Guoshu!My martial arts has a strengthening panel

Chapter 486: Reaching the sky in one step! Super powerful special move

'Ancient God' Zeus exploded with this heavy leg combo.

His body bowed, and the muscles under his feet were as tense as iron.


He is like a taut giant bow, sharp and sharp.

His condition reached its peak and his momentum was like a rainbow.

The explosive power in the muscles all over the body is terrifying.

A frightening beastly aura erupted from his body.

Domineering, ruthless, crazy, cruel——!
The suffocating killing intent swept through the entire Octagon ring.

A forward kick is like a sword being unsheathed!

He rushes and kicks, following him like a shadow, and his speed is incredibly fast.

at this time,

Once his legs explode, they are like unsheathed swords, invincible and unstoppable.

The killing intent that was inevitable was overwhelming.

at this time,

The 'Old God' Zeus seemed to have turned into a real beast.

After his genes were strengthened, his aura was completely ignited, and his killing intent was endless.

Kick, kick, hit, kick, and kill moves like crazy.

This is the most classic combo of killing moves by masters trained in martial arts laboratories around the world.


This is also a must-have killing move skill for any strong person who has passed the sixth experiment.

In the shortest time, the most terrifying combo of killing moves was unleashed, which was fierce and invincible.

For anyone in the global martial arts world, they must be cautious once encountering such a combo killer move.

From the perspective of exertion.

This combination of kick skills from 'Ancient God' Zeus combines many powerful martial arts from the global martial arts world.

Ancient Muay Thai, Kyokushin Kate, Sambo fighting skills, Krav Maga, kickboxing -!
The masters trained in the laboratory have versatile fighting styles and all-encompassing fighting skills.

They don't have a unified martial arts, but each martial arts can unleash the most terrifying lethality.

Once a strong attack is launched, there will be no way to avoid it and no way to retreat.

since this century.

The laboratories of the North American "military industrial conglomerate" are becoming more and more unscrupulous, and their "genetic experiments" on the human body have reached unprecedented heights.

They are keen on cultivating human beings to become stronger and stronger masters.

of course,

All this is for the battlefield.

At the same time, it is also to test the repellency of genetic medicine to humans.

In order for the experiment to succeed, they must make all the powerful people who have passed the genetic test become more and more powerful.

They combine all the martial arts in the global martial arts world like a hodgepodge.


The laboratory classifies the characteristics of various martial arts and scientifically allows all laboratory Chen Yang to study.

At the same time, for the inheritance of force, they all study the movement patterns of muscle groups.

have to say,

This scientific method of studying mechanics has indeed opened up new ideas for the development of martial arts.

The only pity is that this kind of mechanical research is too superficial.

This kind of martial arts essence is difficult to study.

of course,

When training, all students will verify their martial arts skills with animals.

As more and more boxers are trained in European and American laboratories, their strength is getting stronger and stronger.

In this way, all martial arts efforts can be well verified.

in fact,

All the super combination special moves of European and American laboratories have something in common.

Their movements are not complicated, and can even be said to be very simple and easy to understand.

However, if anyone wants to practice the killing move to the limit, it is not that simple.

Every combination of killing moves must go through thousands of hard training before it can explode into power.

There must be absolutely no room for opportunism.

'Ancient God' Zeus's combo of sprinting, kicking and kicking is a sure move, breaking the limit of speed.

The air seemed to be blasted by his kick, and the strong wind swept down and enveloped the entire Octagon ring.

at this time,

All of Chen Yang's escape routes were completely blocked by the combination of leg skills and special moves of the 'Ancient God' Zeus.

There is no way to retreat, there is no way to avoid it!
Anyone who wants to avoid this combo of the 'Ancient God' Zeus will never be that easy.

"What the hell - a combination of leg skills and a killer move, so fast?
"This bastard's heavy-leg combo killer move, I didn't expect it to contain such terrifying speed, it's so lethal!"

"He is worthy of being the invincible strongman who competes in the final finale of the 'Arena of Life and Death'. The North American 'Military Industrial Group' sent him to fight. It seems that he is bound to win."

"If my martial arts power level is not completely stable in the [late stage of Anjin], I will probably not be his opponent."

"But now, I want to see how strong the 'invincible strong men' trained in European and American laboratories are?"

Chen Yang took a deep breath and his eyes became sharp.

The speed of his feet began to increase.

A heavy leg block, counterattack with force, attack instead of defense.

Deng Deng Deng——!
After he and the 'Ancient God' Zeus fought hard with a heavy leg combo, he quickly retreated with the help of the counter-shock at his feet, widening the distance between him and the 'Ancient God' Zeus.

The heavy leg killing move of 'Ancient God' Zeus is very terrifying.

Especially the speed, which exceeds the limit, makes people unable to avoid, and has endless lethality.

Western martial arts does not have any obvious realm of martial arts power.

They are accustomed to classifying the lethality of martial arts based on data.

For example, how many pounds does one punch hit, and what is the speed of one leg -!
'Ancient God' Zeus' heavy-leg killing move has reached an incredible level of explosive power.

If you look at it from the perspective of heavy leg combos.

'Ancient God' Zeus' explosive combination of leg skills is more powerful than Chen Yang's [Dark Strength Late Stage], and the lethality is not far different.

They all have the ability to kill their opponents with one move.


Only the most powerful master-level warriors can unleash such a powerful combo of heavy legs.

And from the perspective of leg skills.

The leg skills of 'Ancient God' Zeus are not inferior to Chen Yang's Twelve-Way Tan Legs.

Even his leg skills are simpler, and his lethality is more direct and rough.

Cruel, domineering, ruthless and unstoppable!
at this time,

'Ancient God' Zeus burst out with this combo of lunges, kicks and special moves, which vividly demonstrated various martial arts from around the world that were integrated in European and American laboratories.

A perfect 'invincible strongman' with extraordinary combat power.

this moment,
Chen Yang raised his spiritual sensing ability to the limit and did not dare to neglect it at all.

His martial arts state of mind is only one step away from the realm of [Hua Jin].

The intention of the fist becomes powerful, and the power of the fist becomes powerful!
The power of the four major martial arts is fully integrated.


Even if all his martial arts skills have broken through to the [Dacheng] realm.

Chen Yang did not dare to use his own body to challenge the heavy leg combo of 'Ancient God' Zeus.

Once the vital part of the body is hit by the heavy leg killing move of the 'ancient god' Zeus, he will either die or be disabled.

Even if Chen Yang could completely relieve his force, his body would definitely be seriously injured.

In a peak duel of this level, once you get injured, you are not far from losing.

Even if a minor injury affects the performance of one's strength, the consequences will be very serious.

In this state,

Once your opponent seizes the opportunity, launch a fierce counterattack.

If one move hits a fatal vital point, he will definitely be killed on the spot.

and so.

At this time, Chen Yang must distance himself from the 'ancient god' Zeus.

Avoid its sharp edges and use defense instead of attack.

The consequences of a hard fight are unpredictable.

And with the current offensive state of 'Ancient God' Zeus, Chen Yang did not need to fight head-on with the opponent.

His spiritual sensing ability does not show any difference compared to the current state of the 'ancient god' Zeus.

Although the attack of 'Ancient God' Zeus is extremely perfect, both offensive and defensive, there is no weakness at all.


After widening the distance, Chen Yang was not afraid of any strong attacks from the opponent.

Deng Deng Deng——!
Continuously retreat and dodge.

Chen Yang avoided the combo of 'Ancient God' Zeus's killer move, and after swinging his legs out of the opponent's attack range, he couldn't help but let out a breath.

His spiritual sensing ability is superior to any boxer in the global martial arts world. and,

He is also very observant and can predict the opponent's offensive intentions in advance.

not to mention,
At this time, Chen Yang had already entered the state of 'six senses and spiritual connection'.

'Ancient God' Zeus burst out a series of combinations of killing moves to attack.

He instantly saw the offensive characteristics of 'Ancient God' Zeus, as well as the opponent's defensive habits.

The attack of 'Old God' Zeus is extremely terrifying.

While he was attacking, he also defended perfectly, without missing a beat.

It’s too difficult to fight back!


Chen Yang has never been in the habit of sitting still and waiting for death.

If there are no offensive opportunities, create opportunities.

His center of gravity sank suddenly, then his arms shook, and his speed exploded at full speed.

Tai Chi Shi--relief of grinding energy!

Bajiquan - welcome the door without caring about anything!

Use softness to overcome strength, use quickness to defeat quickness.

this moment,
Chen Yang's arms were so fast that they disappeared, like lightning, disappearing in an instant.

Block, release, and retreat!
Bang, bang, bang—!

Chen Yang kicked his feet, then closed his arms, pushed his whole body forward, and rushed forward.

A heavy elbow forward, suddenly erupting.

The Eight Ultimate Ultimate Move - Rushing to the Heart and Elbow!

In an instant,
Chen Yang struck out with a heavy elbow killer move that suddenly exploded. With explosive power beyond the limit, he instantly interrupted the combo killer move of 'Ancient God' Zeus.

This thrust hit the heart and elbow, the movement was too fast.

The key is that it is sudden and hard to guard against.

next moment,
Chen Yang used all the Nine Palace Flying Steps under his feet.

He instantly opened the distance between him and the 'Ancient God' Zeus, and got out of the attack range of the opponent's heavy leg combo.

at this time,

Although Chen Yang is full of confidence in his defense.

Even in the most fierce head-to-head confrontation with the 'ancient god' Zeus.

Chen Yang also believed that he would never lose to the opponent.


At this time, facing such a terrifying combination of offensive killing moves of the "ancient god" Zeus, fighting hard is definitely not a wise choice.

He took a deep breath, his mind became clear, he did not dare to make any negligence, and remained cautious.

How terrifying is the killer move of 'Ancient God' Zeus?
What is his ultimate move?
do not know!
Although Chen Yang had watched the video of the boxing match of 'Ancient God' Zeus ten years ago.

But I have to say,

He didn't understand the 'ancient god' Zeus at all.

To be on the safe side, the best tactical approach at this time is to control the distance between the two sides.

The best defense is to make the opponent's ultimate move useless.


In order to avoid being suppressed by the 'ancient god' Zeus.

Chen Yang must instantly interrupt the opponent's offensive rhythm to prevent the opponent from attacking too hard and blocking himself in the corner of the Octagon ring.

Bang, bang—!
The attack rhythm of 'Ancient God' Zeus is getting faster and faster. Although his moves are simple, his killing moves are endless and there is no trace to be found!

Even with Chen Yang's spiritual sensing ability, he was disturbed at this moment, unable to judge the opponent's offensive intentions, and was dazzled.

Before the boxing match begins.

'Ancient God' Zeus has long studied Chen Yang's offensive and defensive characteristics.

He even tried to simulate a fierce fight with Chen Yang, and had a very boxing fan-like response to Chen Yang's fighting style.

The moment the boxing bell rang.

'Ancient God' Zeus unleashed the most terrifying combination of heavy punches and a devastating attack, trying to completely crush Chen Yang.

It is clear,
'Ancient God' Zeus's play style is very targeted.

With his explosive speed and offensive ability at this moment.

A strong attack like a storm is indeed the most efficient tactical way to restrain Chen Yang.


Chen Yang's ability to hit and kill is very terrifying.

Whether it is a combination of kick skills or a combination of heavy punches and elbow strikes, the power is endless.

Anyone who wants to restrain Chen Yang must take the lead in attacking and control the distance between the two sides.

Use a destructive attack, extreme explosive speed, strong suppression, and limit the distance of Chen Yang's killing move.

This style of play is specially designed for Chen Yang.

Bang, bang, bang—!
The stormy attack was extremely lethal.

Chen Yang had no chance to fight back at this moment, so he could only keep retreating and keeping distance.

If you want to break out a counterattack, you must tear apart the defense of 'Ancient God' Zeus.


With the defensive ability of the 'Ancient God' Zeus, it is too difficult.

Any opponent facing the extremely fast attack style of 'Ancient God' Zeus would not be able to fight head-on and could only defend passively.


The 'Ancient God' Zeus relied on his superb 'gene-enhanced' physical fitness to attack so unscrupulously.

He knew very well that it only took one move to hit his opponent.

Even if it is not the opponent's fatal point, an important and effective hit will definitely cause serious damage to the opponent.

Even one move can completely defeat the opponent.

this moment,
He lowered his arms to form a defense, protecting his vital points to prevent Chen Yang from counterattacking.

It seems,
He attacks with all his strength and ignores his own defense.

But in fact, he is very cautious and his defense is watertight.

It is definitely not an easy task for anyone to break through his defense.

Chen Yang took a deep breath and took advantage of the moment to retreat.

He stamped his feet to exert force, and then made a heavy-leg killing move, kicking towards the center line of the 'Ancient God' Zeus.

Chen Yang was bound to win this kick.


A crackling sound came out.

I saw the arm of 'Ancient God' Zeus suddenly moving down, forming a blocking force.

high speed!
In the blink of an eye, what surprised Chen Yang was.

'Ancient God' Zeus suddenly blocked his kick combo.

next moment,
'Ancient God' Zeus kicked his leg upwards, as if he was soaring to the sky!

Kick to the sky!
This is the most dazzling kick in Taekwondo.

Stand on one leg and kick the other leg upwards.

The target of the kick was Chen Yang's head and chin.

This kicking skill is also called - 'one step kicking to the sky'!
The counterattack speed is incredibly fast, like a sword being unsheathed, making people unable to avoid it.

Move suddenly, as fast as thunder!
The heavy-leg killing move of 'Ancient God' Zeus was so fast that it subverted human cognition.

This is not only an explosion of leg speed, but a comprehensive suppression of reaction speed.

The most powerful thing about this kicking skill is its change of moves.

Not only can it interfere with the opponent's judgment, but it also has the speed and power to kill with one strike.

Sudden, cruel, fierce and unstoppable!

This heavy leg killing move of his was shockingly fast and irresistible.


Chen Yang has already entered the battle state of 'six senses and communication with the gods'.

His spiritual prediction ability far exceeds that of any opponent in the global martial arts world.

Although the 'Old God' Zeus unexpectedly unleashed this terrifying killing move.


At this time, Chen Yang's spiritual sense predicted that the offensive intention of his killing move was very obvious.

The moment he stood up, Chen Yang sensed the crisis.

have to say,

'Ancient God' Zeus focuses too much on offense and pursues perfection too much!

Although his killing moves are fast and powerful, they are simple and crude.

Every killing move is carefully refined and hard to guard against.


The offensive intention of his killing move was too obvious.

Under Chen Yang's spiritual sense, there was nothing to hide from. (End of chapter)

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