Guoshu!My martial arts has a strengthening panel

Chapter 523 collapsed! Crush with force

The scene in the Octagonal cage stunned all boxing fans present.

Chen Yang's combination of killing moves was like a storm.

Fierce, cruel, ruthless!

He used his leg skills, heavy punches, and elbow strikes to attack Kata crazily.

There is no explosive killing move.

Instead, they launched a series of attacks as quickly as possible.

If you don't know Chen Yang's style, you may think that Chen Yang has changed his style.

To know,
In any boxing match in the past, Chen Yang would never be merciful when he had the opportunity to unleash his killer moves.

But now, every killing move he made was not aimed at Kata's fatal wound.

Side kicks, leg swings, punches—!
The scariest thing about serial attacks is the fluidity.

The movements are fierce and smooth, the transformation of power is done in one go, and the speed is breathtaking.

at this time,

Only then did all the boxing fans at the scene understand what the real attacking rhythm was.

Kata's reaction speed is very fast, which can even be said to be far faster than any opponent Chen Yang has encountered before.

In the global martial arts world,
Kata's reaction speed can definitely be ranked in the top three.

but now,

Facing Chen Yang's violent attack, Kata couldn't stop it.

That's right, he could only passively defend at this time to prevent being killed by Chen Yang.

Bang, bang, bang—!
Chen Yang's 'destructive' attack style gave people an indescribable visual impact.

this moment,
It was as if Kata had turned into a punching bag.

On the boxing ring, he seemed to have become a boxing target at this moment, being hit continuously by Chen Yang.

There was no way to fight back.

This scene made all the boxing fans at the scene extremely shocked and unbelievable.

In general,

Only when the strength of the two sides is not at the same level, but far apart, can such a violent scene occur.


Kata is a strong man who has passed the ninth strength surge period!
He is not only the most powerful genetically enhanced warrior in European and American laboratories.


He even won the global martial arts competition championship.

How could this be?
Chen Yang's martial arts power level has been firmly established at the [Hua Jin] level.

His moves look very simple, they are all basic basic skills.

It was a very casual blow, but it exploded with frightening lethality.

After thousands of tempers, the martial arts is unified!

Any basic martial arts, once the speed, strength, etc. break through to the peak.

The power it unleashes can shock anyone.

at this time,

There was silence in the entire boxing match hall.

All the spectators looked at the scene in the Octagonal cage in shock.

Even a lot of the top Western boxers close to the ring.

They all looked at this scene in disbelief,
Everyone’s eyes are fixed on the domineering figure in the world’s martial arts world in the octagonal cage.

So domineering, so fierce and invincible!
Especially the speed, it’s so fast!

Even if many spectators close to the ring opened their eyes wide, they could not see clearly the speed of his moves.

You can't even catch the traces of his punches with your eyes.
This is the explosive speed of kicks and punches, which has completely surpassed the judgment of human vision.

so horrible!

Chen Yang's movements are getting faster and faster, and the offensive rhythm is incredibly fast.

Destructive attack!
This super-class extreme attack style is exactly the 'destructive' style that all boxing fans around the world are most looking forward to.

The fierce and domineering attack and the superb change of moves make people unable to avoid it.

this moment,
In the entire boxing match hall, all the boxing fans were stunned.

There are hundreds of solutions, but the only one that can’t be broken is quick!
When Chen Yang's martial arts power level broke through to the [Hua Jin] level.

His moves have become traceless and he moves at will.

The speed of the move was smooth and unbelievable.

There is a way to crack any attack, and you can make predictions in advance with subtle movements.


Speed ​​but no solution!
Even if you already have the cracking techniques to deal with it, you can't crack it effectively at all.

This is the horror of speed.

In the peak duel, the evolution of any moves and the offensive and defensive systems. The core of tactical arrangements has always been three words.

Fast, accurate and ruthless!
These three words are the core of all fighting skills and martial arts.

at this time,

Chen Yang pushed his martial arts to the limit and truly demonstrated the essence of speed, accuracy and ruthlessness.

In the entire boxing match hall, almost all boxing fans stood up after a short silence.

next moment,
All the boxing fans screamed and shouted at the top of their lungs.

The Chinese King of Destruction's style of play is so fierce that it's shocking.


Compared to the peak showdown with Mika-09 in the last boxing match.

Chen Yang's attack speed became faster, more fierce, and more irresistible.

Who in the global martial arts community can stop such a ferocious and brutal attack?

Even Kata, the former champion of the global martial arts competition, even passed the ninth genetic enhancement experiment.


When faced with China Chen Yang's strong attack, he was beaten so hard that he had no ability to fight back.

If we continue to fight at this pace, it will be impossible to fight at all.


In the global martial arts world, no one can stop the Chinese attack.

His level of martial arts power has already surpassed the global martial arts world.

Many boxing fans at the scene sighed helplessly.

Not to mention the other boxers near the ring, and even the boxing fans at the scene, there was a feeling of despair in their hearts at this moment.

Any boxer in such a domineering state of attack will have no power to fight back.

Use speed to defeat speed, use speed to defeat power!
To be honest, Kata's strength is definitely not bad.

Not only did he win the global martial arts competition, he also retired from the martial arts world and experienced the most cruel genetic enhancement experiment.

Many boxing fans know how powerful Kattar is at his peak.

Bang, bang, bang—!
Chen Yang treated Kata as a boxing target and attacked forcefully.


He was verifying the power of his combined combo killer moves at the [Huajing] realm.

To put it simply,
Chen Yang took advantage of the moment of powerful suppression of Kata and began to hone his [Hua Jin] realm.

He wanted to experience the free play style of the [Hua Jin] realm.

Kata's tenacity and condition are definitely the best humanoid boxing target to hone his martial arts skills.

Chen Yang couldn't help but exhale as he kept hitting.

This kind of reckless and unscrupulous destructive attack. It gives people a feeling of full strength and transparency.

It’s so cool——!
Compared to the state of training, this feeling of beating up an opponent is simply unstoppable.

of course,

Chen Yang dared to hone his martial arts realm with the goal of Kata in this state.

The most important reason is because he has completely suppressed his opponent.

Chen Yang's spiritual sensing ability almost crushed the opponent after he entered the 'six senses' state.

to be frank,
Although Kata has a good reputation in the global martial arts world, he is also very powerful.


After Chen Yang adapted to the opponent's offensive rhythm.

He knew very well that as long as he suppressed the other party and controlled the distance, the other party would not threaten him at all.


There was one point where Chen Yang had to be convinced by Kata.

So tenacious——!
This guy's tenacity exceeded Chen Yang's imagination.

A real tough guy!

Chen Yang's heavy-hitting killing move hit the opponent at least five times.

If it were another person, Chen Yang would have followed him to the ground.


But Kata gritted his teeth and refused to give in. His tenacity was staggering.

Although Chen Yang's heavy attack and ultimate move did not hit Kata's fatal point.

But with Chen Yang's [Hua Jin] exerting force, every move contains terrifying lethality.

Kata was able to resist such terrifying penetrating power!

One can imagine that

Kata's ability to withstand blows and martial arts willpower are extraordinary and shocking——!
(End of this chapter)

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