Guoshu!My martial arts has a strengthening panel

Chapter 466 The price of losing is death

North America, Las Vegas!

In the underground boxing hall of the International Casino Hotel.

The fourth challenge in the life and death arena is about to begin!

At this time,

Just listen to the loud voice of the host on the radio in the boxing match hall.

He looked very excited and kept stirring up the atmosphere.

"Gentlemen and ladies, tonight in Las Vegas is destined to be a sleepless night."

"The opening of the life and death arena has brought excitement back to the global martial arts world. Tonight's three consecutive exciting duels have allowed all of us to see what the top battle in the global martial arts world is."

"Next, is the fourth challenge."

"The 'Wolf Dog' Raffi Reno from Mexico begins to challenge the 'King of Destruction' Hua Xia Chen Yang, who is ranked number one in the world of martial arts."

"In the last boxing match, China's Chen Yang was so powerful that he killed three of the most perfect peak warriors from the global martial arts world on the spot."

"His peak fighting power shocked the world and subverted the perceptions of many boxing fans."

"He has created brilliance and won the title of 'Double Champion' in the global martial arts world."

"In the coming time, can he create the third most important 'championship'?"

"Chinese Chen Yang's strength has allowed us to see the rise of the Eastern martial arts world, sweeping the global martial arts world."

"Here, I believe there is no need to introduce Huaxia Chen Yang. Let me introduce to you the fourth challenger 'Lafite Renault'!"

"Five years ago, Rafite Reno was known as the most powerful person in the Mexican singing and martial arts world. His fame was at the peak of his popularity and he was a sensation around the world."

"At that time, he was qualified to sweep the global martial arts world, and he was very hopeful to win the title of 'Ultimate Fighter'."

"But it is a pity that he retired in the end. Yes, he was only twenty-three years old at his peak and chose to retire."

"He disappeared from the eyes of everyone in the global martial arts world. We all thought he was enjoying life."

"However, according to the information, he has joined the North American 'Military Industrial Group' over the years and passed the seventh test."

"How far has his strength grown now? No one knows!"

"According to the analysis and research of major gambling companies, Lafite Reno's peak combat power has completely surpassed the limits of human martial arts. He is stronger than Douglas Jay."

"The odds of this boxing match are still 1 to 2, and the outcome of both sides is 50-50."

"Chinese 'King of Destruction' Chen Yang, this top master from the mysterious East, is known as the youngest invincible strongman in the global martial arts world."

"At the same time, he is the first strong man in history to win the 'Double Crown' consecutively, and at the same time he has opened the 'Challenge of Life and Death'."

"Since he entered the global martial arts arena, he has never suffered a defeat and has never been seriously injured. He has created a miracle."

"To be honest, although I don't know much about Eastern Martial Arts, I have been deeply attracted by Huaxia Chen Yang since his brilliant achievements. I have become his fan."

"Tonight's fourth peak showdown, can China Chen Yang continue to create brilliance and reach the final battle of the 'Arena of Life and Death'?"

"Can 'King of Destruction' Chen Yang defeat 'Wolf Dog' Lafite Reno?"

"Everyone in the audience, let us give them the craziest applause, screams, and shouts..."

"I hope the fourth challenge of the 'Arena of Life and Death' will bring you a more intense peak showdown!"


The host looked very excited.

He was originally a die-hard extreme boxing fan and was full of confidence in Western martial arts.


Ever since Chen Yang swept the global martial arts world and won the titles of 'Ultimate Fighter' and 'King of the Lost City'.

The host's mentality has obviously changed.

He was full of admiration for Chen Yang, and his tone sounded fanatical.

at this time,

I saw him screaming, shouting, and roaring loudly on the live broadcast.

The entire boxing hall of the Las Vegas International Casino Hotel was filled with excitement and excitement.

In this kind of atmosphere, people can become extremely excited.

Betting will also make you rich.

With the voice of the live host, all the boxing fans stood up.

They roared, screamed, shouted, and cheered at the top of their lungs.

Applause sounded like a tsunami throughout the boxing hall.

The betting turnover of this boxing match is almost comparable to the finals of 'The Ultimate Fighter' and 'The Battle of the Lost City'.

Rich boxing fans from all over the world are placing bets on the fighters they admire.

It is clear,
The vast majority of boxing fans are betting that Chen Yang can win.

With his strength, Chen Yang has won the recognition and admiration of all boxing fans around the world.

at this time,

The atmosphere was evident from the shouts and cheers of the boxing fans at the scene.

The most fundamental reason why the vast majority of people came here to watch tonight's 'Life and Death Arena' is actually to support Chen Yang.

They came here to watch the game because they admired Chen Yang and wanted to support him in winning the 'Triple Crown'!
In the previous three boxing matches, Chen Yang swept all the way and inspired the confidence of all boxing fans present.

The fourth challenge has not yet begun, and the boxing fans present naturally began to support Chen Yang to win.

no way,
Chen Yang's current popularity is unrivaled in the global martial arts world.

No one can surpass him in prestige, or even get close to him.

Compared with Lafite Renault, Chen Yang's popularity is not at the same level as him.

Chen Yang is now the number one strong man in the global martial arts world, with huge influence, and he is also a master in the Eastern martial arts world.

If it weren't for the fact that this is a 'life and death arena'.

Any challengers are arranged by the Global Martial Arts Federation.

Otherwise, just in terms of popularity, Lafite Renault would not be qualified to challenge Chen Yang.

In the Octagon ring.

Rafi Reno got on the ring and started to prepare and warm up.

The boxing bell hasn't rung yet, but the atmosphere at the scene has already reached fever pitch.

Three consecutive peak duels made everyone feel excited.

As the fourth challenge begins, everyone is full of expectations.

this moment,
Chen Yang raised his head and glanced at Raffi Reno, who was on the ring opposite him.

His heart was very calm and unruffled, and he did not feel any oppression.

In tonight's 'Life and Death Arena', he didn't know much about any of his opponents.

When Chen Yang saw Lafite Reno, he felt very strange.

He didn't know the opponent well, nor had he watched any of the opponent's boxing matches. He didn't even know the opponent's offensive and defensive characteristics.

Lafite Renault has been retired for five years.

What's more, five years ago, he only fought in Mexico City and was known as the strongest person in Mexico City's martial arts world.

Therefore, it is normal for Chen Yang not to understand the other party.

The key is,
Rafi Reno has retired for five years, and his previous boxing match videos are of no reference at all.

In terms of strength, Lafite Renault is definitely much stronger than he was five years ago.

He was able to challenge Chen Yang in the fourth game, which shows how much the Western martial arts world values ​​him.

in addition,

Over the years, Lafite Renault has joined the North American 'Military Industrial Group' and has been receiving the most brutal training.

He constantly stimulated his physical potential and became the most perfect 'non-human' strong man!
The laboratory spent a lot of effort to cultivate him.

Genetic medicines, bio-intelligent chips, electric stimulation and other means, as long as they can stimulate the body's potential, are all prepared for Lafite Renault.

How strong is Lafite Renault now?

Nobody knows.

Almost all boxing fans know nothing about Lafite Reno's current situation.

On the boxing ring,
Raffi Renault looked up at Chen Yang, then showed a sneer on his face and glared at Chen Yang fiercely.

When he saw Chen Yang calmly starting to warm up without showing any expression.

Lafite Reno's heart suddenly became filled with anger.

He exuded an extremely domineering killing intent, his eyes were sharp and fierce. call--!
He took a deep breath, gritted his teeth, bowed his feet, and tightened his muscles like iron.

Bastard—Chinese people actually disdain themselves?
He saw the calmness in Chen Yang's eyes, as if he felt insulted.

Damn it, the Chinese didn't pay any attention to him. It seemed that he didn't even care about him.

With Lafite Renault's sixth sense of crisis, he could clearly feel Chen Yang's state of mind at this moment.

It is clear,
Chen Yang really didn't take him seriously.

To know,
Lafite Renault retired five years ago and chose to join the North American 'Military Industrial Group'.

He is extremely aloof and always feels that he has the power to conquer the global martial arts world.

As the most perfect strong man, he has a very strong self-esteem.

Before entering the Octagon ring, Raffi Reno felt that he would not care about the opponent's attitude.

He believes that his state of mind has been tempered and he will never be affected by any outside world.

He doesn't care about anything, even money, interests, fame...etc.

of course,

He doesn't care about his opponent's attitude. In his eyes, his opponent will soon become a dead man.

Does he need to care about a dead man's attitude?
but now,

He found that he couldn't let go of it all.

That's right,

There are still big flaws in his state of mind.

Western martial arts only advocate the attack of force and never pay attention to the tempering of the state of mind.

Although Lafite Renault is very strong, he is not even weaker than Chen Yang.


The tempering of his state of mind was definitely a flaw.

From beginning to end, he never gave up everything.

That's right,

He did not give up his honor or everything he deserved.

If Chen Yang was just a little-known nobody.

Maybe there won't be any psychological changes in Lafite Reno.

Strong people are arrogant. If Chen Yang doesn't catch his eye, he will never care about any of Chen Yang's demeanor.


Chen Yang is not a nobody.

He is now the number one person in the global martial arts world and the strongest person dominating the global martial arts world.

He is a 'Double Champion'!
Lafite Renault is just a challenger now. He has no advantage in front of Chen Yang.

this moment,
When he felt Chen Yang's indifference and casualness.

For a moment, Raffi Renault felt very unbalanced, even very uncomfortable.

Originally, he could have become the strongest person in the world's martial arts world.

But because he joined the North American 'Military Industrial Group' and accepted laboratory tests.

He must keep a low profile and not have any ambition for dominance.

Even if he trains regularly, he can only face fierce beasts to practice his fighting skills.

When he felt Chen Yang's casualness, Lafite Reno felt it was disrespectful to him.

His anger suddenly burned, and he wanted to cut Chen Yang into pieces and win all the honors from Chen Yang.

damn it--!
Do the Chinese people look down upon their own fighting power?
Is it because he has retired for five years that the Chinese people don't take him seriously?

After this bastard won the title of 'Ultimate Fighter', he then won the title of 'King of the Lost City'.

He is indeed very strong!


Does he really think that no one in the global martial arts world can defeat him, that he can truly stand at the top of global martial arts and completely suppress Western martial arts?

to be frank,
Lafite Renault chose to challenge Chen Yang in the fourth game not because of the order from the North American 'Military Industrial Group'.

He challenged Chen Yang purely for his own reasons.

He is a Mexican singer, although he joined the North American "Military Industrial Group".

But from his heart, he felt that he had autonomy and that he was just cooperating with the North American 'military industrial group'.

in addition,

After he became a perfect level powerhouse, he passed the seventh experiment in the laboratory.

The North American 'military-industrial complex' and laboratories have never ordered him to do anything.

Such a result made him think that it was because he was so strong that he had to be respected by everyone.

No one in the world can order him to do things!
This is Lafite Reno's inner obsession and pride.


Rafite Reno has lost interest in money and fame and doesn't care much about these external things.

It's not these things that he can't let go of, but his honor.

He challenged Chen Yang mainly because he wanted to win Chen Yang's honor.

In the arena of life and death, I feel that the Chinese cannot be allowed to pass!

He represents Western martial arts and must use all his strength to stop the Chinese.

of course,

Before launching this challenge, the person in charge of the Global Martial Arts Alliance's "Life and Death Arena" came to him specifically.

Although he doesn't care about fame and fortune, if the Global Martial Arts Alliance invites him to fight, it will naturally not treat him badly.

This challenge,
Rafite Reno does not allow himself to lose, and he cannot afford to lose.

Once he loses, he will die!

at this time,

Lafite Renault looked Chen Yang up and down again.

What he saw in Chen Yang's eyes was indifference and casualness.

It seems that there is no one who is the strongest opponent on the spot.

At this moment, Raffi Renault felt more and more uncomfortable, and his anger was about to explode!

With his arrogant character, how could he tolerate his opponent's disdain for him?

That's right,

He believed that Chen Yang's indifference was his disdain for him.

at this time,

The bell in the Octagon ring has not yet officially rung.

The net blocking the middle of the ring has not yet been opened.

Deafening music sounded throughout the boxing hall.

The atmosphere became extremely heated at this moment!

Almost all boxing fans stood up at this moment, and everyone's eyes were fixed on the Octagon ring.

War is imminent!
The life and death arena begins immediately!
After placing their bets, many boxing fans focused their attention on the boxing ring.

This kind of peak showdown must not be distracted.

In a true duel between masters, the outcome is likely to be determined by one move.

As long as there is any negligence on both sides, then they will bear the price of failure.

In the arena of life and death, the price of failure is death!
There is no second option!

As the boxing match time countdown begins.

Including the host's voice, all stopped at this moment.

Everyone's attention was attracted to the Octagonal cage boxing ring.

The atmosphere in the entire boxing match hall became extremely heated at this moment, making people look forward to it...! (End of chapter)

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