Mika-09 has an extremely determined state of mind and a rock-solid martial arts willpower.

At this moment, he was finally defeated.

He couldn't help but take a breath, and finally felt the breath of death at this moment.

That's right,

He never thought that he would be completely crushed by Huaxia Chen Yang.

He is a master who has passed the ninth genetic enhancement experiment.

How could one be afraid of death?
To know.

Mika-09 has gone through nine genetic enhancement experiments, which is equivalent to dying nine times.

in the past few years. Every time Mika-09 is on the verge of death, he is able to face it calmly.

Put it simply.

Although he was on the verge of death, he was full of confidence in himself.

He didn't think he would die so easily.

Therefore, although he has been on the verge of death nine times, his willpower has become stronger.

But now, things have changed.

His body was injured, with severe damage to muscles and bones.

All of a sudden.

He was unable to gather strength and mount an effective counterattack.

If he were facing other top experts, perhaps when he was unable to exert his strength, he could rely on his superhuman fighting experience to avoid the opponent's heavy blows and killing moves.

Maybe he could calm himself down quickly, gain the upper hand again, and reverse the situation.


What he faced was China Chen Yang, who ranked first in the world's martial arts world in terms of comprehensive strength!
King of Destruction!
It is definitely not an easy task for anyone to reverse the situation when facing Chen Yang.

Super powerful combination special move - five consecutive hits of whip kick!

Chen Yang didn't hesitate and launched another five-hit combo with his whip kick!

The power of the super killing move is frightening.

This heavy-leg killing move leaves no trace of the kick, making it very casual.

However, the speed is indescribable and incredibly fast.

One kick after another, strength and speed are added.

The heavy leg combo is the ultimate move, devastating and unstoppable!
All obstacles in front of him will be instantly defeated by this heavy leg killing move.

The core of this five-hit, whip-kick, heavy-kick killer move is its speed and explosive power.

The speed and power of the [Hua Jin] realm are no small matter.

Although it looks like a very casual kick, it has unparalleled explosive power.

When Chen Yang usually trains his leg skills, he trains a lot on combo killer moves.

Once the five-hit super-powerful special attack is completely unleashed, the speed is as fast as thunder and disappears in an instant.

Even the people next to him could hardly see the movement of his legs.

Incredible speed, coupled with terrifying leg penetration.

That overwhelming leg power attack ignores any defense from the opponent.

Once Chen Yang seizes the opportunity to explode, the opponent will have no chance to avoid or block.

There is no way to retreat, there is no way to avoid it!
The super powerful combination of combos and killer moves of the legs exploded, forming a stormy offensive momentum.

Invincible power!

at this time,

Chen Yang's heavy-kick combo is the ultimate killer move that can truly be called the whip-kick special move!

This is the real 'Best of the North Leg'!
A fierce killing intent instantly enveloped Mika-09.

"Damn! This is impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"How can the Chinese leg skills be so terrifying!"

"Am I going to lose to him? No, I can't lose, I won't lose to him!"

Mika-09's offense and defense were completely messed up, and his brain was buzzing.

There was a trace of fear in his heart, and his whole heart was filled with horror.

No one is not afraid of death!

Although Mika-09 has experienced death, on the surface, he can face death calmly.


Is there anyone in the world who is really not afraid of death?
Even though Mika-09 has gone through nine genetic enhancement experiments, his state of mind is extremely firm.

He is even called a 'gene warrior'. He is the most perfect humanoid weapon and has the combat power to stand at the top of the global martial arts arena.


He is a human, not a real beast, and certainly not a man of steel.

Although he has almost no human emotions.

Moreover, his body has begun to show signs of atavism.


The moment he truly felt the breath of death coming and covering him.

It was impossible for him to truly face it calmly and remain indifferent.

After Mika-09 sensed extreme danger, he only felt a roar in his mind.

Before the start of this boxing match, he accepted an invitation from the Western Martial Arts Federation and received an order from the North American Military Industrial Group.

In the extraordinary battle, he must launch the strongest sniper attack on Huaxia Chen Yang.

As a top expert trained in European and American laboratories, money does not mean much to him.

What he needs is freedom, and he also wants to prove himself.

He has watched Chen Yang's boxing matches and carefully analyzed Chen Yang's various fighting styles.

Mika-09 feels that after stepping into the Octagon ring, he will be able to perfectly control the Kung Fu rhythm of the boxing match.

At the same time, he can accurately control the distance and avoid the killing moves of the Chinese.

He was full of confidence in himself and felt that it was impossible for him to lose to Huaxia Chen Yang.

Even though Mika-09 knows very well in his heart that Huaxia Chen Yang is the number one strong man in the world's martial arts world, with unlimited fighting power.


Mika-09 is full of confidence in his ability to control the distance and the rhythm of the boxing match.

He used to be an instructor at the black boxing training camp!
Over the years, he has trained countless masters.

Although he has never fought in a formal boxing match, he has really never been afraid of anyone over the years.

Especially after he has passed the ninth genetic enhancement experiment.

He is even more confident in his own fighting power.

This is a kind of pride, and it can even be said to be conceited.


Mika-09 never expected that Chen Yang's kick combo combo would be so powerful.


Both speed and strength far exceeded Mika-09's expectations.

Before the boxing match started, Mika-09 studied Chen Yang's various killing moves in detail.

And in the database of European and American laboratories, any super combination of special moves that Chen Yang has performed in the boxing ring has detailed data records.

At the same time, in order to be able to break Chen Yang's super combination of special moves.

There are many targeted tactics in the databases of European and American laboratories.

Mika-09 is very familiar with Chen Yang's combo killer moves.

Whether it's whip-leg combos, kicks, kicks, leg sweeps - etc. combo combos are sure to kill.

Mika-09 has been studied in detail.

in addition,

In order to be able to break Chen Yang's combination of special skills.

He has practiced many targeted tactics, specializing in breaking Chen Yang's combination killer moves.

But now, Chen Yang burst out with a super powerful combo of five whip and kick kicks.

Mika-09 was shocked, feeling his scalp numb and his mind going blank.

He found that all his targeted tactics were useless.

have to say,

He underestimated the speed of Chen Yang [Grandmaster of Huajin] and the penetrating power of his ultimate move.

The speed that surpasses everything has no solution at all!

Chen Yang's powerful whip-leg five-hit combination killer move is faster, fiercer and more ruthless than Mika-09's heavy-leg killer move.

That terrifying force of transformation, its penetrating power is frightening.

at this time,

Mika-09's expression completely changed.

After the two sides fought hard, he didn't expect that he would be hit hard.

The legs cannot exert force, which is very dangerous for a top strong person.

damn it--!
That penetrating power was so terrifying, how could it have such terrifying destructive power.


Just when Mika-09 took a few steps back, trying to distance himself.

A powerful killing intent instantly locked onto him.

The breath of death comes again.

There was a sound in Mika-09's mind, and his sixth sense of crisis gave him a strong warning at this moment.

After Chen Yang exploded with a five-hit whip-leg killer move, his back-up moves were endless.

His kicks didn't end, but became more intense.

The combo killer move of the Twelve-Road Tan Kick is not just a single kick.

I saw Chen Yang's feet suddenly exerting force, and then he sprinted forward a few steps again.

Knife kick!
This killer combo of knife kicks makes people feel extremely weird.

The outstretched legs were like knives, following him like a shadow, like the breeze blowing, making almost no sound.

That's right,

There is no slashing in the air, and the leg speed seems to be very slow.

This five-hit combination of knife and kick was so fleeting that it was impossible to see the legs clearly.

Knife kick combo!
This is a variation of the swing leg from the Twelve Road Tan Leg!
this moment,
Chen Yang didn't hesitate at all, and instantly unleashed the most powerful combination of leg skills.

After this period of hard training, Chen Yang had already perfected the combination of twelve tan legs.

His five-hit combo ultimate move has been integrated and mastered since he broke through to the realm of energy transformation.

Killing combinations, continuous hits!

And this combo of knife and kick combos exploded in an instant, like a stroke of genius, making people unable to avoid it!
more importantly,
At this time, Mika-09's muscles and bones were injured and it was impossible to gather strength.

He had no time to make any defensive moves.

There was no way Chen Yang could miss such a good opportunity to kill with one strike.

Knife kick combos and killing moves, heavy leg combos, one leg after another, continuously, the speed and power can be called explosive at this moment.

The shadow of the legs, which originally made almost no sound, suddenly made a whining roar.

It's because the leg speed exceeds the limit that people's hearing can misjudge.

A fierce killing intent is unstoppable, destroying all obstacles in front of him.

This is one of Chen Yang's most terrifying combination killing moves, and it can even be regarded as Chen Yang's trump card killing move.

If Mika-09 wasn't injured, he would be at his peak.

Perhaps with his fighting experience and genetically enhanced body, he had a chance to block Chen Yang's killer combo of knife and kick.

but now,

He was injured and simply couldn't muster his strength.

How could he withstand Chen Yang's inevitable super combo attack?

A crackling sound spread throughout the underground boxing hall of the MGM Plaza Hotel.

Knife kick combo combo killer move!
at this moment,
Like a battle ax, it struck the vital parts of Mika-09's chest and abdomen extremely fiercely.

Domineering, fierce, ruthless and unstoppable!
next moment,
A shocking scene appeared.

I saw Mika-09's body flying backwards and hitting the protective net around the Octagon ring hard.

Kick away, there is no way to avoid it!

The protective net around the Octagonal cage shook violently, which was shocking.

It was like there was an earthquake.


I saw that the protective net around the Octagonal cage dented and almost collapsed after being hit by Mika-09's body.

Chen Yang looked very casual and used a combination of knife and kick combos as his special move.

No one thought that the lethality could be so terrifying.

This is the strength of [Grandmaster Huajin]!

Fist without fist, meaning without intention, without fist without intention is the true meaning!
One hit kill!

"Shet, I lost. I didn't expect this boxing match to end so quickly!"

"The Western Martial Arts Alliance has launched the 'Supernatural Battle' and wants to snipe the Chinese. It seems that they are going to make a mistake."

"Two minutes and ten seconds! Damn it, how come Mika-09 was killed on the spot by the Chinese in just over two minutes?"

"Fake Squid, Mika-09 is so bad, why did it lose so quickly?"

"Too strong! Huaxia Chen Yang is worthy of being the number one warrior in the world. No one can defeat him."

"It's incredible. The strength of the Chinese people seems to have improved a lot. He is simply inhuman and invincible in the world!"

"In just over two minutes, this pinnacle showdown provoked by the Western Martial Arts Alliance ended so dramatically."

"Chinese Chen Yang cannot be defeated, and Western martial arts will not be able to reverse the situation."

"Hua Xia has created miracles long ago. He is invincible and a legend in the global martial arts world. The ten years he has been freed belong to Hua Xia Chen Yang."

"Originally, I thought that the Chinese would lose their goals and pursuits of martial arts because they had reached the top of global martial arts, and their strength would decline. I didn't expect that he would become stronger."

"He single-handedly crushed Western martial arts under his feet."

"Lost! The North American Military Industrial Group lost again this time, causing me to lose a lot, damn it!"

"I also bet a lot of money on Mika-09. I never thought that he would lose this boxing match so quickly."

"Mika-09 is a truly invincible strongman and the most perfect genetic warrior. He can fight a lion with his bare hands. How could he lose so miserably?"

"Haha - I bet on Huaxia Chen Yang in this boxing match. I knew he would win because he has never lost before."

"Mika-09's strength has been boasted by major Western media. They continue to build momentum for Mika-09, but in terms of strength, how can Mika-09 be China's Chen Yang's opponent?"

"Why are you anxious? This is the first game of the 'Supernatural Battle'. Although the Chinese won, his weaknesses should have been exposed. More than twenty days later, he wants to win the second challenge. But it’s not that easy.”

"The Western Martial Arts Alliance will never give up. Just wait, the fun is to come."

"Oriental martial arts has completely risen. In the coming time, it will lead the development of global martial arts."

"The next step will be to see whether the Western Martial Arts Alliance has any countermeasures. It also depends on whether Huaxia Chen Yang will continue to accept the challenge."

"Western martial arts has developed for hundreds of years and has always led the development of global martial arts. It has given birth to top warriors one after another. Unexpectedly, this time it was suppressed by a Chinese boxer and was unable to stand up. It is incredible."

"Western martial arts have been dominant for too many years and have long since lost their ambition. It's time to give way!"

"In the coming time, I wonder how many years the Chinese can occupy the top of the world's martial arts?"

"He is so young, at least ten years, or even longer——!"

"It's so exciting. This boxing match tonight can be called one of the most exciting boxing matches of the year."

"In the next game, I will continue to bet on China Chen Yang."


Chen Yang killed Mika-09 with one move.

For a while,
After all the audience reacted, they stood up, raised their arms and shouted.

Applause sounded like a tsunami, and the atmosphere in the entire boxing hall was completely heated.

Many people who supported Chen Yang even screamed at the top of their lungs, shouting -! (End of chapter)

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