Guoshu!My martial arts has a strengthening panel

Chapter 488: Strong bones! Not easy to chew

The boxing match has been over one minute!
The two men fought extremely fiercely in the Octagonal boxing ring.

It is indeed the final battle of the 'Arena of Life and Death'.

The peak combat power of 'Ancient God' Zeus was beyond Chen Yang's imagination.

Chen Yang couldn't help but take a deep breath and frowned.

Evenly matched.

Although Chen Yang's spiritual sensing ability surpassed that of the 'ancient god' Zeus.


The burst of speed and power was difficult to effectively suppress the 'ancient god' Zeus.

this moment,
Chen Yang was full of fear of the fighting power of the 'ancient god' Zeus.

"Nah, this bastard's combat power is ridiculously strong!"

"His control of distance and the rhythm of the ring have reached the pinnacle."

"He is worthy of being a superpower who has passed the eighth experiment in European and American laboratories. He has endless fighting power."

"It's difficult to suppress him by combining combos of killing moves. He has studied my killing moves in detail and has tactics to deal with them."

"In terms of distance, he is perfectly controlled. It is difficult for me to get close and hit him effectively!"

"Even if you want to create opportunities, it's very difficult. His arms are much longer than mine."

"How to play next? To tear apart his defense."

"The most powerful thing about this bastard is not his leg skills, but his elbow strikes and claw skills!"

"I have to be careful with his claw skills—!"

The spiritual sensing ability in Chen Yang's mind kept warning him.

at this time,

His attention has been focused on the claws of the 'ancient god' Zeus.

I saw the claw skill of 'Ancient God' Zeus, ready to go, containing terrifying power.

It seemed that at any moment, he was ready to unleash a claw attack to end the battle in an instant.

Chen Yang sensed the crisis, and was filled with fear of the claw skills of the 'ancient god' Zeus, and did not dare to neglect anything.

'Ancient God' Zeus burst out with combo combos.

He is an invincible strong man who has passed the eighth experiment and is a true "perfect level" master.

Just now he had unleashed his ultimate combination of leg skills, and he was already fighting extremely fiercely with Chen Yang, evenly matched.

His ultimate trump card has not exploded yet.

The extremely powerful claw skill is always ready to strike, waiting for the final fatal blow.

It is clear,
'Ancient God' Zeus' trump card special move is his elbow attack and claw skills.

It's only when the claw skill doesn't explode that the claw skill becomes terrifying.

He was waiting for the right time to use his heavy leg combo to fight Chen Yang.

Once there is any negligence in Chen Yang's defense.


He will instantly burst out with a thunderous claw strike.

have to say,

The physical talent of 'Old God' Zeus is terrible.

His bones and muscles are genetically enhanced and are terrifying.


What's even more terrifying is that his claws are like steel claws and are indestructible.

All along,
His claws are the most terrifying weapons.

In the genetic enhancement experiments in European and American laboratories, the most perfect part of the enhancement of the 'ancient god' Zeus was not his muscles and bones, but his claws.

His claws are genetically enhanced with tiger claws.

After ten years of tempering, his claws were even harder than steel.

Once during training, his claws could tear a ferocious beast into pieces on the spot, with a shocking force.

Anyone who gets close will be attacked by his claw skills.


It is absolutely difficult to block the fatal blow of his claw skill.

Although in terms of the sensitivity of 'spiritual sensing', 'Ancient God' Zeus is slightly inferior to Chen Yang.

But if only in terms of physical strengthening.

Chen Yang couldn't compare to him. There was no way he could make his body look like an animal like the 'ancient god' Zeus.

in fact,

Chen Yang also conducted research on Claw Kung Fu.

Bajiquan's fighting style actually contains claw skills.

Among the six great skills, it involves the training of claw skills.

Chen Yang has practiced claw skills, and in order to cope with Gracie's close-quarter attack using reverse joint techniques.

He deliberately practiced his claw skills to a very advanced level.

Anyone who wants to perform Brazilian Gracie's anti-joint technique as long as he gets close.

Chen Yang can use his claw skills to instantly interrupt the opponent's offensive rhythm.


If we look at the combat power unleashed by both sides, Chen Yang's claw skills are far less lethal than the 'ancient god' Zeus.

in addition,

The 'old god' Zeus had much longer fingers and longer arms.

His bones and nails were hammered out of shape.

Using the claw technique innately, the 'ancient god' Zeus would be much more terrifying.

this moment,
In the Octagon ring, the most exciting peak showdown broke out.

Chen Yang wanted to wait for the right moment to unleash his most ferocious combo attack.


'Ancient God' Zeus has always firmly controlled the distance between the two sides, leaving Chen Yang no chance to unleash his killer move.

In this state, Chen Yang played very passively.

It seemed that all his offensive states were firmly controlled by the 'ancient god' Zeus.

have to say,

'Ancient God' Zeus' attack was as powerful as a storm.


His defense is even more impenetrable, making it impossible to break through.

Not only does he have super strong ability to resist hits, but he is also excellent in defensive offloading.

What's more important is his superb control of distance, which leaves Chen Yang with nothing to do.

Whenever Chen Yang wants to unleash the most tyrannical combo attack.

'Ancient God' Zeus avoided them in time and distanced himself.

His ability to control the rhythm of the ring was clearly demonstrated at this moment.

It can be seen at this moment.

Although Chen Yang's 'spiritual prediction ability' is stronger than that of 'ancient god' Zeus.


'Ancient God' Zeus' sixth sense of crisis is definitely not weak. He can at least predict the direction of Chen Yang's attack.

not to mention,
'Ancient God' Zeus has rich combat experience and his tactics are very targeted.

"Damn it - this bastard has been controlling the distance."

"He limited my combo bursts and studied me very thoroughly."

"It seems that he has basically found a way to break the killing moves I used before."

"In order to deal with me, the North American 'military-industrial complex' has made great efforts."

"If nothing else, all my killer moves have been entered into the databases of European and American laboratories."

"They are now using me as a template to train all laboratory experts."

this moment,
Chen Yang felt very depressed.

The play style of 'Ancient God' Zeus is very targeted.

Any of Chen Yang's killing moves seemed to be restricted by the opponent.

If the fight continues like this according to the rhythm of the 'Ancient God' Zeus, the situation will be very bad for Chen Yang.

Although it seemed that Chen Yang was not completely suppressed by the 'Ancient God' Zeus at this moment.

However, he seemed very passive, unable to unleash his killing moves, let alone suppress the 'ancient god' Zeus.

The two fought fiercely in the Octagon ring for more than a minute.

Bang, bang, bang—!
The fierce battle between the two in the ring became more and more fierce, brutal, white-hot, and wonderful.

The most frightening thing is that the offensive and defensive rhythms of both sides are getting faster and faster.

This ultra-fast-paced fighting style made all boxing fans stand up and scream at the top of their lungs.

this moment,
Chen Yang had a very clear understanding of the peak combat power of 'Ancient God' Zeus.

to be frank,
Although Chen Yang's martial arts power level has been consolidated in the [Late Dark Jin] realm, and is only one step away from [Hua Jin].

But compared to the 'ancient god' Zeus who is in great shape at the moment.

Chen Yang did not have an absolute advantage.

It can even be said that Chen Yang is at a disadvantage.

Any top expert who reaches the level of a 'king-level' warrior will have a strong sixth sense of crisis.

not to mention,
'Ancient God' Zeus is a truly perfect powerhouse.

His sixth sense of crisis is very sensitive.

Even if Chen Yang's spiritual sensing ability is stronger than that of his opponent, this advantage is not of a crushing nature.

When both sides began to unleash their ultimate combat power, their combat power was almost equal.

At this moment, the two people in the boxing ring were fighting extremely fiercely.

Perhaps the only advantage Chen Yang has is that after he enters the 'six senses' state, his whole person is in a mysterious realm.

Although the attacks of 'Ancient God' Zeus are becoming more and more fierce, the rhythm is getting faster and faster.


However, it was difficult for him to hit Chen Yang effectively, and he was unable to cause substantial damage to Chen Yang.

'Ancient God' Zeus' defensive ability and his comprehensive combat power surpassed any opponent Chen Yang had encountered before.

But yes,

If the 'Ancient God' Zeus was not strong, how could the Western Martial Arts Alliance let him fight in the final 'final battle'?
Since we chose to let the 'ancient god' Zeus fight the last battle.


It represents the Western Martial Arts Alliance and is full of confidence in the 'ancient god' Zeus.


If there was no confidence in 'Ancient God' Zeus, how could all the financial groups in Europe and America place heavy bets on 'Ancient God' Zeus to win?
Bang, bang, hit—!
Chen Yang kept bursting out with Tai Chi moves.

Both hard and soft, attack and defense are orderly!
He used Tai Chi to let go, and at the same time used Baji Quan and Twelve-way Tan Kick to attack.

Attack and defense integrated!
at this time,

His entire state became ethereal, and he began to control the distance between the two parties.

have to say,

Under the ferocious attacking rhythm of 'Ancient God' Zeus.

Chen Yang wanted to reverse the situation and defeat the 'ancient god' Zeus with one move, but it was too difficult.

It can even be said that there are not many opportunities at all.


With the 'ancient god' Zeus having such a powerful ability to resist blows.

Chen Yang wanted to kill the opponent. Ordinary moves were difficult to achieve a one-hit kill effect when the opponent's defense was unloading.
You must use combo combos to unleash your power on the opponent and maximize your lethality.

of course,

With the two people's peak combat power, it is actually not particularly important whether they hit each other's fatal vital point.


At this time, the offensive and defensive rhythm of both sides was too fast, and the distance was controlled just right.

Not only is it difficult for Chen Yang to have a chance to unleash his killing move, but the 'Ancient God' Zeus also has no chance to unleash his super powerful killing move.

'Ancient God' Zeus has never unleashed his claw power.

He is waiting for his chance.

at this time,

He unleashed his leg skills with all his strength, fierce and domineering, and powerful.

this moment,
He just seemed to have turned into a machine, never stopping, and his combat power began to explode at full strength.

Every simple movement can be called the most terrifying super-powerful special move.

at this time,

Although Chen Yang seemed very passive, he had no chance to fight back.


He was calm inside and had no panic.

His whole person became empty and calm, so calm that it was scary.

"Hmph! Do you want to use your claw skills to kill me with one move?"

"Damn it, why is this bastard so difficult to deal with? I want to hit his vitals, but it's too difficult!"

"Hey, no, why do I have to hit his vitals?"

"Although this guy's offensive rhythm is as fast as thunder, his genes have been strengthened and he is both offensive and defensive. It is difficult to tear apart his defense."

"I wanted to hit him right there, and there was no chance."

"He has always used a strong style of play, just trying to break through my defense with his leg skills, and then burst out with the most terrifying claw power killing move at close range."

"Although it is dangerous to attack at close range, it is the best opportunity for me to break away from his defense."

"With my spiritual sensing ability, I should have a chance to get a fatal counterattack."

at this time,

Chen Yang suddenly remembered something in his mind, and an idea flashed.

He stared at the feet of the 'Ancient God' Zeus and took a deep breath.

A powerful force gathered at his feet.

The defensive ability of 'Ancient God' Zeus is so superb that it's shocking.

The most powerful thing is that his force-relieving skills are so strong.

Moreover, after his genes have been strengthened, his ability to withstand attacks is also very outstanding.


As long as the two sides attack at close range.

Any superb force-relieving skills and ability to resist blows will be useless.

To know,
With Chen Yang's powerful [Dark Strength] penetrating power, any defensive effort will be ineffective when in close proximity.

Although the defensive ability of 'Ancient God' Zeus is very strong, when he is up close, he will never be able to withstand Chen Yang's heavy attack and killing move.

After thinking about it, Chen Yang couldn't help but take a deep breath.

this moment,
There was a smile on his face, and he seemed to have found a way to crack the 'ancient god' Zeus.

Bang, bang, bang—!
Bajiquan, Twelve-way Tan Kick, Jiugong Flying Step, Tai Chi!
The four major martial arts are powerful and integrated.

Chen Yang unleashed his fist, using the most terrifying combination of killing moves, and launched the craziest attack battle with the 'Ancient God' Zeus.

Get close with force and attack quickly!
In a head-to-head encounter, the brave one wins!

this moment,
Chen Yang was no longer timid, but decisively launched the craziest close combat with the 'ancient god' Zeus.

All along,
In the Octagon ring, Chen Yang has never been afraid of getting too close to his opponents.

this moment,
He no longer struggled with the protracted war with the 'ancient god' Zeus, nor did he think about killing the opponent with one move.

You know, it is too difficult for a master of the level of 'Ancient God' Zeus to hit the opponent's fatal vital point.

Just like the other party trying to hit Chen Yang's fatal spot, it was also very difficult.

At this moment, Chen Yang did not hesitate to use the close-quarters attack.

Since the 'Ancient God' Zeus has always wanted to force Chen Yang to attack at close range, he wanted to burst out with his ultimate claw move.

Then come and see who is stronger in close combat!

Bang, bang, bang—!
for the rest of the time,

Chen Yang and the 'Ancient God' Zeus began a close confrontation, and the most terrifying tough battle broke out.

A fierce confrontation between fists and a collision of blood!
"We're going to have a head-to-head fight with me. Today we're going to see if your claw skills are stronger or if my combo punch is more powerful!"

"If you want to burst out with your claw skills, it depends on whether you have the chance to use it!"

"Aren't you very strong in resisting blows? Aren't your bones and muscles genetically enhanced?"

"Try it today to see how strong your bones are?"

Chen Yang's feet suddenly exerted force, and the Jiugong Flying Step exploded with all its strength.

His body jumped forward a few steps, at full speed!

At this time, after he narrowed the distance between him and the 'ancient god' Zeus, his attack rhythm increased sharply again, which was frightening. (End of chapter)

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