanced 'biotechnology' laboratories in the world."

"From biological intelligence chips, to genetic medicines, to stimulating the body's potential...!"

"Some of these trials have produced very good data, and some are still under trial."

"However, judging from the investigation of various data, there are more than 50 people who can pass the fifth phase of trials in European and American laboratories around the world."

"That is to say, there should be more than fifty people with strength reaching the level of Hodgins."

"These people are very low-key, and they are even constantly training to enhance their rejection reactions or adapt to the control of bio-intelligent chips."

"Their bodies have been strengthened one after another, and their combat power is extraordinary."

"Judging from the results of their current trials, someone in European and American laboratories should have passed the sixth phase of trials and achieved success."

"If no one passes Phase Six, there's no way they're going to let Hodgins out and snipe you."


Zhan Zhilei sighed and said:

"In fact, the purpose of their laboratory is to create biotechnology that can affect all mankind."

"Strengthening human physique is just one of the studies."

"But it is undeniable that any person who has been physically strengthened, the internal organs, bones, heart, blood vessels, muscles...etc., will become very scary."

"It's extremely difficult to break through their defenses!"

Chen Yang nodded and said nothing.


Hodgins' physical defense ability is too strong!

If it hadn't been for the perfect burst of 'Cun Jin' at the end, it would have been impossible to break through his defense.

(End of this chapter)

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