Guoshu!My martial arts has a strengthening panel

Chapter 512 The power of transformation is unstoppable

A sharp sound broke through the air.

For a while,
The entire octagonal cage boxing ring was shrouded in the shadow of Mika-09's legs, making a harsh roar.

too strong--!
Such terrifying leg speed has completely surpassed the limits of human martial arts.

this moment,
Mika-09's unique combination of leg skills, each heavy kick reaches its peak, creating an air boom.

It seemed that the entire octagonal boxing ring was swept away by his killing intent, making it impossible for anyone to avoid him.

However, no matter how fast Mika-09's legs are, he can't resist Chen Yang's four leg-cutting blows at this moment!
Kicks like knives, as fast as thunder!
Chen Yang's legs are faster and more powerful!

This four leg-cutting blows hit Mika-09's soles extremely fiercely.

Deng Deng Deng——!
Mika-09's extremely ferocious heavy leg killing move was instantly interrupted by Chen Yang's leg-cutting four-stroke.

His offensive rhythm was disrupted by Chen Yang's kick.
all of a sudden,

Mika-09 had to take a few steps back and distance himself, trying to slow down the pace.

at this time,

His expression changed, and his back was soaked with sweat.

"Asshole, what kind of kick is this?"

"Why such a terrifying combo of killing moves, such terrifying speed!"

"This kick has never been used in any of his previous killing moves. It's not in the database!"

"The Chinese's ability to control the rhythm of the boxing ring is terrifying. He seems to know the weakness of my explosive leg skills."

Mika-09 took five or six steps back and couldn't help but take a deep breath.

at this time,

There was a dull pain in the soles of his feet, and the four blows from Chen Yang almost cracked the bones.

His offensive rhythm was interrupted and the pain was unbearable.

this moment,
Mika-09 felt extremely uncomfortable and kept shaking his feet to relieve the pain.

at this time.

He was very surprised in his heart.

Mika-09's leg skills have always been incredibly fast in attack.

He is full of confidence in his combination's special skills.

Especially the ability to control distance has reached the pinnacle.

In the global martial arts world,
Since he broke through the ninth genetic enhancement test, he was the first strong man to adapt to his own combat power.

Since he was once an instructor at a black boxing training camp, he has a lot of experience in controlling the rhythm of boxing matches, so he will be faster than others in testing.

He believes that he is definitely at the top level in the global martial arts world in terms of his ability to control distance and rhythm.

Once a strong attack breaks out, he believes that no one can interrupt his offensive rhythm.


At this moment, he faced Chen Yang, the strongest man in the world's martial arts world, the Chinese King of Destruction.

Mika-09 never expected that the opponent's kick would instantly interrupt his offensive rhythm.


This heavy leg explosion exceeded Mika-09's expectations.

It's so fast!
The key is the timing of the kick, which is simply hard to guard against.

This combination of leg-cutting and four-hit attacks exploded the leg strength of the [Transformation Strength] realm.

The lethality of Chen Yang's heavy leg attack was faster, stronger and more ruthless than Mika-09's leg attack.

Such a terrifying heavy leg explosion made Mika-09 feel horrified inside.

What made him feel even more scared inside was.

Chen Yang's ultimate move of leg amputation and heavy blow is not only so fast that it makes people suffocate.

The [Hua Jin] momentum that he exudes is even more devastating and unstoppable, making people feel extremely shocked.

this moment,
Chen Yang exploded with all his strength without any reservations.

The killing intent emanating from his whole body, and the crazy explosion of fisting intention, made Mika-09 feel extremely shocked and stressed.

Bang, bang, bang—!
Sweeping legs, side kicks, swinging legs, slashing -!
Mika-09's combination of leg skills and a killer move exploded with full force at this moment.

He didn't feel scared because of Chen Yang's power.

They didn't get discouraged at this time, but went all out to form a crushing force with a strong attack.

He wanted to use the power of thunder to suppress Chen Yang again.


The next scene made Mika-09 feel his scalp numb.

Chen Yang seems to only know the simplest basic leg skills.

See the tricks and use silence to stop them!
Chen Yang seemed to have entered an extremely mysterious state.

His speed seemed slow, casual and effortless.


Every leg movement he made seemed to be just right in blocking Mika-09's attack.

This kind of unpredictable kicking action is frightening.

at this time,

Chen Yang's [Hua Jin] realm finally exploded with frightening combat power.

He looked very casual, but the speed of each kick was incredibly fast.

"Shet, damn-!"

Mika-09's expression changed completely, and his back was soaked with sweat.

All his fierce attacks were unable to break through Chen Yang's defense.

All of a sudden.

Mika-09 felt that Chen Yang was like a hedgehog, making him feel unable to attack.

Chen Yang took a deep breath, stood on tiptoe, and bowed his waist.

All the muscles in his body were as tense as iron at this moment.

For a super strong player like Mika-09, he wants to interrupt the opponent's offensive rhythm.

The best way is to fight head-on!

Use your leg skills to challenge the opponent's leg skills!
Chen Yang exploded with a leg cut, instantly interrupting Mika-09's offensive rhythm.

For a boxer of Chen Yang's level, as long as the opponent's offensive rhythm is disrupted.

Then, there will definitely be holes in the opponent's defense.

this moment,
The entire Octagon ring.

The most exciting showdown broke out between the two sides.

Every combined killing move is fierce and domineering and wonderful.

The fast-paced play of both sides gives people a pleasing feeling.

Any combination of killing moves will give people a psychological impact that cannot be described in words.

too strong!
Although the movements of both sides are extremely simple, there are almost no fancy moves.


The attack angle of the leg skills for the combined ultimate move is dazzling.

On the ring, a hurricane blew up.

The air seemed to be exploded by the leg skills of both sides, making a harsh roar.

this moment,
A powerful shock wave centered on the two people and spread to the surroundings.

The extremely domineering killing intent gives people endless shock.

Chen Yang stamped his foot, then swept his leg, and instantly unleashed a five-hit killing move.

Leg sweep five strikes!

Like a slashing sword, it swept across Mika-09.

This powerful leg-sweeping five-hit heavy-leg combo can be said to be Chen Yang's famous super combination killer move.

Ever since he entered the world of martial arts as the 'Ultimate Fighter', his killer combo has become famous.

At that time, it was not a five-hit combo of leg sweeps, but a heavy leg sweep!

this moment,
Chen Yang didn't hesitate at all and instantly launched a five-stroke combo of leg sweeps.

The air seemed to be blasted by his heavy leg combo.

Ever since Chen Yang's martial arts power level broke through to the [Hua Jin] level. His Twelve-Road Tan Kou has reached perfection, having mastered the four major martial arts.

Every one of his heavy-leg killing moves contains extremely terrifying combat power.

When he unleashed five leg-sweeping blows with all his strength at this moment, one can imagine the lethality.

"Shet—not good!"

Mika-09 was shocked and felt his head buzzing.

Chen Yang's heavy leg killing move is so powerful!
His leg speed and explosive power have far exceeded the limits of human martial arts, and his speed is even more frightening.

This five-stroke combo of sweeping legs is faster and more explosive than the heavy leg-cutting attack just now.

The power of Mika-09's heavy kick combo is simply not as powerful as Chen Yang's five-kick sweep that he is determined to achieve!

One leg and five postures, transforming the power of strength!

The power of this heavy-leg killing move is extraordinary.


Mika-09 is indeed a super master who has experienced nine genetic enhancements.

His potential has been unleashed, and his strength has reached incredible levels.

Although his sixth sense of crisis is slightly inferior to Chen Yang's, it is much stronger than others.

After feeling the power of Chen Yang's heavy-leg killing move, his sixth sense of crisis issued a stern warning to him.


Mika-09 is indeed a top warrior who has experienced hundreds of battles.

After he felt the danger of Chen Yang's killing move, he didn't panic, let alone be afraid.

I saw his feet suddenly kicking, and then he exerted force instantly, and his body quickly took five or six steps back.

at this time,

Without any hesitation in his mind, he directly distanced himself, trying to avoid Chen Yang's powerful combo of five leg sweeps.

As a former instructor at the Black Boxing Training Camp.

Mika-09 not only has rich fighting experience, but also has extremely strong martial arts willpower.

He had already received the most cruel training before he passed the ninth genetic enhancement experiment.

He has killed many people and beasts, and his state of mind has long been as solid as a rock.

He is not afraid of death and even feels comfortable facing death.

After feeling that Chen Yang's heavy leg killing move threatened his life.

There was a buzz in his mind, and he wanted to die together with Chen Yang as if by reflex.

His conditioned reflexive fighting style is much more terrifying than other strong men.

to be frank,
Although Mika-09 is very low-key, he has never fought in the global martial arts world.

It is said that for boxing fans around the world, even for Western boxing fans, Mika-09 is very unfamiliar.

His name Mika-09 was only obtained after passing the ninth genetic enhancement experiment.

Before this, he was not called Mika-09 at all.


The fact that he was named Mika-09 shows that his peak combat power has been recognized by European and American laboratories.

Any 'king-level' strong man in the global martial arts world has no power to resist him.

Even before this, the 'ancient god' Zeus, who had a high reputation in the global martial arts world, could not withstand Mika-09's strong attack for more than one minute.

not to mention,
During his years as a black boxing training camp instructor.

He has trained many of the world's top martial arts warriors.

Among the powerful people who passed the ninth genetic enhancement experiment in European and American laboratories, Mika-01, who ranked first, was the former disciple of Mika-09.

This shows how terrifying Mika-09's strength is.

of course,

The most powerful thing about Mika-09 is not his training ability.

His fighting experience and control of the rhythm and distance of the boxing ring are at their best, making it difficult for people to break through his defense.


He is so calm!
It was like entering the 'six senses' state with Chen Yang, entering an absolutely calm state.

Any attack seems to slow down in his absolutely calm state.

This is a talent, and it is also the scariest thing about Mika-09.

in fact,

Any master who passes the ninth genetic enhancement experiment will stimulate the body's talents.

Everyone has different talents and different powers.

This is the most significant difference between masters who have passed the ninth genetic enhancement experiment and those who have passed the eighth experiment.

Mika-09 has never known what fear is.

He has experienced nine deaths in genetic enhancement experiments. If any one of them fails, he may die.

Mika-09's mood is very determined, not even inferior to that of Chen Yang.

Not only is he not afraid of death, he even enjoys the thrill of being on the edge of death many times.

Put it simply.

Anyone who has experienced genetic enhancement experiments in European and American laboratories.

Their mentality will undergo great changes, and even their personalities will be distorted and extremely abnormal.

They have killed many people, witnessed various deaths, and even drank the blood of their opponents during brutal fights.

Even though Mika-09 is an instructor at the Black Fist Training Camp, his mood is extremely determined.

But after his mentality is distorted, it is difficult to reverse it.

The perfect genetic enhancer!
Judging from the results of European and American laboratories, any perfect experimenter is actually an experimental product.

They conducted gene enhancement experiments, originally to experiment with drugs.

in fact,

Europe and the United States have established so many laboratories around the world, in which human bodies are subjected to genetic enhancement experiments.

The ultimate goal is to break the shackles of mankind.

Through experiments with various drugs, we will see if humans can get longer.

After all, the purpose of all experiments is to make the super rich live longer.

Due to the repulsive nature of genes, they will be continuously strengthened during experiments.

Cultivating the top 'perfect level' experts is just a by-product of the experiment.

These masters who passed the ninth experiment are all soldiers serving the North American "Military Industrial Group".

Before they accepted the experiment, they had signed various agreements and must serve the North American military-industrial complex.

To know,
Although European and American laboratories are very mysterious, more than a hundred have been built around the world.

But the investors behind the scenes are North American 'military industrial groups' and many pharmaceutical companies and biotech groups in Europe and the United States.

Any experimental results and data are very important to them.

Ever since Chen Yang killed the 'Ancient God' Zeus and other five masters who had passed the eighth genetic enhancement experiment on the 'Life and Death Arena'.

European and American laboratories had to conduct the ninth genetic enhancement experiment in advance.

If the sniper against Chen Yang fails again this time.


For European and American laboratories and the North American military-industrial complex, the losses have been very heavy.

Even the results of so many years of experiments will lose any meaning.

Even though Mika-09 is very powerful, he is also the leader among this batch of people who passed the ninth genetic enhancement experiment.

But he had to admit that no matter how strong he was, he could not change the fact that he was an experimental subject.

He appears to be free.

But anyone who has experienced genetic enhancement experiments knows that there will be barriers between human genes and animal genes.

If you want to eliminate the rejection of this barrier, you must continue to take medication.

Once genetic enhancement experiments are conducted, it is impossible to truly get rid of the North American military-industrial complex.

As long as you stop taking the genetic rejection drugs, you will completely revert to your ancestors and eventually die within a month!
This is why even if Mika-09 knew that Chen Yang was very powerful, he took the lead in launching a challenge, which was extremely dangerous!
However, he couldn't refuse!
He needs to complete his mission, even if he sacrifices his own life. (End of chapter)

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