Guoshu!My martial arts has a strengthening panel

Chapter 499: Pure Yang Innate, 9th Turn

A very casual straight punch.

The air roared, as if it had been blasted by a punch.

Fierce, domineering, fierce!

this moment,
Any combination of Chen Yang's boxing techniques, leg skills, elbow strikes, etc. already have extremely distinctive characteristics.

His style became increasingly unique.

In the global martial arts world, Chen Yang's fighting style has its own characteristics.

He is known as the 'King of Destruction' and many fighters around the world are imitating his style.


As Chen Yang broke through to the [Hua Jin] realm.

His style became increasingly unpredictable and traceless.

It will become increasingly difficult for anyone to imitate his style.

Any of his moves are no longer limited to any ordinary martial arts moves.

It's very random, yet unpredictable.

This unique style makes it increasingly difficult for many people to imitate.

From the perspective of the realm of martial arts and the tempering of the state of mind.


With the limits of physical fitness and understanding of speed.

The realm of Huajin martial arts and the realm of Anjin are not at the same level at all.

of course,

The most important thing is the state of energy accumulation.

The explosion of An Jin wants to perfectly unleash the penetrating power of An Jin.

You must accumulate energy.

The time for accumulating power is determined based on the state of An Jin's power.

The higher the realm, the shorter the time for An Jin to accumulate power.

On the contrary, the longer it takes to accumulate power.

in addition,

In terms of the lethality of the force, Hua Jin and An Jin are completely different.

This is a qualitative improvement in the realm of martial arts and a sublimation of the great realm.

Although it is impossible to evaluate the difference between An Jin and Hua Jin through data.


The destructive power unleashed by the two is completely different.

Perhaps when conducting boxing target experiments, explosive power data can be compared.

Ming Jin, dark Jin, transforming Jin!

Judging from the data of hitting the boxing target between the three, the difference in data is not too big.


Dark energy contains terrifying penetrating power.

And Hua Jin can not only push Ming Jin's lethality to its peak, but also make An Jin's penetrating power explode perfectly.

in addition,

When Huajin explodes, it requires almost no accumulation of energy.

A very easy and casual move, but it can explode with frightening power.

In the Octagon ring, it would be a disaster for anyone to face a powerful person.

Every killing move made by the Huajin master comes without any warning, making it difficult for people to guard against it.

The ultimate move is mastered and the fist becomes powerful!

at this time,

Chen Yang has finally entered the extraordinary realm of the great master of Chinese martial arts!
Not to mention the current era when martial arts development and inheritance are cut off.

Even in the past, when martial arts was at its peak.

Any great master of Huajin can be regarded as rare.

Every Huajin Grandmaster is a super master who stands at the top of martial arts, an invincible strong man.


Many of the great masters of Huajin are powerful men who founded sects.

Next, Chen Yang exerted force on his feet and took a few steps forward.

next moment,
His body was like a bow and arrow loose from the string, and he swam toward the Chishui Falls not far away.

Go with the flow!

Next, a horrifying scene appeared.

I saw that Chen Yang was like a speedboat floating on the water.

The speed of his hands and feet was as fast as thunder, as if he was speeding on the water.

The speed of his arms was like a propeller, reaching the limit of speed, which was shocking.

this moment,
His speed completely exceeded the limit and subverted the human understanding of martial arts.

The moment he approached the bottom of the waterfall, he slapped his arms toward the water.

His whole body bounced up, his muscles were as tight as iron, and his strength was concentrated.

The extreme speed in an instant was unstoppable.

With a bursting sound, it spread throughout the entire pool.

The next moment, Chen Yang's body landed steadily on a rock at the bottom of the waterfall.

He swept his legs and started to unleash twelve-way kicks.

One leg after another, seemingly casual.

But every kick was just at the point where the waterfall was impacting downwards.

Fist power!

This is a state that only the grandmaster of Hua Jin can display.

In the state of six senses and trance.

Chen Yang's Bajiquan, Taijiquan, Jiugong Flying Step, and Twelve-way Tan Kick are all mastered.

The four major martial arts of the Perfect Realm are integrated into one, forming Chen Yang's unique martial arts.

Compared with the previous state of martial arts strength.

Chen Yang's fist at this moment is in the six-sense state, faster, stronger, and more ruthless!

A very casual movement, but it gave people an indescribable sense of oppression.

Just broke out the Twelve-Way Tan Leg Chain Style.

Chen Yang's body was hit by the waterfall and fell into the pool.

Splashes of water!

Manpower is sometimes poor!
The power of nature is endless, and manpower cannot compete with it.

Even Chen Yang's martial arts power level has broken through to the level of energy transformation.


At this time, under the waterfall, his strength was nothing compared to the powerful impact of the waterfall.

Not to mention being unable to compete with the power of the waterfall, even trying to stabilize one's body was very difficult.

of course,

Chen Yang practiced Twelve-Way Tan Kung under the waterfall not to compete with the power of the waterfall.

He is looking for natural balance!

After a while, Chen Yang returned to the shore.

He let out a long breath.

this moment,
The aura of his Huajin Grandmaster was restrained, and all the fighting spirit in his body disappeared completely.

It seems,
He is almost indistinguishable from ordinary people.

If he were wearing a migrant worker uniform at this time, I believe others would easily regard him as a migrant worker.

There was no murderous intent emanating from him.

Anyone who sees him in his current state would find it difficult to associate his status as the number one martial artist in the world with his current status.

The four major martial arts realms have all reached perfection.

The strength is integrated and the martial arts is unified!

Although Chen Yang has just stepped into the realm of Huajin, it is not yet completely stable.


At this time, his strength moved according to his heart, and his momentum was like a rainbow.

The speed and power of every movement have exceeded the limits of human martial arts.

A very light movement, but it contains a thousand pounds of force and unlimited lethality.

If we look at Chen Yang's level of exertion at this moment, in the early stages of transforming energy, it is equivalent to being completely reborn.

When he is in the [Late Dark Stage] realm, he will be able to stand at the top of global martial arts.

What's more, now, his level of exertion has reached the level of energy.

No matter from which aspect, Chen Yang is worthy of the title of the number one martial artist in the world.

Of course, the way of martial arts is to retreat if you don’t advance!

The realm of exerting force in martial arts breaks through the shackles of human beings and breaks through to the realm of energy transformation.

Chen Yang's body was also undergoing drastic changes at this moment.

Next, will be the most important moment.

The stabilization of the realm of Huajin is not only the beginning of martial arts, but also an important stage in the improvement of life potential.

The road to innateness is long and arduous!
Anyone who wants to completely break the shackles of human martial arts and get rid of the shackles of heaven and earth is destined to be a road filled with difficulties and dangers.

How can it be so easy to go against the will of heaven?
Transform your strength, refine your spirit and return it to weakness!
The Boxing Sutra says: The power of cleansing the marrow!

Practicing An Jin to the point where hardness and softness are combined, and the ultimate suppleness, the end of An Jin can be called 'Hua Jin'!
The end point of soft strength is the starting point of turning strength!

The true unity of Tao is silent and breathless, and it is the elixir of salvation.

Fist without fist, meaning without intention, without fist without intention is the true meaning!
Practicing essence turns into qi, practicing qi turns into spirit, practicing spirit turns into emptiness!

Transform it into nothingness and turn it into pure Yang!

Transform energy into nine turns and achieve a pure Yang innate body!
The state of Huajin is a process of continuous accumulation.

Only by turning the energy of life into nothingness and breaking through the ninth level can we truly get rid of the shackles of heaven and earth and achieve pure Yang innateness!

"It's not easy! I finally broke through to the realm of energy transformation. The foundation of martial arts turns out to be the infinite improvement of life potential."

"The road to martial arts and the cultivation of Ming Jin and Dark Jin are just the basis for stimulating life potential, and Hua Jin is the starting point for improving life potential."

"If you want to improve your life infinitely, you can only constantly break your own limits, get rid of the shackles of heaven and earth, go against heaven, achieve nine transformations and return to one, and achieve a pure Yang innate body!"

Chen Yang took a long breath when he thought of this.

this moment,
He has a deeper understanding of the way of life in the realm of transformation.

Nine turns of energy!

Now he just dares to step into the realm of Huajin. The future path of martial arts will be a long accumulation process.

It is not that easy for anyone who wants to go against the will of nature, to unify the Nine Transformations of Energy and achieve a pure Yang body.

To know,
Human lifespan is very limited.

I want to continuously stimulate the potential of life and achieve the nine transformations of energy into one.

Not only does it require talent that surpasses anyone else, but it also requires a long period of time.

Once you are stuck in one of the turns and cannot enter the next turn, all your previous efforts will be wasted and your life span will be exhausted.

"It seems that it is very difficult to break through to the ninth level of energy transformation!"

"Anyone who wants to get rid of the shackles of human beings and truly achieve pure Yang innateness has a long way to go!"

"However, all this does not seem to be too difficult for me."

"As long as I keep accumulating, I will definitely have the opportunity to turn my energy into nine transformations and return to one!"

"Pure Yang Xiantian, this is my martial arts goal, and it is also the final transformation of life!"

Chen Yang exhaled and his eyes became firm.

Bang, bang, bang!
Next, he put aside all the thoughts in his mind and continued to practice his martial arts hard.

Bajiquan, Taijiquan, Twelve-way Tan Kicks, and Nine Palaces Flying Steps!
The four major martial arts are integrated into one, and the force exerted is sometimes fierce and sometimes light.

His movements are as fast as lightning and unpredictable.

Every move Chen Yang made seemed simple and casual.


The more simple and random the action, the more terrifying and horrifying the lethality it contains.

“It’s almost time, it’s time to go to North America!”

"According to the arrangement of the Global Martial Arts Alliance, I was invited to watch an 'extraordinary battle'!"

"I want to see, what is a 'paranormal battle'?"

"According to the Global Martial Arts Alliance, this is the first time in this century that an 'extraordinary battle' has begun!"

"What level are the masters participating in the 'Supernatural Battle'? How strong are they?"

"I hope that the strength of these people participating in the war can be comparable to the perfect masters who have passed the eighth experiment."

"Half a month later, someone actually wants to challenge me?"

"Within a year, I don't have to accept any challenges, but now that I have just broken through to the realm of strength, I can test it and see how my peak combat power is."

"This challenge should be because the Western Martial Arts Alliance is unwilling to fail like this and wants a revenge battle."

"Hmph! I gave them this opportunity, but I was afraid that they wouldn't have the strength!"

"I hope the person who challenges me this time will not disappoint me. If he is just a master of the level of 'Ancient God' Zeus, I can instantly defeat him in half a minute!"

"A little-known master trained in a laboratory wants to defeat me?"

"You don't take the 'Grandmaster of Huajin' seriously!"

Chen Yang snorted coldly and looked up to the west.

this moment,
He exuded a frightening fighting spirit.

The realm of transformation!

At this time, Chen Yang was sharpening his sword and wanted to test his martial arts skills.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I dozed off, someone brought me a pillow.

Naturally, he would not refuse such a challenge.

Transform your energy!

From this moment on, Chen Yang can be regarded as a true master of Chinese martial arts.

How could he be afraid of a challenge?

"The core of martial arts has only three words from beginning to end: fast, accurate, and ruthless!"

"Quickness is the core of any powerful martial arts, and it is also the basis of killing moves."

"Whether it's a combination of leg skills, elbow strikes, or punches, if you want to explode with the strongest power, the core is these three words."

"As long as you are fast enough, ruthless enough, and accurate enough, you can sweep away your opponents and form the most terrifying special move!"

"Whether it is Ming Jin, Dark Jin, or Hua Jin, the core has not changed, it's just a different way of exerting force."

"With my current speed, I believe no one can stop my attack!"

at this time,

Chen Yang was full of confidence in his own strength.

His understanding of martial arts has reached a deeper level, and he has a higher understanding of speed, precision, and ruthlessness.

"It's almost time! It's been more than half a month since I came to Guidong."

"How is the production of Zhan Zhilei's movie going now?"

"Zhan Zhilei is responsible for the overall planning and arrangements for most of the affairs of the Global Martial Arts Alliance."

"I hope it won't delay his martial arts training. He should be almost done with the eight Vajra moves of Bajiquan, right?"

"When necessary, you can let him practice the Eight Extremes and Six Great Opening Skills."

During this time,

After Chen Yang returned to China, he traveled around to relax and refine his mind.

His original plan was to see if he could break through to the realm of strength within half a year.

What he didn't expect was that he achieved his goal in half a month.

In front of the Chishui Waterfall in Guidong, I suddenly felt something in my heart and achieved a breakthrough in energy.

The joy of accident!

When the east turns white, after dawn.

Chen Yang left in front of Chishui Falls and returned to the hotel.

He changed his clothes and called Zhan Zhilei to ask.

Looking back and thinking about my unintentional move, I actually made a breakthrough.

this moment,
Chen Yang couldn't help but sigh.

Unexpectedly, it is not necessary to study hard and practice hard to achieve a breakthrough.

Understanding is important.

Maybe with a flash of inspiration, there will be a good opportunity for a breakthrough.

in fact,

When the level of martial arts development reaches its later stages, opportunities are needed for breakthroughs.

If there is no suitable opportunity, it is likely to be stuck for a long time and unable to find a breakthrough direction.

at this time,

Chen Yang felt relaxed all over.

He did not continue to practice hard, but took a good rest in the hotel for a day.

His aura became more and more restrained, making it impossible for anyone to feel anything unusual about him.

"What the hell is this extraordinary battle?"

"The Western Martial Arts Alliance suddenly launches such a martial arts competition. What is its purpose?"

"It seems that the desire for revenge in Western martial arts has never been eliminated!"

"Did they not be completely defeated? They will not be willing to do anything until they are trampled under their feet!"

"This time when I return to North America, it's time to show some color to the Western Martial Arts Alliance."

"As the only 'Triple Crown' in the Global Martial Arts League, I don't think I can provoke me without putting any pressure on them!"

Chen Yang took a deep breath and snorted in his heart. (End of chapter)

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