Guoshu!My martial arts has a strengthening panel

Chapter 441 I am a human, not a machine

One of the leaders of the North American Martial Arts is named Roside.

He is not only responsible for the arrangement of boxing matches in North America, but is also a director of the Global Martial Arts Federation.

For a manager and person in charge of Western martial arts, Rosside was naturally full of hostility towards Chen Yang.

He tried many methods to deal with Chen Yang.

But all failed.

Under the boxing ring, Chen Yang's security force was too strong, and it was hard to kill him because of heavy weight.

Not to mention killing him, even getting close to him is very difficult.

Many forces in the West want to kill Chen Yang secretly, including the Blackwater Organization, the Angel Organization, etc.

Unfortunately, they all returned in vain and could not pose a threat to Chen Yang at all.

at this time,

When he heard that Chen Yang wanted to start the 'Life and Death Arena', how could he stop Chen Yang?

This is an opportunity for Western Martial Arts to make a comeback!

That's right,

It is an excellent opportunity and the only opportunity.


Opening the 'Life and Death Arena' is a good opportunity for the Global Martial Arts Alliance to make money.

Make a lot of money...!

Chen Yang is reaching the top of the global martial arts world and has a peak showdown with Mike Joe on the glass bridge of the Grand Canyon.

The influence of that boxing match was unprecedented, and its ability to attract money exceeded that of any boxing match.

As long as there is a boxing match involving Chen Yang, the amount of bets will be astounding.

For the Global Martial Arts Alliance, Chen Yang is the craziest 'gold-attracting beast'!

With Chen Yang's current identity and status, he is simply the 'God of Wealth' to the global martial arts world!

The only pity is that

In the 'Fight of the Century' that topped the global martial arts scene, Mike Joe lost, miserably!

Boxing fans made money, but major financial groups in Europe and the United States suffered heavy losses.

They all bet heavily on Mike Joe.


No matter which way you look at it.

Even if 'Odin' refuses this 'life and death arena' decisive battle with Chen Yang.

It is impossible for the global martial arts alliance to refuse Chen Yang to open the 'Life and Death Arena'.

This is a rare opportunity to snipe Chen Yang.


Only with an upset can the major financial groups and banks in the West have the opportunity to earn huge amounts of money again.

When Chen Yang applied for the 'Life and Death Arena' to the Global Martial Arts Alliance.

As a director of the Global Martial Arts Alliance, he quickly used his connections and without any hesitation, directly let 'Odin' fight the opening of the first life-and-death battle.

The Global Martial Arts Alliance's 'Life and Death Arena' boxing match date will be finalized soon.

The twentieth of next month.

That is one month later.

This peak showdown of the 'life and death arena' started by Huaxia Chen Yang alone will officially kick off.


When boxing fans around the world heard this exciting news, the world was in an uproar.

Everyone's hearts are full of expectations.

Is there anyone in the Global Martial Arts Alliance who can stop Huaxia Chen Yang?

Can anyone shake the Chinese people's strong position?

Can China's Chen Yang once again create history, sweep across the global martial arts world, and win the unprecedented 'Triple Crown' in the global martial arts world?

Can he become a truly 'invincible strongman'?

When the news of the opening of the 'Life and Death Arena' was announced, all Chen Yang's fans screamed and shouted in excitement.

Witness the miraculous moment in the global martial arts world, it’s here again!

This unprecedented battle in the Arena of Life and Death attracted unprecedented attention and even broke the record of the Battle of the Lost City.

It's different from 'Battle of the Lost City'.

The prize money for boxing matches in the 'Arena of Life and Death' is very high.

The prize money for each boxing match is directly proportional to the funds bet.

Conservative estimates put the total prize money in a boxing match at over one billion dollars.

That is,

If Chen Yang can pass the level, he will sweep the five rounds of the 'Life and Death Arena'.

His total bonus earnings will exceed $50 billion.

To know,

This is just boxing prize money, and does not include ticket revenue and some commercial endorsement fees.

This boxing match bonus has already broken the record in the global martial arts world.

The income from each boxing match has reached astronomical figures.


All the opponents Chen Yang encounters after opening the 'Life and Death Arena' will be masters who can compete with him.

As long as you win a game, the funds will be superimposed.

After final confirmation, both parties had their own plans.


The matter of the life and death arena was quickly confirmed, and the two sides hit it off immediately, with almost no obstacles.

After all conditions were negotiated, the two sides set a time for the boxing match.

to be frank,

In order for Chen Yang to open the 'Life and Death Arena', he was well prepared.

His level of martial arts power has reached a bottleneck.

If you want to break through to the realm of [Transforming Strength], you must fight against the strongest, and only in life and death can you understand the true meaning of martial arts.

Triple Crown!

This is the highest honor in the global martial arts world, a feat that no one has ever been able to accomplish.

Although Chen Yang is now at the top of global martial arts and has become the strongest person in the global martial arts world in terms of comprehensive strength.

He is currently the 'Double Champion' and has created unprecedented brilliance.


As long as he has not truly completed the feat of "Triple Crown", his thoughts will not be clear, which is very detrimental to the tempering of his state of mind.


As long as he hasn't won the 'Life and Death Arena' championship, there will always be people who are unconvinced and want to challenge him.

In addition, the Western martial arts community has always wanted to find opportunities to suppress him and attack him. They even used the rules set by the Western martial arts community to exclude Chen Yang from the Global Martial Arts Alliance.

Only by winning the 'Triple Crown' and sweeping the global martial arts world.

Only when Chen Yang's status in the global martial arts world is unshakable can he get rid of all constraints.

As long as Chen Yang can successfully win the 'Triple Crown', he will be above the Global Martial Arts Alliance and have great power.

This is the majesty of the strong, and it is also the dignity of Eastern martial arts.

And according to a rule of the Global Martial Arts Alliance.

As long as you can win the championship of the three top martial arts competitions in the world, you will have the right to vote.

Chen Yang already has two voting rights.

Once he wins the most important 'Life and Death Arena' championship again, he will have three voting rights.

So in the Global Martial Arts Alliance, if he has three voting rights, he will always have the right to decide.

Because there are only five voting rights in the entire Global Martial Arts Alliance.

If Chen Yang takes three of them by himself, it will be a devastating blow to the Western martial arts world.

Originally, before Chen Yang's rise, Western martial arts led the development of global martial arts and occupied an absolute position.

No one can shake it.

Asian martial arts, South American martial arts, etc. can only become auxiliary and cannot become mainstream.

The European and American martial arts circles occupy the most important position in the Global Martial Arts Alliance, with five voting rights.

It is very difficult for anyone to win a vote.

And now,

With the rise of Chen Yang, he has obtained two voting rights alone.

to be frank,

It would be hard for anyone in the Western martial arts world if Chen Yang gets a third vote.

This is also the main reason why Western martial arts circles want to attack Chen Yang at all costs.

They will never allow Chen Yang to win the third voting right and firmly control the Global Martial Arts Alliance. By the time,

Any resolution of the Global Martial Arts Alliance requires Chen Yang's nod of approval before it can be passed.

Who can bear this horse riding?

When the time comes for the Western martial arts world to develop, it will not all depend on Chen Yang's face.

Any allocation of resources will be restricted and suppressed by Chen Yang.


This is absolutely not okay!

The key is,

Chen Yang has already swept 'The Ultimate Fighter' and 'The Lost City'!

Stronger experts must be sent to prevent Chen Yang from getting the third vote.

The 'perfect level' experts from the laboratory are about to go out!

All efforts must be made to stop the Chinese, even if decades of laboratory results are destroyed, this must be done.

in addition,

For its own benefit, the Global Martial Arts Alliance has made an agreement with the forces behind European and American laboratories.

Any 'perfect level' expert in the laboratory will automatically withdraw from the martial arts competition and will not be allowed to participate in the competition for various matters within the Global Martial Arts Alliance, let alone have voting rights.


If there is no agreement, once the top experts in the laboratory sweep across the global martial arts world, the global martial arts world will be controlled by the forces behind the laboratory, and there will be no meaning of existence at all.

Just imagine, if the Global Martial Arts Alliance becomes the service of European and American laboratories, who would be willing to join the Global Martial Arts Alliance.

In this case,

Is it still necessary for the Global Martial Arts Alliance to exist?

You know, behind the European and American laboratories is the 'military-industrial complex'!

Once the Global Martial Arts Alliance is disbanded, the losses to the Western Martial Arts Alliance will be unimaginable.


For a long time, the top masters trained in European and American laboratories have never thought of dominating the global martial arts world.

They just let the top strong men launch sniper battles to clear the way for Western martial arts. As long as the boxing match is over, the 'perfect level' strong men participating in the fight will soon withdraw from the competition in the Global Martial Arts Alliance's competitions due to serious injuries.

But now,

With Chen Yang, this delicate balance was broken.

He swept through 'The Ultimate Fighter' by himself, and then won the title of 'King of the Lost City'.

His strength forced the Western martial arts community to turn to European and American laboratories and launch an all-out sniper attack.

In order to snipe Chen Yang, Western European and American laboratories will do whatever it takes.


Canada, northern Quebec.

The Ungava Peninsula, the Eye of Nunavik!

Several hundred meters below the rock is a huge pit.

This is one of the most famous meteorite craters in the world. It is said that a lake was formed after the impact of a huge meteorite.

If you're boating or swimming on the lake, it's hard to believe that this is one of the most famous meteorite craters in the world.

According to scientists' calculations, about 1.4 million years ago, a violent impact occurred here after the meteorite fell.

This was an extremely terrible disaster that almost completely destroyed the surrounding area of ​​thousands of kilometers.

All animals, plants, rocks, forests, etc. were destroyed by the powerful shock wave.

It is said that this place can be called the restricted area of ​​life for a long time.

at this time,

In a small valley not far from the lake.

bang, bang, bang...

There were dull sounds all around.

I saw a tall, powerful and ruthless black man.

He stood in front of a wooden stake, training his leg skills crazily.

A bursting sound spread throughout the surroundings.

The wooden stakes are specially made and soaked in glue, making them extremely tough.

This is a wooden stake specially used to train leg skills. It is stuck in the ground and weighs more than one ton.

And it can withstand countless heavy blows without worrying about damage.

No matter how strong the leg skills are, it is impossible to damage the glue-soaked wooden stake in the slightest.

The strong black man exudes a fierce and domineering aura, which makes people feel that they cannot approach him.

His murderous intent and ferocious look gave people an endless sense of oppression.

Anyone who comes close to him will be so frightened by the killing intent emanating from him that they dare not make a sound.

A tall and powerful black man, he trained very seriously and never slacked off.

Every burst of his heavy-leg combination killing moves made the wooden stakes bang.

This shows that

The explosive power of his heavy legs is so terrifying, so ferocious.

Even a bison will be killed by his kick.

The destructive power caused by his heavy legs far exceeds the limits of human beings.

Next to the valley training ground, stood an old man in his fifties.

He looked full of beard and had a deep gaze, giving him the aura of a superior.

If you are familiar with the Western martial arts world, you will definitely recognize this old man after seeing him.

His name is Kurt!

He is not only one of the leaders in the Western martial arts world, but also one of the bosses of the European and American "military industrial groups", and even one of the leaders of European and American experimenters.

Kurt is not an ordinary person, he has a very high status.

"Mr. Coote, why did you come to me in person?"

"I have just completed the seventh experiment, and my strength has just returned to its peak state."

"But for a truly perfect integration, more time is needed."

"According to my estimation, in about three years, maybe I can truly transform myself and get rid of my body's neglect."

"In the past three years, I want to have a good quiet training. You come to me at this time. Is there anything wrong?"

"Besides, I don't owe the laboratory anything, and I have no obligation to fight for you."

"Can you understand what I mean? I will not challenge Huaxia Chen Yang, let alone participate in the 'Life and Death Arena'!"

"I just want to get back to my physical condition, I don't have any other thoughts."

"When I accepted the seventh test, I didn't expect that it would change my life. But now I realize that that is not the life I want!"

"I am a human being, not a machine. You want to erase all my memories, but I can't do it...!"

"And I don't want to kill anyone anymore, I don't have any interest in killing people."

"In addition, I know that there are more than ten 'perfect level' experts trained in the laboratory. You can definitely find others, not me!"

"I have no interest in ordinary people's arena duels!"

"Mr. Coote, have I made my words clear enough? How else do you need me to answer you before you leave here...?"

"It seems I'm moving again. I don't want my life to be disturbed!"

The strong black man took a deep breath and stared at the old man in front of him with burning eyes.

He was very dissatisfied with the manager named 'Kut'.

As a 'perfect level' strongman cultivated in a laboratory, the strong black man had an indescribable feeling for 'Kut'.

of course,

For someone like him who has tried it several times, he has no fear or fear of anyone in his heart.

Even facing Kurt, he would not have any scruples or fears.

Three days ago,

Coote, one of the spokespersons of the North American 'military-industrial complex', personally came to Canada's Ungava Peninsula.

His purpose was simple, to find the secluded place of this strong black man.

He wants a strong black man to fight in a 'life and death arena' with Chinese Chen Yang!

That's right,

In the life and death arena, one must be the most perfect and top expert to have any hope of defeating the Chinese.

If others take action, it will have no effect, it will almost be just a food delivery.

But what Kurt couldn't accept was that this strong black man actually rejected Kurt directly.

He doesn't want to fight in the 'Arena of Life and Death'! (End of chapter)

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