During the day.

There are many tourists in the entire Chishui Falls.

Chen Yang's entire body entered a state of harmony between man and nature.

at this time,

When it's late at night and there's no one around.

He jumped into the pool and swam towards the rocks under the waterfall.

this moment,
All his strength was concentrated on his arms and feet, and he kept swimming forward.

"With the powerful impact of Chishui Falls, even a fish would have a hard time maintaining its balance!"

"It's very difficult for a person to maintain balance in such a fast current."

"In the water, your body moves with the current, and you can't put any force on your feet. Without support, you can't keep your center of gravity at all."

"Even if I can sprint to the rocks of the waterfall with my own strength."

"But it's so difficult to maintain a stable body shape!"

"The core of the Chinese martial art of Tai Chi is to stop with stillness and follow the trend!"

“Should I go with the current, or against it?”

"The core of Huajin is whether to follow the trend or go against the trend -!"

at this time,

Chen Yang was lost in thought.

He finally understood the core of martial arts power development, and at the same time he also understood his current dilemma in martial arts power development.

Manpower is sometimes poor!
His martial arts power level has reached the peak of [Late Dark Strength].

We are very close to [Hua Jin]!


The barrier of [Hua Jin] is like a chasm, difficult to cross.

Sometimes, breaking through doesn't just rely on brute force.

You must know how to adapt and understand the root cause!

Chen Yang looked up at the waterfall in front of him and took a long breath.

Chen Yang exerted force from under the water, his legs shook, and then his arms suddenly clapped.

His body soared into the sky, like an eagle soaring into the sky.

in a blink,
I saw Chen Yang's body falling on the rocks under the waterfall.

Although there is a lot of moss on the rocks.

But Chen Yang's legs were firmly grasping the surface of the rock at this moment, and his body was motionless.

The sound of the waterfall is deafening.

The rock is just inside the waterfall.

Chen Yang stood on the rock. Even in the daytime, it was difficult for outsiders to see him from outside the waterfall.

The surface of the rock is very wet.

Especially when the water is constantly scouring, the moss on the surface is very slippery in the smooth areas where it is not affected by the water flow.

It is very difficult for ordinary people to stand on it.


All this is not difficult for Chen Yang.

I saw Chen Yang on the rocks behind the waterfall.

He exerted force on his feet and kicked suddenly.

A powerful force burst out from his body.

Bajiquan, subduing the dragon, subduing the tiger, splitting the mountain——!
In Tai Chi, you move a thousand pounds in four or two, and stop with stillness!

Twelve-way tan legs, combined killing moves exploded.

this moment,
The combination of boxing skills and leg skills forms the most domineering combination of special moves.

The four major martial arts, integrated and mastered!
Chen Yang felt his blood flow speeding up, his blood boiling, and he felt extremely excited.

This feeling is very mysterious.

It's like being in a furnace, the vitality of your muscles being stimulated.

Not only does the heart beat faster, but the blood also becomes crazy at this moment.

He just felt his head buzzing.

Previously, Chen Yang's various physical talents had reached the limit of 150.

This limit has not been broken for such a long time.

And now,
Chen Yang felt that his limit of 150 seemed to be starting to loosen.


That's right,

He even felt that his bones began to itch very much, and his bone marrow began to tremble.

Muscles and blood are undergoing a transformation at this moment.

Perhaps because of the sublimation of martial arts willpower, at this moment, he felt that his internal organs began to undergo drastic changes.

If it weren't for Chen Yang's level of martial arts power, he would have reached the limit of 150.

His physical talent far exceeds that of ordinary people, even stronger than masters with perfect genetic enhancement.


With his physical talents, including bones, blood vessels, muscles, etc., it is absolutely difficult to resist the changes in his body.

The impact of the body's transformation is very terrifying, and can even be said to be unbearably painful.

Rebirth is a state of breaking through the constraints of the body.

It's like a conditioned reflex formed by the body after taking a drug or overdose.

at this time,

If it weren't for Chen Yang's physical fitness, it would be if someone else's body had undergone transformation.


It's absolutely difficult to withstand such a violent outburst.

Perhaps a simple physical transformation and sublimation can easily lead to heart failure and death from burst blood vessels.

at this time,

Even with Chen Yang's physical talent and his extremely domineering extreme state.

When his body suddenly began to transform, he was unable to withstand such a violent impact.

The pain is unbearable!

The impact of being completely reborn is very painful.

of course,

With Chen Yang's strength, these pains are still within his control.

His martial arts willpower is very firm, and he will naturally not be broken by such a little pain.

Chen Yang knew very well that his body had begun to undergo transformation.

As long as you get rid of the shackles and break the limits of human beings, your body will undergo changes that are unimaginable.

It can even be said that he has begun to surpass the limits of ordinary people.

Extraordinary realm!

On the other hand, the realm of [Hua Jin] is also called the extraordinary realm.

This is beyond the limits of mortals.

Ten minutes later.

Chen Yang let out a long breath, jumped into the water again.

He was lying whole in the water.

That's right,

It's like a small boat floating on the water of a waterfall.

Under the impact of the current, he kept floating up and down with the current.

this moment,
Instead of swimming against the current, he went with it.

The whole person controls the power and forms a fit with the flowing water to prevent himself from sinking.

The result of following the trend is that Chen Yang can directly relax his strength according to the flow of water, and no longer form resistance.

It can be clearly felt at this time.

Chen Yang's control of the body, coordination of breathing, brewing of muscles, and coordination of states——

He has reached the pinnacle.

The moon in the sky becomes brighter and brighter.

Under the darkness, only the distant chirping of insects can be heard.

at this time,

Chen Yang suddenly felt that his state of mind became empty!
The state of the six senses seemed to be sublimated at this moment.

He is very peaceful! The whole person seemed to have entered a very mysterious state.

In the state of six-sense trance, his whole person became detached!

Heaven and man are one, the six senses are connected to the spirit!

That's right,

His spiritual sensing ability actually reached a state of transcendence at this moment.

at this time,

His brain was roaring, and his mind seemed to be constantly recalling the martial arts he had practiced.

Even everything becomes clear in my mind.

From the first time I met Xu Haodong, to my own live broadcast——!
From Bajiquan, to Twelve-way Tan Kou, to Jiugong Flying Step, to Tai Chi, and then to the integration of the four major martial arts.

All experiences and martial arts training.

At this moment, in Chen Yang's mind, it was like a short video replay, so clear.

It is difficult to describe this state with accurate words.

It's like Chen Yang is standing in a third party's perspective, watching everything he has ever done!
This state of detachment gave Chen Yang a kind of sublimation and transformation of his state of mind!
next moment,
Chen Yang used the strength of the combination to start a perfect explosion.

The combination of footwork and boxing, leg skills and elbow strikes, the combination of heavy punches, and the unpredictable moves.

From the time Chen Yang started live broadcasting, it was the first time he swept the Fucheng Sanda Fighting Team.

Then he participated in the 'Battle of the King of Thailand' in Southeast Asia!
Scenes and almost all experiences kept appearing in Chen Yang's mind.

The key is,
At this moment, he was actually looking down from a third person's perspective, just like watching other people's experiences.

This feeling surprised Chen Yang.

Not to be immersed in the scene, but to watch everything in my past from another angle.

In the six senses trance state, this feeling becomes more and more intense.


This is when the spiritual sensing ability is sublimated, and the whole person enters the transcendent realm where heaven and man are one.

That's right,

This is detachment!
Beyond everything, the whole person's state of mind is sublimated, and he can observe himself as an outsider and wake up to himself!
The state of mind is tempered!

this moment,
Chen Yang felt that the energy and blood in his body gradually calmed down from a boiling state.

His state began to be restrained and restored, and he was no longer as sharp as he was.

The overbearing killing intent seemed to begin to disappear.

His whole being merged with heaven and earth and became gentle.

Bang, bang, bang—!
The beating of the heart began to return to normal at this moment.

Chen Yang's entire state resonated with heaven and earth, and he seemed indifferent.

No longer radiating any killing intent, not even any domineering energy.

Just like ordinary people, nothing surprising.

at this time,

Chen Yang discovered that he could clearly observe all the conditions in his body from a third party's perspective.

That's right,

It's like the Taoist spirit leaving the body and observing one's own internal organs.

Look inside!

At this moment, Chen Yang actually felt the state of inward vision again.

Heaven and man are one!

This time, my inner vision felt clearer than ever before.

Everything in the internal organs and internal organs, even the beating of the heart and the flow of blood in the blood vessels.

Even the breath in his lungs was reflected in his mind.

It is difficult to use simple words to describe this introspective state at this moment.

Very mysterious, very magical.

According to Taoism, this state of out-of-body consciousness is a unique artistic conception that can only be formed after the soul has been sublimated.

of course,

Not really inward looking.

It is impossible for human eyes to penetrate one's own internal organs, nor to observe the inside of one's body.

This is not true introspection, but an ideological manifestation.

It is a kind of conscious observation based on the brain waves of the human body.

In essence, inner vision is nothing more than a manifestation of brain waves.

People can clearly feel the changes in their internal organs in their consciousness.

This state can only be stimulated by intense mental concentration.


Chen Yang could clearly feel various changes in his body.

Even including the digestion of the stomach and the beating of the heart——!

So clear!

Ever since his spiritual sense became stronger and stronger, Chen Yang had never felt the changes in his body so clearly.

This is a state of transcendence!

Chen Yang couldn't help but exhale, and looked at his bones and tendons, then at his heart and stomach -!
this moment,
He could clearly see the constant surge of his own blood in his veins.

A strong heart beats and delivers nutrients to all parts of the body.

Transform your energy into transcendence!

That's right,

At this time, Chen Yang's inner vision was obviously different from any before!
This state cannot be described with simple words at all.

The next moment, Chen Yang's mind was filled with roars like thunder.

The great master of Huajin!
Only when one reaches the realm of exerting force in martial arts and breaks through to the realm of Huajin Grandmaster, one can truly achieve the state of inner vision.

The transcendence of artistic conception!
Chen Yang was like a lonely boat, lying on the pool of the waterfall, flowing with the waves.

His breathing became slow, and he seemed to be asleep, closing his eyes slightly.

The spiritual sensing ability in my mind began to condense and concentrate in my mind.

This is a condensed state of brain waves.

next moment,
He saw that his muscles, bones, and sinews began to become warm.

Even the muscles, blood, heart, etc., seemed to become extremely hot like infrared rays.

This is the stimulation of potential——!
of course,

All this is not observed with the eyes, but a state induced by the brain waves in the brain through one's own consciousness.

Do not know why,

Chen Yang suddenly had an enlightenment.

It was as if it had become a small universe within my own body.

And together with themselves, they are all parts of the small universe and form a small cycle.

The acupoints all over his body seemed to contain huge energy.

His muscles, bones, tendons, etc., as well as various parts of the body, are like galaxies in the universe.

In ideology, various acupuncture points in the body are like acupuncture points in Chinese medicine.

And as time goes by, the various acupuncture points interact and circulate to form a whole.

at this time,

Chen Yang only felt the roar in his mind.

The true meaning of life!
That's right,

This is the transcendence of life, and life potential is stimulated at this moment.

The human body is originally like a universe!
Any part of the body is actually a node in the universe within the human body. The hot part represents the stimulation of potential.

The blood flowing through every part of the body can gradually release his potential.

The hotter the part of the body, the more obvious the potential is released.

Muscles, sinews, blood vessels, heart—!
As all parts of his body began to heat up, Chen Yang felt the sublimation of life firsthand!

The potential begins to explode, and the whole person enters a state of comprehensive transformation.

this moment,
Chen Yang found that the Bajiquan and Taijiquan he practiced seemed to have begun to be trained automatically in his mind.

Every acupuncture point in the body started to operate according to an indescribable law.

After the potential is stimulated, the hot parts become stronger and stronger, which means that the transformation occurs faster and faster.


That's right, after breaking through the realm of Huajin, the body is undergoing a comprehensive transformation.

at the same time,

Chen Yang's mood also began to improve!
this moment,
He is in an extremely mysterious state——! (End of chapter)

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