Guoshu!My martial arts has a strengthening panel

Chapter 472 Want to make a comeback? No door

Bang, bang, bang—!
In the octagonal cage boxing ring, the two men launched the most intense attack!

This boxing match is called the most classic offensive and defensive system showdown in the global martial arts world. It is no exaggeration.

Whether it's offense or defense on both sides.

It is of extremely high research value for any top boxer.

this moment,
Regulus, the 'perfect level' strongman of the North American 'Military Industrial Group', looked up at the two men fighting fiercely in the boxing ring.

He couldn't help but take a deep breath and shook his head helplessly.

too strong--!
He was highly focused and did not dare to be distracted.

Especially when he saw Chen Yang unleashing the most violent attack, his mind kept simulating the duel between Chen Yang and him.

The longer the simulation lasted, the more powerless he felt.

Chen Yang's combat power completely exceeded his expectations.

Next to Regulus, sat several other perfect-level powerhouses from the North American 'Military Industrial Group'.

They all held their breath and stared up at the two men fighting fiercely in the ring.


Their attention was not on Lafite Reno, but on Chen Yang.

Because no matter from which aspect, Chen Yang can be regarded as the enemy of all the 'perfect level' strong men who are watching the battle.

They were under the ring, constantly observing Chen Yang's offensive characteristics.

Everyone wants to find Chen Yang's defensive weaknesses in this boxing match.

Chen Yang is now a representative of Eastern martial arts and a goal that everyone in the global martial arts world must catch up with.

For all fighters in the Western martial arts world, he is an enemy.

All boxing matches in the Western martial arts world have the goal of defeating Chen Yang.

The uncanny performance of Jiugong Flying Step, the fierceness and dominance of Twelve Road Tan Legs, the ferocity of Baji Quan, and the both strength and softness of Tai Chi——!
have to say,

Chen Yang's four major martial arts are so comprehensive that no trace can be found.

Everyone observed for a while and tried to simulate a fight with Chen Yang.

After a while,

Almost everyone couldn't help but sigh.

There’s no way to fight——!
Chen Yang's attack was as fierce as a storm and unstoppable.


His defense is like an iron wall, impregnable!

Attack and defense integrated!
Regulus looked up at Chen Yang on the ring and shook his head helplessly, feeling a hint of despair in his heart.

He had a feeling.

If China Chen Yang defeats Lafite Renault and enters the final battle of suppression.

With his own strength, there is no way he can stop Huaxia Chen Yang from winning the final victory and clearing the 'Life and Death Arena'.

Only Zeus can snipe him perfectly.

With Regulus's combat power, it would be too difficult to snipe Chen Yang.

He was not sure of defeating Chen Yang, and even by stimulating his physical potential and improving his combat power, he was no match for China's Chen Yang.

no way,
Huaxia Chen Yang's offensive and defensive awareness is too strong, his defense is watertight, and his offensive speed is incredibly fast.

Especially the combination of killing moves, the speed is too fast, the explosive power and the control of the rhythm of the ring are even more superb.

With the peak combat power of China's Chen Yang, in the global martial arts world, perhaps only an 'invincible' strong man like 'Zeus' who has passed the eighth experiment can compete.

Lafite Renault is a very comprehensive 'perfect level' strong man with a very fast pace and respects speed.

His fast attack style far exceeds the speed limit of human martial arts.

Even among the top experts trained in all laboratories in North America, Lafite Reno is considered to be extremely strong.


When he faced off against China Chen Yang in the boxing ring, he had no advantage at all.

No, it should be said that Lafite Renault was suppressed by China Chen Yang.

That is,

China's Chen Yang is faster, stronger and more ruthless than Lafite Renault!

Anyone in the global martial arts world who wants to crack China Chen Yang's fast-break style will face the most severe challenge.

to be frank,
Among all the strong men trained in the laboratory, Regulus studied the Chinese Sanda Kungfu the most.

He was constantly observing Chen Yang's fighting power outside the ring, and at the same time he also wanted to absorb Chen Yang's fighting experience and offensive and defensive system.

He had spent a long time in China, and had practiced kung fu for a period of time in the Shaolin Temple in China.


He practiced in Shaolin Temple for less than half a year before giving up voluntarily.

Fancy fists and embroidered legs are useless against his peak combat power.

Ever since he spent some time in China, he has always looked down on Chinese martial arts.

He has always believed that Chinese Kung Fu has not been influential in the global martial arts world. The most important reason is that Chinese Kung Fu has too many tricks.

The flashy kung fu is more performance than actual combat.

Although Huaxia's various offensive and defensive movements, offensive and defensive drills, etc. are all very beautiful and have extremely high viewing value.


Without core strength, there is no improvement in speed, and the gap in actual combat power is too big.
Even in Regulus's eyes, he has always believed that Chinese Kung Fu is far behind ancient Muay Thai, Kyokushin Kung Fu and other fighting skills!
Since he had practiced Shaolin Kung Fu, Tai Chi and other martial arts, he had disdain for Chinese Kung Fu.


With the rise of Chen Yang in the global martial arts world, he swept the global martial arts world.

Regulus paid more and more attention to Chinese Kung Fu and did not dare to have any prejudice.

He has never seen any martial arts school in the world that can stimulate his potential to such an extent.

It is even more powerful than genetic enhancement in the laboratory.


He never thought that the combination of Chinese martial arts' kick skills and ultimate moves could actually explode the power to such a terrifying level.

The combination of leg skills is a killer move, one leg after another, making people unable to avoid it.

Not only does it have super-superior leg speed, but it also possesses extremely terrifying dark energy penetration.

Regardless of defense, no defense can stop An Jin's lethality.

This kind of unpredictable power and speed is simply unpredictable.

The angle of attack is dizzying and there is no trace to be found.

have to say,

With Chen Yang's current attack method, his speed and rhythm have reached their peak.

It would be very difficult for anyone to crack his style of play.

Regulus and Lafite Renault were very familiar with each other. They were the same batch of experimenters.

Although the two have no friendship, Regulas is very aware of Lafite Renault's offensive and defensive characteristics.

To know,
Raffi Renault is the best person who passed the seventh test and was the strongest person in the Mexican singing and martial arts world.

For Regulas, Lafite Renault is his competitor.

Both of them are strong men cultivated by the North American 'Military Industrial Group'.

So all this time,
Regulus has conducted detailed research on the characteristics of Lafite Renault's playing style.

to be frank,
There are only a handful of experts in the global martial arts community who can defeat Lafite Reno, including Zeus.

but now,

Lafite Reno looks to be at a disadvantage.

He was completely suppressed by Huaxia Chen Yang, and it seemed difficult to make a comeback.

That is,

It is too difficult for Lafite Renault to defeat Huaxia Chen Yang.

Not only was his 'destructive attack' style of play completely restrained by the opponent. at the same time,

Lafite Renault's explosive power didn't seem to give him any advantage when the two sides fought head-on.

How could Lafite Renault win in this state?

at this time,

The fierce battles in the Octagonal cage became more and more intense and exciting, giving people an indescribable sense of excitement.

Why is China's Chen Yang's peak combat power so terrifying?
Regulus under the ring took a deep breath again.

His eyes were fixed on Chen Yang on the ring, his expression became very solemn,
After simulating for a while, he became full of fear of Chen Yang, and even his courage to challenge Chen Yang continued to decline.

Regulus thought of something and turned to look at 'Zeus' who was sitting next to him, looking lazy!
at this time,

When he saw that 'Zeus' didn't seem to be paying much attention to everything in the Octagon, it was as if he had been dozing off all the time.

Raffi Renault couldn't help but frown, feeling a little incomprehensible.

He has always known that 'Zeus' is very terrifying.

The 'invincible' strongman in the global martial arts world who passed the eighth experiment by European and American experimenters is so powerful that people are shocked.

But to be honest,
All this is just a legend.

Regulus has never fought against Zeus, so he doesn't know how powerful the opponent is.

Ever since Huaxia Chen Yang opened the 'Challenge of Life and Death', the entire Western martial arts has been shaken.

In order to organize Huaxia Chen Yang to pass the 'Life and Death Arena', the Global Martial Arts Alliance asked all the 'perfect level' experts who passed the seventh test to come to the scene to watch the battle.

Because in every challenge, a 'perfect level' strong man is likely to be sent to launch the most brutal sniper attack on China Chen Yang.

As Huaxia Chen Yang killed three 'perfect level' powerhouses in succession.

All the 'perfect level' experts who had passed the seventh test around them had a bad feeling in their hearts.

this moment,
Regulus also came here to watch the battle with 'Zeus', and he finally had a clear understanding in his heart.

If nothing else,

Once China Chen Yang won the fourth challenge match.

In the final battle, the Global Martial Arts Alliance is likely to send 'Zeus' to launch a final sniper attack on the Chinese.

Regulus put aside the thoughts in his mind and couldn't help but take a deep breath.

He raised his head and continued to watch the fierce battle in the octagonal cage. His fighting spirit subsided and his eyes became sharp.

this moment,
In his mind, he once again simulated the fierce battle with Chen Yang in the ring.

Do not know why,

Whenever he simulates a fierce battle with Chen Yang, he feels extremely excited.

Although he simulated for a moment every time, he could not break through Chen Yang's defense.

But there is no other way. One of Regulus's talents is simulating a peak duel with his opponent.

Bang, bang, bang—!
In the Octagon ring, the fierce battle at this moment has reached its most exciting moment.

Lafite Renault and Chen Yang both used their combined killer moves at this moment.

The attacking rhythm of both sides became faster and faster, making people's adrenaline surge.

have to say,

This 'super speed' style of play is indeed shocking and gives people a super visual impact.

Even the attack and defense speed of both sides was too fast, giving everyone a feeling of being dazzled and unable to see clearly.

This fierce fighting style made all the boxing fans at the scene feel excited and excited.

Chen Yang's Nine Palace Flying Steps, Twelve-way Tan Kicks, and boxing techniques were integrated.

His combined killing moves, one move at a time, are fast, swift, agile and unpredictable, making people unable to avoid them.

The key is,
His defense is watertight and traceless, making it difficult to break down his defense.

to be frank,
Lafite Reno's combination of killer moves with his leg skills and his fast-break style indeed create a strong sense of oppression.

Especially his control over distance is stronger than Chen Yang's, and his moves are fierce and powerful.


After Chen Yang enters the state of "six senses", he can always beat Lafite Reno by half a beat.

The prophet!

Chen Yang's spiritual sensing ability gradually began to overwhelm Lafite Renault and took the initiative.

Any offensive intention of Lafite Renault began to appear in Chen Yang's mind, and he could predict it in advance——!
at this time,

Chen Yang felt that the edge of the [Hua Jin] realm was getting closer and closer.

If I can cross this gap, I will break through to the realm of [Hua Jin], and my whole person will be reborn.

Take control!
That's right, in addition to improving one's various abilities, the [Hua Jin] realm is most obvious about control!
No punches and no intention is the true meaning!
Once you break through to the realm of [Hua Jin], everything is under control.

Chen Yang controlled the offensive and defensive rhythm of both sides.

He became more and more relaxed and casual, and seemed to be at ease under such a fierce attack from Lafite Reno.

Everyone can feel that Chen Yang has suppressed Lafite Reno at this moment.

A very strange state.

Tai Chi’s ultimate move—step forward, move, block, and punch!

Chen Yang's leg skills suddenly transformed into boxing skills.

His center of gravity sank and he punched forward.

Like a hammer, this heavy punch hit Lafite Reno's leg with great accuracy.

Fast, accurate and ruthless!
In such a fast-paced attack, punch the opponent in the leg.

It can be seen that Chen Yang's boxing control is superb.

This Tai Chi movement and punch is sudden and hard to guard against.

Deng Deng Deng——!
Lafite Reno was completely stunned by Chen Yang's Tai Chi move.

He stepped back a few meters, stumbled, and almost fell to the ground.


I saw his body leaning against the iron mesh surrounding the Octagon ring, his forehead soaked with sweat.

Tai Chi!
This is the number one internal martial art among the Chinese martial arts, it is broad and profound!

At this time, Chen Yang integrated the fierce and domineering Bajiquan with the hardness and softness of Tai Chi.

The moment he performed Tai Chi, the artistic conception of Baji Quan also burst out.

Tai Chi is fierce, tricky, ruthless and gentle!
Bajiquan is fierce, domineering, and brave!

The strength of the fist is combined into one, both hard and soft, making it inevitable for people to avoid it!

not to mention,
Chen Yang's attack speed was extremely fast, and his judgment was extremely accurate.

A heavy punch exploded, and he steadily controlled the offensive and defensive rhythm in the Octagon ring.

this moment,
Chen Yang's offensive rhythm is sometimes fast and sometimes slow.

It's as fast as lightning and unpredictable, and slow and gentle breeze is like catkins blowing on the face.

This unpredictable rhythmic fighting style gave all boxing fans at the scene an indescribable feeling.

Brilliant and a joy to watch.

[Dark Power Late Stage] A perfect burst of power, endless tricks!
The key is,
Chen Yang's spiritual prediction ability is too strong.

Not only can he accurately predict Lafite Reno's offense, but he can also control Lafite Reno's defensive status.

Lafite Renault wanted to counterattack strongly, to distance himself and avoid Chen Yang's combination of killing moves.


He wanted to break this suppressed situation and fight back against the odds.


As time went on, he found that he was becoming increasingly powerless.

Chen Yang controlled the offensive and defensive rhythm of the boxing ring.

Any opponent who wants to make a comeback will definitely not be that easy——! (End of chapter)

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