Guoshu!My martial arts has a strengthening panel

Chapter 490 The Death Crisis of the Ancient God


'Ancient God' Zeus broke out in cold sweat on his forehead, and his expression completely changed.

His eyes exuded crazy killing intent, and his aura increased again.

this moment,
He felt the pain in his legs.

Chen Yang's three leg sweeps contained terrifying penetrating power.

A heavy kick almost completely shattered the leg bone of 'Ancient God' Zeus.

The powerful penetrating power and lethality of [Dark Strength Late Stage] are so terrifying.


'Ancient God' Zeus is worthy of being the most perfect strongman in the world's martial arts world.

His martial arts willpower is extremely firm.

He has experienced the test of life and death and received intensive training.

Moreover, after his genes have been strengthened, he has no fear of death.

Even though his leg bones were in unbearable pain, he couldn't gather strength.

After a head-on fight with Chen Yang, his entire legs were violently impacted.


He did not collapse, but instead became stronger and stronger, with endless killing intent.

His tenacious fighting spirit is shocking.

"The non-human warriors are indeed extraordinary, they seem to have no emotions.

After entering the fighting state, it seemed that only fighting was left in their hearts.

"Damn it - this guy is indeed a 'non-human' strong man. Can he stop this without collapse?"

"This bastard's resistance to blows and force-removing skills are superb, a bit scary."

"He was actually able to convert his power at the last moment, create an unloading force, and forcefully beat me with his one-leg sweep and three-strike surefire move."

"His bones have been genetically enhanced and are tougher than mine, and his ability to withstand blows is even better than mine!"

"If you want to kill him, it seems you really need to hit his fatal vitals!"

Chen Yang thought to himself.

He took a few steps back and took a deep breath, feeling extremely shocked inside.

The 'Ancient God' Zeus' ability to withstand blows and his force-removing skills are truly superb.

Especially his battle experience shocked Chen Yang.

To know,
Chen Yang's leg sweeping and three strike combination just now was a surefire move.

Regardless of the timing of the kick, or the superposition of bursting power and speed, the lethality has exceeded the limits of human martial arts.

That super lethal power is definitely not something ordinary warriors can resist.

not to mention,
His heavy-leg combo killer move contains terrifying [Dark Strength] penetrating power.

Under normal circumstances, it is definitely not that easy for anyone to block this killing move.


What Chen Yang didn't expect was.

'Ancient God' Zeus actually blocked it head-on!

At the moment when Chen Yang's leg-sweeping combo was approaching, he did not continue to use his claw skills.

Instead, he changed from offense to defense, using heavy leg combos as his ultimate move, and suddenly changed the direction of his attack.


He blocked Chen Yang's leg sweep and three-strike combo with extreme accuracy.

It can be seen from this that his battle experience and sixth sense of crisis have reached a frightening level.


What Chen Yang didn't know was that at this time, after the 'ancient god' Zeus and Chen Yang hit a heavy leg killing move, he almost screamed in pain.

Deng Deng Deng——!
He quickly took a few steps back and leaned against the iron mesh surrounding the Octagon ring.

at this time,

His legs kept shaking and twitching!

It hurts so much!
The terrifying penetrating power almost knocked him to pieces.

"Shet——! What kind of leg strength is this? How can it have such terrifying concussive power!"

"Damn it, why is the penetrating power of his leg skills so terrifying?"

"There is no such martial arts power in the laboratory's martial arts database."

"Is this the mysterious oriental martial arts? Asshole, there are not many oriental martial arts in the laboratory's martial arts database. It is seriously missing."

"It seems like this kid's leg skills can break through my defense, making it impossible for me to block and release my strength!"

"Evil! No wonder this kid can be called the number one strong man in the world's martial arts world. It's so scary——!"

'Ancient God' Zeus couldn't help but take a breath.

Feeling the pain in his legs, he felt his head was buzzing.

at this time,

He felt the bones in his legs go numb, as if he couldn't muster any strength.

After the hard fight just now, he felt like his legs were being hammered by a hammer.

That powerful concussive force actually spread throughout his body and did not disappear.


The power of shock seemed to be locked on him. Even if he leaned on the Octagon ring, he could not eliminate this terrifying power.

Incredible, too scary!

The two of them fought head-on with this heavy leg-killing move. Chen Yang's three leg sweeping strikes happened to be on his calf.

To know,
When leg skills explode, the core of the attack is the calf area.

Once this area receives a violent impact, the bones will experience heartbreaking pain.

Fortunately, his bones have been genetically strengthened and tempered, making them extremely tough.

if not,

This heavy leg killing move will crush his leg bones in an instant.

"Cough cough - cough cough -!"

'Ancient God' Zeus leaned against the protective net around the Octagonal cage and kept coughing.

His feet suffered violent blows and were convulsing.

this moment,
The violent shock force almost caused him to collapse in pain.

Although 'Ancient God' Zeus' defensive ability and ability to fight against attacks are definitely at the top level in the global martial arts world.

His bones were as hard as iron, and even after such a fierce fight with Chen Yang, they did not break.

Ordinary force impacts cannot affect him at all.

The leg muscles of 'Ancient God' Zeus are extremely tough.

Especially the combination of special moves that he just burst out in an instant, which is bound to win.

His leg skills are just to attract Chen Yang's defense. The real last resort is his claw skills!

The target of his claw skill is Chen Yang's Tianling Gai.

At that moment, all the strength in his body was actually concentrated in his claws.

As long as Chen Yang's heavy leg defense occurred, there would be no negligence.


He believed that his claw skills would be able to defeat Chen Yang in an instant, or even kill him on the spot.

Ordinary opponents, even if they know the purpose of his attack, will find it difficult to block his combo attack.

The combo speed is too fast!
Even if you can react, you absolutely can't stop it.

This is the terrifying thing about combination combo skills.

Just imagine, when all your attention is on defending the opponent's heavy leg killer move.

The opponent changes his move into claw technique.

In this state, it would be too difficult to block it.

Once you get close, I believe no one can block the claw skill of the 'Ancient God' Zeus. but,

Chen Yang is no ordinary opponent.

Not only is he the number one warrior in the global martial arts world, he is also a master who is only one step away from the realm of [Hua Jin].

His spiritual prediction ability, in the state of 'six senses and spiritual communication', makes it impossible to hide the opponent's offensive intentions.

At the moment when the 'Ancient God' Zeus unleashed this combination of special moves.

Chen Yang used one leg sweep and three strikes, instantly interrupting the claw technique of 'Ancient God' Zeus.

What's even more frightening is that he almost broke the leg of the 'Ancient God' Zeus with a sweeping leg combo.

Such terrifying reaction ability and offensive power are invincible.

With Chen Yang's explosive fighting power at this moment, 'Ancient God' Zeus believed that except for himself, almost no one in the global martial arts world could stop him.

this moment,
In the entire boxing hall, all boxing fans saw the wonderful scene on the boxing ring.

For a while,
Almost all the boxing fans stood up, shouting at the top of their lungs and screaming like crazy.

Even many extreme boxing fans in Europe and the United States roared with adrenaline when they saw such a wonderful and intense scene in the octagonal cage.


Such a peak showdown is rare in the global martial arts world.

"'Ancient God' Zeus, come on, kill the Chinese, use your leg skills to kill him!"

"Elbow strike, 'Ancient God' Zeus, your most powerful elbow strike is your ultimate move, explosive elbow strike, come on!"

"'Ancient God' Zeus, I want to see your claw power explode and scratch the heads of the Chinese people. You are the best, kill the Chinese people!"

"Xie Te, what is going on? Why does it seem that the 'ancient god' Zeus has been suppressed by the Chinese?"

"Is the leg of 'Ancient God' Zeus injured? He looks like he is shaking badly. No, this is impossible!"

"'Ancient God' Zeus has begun to change his tactics. He just adopted a close-quarters approach and did not gain any advantage. He can only change his tactics."

"Damn it, the Chinese people are so terrifying. 'Ancient God' Zeus can't do anything to them."

"Continuing to fight at this pace will be very detrimental to the 'ancient god' Zeus."

"The Chinese people's combo killing moves are so lethal that the 'Ancient God' Zeus can't attack at close quarters without any chance of counterattack."

"The situation is not good. If the fight continues like this, 'Ancient God' Zeus will definitely lose to Huaxia Chen Yang."

"Impossible! 'Ancient God' Zeus's strongest skills are elbow strikes and claw skills. Until now, he has not unleashed his ultimate killer move. Don't worry, he will definitely have a chance to counterattack."

"To kill your opponent, you only need one killing move. 'Ancient God' Zeus is waiting for the opportunity. He is the strongest master in the world and will definitely kill Huaxia Chen Yang."

"No, the longer the time drags on, the more disadvantageous it will be to the 'ancient god' Zeus. The power of Huaxia Chen Yang's combination of killing moves is too terrifying!"

"In close combat, 'Ancient God' Zeus has no advantage. Don't forget, China's Chen Yang is known as the 'King of Destruction'. Even the core disciples of Brazil's Gracie family cannot fight with him in close combat. attack."

"'Ancient God' Zeus seems to have made a mistake in his tactical choice. He should not have chosen this close-quarters approach. There is no advantage."

"It's useless. Any tactics are useless in front of Huaxia Chen Yang. This bastard is too comprehensive in offense and defense. He is almost invincible and has no flaws."

"Chinese Chen Yang killed four challengers in a row, and he is still in such a terrifying state. It will be too difficult for 'Ancient God' Zeus to defeat him!"

"Haha - I bet on Huaxia Chen Yang. It looks like I'm going to make a fortune tonight."

"'Ancient God' Zeus has not had a boxing match in ten years. Although he is stronger than before, in terms of fighting style, he cannot restrain Huaxia Chen Yang."

"Come on - come on - 'Ancient God' Zeus, come on, kill Hua Xia Chen Yang, and unleash your killer elbow attack -!"


this moment,
In the boxing match hall, almost all European and American boxing fans stood up to cheer for the 'ancient god' Zeus.

no way,
This boxing match is the finale of the 'life and death arena'.

Once the 'Ancient God' Zeus loses, it means that Chen Yang will completely trample the entire Western martial arts under his feet.

After he became the 'Triple Crown', he had a superhuman status in the Global Martial Arts League.


I have to say that the peak combat power of 'Ancient God' Zeus is very terrifying.

Chen Yang was extremely surprised by his fighting ability and combat experience.

Chen Yang just unleashed the "Three Sweeping Legs" combination of special moves, going all out without any reservations.

He demonstrated the ferociousness of the eight consecutive killer moves in his leg skills, and he showed them vividly.


In the fusion state of fist intention, he used the penetrating power of [Late Dark Strength] to explode perfectly.


Even so, his heavy leg combo didn't even break the bones of the 'Ancient God' Zeus.

to be frank,
this moment,
Chen Yang felt more and more afraid of the peak combat power of the 'Ancient God' Zeus.

Even in terms of tenacity in fighting style, the 'ancient god' Zeus is an invincible strongman trained by European and American experimenters.

He can definitely be regarded as a top strong man worthy of respect from everyone.

With Chen Yang's terrifying "leg sweeping combo" killer move, even with Chen Yang's own resistance and defensive ability, it would be difficult to withstand it.


'Ancient God' Zeus actually blocked it!

It can be seen from this that if we only look at the ability to resist blows and the skills of unloading force.

'Ancient God' Zeus has an advantage over Chen Yang.

His comprehensive combat power is far beyond that of any opponent Chen Yang has encountered in his previous four boxing matches.

"Asshole! This bastard's reaction speed is too fast. He has adapted to my close combat method so quickly."

"Now it's difficult to restrain him with close-quarters attacks, which interrupts his offensive and defensive rhythm a lot."

"I want to use elbow strikes and claw skills at close range, but there is no chance at all."

"This guy's sixth sense of crisis is too sensitive, and his speed is too fast. How to fight?"

"What tactic should I choose next?"

"If I continue to use close combat, not only will I have no advantage, I may even be defeated by him with one move."

"However, with his long-distance style of play, it's difficult for me to break through his defense!"

"Damn it - is there really no way to tear apart his defense?"

Deng Deng Deng——!
'Ancient God' Zeus continued to take a few steps back, widening the distance between him and Chen Yang.

at this time,

He kept fighting from the protective net of the Octagonal cage to avoid being blocked by Chen Yang in the corner of the ring.

He couldn't help but take a deep breath, his thoughts in his mind were a little confused.

His leg bones were violently impacted, and his strength was unable to reach its limit, and he was even a little numb.

For the top strong men, legs are equivalent to life.

Any powerful leg-killing attack is accomplished by the legs.

Once the leg is injured, the condition will plummet.

at this time,

'Ancient God' Zeus clearly felt that his combat effectiveness began to decline.

"What the hell - what to do?"

'Ancient God' Zeus was completely confused, and cold sweat was dripping from his forehead.

It seemed that he could already foresee his own death.

Originally, he had unusual confidence in his combined killing moves.

to be frank,
His leg skills and elbow strikes are just auxiliary attacks.

The purpose is to use his leg skills and elbow strikes to break open Chen Yang's defense.

His real trump card has never been able to explode, and that is the close claw skill!

Very regrettable.

His ultimate claw move had no chance to explode.

Chen Yang seemed to have been controlling the distance between the two parties, preventing him from having another chance to use his claw skills.

Chen Yang snorted coldly.

this moment,
He has felt that the condition of the 'ancient god' Zeus has begun to decline and he is injured!

His eyes exuded fierce murderous intent!
The time to kill has come—! (End of chapter)

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