Clear the 'Life and Death Arena'!
Create a new era in the global martial arts world.

China's 'King of Destruction' Chen Yang, 'Triple Crown'!
'Old God' Zeus is dead!
It represents the complete defeat of Western martial arts.

"No, this is impossible! How could this happen?"

"Damn it! Why did the 'Ancient God' Zeus die? He couldn't die under the legs of the Chinese!"

"What happened in three minutes and five seconds? Why couldn't the 'Ancient God' Zeus block the Chinese attack?"

"He has gone through the eighth genetic experiment, why is he still unable to defeat the Chinese?"

"Could it be that the choice of Western martial arts is wrong?"

"The limit of human martial arts is not genetic enhancement, otherwise this cannot be explained."

"Why did the 'Old God' Zeus die like this? He couldn't die! He had the opportunity to conduct the ninth perfect-level experiment. Why did this happen?"

"No, there must be a mistake somewhere. With the genetic enhancement of the 'Ancient God' Zeus, no one in the global martial arts world can be his opponent."

"His claw skills and elbow strikes didn't even have time to explode—!"

Under the boxing ring,
The North American 'Military Industrial Group', as well as the heads of European and American laboratories.

They were completely shocked when they saw what happened in the Octagon.

this moment,
They couldn't describe their feelings. I felt very uncomfortable inside.

No, it should be said that they could not accept all this until the 'ancient god' Zeus fell to the ground.

In the audience, Regulus, a perfect level powerhouse trained in European and American laboratories.

When he saw the scene in the boxing ring, he suddenly didn't know how to describe his mood at the moment.

Do not know why,

He suddenly felt very lucky.

Originally, the final 'final battle', according to the arrangement of the Western Martial Arts Alliance, was for him to fight.


As Chen Yang killed Raffi Renault in the fourth challenge match.

In the end, the Western Martial Arts Alliance felt that it would be difficult to defeat Huaxia Chen Yang if Regulus was allowed to fight.

no way,
Regulus and Lafite-Reno are both perfect level experts who have passed the seventh experiment.

He has not passed the eighth experiment.

In terms of overall combat power, he is far behind the 'ancient god' Zeus.

Chen Yang's performance was too strong. In the end, the Western Martial Arts Alliance gave up letting Regulus fight and let the 'Ancient God' Zeus fight the final battle.

Success or failure depends on this!
Regulus was indeed lucky.

Otherwise, if he were to fight, the person lying on the ring now would be him, not the 'ancient god' Zeus.

have to say,

This is the final result.

This is unacceptable to the North American 'military industrial conglomerate' and all those in charge of Western martial arts.

'Ancient God' Zeus actually broke apart in three minutes and five seconds and was shot to death again by Huaxia Chen Yang.

The loss is too great!
The person in charge of the North American 'Military Industrial Group' could not help but let out a long breath at this moment.

His fists were clenched as hard as iron, and his eyes became sharp.

Five times!
This was the fifth time tonight, and it made him feel torn inside.

The five 'perfect level' experts trained in the laboratory were all killed by the Chinese in this way.

Five wheel battles, five top experts trained in the laboratory.

In such a short period of time, five 'perfect level' powerhouses were lost at the same time.

For the North American 'military industrial group', no one can accept such a painful price.

at this time,

When I saw the body of the 'ancient god' Zeus, it was covered with white cloth, carried on a stretcher to the ambulance, and taken directly to the morgue of the hospital.

When they saw the blood-stained Octagon ring and the doctor's helpless expression.

The person in charge of the North American 'Military Industrial Group' actually felt a sense of despair in his heart.

Western martial arts has completely lost!

The 'ancient god' Zeus has been completely killed and there is no way to save him!

The head was hit hard and the brain was completely destroyed.

There was no chance of first aid.

He died too quickly!
The 'Ancient God' Zeus' claw skill had no chance to explode before he was killed by one move.

Many people in charge of Western martial arts just feel that their brains are blank.

They simply don't want to believe the result of such a boxing match.

In the mind of the head of the Western Martial Arts Alliance.

Raffi Renault and 'Ancient God' Zeus, as well as Odin, Neil Jones, Douglas Jay!
These five boxers are the most perfect fighting machines cultivated in European and American laboratories, and they are all super strong men who can stand at the top of global martial arts.

They are all the best warriors and can represent the highest-end combat power cultivated by the North American 'Military Industrial Group'.

Each of them possesses powerful strength that is at the top of the world's martial arts.

Five wheel battles!
When the five of them challenged China's Chen Yang, they were so easily killed in the Octagon ring?

How could this be?
Especially the 'Ancient God' Zeus, he has experienced the eighth experiment and his strength has reached its limit.

From the perspective of genetic enhancement, he is truly a perfect enhancer.

He is an invincible strong man that the North American 'Military Industrial Group' spent a lot of resources to cultivate.

Everyone originally thought that the 'ancient god' Zeus was enough to sweep through any boxer in the world's martial arts world, and he had the potential to crush him.

No one can defeat the 'old god' Zeus.


No one expected that this perfect and invincible man would be killed on the spot in three minutes and five seconds.


His head was crushed and he died terribly.

This invincible strongman from North America, this perfect strongman who swept the global martial arts world ten years ago.

He just died!
How can all European and American extreme boxing fans and the heads of major financial groups accept such a result?

Lost again!
Unexpectedly, in the final battle, Western Martial Arts lost in the end.

The last sniper battle of the Western Martial Arts Alliance ended in failure.

The Chinese once again won the final victory.

He successfully won the Global Martial Arts Alliance's 'Triple Crown' and swept the three top martial arts competitions in the Global Martial Arts Alliance.

The Chinese stand at the top of global martial arts, and his status in the global martial arts alliance has become special.

He can veto all rules and requirements set by the Western Martial Arts Alliance.

The key is,
With his current record and achievements, within a year, no one in the global martial arts world will be qualified to challenge him.

Anyone who wants to shake his position will have to wait a year.

at this time,

The people in charge of the Western Martial Arts Alliance already had a very bad premonition in their hearts.

In the next year, the Global Martial Arts Alliance will be led by Huaxia Chen Yang.

This would be extremely detrimental to the development of Western martial arts as a whole.

What's even more frightening is that Huaxia Chen Yang is so young and he has not yet reached the peak of his career.

A year from now, who can beat him?

That is,

In the next ten years, if the Chinese people remain at their peak.

Then, no one in the global martial arts world can shake his status.

Thinking of all this, the heads of the Western Martial Arts Alliance, including many extreme boxing fans in the Western martial arts world, felt an indescribable feeling in their hearts.

Has Western martial arts really been completely suppressed?
from now on,
Does Western martial arts need to surrender to Eastern martial arts?
Will the global martial arts landscape be completely dominated by Eastern martial arts because of China's Chen Yang's efforts to turn the tide?

In the Western martial arts world,
When Chen Yang won the titles of 'Ultimate Fighter' and 'King of the Lost City'.

Everyone knows that the Chinese are too strong.

His combat prowess has reached the pinnacle of global martial arts.


Before this, no one thought that he would be able to pass the 'Life and Death Arena' in five rounds of battles!

No one thought that the Chinese could be so powerful, sweeping away five 'perfect level' invincible experts.

at this time,

Throughout the underground boxing hall of the Las Vegas International Hotel, there was silence, and you could hear a needle drop.

All the boxing fans looked at the Octagon ring in shock, unable to believe the scene in front of them.

this moment,
The atmosphere in the boxing match hall fell into a dead silence.

In the audience, there were many boxing fans who had placed bets on Chen Yang, including many Western boxing fans.

They bet on Chen Yang and won a lot of money.

Originally, they were ready to raise their arms and shout, to stand up, cheer for Chen Yang, and celebrate Chen Yang's victory.

They want to be in a carnival, to scream at the top of their lungs because they are making money.


When everyone felt the strange atmosphere in the boxing match hall.

When these boxing fans who won money saw the expressions of the boxing fans around them who lost money.

Everyone couldn't help but let out a breath and stopped shouting and cheering.

at this time,

Everyone invariably remained silent to avoid irritating the extreme boxing fans in Europe and America.

have to say,

If anyone really jumped up and cheered for Chen Yang's victory at this time.

These extreme boxing fans who have lost money next to them are likely to ignite their anger and completely explode.

If not, these boxing fans who have lost money will break out into a conflict and these spectators who have won money will be beaten up severely.

This kind of thing is not surprising to European and American extreme boxing fans.

Many boxing fans who have won money remain silent for fear of offending these extreme boxing fans.
It turned out that we had won money and everyone was in a happy mood.

If you get into conflict with these extreme boxing fans who are going crazy because of your celebration, it will be more of a loss than a gain.

You have to take care of your feelings about losing money.

The entire boxing match hall became unusually quiet at this moment.

This scene seemed very strange and surprising.

As time passed, the atmosphere in the entire boxing match hall was finally broken.

Especially during the live broadcast, after the final boxing result was announced.

Many boxing fans who made bets and won money, including die-hard fans of Chen Yang.

They finally couldn't bear it anymore and stood up to shout and cheer for Chen Yang and celebrate Chen Yang's victory.

Perhaps it was to see his idol reach the top of the global martial arts scene.

this moment,
Many of Chen Yang's fans are absolutely crazy.

Their hearts became extremely excited, and they wanted to jump up and shout for Chen Yang.

Go and ride the horse - extreme boxing fans!
As more and more people cheered excitedly, the atmosphere in the entire boxing match hall finally exploded at this moment.

this moment,
In the entire boxing hall, all Chinese boxing fans, including Asian boxing fans, stood up, shouted and cheered for Chen Yang.

"Haha - I won, I finally won!"

"Triple Crown! Incredible, Huaxia Chen Yang really accomplished his goal!"

"It's so strong! I didn't expect Huaxia Chen Yang to pass the 'Life and Death Arena'!"

"One kick to kill. Chinese Chen Yang's leg skills are so terrifying. He struck to kill the 'Ancient God' Zeus on the spot with one strike to kill."

"'Ancient God' Zeus's strength is very terrifying, his fighting style is fierce and his speed is fast, but in the end he still cannot defeat Huaxia Chen Yang."

"Three minutes and five seconds! 'Ancient God' Zeus didn't even have time to unleash his ultimate trump card, so he was killed on the spot. What a pity."

"He couldn't get close at all. China Chen Yang suppressed his offense and controlled the rhythm of the boxing match between the two sides."

"'Ancient God' Zeus' offensive and defensive rhythm was completely messed up later on. It's not surprising that he lost to Huaxia Chen Yang."

"It's unbelievable. You must know that Huaxia Chen Yang has fought five consecutive games. This is a wheel-and-wheel battle. He has swept all the way and no one can stop him."

"From the beginning of the boxing match, I knew that Huaxia Chen Yang would definitely win. I bet him 10 million US dollars, haha ​​- I finally won the money!"

"I started betting on him to pass the 'Arena of Life and Death' from the first game, and I won money tonight that I will never win in my life."

"Tonight's 'Life and Death Arena', because of the power of China Chen Yang, major financial groups in Europe and the United States suffered heavy losses. They were suppressing the competition from the outside. It is said that the losses exceeded 500 billion US dollars."

"Chen Yang of China has become a god in the global martial arts world. In the coming time, almost no one will be qualified to challenge him."

"Triple Crown Champion! I believe no one can break the global martial arts myth created by Huaxia Chen Yang in the coming time."

"The Western Martial Arts Alliance will definitely not give up. They will never tolerate Chinese people leading the development of Eastern Martial Arts."

"What can we do if we don't give up? The Western Martial Arts Alliance has no way to deal with Huaxia Chen Yang."

"Yes, not even the five challenges of the 'Life and Death Arena' can stop the Chinese from winning the championship. The Western Martial Arts Alliance can only face reality."


at this time,

Many boxing fans from Asia shed tears of excitement after seeing Chen Yang's record of winning the 'Triple Crown'.

They jumped up excitedly and no longer paid attention to the reactions of the European and American extreme boxing fans around them.

this moment,
All Chen Yang's fans just want to party and roar at the top of their lungs.

For a while,
The atmosphere at the entire boxing match was completely on fire.

Almost all the boxing fans who had won money by betting began to shout and cheer excitedly, celebrating Chen Yang's victory and at the same time celebrating themselves for making money.

Eastern martial arts has completely risen!
All Asian boxing fans are witnessing the myth of the global martial arts world at this moment.

Any boxing fans from Asia, including those from southern Thailand, South Korea, Japan, West Asia, Central Asia - and so on.

They all spontaneously cheered for Chen Yang!
Global martial arts competition!

This is no ordinary boxing match, but a fierce confrontation in the 'ring of life and death'.

not to mention,
This is not a simple boxing match, but a battle of interests in the global martial arts world. It is the ultimate showdown between Eastern martial arts and Western martial arts.

This is not only a battle between life and death, but also a fight on the battlefield.

Every boxing match is a glory forged with blood.

Although the global martial arts competition is extremely cruel and brutal.


The more intense the confrontation, the more exhilarating it is, the adrenaline is soaring, and people are roaring from the bottom of their lungs.

Almost everyone felt excited at this moment!

Tonight's five life-and-death battles will ignite everyone's blood.

The violent aura of subconsciousness in their hearts seemed to have been perfectly released.

For a while,
Almost all boxing fans cannot describe their feelings at this moment.

So brilliant——! (End of chapter)

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