Guoshu!My martial arts has a strengthening panel

Chapter 521: Fight with your life, the pinnacle strike!

Chen Yang exerted force with his feet and instantly increased his speed!
In an instant, he approached Kata and used a close-quarters attack.

Bang, bang, bang—!
Left hook, right hook, knee to kill, upper elbow, kick!
Combining combos and killing moves, the movements are done in one go, easily and casually.

The continuous blows contain terrifying impact.

Deng Deng Deng——!
Kata was hit hard by Chen Yang's killing move, and kept retreating from the impact. His feet stumbled and he almost fell to the ground.

He leaned against the protective net around the Octagon ring, taking deep breaths to adjust his condition.

He knew very well that his extreme explosive power and speed did not have much advantage over Chen Yang.

At this moment, he tried to distance himself and control the rhythm of both parties.

For any top player, distance is the most important thing.

The burst of any killer move is inseparable from the appropriate burst distance.

When Katara opened the distance, Chen Yang's combination of killing moves had to be stopped.

Kattar leaned against the iron mesh surrounding the Octagon ring, a trace of blood seeping from the corner of his mouth.

It seems,
He looked a little miserable at the moment.

In the head-on fight with Chen Yang just now, he was beaten to the point of collapse after Chen Yang unleashed a combo of killer moves.

However, Kata's desire to win was very strong, and he did not choose to give up just because he was at a disadvantage.

Maybe it was because it hurt from being beaten.

at this time,

Kata instead became furious.


He let out a loud roar, gathered all his strength, and rushed towards Chen Yang.

However, Chen Yang had already gained momentum at this time, so naturally he had nothing to fear.

A heavy punch hit Kata's chin.

Using killing moves to attack your opponent's fatal weakness is the most efficient way to play.

The more ferocious it is, the more boxing fans will like it and the more distinct the style!
Chen Yang is the 'King of Destruction' in the global martial arts world!
this moment,
The moment Kata pounced, Chen Yang's attacks became faster and faster, and their explosive power became more and more powerful.

There was no such thing as being soft-hearted at this time, and the two men broke out in the fiercest battle in the boxing ring.

Just as Kata approached Chen Yang, he was punched in the chin again.

Although this heavy punch was avoided by him.

But Chen Yang's fist grazed his chin, still scratching the skin and causing blood to spurt out.

It seemed that Kata's balance was difficult to control, maybe because he was a little dizzy.

He used his heavy punches and leg skills desperately to block Chen Yang's approach.

next moment,
As he stepped back, he wiped his chin with his arm.

But in his current state, it's not easy to stop Chen Yang's attack?

Less than three seconds.

Chen Yang once again hit him on the chin with a heavy punch.

This punch was easy and casual.

Although Kata blocked with both arms, he raised his chin back to release force.

But the huge impact force almost killed Kata with one punch.

His injuries became more and more serious, and his overall condition began to decline.

Kata felt a sharp pain in her jaw.

His face was ferocious, and his facial features were completely distorted.

this moment,
He was trembling all over, even trembling with severe pain.

This kind of unbearable pain is the most severe test of anyone's willpower.


His jaw bone, despite continuous defense, blocking, and offloading!


Chen Yang's heavy punches contained terrifying penetrating power.

The continuous blows cracked Kata's jaw bone.

"Oh! Maika - Kata can't stand it any longer!"

"Come on, Kata, come on!"

"The Chinese's punches are so fast that you can't even see his punches clearly!"

"It's terrible. This is the strength of the world's number one martial artist!"

"The Chinese are the 'Triple Crown Champions', who can beat him?"

"It looks like Kata is going to lose too, what a pity!"

Many Western boxing fans suddenly felt something bad when they saw the scene in the boxing ring.

Many people began to cheer and cheer for Kata, hoping that he could make a comeback. But,

Katta is now facing China Chen Yang, the number one martial arts player in the world.

Does he have a chance to make a comeback?

While you are sick, I will kill you!
Chen Yang is not a soft-hearted person.

He had the upper hand in the ring and controlled the rhythm of the ring. How could he stop and not attack?
Bang, bang, bang—!
Side kicks, leg swings, leg sweeps, chops, elbow bumps, punches -!
Combination of killing moves and combos, powerful bursts.

The entire octagonal cage boxing ring was about to shake.

Chen Yang's combination of killing moves began to explode, making people frightened.

The violent impact was like a hurricane, sweeping across the entire Octagonal cage.

Deng Deng Deng——!
Kata kept retreating, keeping the distance, leaning against the Octagon ring, and taking deep breaths!

He is about to collapse——!
at this time,

Kata's pants, the ground, chest and other parts were all stained red with blood.

But he was extremely tenacious.

Even though he almost collapsed after being beaten by Chen Yang, he still didn't give up and continued to fight against Chen Yang fiercely.

He no longer cares about winning or losing, he just wants to give Chen Yang a heavy blow.

Putting aside everything else, based on the fighting spirit Kata is showing at this moment, there are definitely not many people in the world of martial arts who can defeat him.

A strong man who was seriously injured and with blood splattered on him launched the most ferocious fight against Chen Yang.

The impact of this scene is very terrifying.


With Chen Yang's state of mind, he would naturally not be shaken by Kata's attack.

Now is the best time to kill the opponent. How could Chen Yang be so soft-hearted?

He also distanced himself, trying to unleash a combination of leg skills and a killer move.

Bang, bang, bang—!
The twelve tan legs under Chen Yang's feet were in a chain shape, constantly blocking Kata's approach.

He became more and more relaxed and casual, and his whole person entered an extremely mysterious state.

In the entire boxing hall, all the boxing fans stood up and cheered heartily.

Two minutes and thirty-five seconds!

Kata's tenacious fighting spirit, desperate fight, and super-fast-paced attack.

at last,

The hard work he put in for himself was duly rewarded.

At the moment when he and Chen Yang fought hard with a punch and each retreated.

Chen Yang hit Kata with a sweeping leg kick that turned into an air strike.

At the critical moment, Kata instantly burst out with an uppercut, hitting Chen Yang's calf with great precision.

This uppercut exploded with anger and was so ferocious.

Chen Yang was completely stunned. He only felt a dull pain in his calf and numbness under his feet.

Deng Deng Deng——!
Next, Chen Yang quickly retreated, his entire right leg unable to exert force and unable to gather strength.

How could Katta miss such a good opportunity.

He threw an uppercut, then a big swing, hitting Chen Yang's chest and abdomen very viciously.

Kata's heavy punch is his trump card and has extremely strong lethality.

However, under normal circumstances, he rarely performs consecutive bursts of uppercuts and combos.

This combination of uppercuts is suitable for close combat and requires timing.

So in the event of an outbreak, there are a lot of restrictions.

But now, the opportunity is too rare.

Kata unleashed a series of heavy punches, taking advantage of the moment when Chen Yang was hit in the leg.

His combos of uppercuts and combos are explosive and life-threatening attacks.

Deng Deng Deng——!
As Chen Yang was suppressed by the opponent, he kept retreating, trying to ease his condition.

Kata's state completely changed.

this moment,
Kata's whole person looked extremely crazy, excited, with explosive fighting power, and his state was at its peak.

He continued to unleash combos of killing moves and pounced on Chen Yang.

Fight with your life!

That's right,

this moment,
Kata launched the final attack-fighting at the risk of his life!

(End of this chapter)

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