Guoshu!My martial arts has a strengthening panel

Chapter 475: Click to kill! Strength concentration 1 point burst

Mexican song ancient martial arts!
This is a martial arts inheritance of Indians with a long history.

of course,

With the development of the times, the ancient martial arts of Mexico are not so pure.

It combines many kinds of fighting skills, such as Indian hunting skills, ancient Muay Thai, Kyokushin karate, Brazilian war dance, boxing... and so on.

These world-famous fighting skills are integrated to form a unique martial arts.

The fighting style of Mexican ancient martial arts is similar to the "kick boxing" that is famous in European martial arts circles.

Including the ultimate moves, they are all very similar, and their fighting styles are also very comprehensive.

In the Octagon ring.

The fighting style of Mexican Geguwu is varied, including kicks, elbow strikes, punches, knee strikes and other combination killing moves.

Its core is offense and it advocates killing.

The combination of kick skills is in the same vein as Kyokushin karate and ancient Muay Thai.


It incorporates too many martial arts techniques, and its moves are unpredictable.

When attacking, his movements are extremely fierce, domineering, and ruthless.

Moreover, the attacking rhythm is very fast, and the angle of attack is traceless.

The combination of Mexico's ancient martial arts combos is extremely lethal.

A 'perfect level' powerhouse like Lafite Reno can unleash a powerful combination of Mexican and ancient martial arts.

No one will avoid his advantage and cannot fight head-on with him.


It is inevitable that both sides will suffer losses.

Chen Yang sensed the crisis and quickly retreated, widening the distance between him and Lafite Renault.

You are as strong as you can be, and the bright moon shines on the river!
This is a characteristic of Chen Yang's tactical play. When the opponent's offensive is too fierce, he will avoid its edge and adopt a defensive stance.


When the opponent's offensive rhythm reaches a certain level, he quickly changes his style of play and uses fast breaks to interrupt the opponent's offensive rhythm.

This unpredictable style of play makes it very uncomfortable for the opponent.

this moment,
Chen Yang's face became solemn, and his heart was filled with fear.

In the 'Six Senses' state, the powerful sixth sense of crisis has been warning Chen Yang.

He could feel that at this moment, Lafite Reno's powerful special attack "Four-Style Combination Attack" would be unimaginably powerful.

This is a life-saving move, a desperate move.

The combo of leg skills is a surefire move, where strength and speed are superimposed.

Chen Yang stepped back continuously, but what made him feel his scalp was numb.

Lafite Reno's heavy-leg combo killer move followed him like a shadow, always chasing him.


Chen Yang suddenly stamped his feet to steady himself.

at this time,

He did not continue to retreat, nor did he use all his strength to avoid Lafite Reno's heavy leg combo with his Nine Palaces Flying Step.

It’s not that I don’t want to, it’s that I can’t do it!
"Damn it - what kind of heavy-leg combo killer move is this? How can you chase me?"

"What a terrible sense of crisis - are you trying to force me to fight hard!?"

this moment,
Chen Yang's eyes were fixed on Lafite Renault's midline vital point, his concentration was highly concentrated, and his spiritual sensing ability had reached its peak.

Chen Yang sensed danger under the prejudgment of his powerful spiritual sense.

This combination of Lafite and Renault has already threatened Chen Yang's life.

He has never been in a situation like this before. He defended with all his strength, but was locked by the opponent's legs!
The moment Lafite Reno kicked his foot and his body sprinted quickly.

His speed exceeded the limit, and at the same time, his leg movements were unstoppable.

at this time,

Chen Yang only felt his head buzzing.

There is no way to retreat, there is no way to avoid it!
Before he knew it, he had retreated to the edge of the Octagon.

All escape routes were completely blocked by Lafite Reno's combo combo.

this moment,
Chen Yang wanted to distance himself, wanted to avoid its sharp edge, and even raised the Nine Palaces Flying Step under his feet to the limit, he couldn't do it.

Once Chen Yang continues to use the retreating and dodging style of play.

Then Lafite Reno's killer combo of leg skills turned the tables on adversity and completely suppressed Chen Yang.

Only a strong counterattack, a head-to-head attack, and a head-to-head attack against Lafite-Renault's combo killer move can interrupt Lafite-Renault's offensive rhythm.

That's right,

If Chen Yang wants to continue to control the rhythm of offense and defense in the boxing ring, he must interrupt Lafite Reno's offense.

You can't retreat at this moment, let alone dodge or block to defend.

Only by fighting hard can you become invincible.

"Nah! This bastard's combination of killing moves is so powerful?"

"Are you trying to force me to fight with him and die together!?"

Chen Yang quickly understood Lafite Renault's offensive intentions.

The other party made it clear that they wanted to fight him head-on and die together with him.

And in this situation, Chen Yang really has no other way to break the situation except fighting hard.

Chen Yang suddenly stamped his foot, then whipped his leg upwards!
A crackling sound spread throughout the boxing hall.

Twelve-way tan-leg killer move—three strikes with the whip-leg!
The upper leg is whipped, and the momentum is like breaking a bamboo!

This heavy-leg killing move was fierce and domineering, emitting a suffocating aura.

With Chen Yang's whip kick, he exploded with force.

The entire octagonal cage boxing ring erupted with a powerful impact ratio at this moment.

The air seemed to be torn apart by the strong wind, making a roaring sound.

The shock wave continued to spread towards the surroundings. From the outside, it looked like a storm erupting in the octagonal cage.

Lafite Reno's super powerful one-legged four-position move, with speed and attacking rhythm reaching its peak.

It is clear,
In order to master this super killer move, Rafi Reno retired from the Mexican martial arts world for five years.

He even did not hesitate to join the North American 'Military Industrial Group' and conducted the seventh experiment.

After several years of hard training, he finally mastered the super powerful killing move "Flowers Blooming in Four Seasons".

In terms of attack power.

Lafite-Reno's unique combination of leg skills has reached its pinnacle.

this moment,
Lafite Renault did not hold back at all, went all out, gave up his defense, and launched the most intense life-and-death struggle with Chen Yang.

He used all his cards and made a desperate move.

He knew very well that he was no match for the Chinese.

He wanted to die together with Chen Yang. Even if he died in battle, he would still have to seriously injure the Chinese.

Perhaps with such an obsession in his heart, Lafite Renault's combat power increased dramatically at this moment, increasing by more than 30%.

Even if Chen Yang has mastered the four major martial arts, even if he has broken through to the [late stage dark strength] realm.


In this state, Chen Yang would never dare to fight with Lafite Renault's killer move easily.

There is no doubt that if the two sides engage in a head-on confrontation at this time.

Both sides suffer!

Even if Chen Yang dominated the offensive and defensive rhythm and had the upper hand.

But once he gets up close and personal, he can't avoid Lafite Reno's killer move.

The boxing match time is approaching four minutes!
In the entire boxing match hall, almost everyone knew clearly that the boxing match had reached its most important moment.

Everyone opened their eyes wide, waiting for the two people in the Octagonal boxing ring, looking forward to the most exciting and intense moment of the boxing match.

Chen Yang took two steps back and took a deep breath.

this moment,
His spiritual sensing ability instantly rose to its peak.

Immediately afterwards, he suddenly exerted force on his feet and struck three times with his whip legs to counterattack the opponent.

This is not a hard fight!
Instead, they used offense to replace defense, and then the counterattack force of the attack caused the two sides to distance themselves.

The next moment, Chen Yang stabilized his center of gravity at his feet and gathered strength in his waist.

have to say,

Since Chen Yang broke through to the [Late Dark Stage], he did not need to accumulate momentum when he exploded with the penetrating power of [Dark Strength]. His reaction ability, speed, explosive power, etc. have all been improved to incredible levels.


Each of his counterattacks was achieved with superb precision. It happened to be the node where the opponent's power was transformed and the weakest point of defense.

In the Octagon ring, a powerful impact ratio created a storm.

The fierce and domineering strength, under the attack of the two sides' leg skills, the murderous intention swept around, making people shudder.

Fierce, domineering, direct, and as fast as thunder, he is hard to guard against.

Use your feet to exert force, until your body instantly rises into the air, and then explodes with a super powerful four-hit combo of leg skills.

to be frank,
From an action point of view, Lafite Reno's four-stroke combo has no extra fancy moves.

It doesn't even have any subtlety, it looks very ordinary.


From exerting force with his feet, to flying his body into the air, and then to combos with his legs, his movements were all done in one go, smoothly and freely.

Like a thunderbolt, it disappears in an instant and exerts sudden force, giving people an indescribable spiritual impact.

This super-powerful kick combo killer move is highly entertaining to watch.

All the boxing fans around could not help but take a deep breath after seeing this super powerful combination of leg skills from Raffi Reno.

This "Flowers Blooming in Four Seasons" not only gives people a super visual experience with every burst of leg skills.


The power of this killing move is even more suffocating and terrifying.

In an instant, I saw Lafite Renault's heavy-leg killer move locking onto Chen Yang's head, following him like a shadow, heading straight for Chen Yang's head.

The ear-piercing roar stirred up a strong and domineering wind.

Many people who were close to the boxing ring only felt the strong wind sweeping down, making it impossible to open their eyes.

The indestructible combination of leg skills and special moves seem to destroy everything in front of him.

After Chen Yang exploded with this whip kick.

Deng Deng Deng——!
His feet quickly retreated, and his center of gravity suddenly sank.


He exerted force on his waist and punched upwards, hitting Lafite Reno's midline.

The Eight Ultimate Ultimate Move - reaching the sky from the ground up!

This heavy punch not only unleashes the fierce and domineering power of Bajiquan, but also combines the hammering power of Tai Chi!
The fist power explodes rapidly and is fully integrated!
Use a 'Three Whip Kicks' to counter attack with the opponent's combined kick attack.

Then, the moment he retreated, he unleashed the ultimate move of Bajiquan, easily counterattacking and blocking the opponent's leg combo combo.

Compared with the fierceness of his leg skills, Chen Yang's heavy punch was even more lethal.

It was vicious and vicious, aiming directly at Lafite Reno's calf.

Because at this moment Lafite Reno unleashed a combo of killer moves with his leg skills, his body rose into the air and he was unable to effectively relieve his force.

The fusion killer move of Bajiquan and Taijiquan is both strong and soft, fierce and vicious.

All the strength of the whole body is concentrated at the peak of the fist, and it explodes instantly.

Use your arms, waist, wrists, and strength to form a line.

With the shortest distance, the fiercest power is erupted, and the point is broken to form the most terrifying point kill!

That's right,

With the improvement of his martial arts level, Chen Yang can easily use heavy punches to explode into a 'point kill'!
What is 'click to kill'?
It means that the strength is concentrated at one point, instantly forming explosive strength, dark strength penetrating power, perfect explosion, forming a concussive force.

The eight-pole ultimate move, 'The Sky-reaching Cannon', is originally powerful and domineering, invincible, and is famous for its bravery.

And now,
Chen Yang integrated the power of Tai Chi into this killing move, which was so powerful that it exploded.

The kill is instantaneous, not only fast, but also the angle of attack is unexpected.

not to mention,
At this moment, Chen Yang has completely entered into the state of 'six senses'. He can accurately predict all the opponent's offensive intentions and defensive weaknesses.

The real killer move of this combination of heavy punches is Chen Yang's last heavy punch, 'point kill'!
The fusion of Tai Chi and Ba Chi fists was perfect at this moment, and it was displayed vividly under Chen Yang's fists.

What's even more frightening is that this is a follow-up move.

Chen Yang took the lead and unleashed three whip-kick strikes, beating the opponent's heavy-kick combo combo.


He instantly burst out with heavy punches and attacked at close range!

This fierce counterattack with a heavy punch is very confusing.

Although the leg skills and heavy punches are not false or true.


But it gives people a change of reality and reality, making it impossible to judge the direction of his attack.

The speed is too fast and there is no trace!

Deng Deng Deng——!
After Lafite Reno unleashed his strongest killer move, the "One Leg Four Moves" combo.

He never expected that Chen Yang would fight him head-on with a whip kick and three strikes.

Seeing him gain the upper hand and reverse the situation.

The ultimate move of heavy leg combos, under Chen Yang's leg skills, the offensive continued unabated, slashing down towards Chen Yang's midline.


Suddenly he felt a deadly danger coming over him.

In the air, he wanted to close his legs to defend, to retreat, and to counter Chen Yang's heavy punch.

He didn't dare to attack Chen Yang in close combat easily!
The speed of the close-range explosion is too fast and the power is infinite.

Although Lafite Reno's fighting ability can be regarded as the top level in the global martial arts world, he is not afraid of any head-on attack.


At this moment, he was completely cowed when faced with Chen Yang's eight-pole killing move, the 'Straight to Heaven Cannon'.

There is no way not to be timid!
Chen Yang's powerful punch was unexpected and its lethality was terrifying.

"Damn it, if you want to challenge me, I will kill you today!"

"What can a perfect level powerhouse do to me? The 'perfect level' powerhouse I killed tonight was not you!"

"If you want to challenge me, you must be prepared to die."

Chen Yang's heart became cold.

With the explosion of a combination of heavy punches and a killing move, his momentum reached its peak, which was shocking.

This is the ultimate move with a powerful punch from the Sky-reaching Cannon, and three strikes with the whip kick!

The two moves are combined into one, and the killer move of Lafite Reno's "Flowers of All Seasons" leg combination is instantly broken.

at this time,

Chen Yang fully displayed the powerful momentum of the [Late Dark Strength] powerhouse.

The unstoppable fighting spirit and ferocious state are frightening.

Even though Raffi Renault was full of confidence in his 'perfect' state, he even reached the point of being arrogant.

But I have to say,

When he faced Chen Yang's all-out combo attack, he could only avoid its edge and did not dare to attack Chen Yang!

no way,
In a close-range confrontation, he was not sure to cause damage to Chen Yang before he was hit.

In this state, close combat is very dangerous for Lafite Reno.

The situation was extremely unfavorable to him.


A strong sense of crisis emerged in Lafite Renault's mind.

He knew very well that Huaxia Chen Yang's killing move with a heavy punch also had a follow-up move.

Once you block it at close range, the consequences are unpredictable.

Lafite Renault didn't hesitate at all and instantly stepped back, putting distance between him and Chen Yang.


Chen Yang's state reached its peak, his mind was empty and his whole person was terrifyingly calm.

The fist intention enveloped the surroundings, and the fighting spirit reached its peak!
at this time,

Chen Yang's center of gravity dropped and his eyes turned red.

He is like an angry tiger with endless killing intent!
Violent state!
That's right,

At this time, Chen Yang let himself enter a violent state, and his combat power increased dramatically. He didn't want to delay any more time!

Quick victory——! (End of chapter)

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