Europe Netherlands, Amsterdam!

The final challenge of the Extraordinary Battle Martial Arts Tournament has officially begun.

This is the ninth final battle!

Ever since Chen Yang accepted the challenge of the 'Extraordinary Battle', he has killed all his opponents in eight consecutive games!
European and American laboratories suffered heavy losses!


It is the last decisive battle after the extraordinary battle begins!


This is also the most critical peak showdown whether Chen Yang can win the final championship of the Extraordinary Battle Martial Arts Competition.

Four crowns!
As long as Chen Yang can defeat his opponent in the last boxing match of the extraordinary battle, he will win the title of 'Four Crowns'.

The boxing bell hasn't rung yet.

All media around the world are focusing on Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

This final battle has made all boxing fans around the world full of expectations.

The final peak showdown is destined to be a battle between dragons and tigers.

Fight to the death!

Who can finally stand in the ring and win the first 'Super Battle' championship?

to be frank,
According to various assessments and data from the global martial arts community.

Chen Yang's probability of winning the championship is over 50%.


Boxing matches are full of unknowns, and no one can tell until the last one.

China Chen Yang VS Vickers!
Inside the Amsterdam Sports Center in the Netherlands, Europe. The blood is boiling and the atmosphere is explosive.

Almost all boxing fans entered the venue an hour before the fight started.

It was overcrowded and every seat was packed.

In order to get this boxing match started smoothly.

The Netherlands in Europe has increased its security forces and deployed five times the police force to maintain order at the scene.

Because this boxing match is the final pinnacle showdown of the 'Extraordinary Battle'.

Both sides represent the ultimate showdown between Eastern martial arts and Western martial arts.

For the sake of unnecessary conflicts between boxing fans.

The Netherlands in Europe has done enough homework in terms of safety.

To know,
in Europe and South Korea, as well as other top international competitions.

There have been conflicts such as boxing fans causing riots.

Under normal circumstances, if bad boxing fans cause trouble, the place where it is held can easily become notorious.

Even many of the top boxing matches in the future will be canceled here.

When he was in South Korea, boxing fans caused trouble and destroyed the boxing venue, which finally made South Korean boxing fans notorious.

Many of the top players in the global martial arts world naturally avoid South Korea.

Even though there were many boxing matches that were originally scheduled in South Korea, most of them had to change the location of the boxing matches due to the resistance of the boxers.

South Korea has paid a heavy price because of the riots caused by boxing fans.

Any of the top boxers in the world will spontaneously boycott the event as soon as they hear that it will be held in South Korea.

This has become an unspoken rule. Even after 40 years, South Korea's bad impression in the hearts of boxing fans around the world has not been reversed.

The Netherlands in Europe is a global martial arts power.

In terms of preventing boxing fans from causing trouble, it is impossible to make such stupid mistakes as the South Koreans did.

As the top fighting power in the European martial arts world.

The organizers in Amsterdam are very wary of boxing fans causing trouble.

More than an hour before the start of the boxing match, arrangements for boxing fans to enter the venue had already begun.


Outside the sports center, security has been increased several times to prevent anyone from causing trouble.

in addition,

In the passage from the locker room to the Octagon ring, an iron net has been specially reinforced to prevent boxing fans from interfering with the boxers getting on the ring.

Thirty meters away from the ring.

Two ambulances were on standby, and safety measures were in place.

If any boxer is seriously injured during a match, he or she will have a chance to save his life under the first aid of a doctor on site.

This decisive battle has extremely high influence around the world. no way,
This is a key battle for whether China Chen Yang can become the "Four Crowns".

Once Huaxia Chen Yang successfully passes the 'Extraordinary Battle', he will become the champion of the first 'Extraordinary Battle' and his name will go down in history.

And in the next few years, China Chen Yang will no longer need to participate in any boxing matches, and his status will be completely stable.

The Global Martial Arts Federation has made a lot of preparations for this boxing match.

This is not only related to the influence of the European Netherlands in the global martial arts world.

At the same time, it also represents that the Global Martial Arts Alliance will usher in the glory of Eastern Martial Arts.

to be frank.

Everything prepared by the Global Martial Arts Alliance for this boxing match was impeccable. Even Chen Yang couldn't find anything to blame.

in addition,

The peripheral betting on boxing in this boxing match has reached its peak.

Not only gambling companies and banks, huge amounts of money poured into this boxing match, but many consortiums in Europe and the United States also invested heavily in this boxing match.

To know,
Chen Yang's boxing match is now the hottest betting fight in the global martial arts world.

In each of his boxing matches, astronomical amounts of money were bet.

The bell for the boxing match hasn't rung yet, but the attention on this boxing match has already reached the point of being airborne.

The final champion of the extraordinary battle!
This is not only an honor, but also represents the stability of Chen Yang's position in the global martial arts alliance.

After Chen Yang swept the first eight boxing matches of the extraordinary battle, he ushered in the ninth and final decisive battle.

The number of people paying attention to this boxing match far exceeds any previous boxing match.

no way,
Chen Yang's current popularity is no joke.

The boxing match entered the final preparation moment.

at this time,

In front of domestic live broadcast platforms, all viewers are staring at the live broadcast screen.

This peak showdown is broadcast live around the world.

The Douyin platform even obtained live broadcast permission.

Many boxing fans in the country even stopped working and took time off just to watch this peak showdown.

Almost all domestic boxing fans are shouting and cheering for Chen Yang.

Everyone hopes that Chen Yang can win the final championship of the 'Supernatural Battle' and become an unprecedented 'God of War'!
"When does the boxing match start? Why don't you see Chen Yang?"

"Don't be too anxious. Chen Yang is preparing. It will start soon."

"I specifically asked for leave today just to watch the live broadcast of this boxing match."

"I found a server on the highway just to wait for the live broadcast. Can you not be in a hurry?"

"Can Chen Yang defeat Wix and win the fourth championship in the world's top martial arts competition?"

"Do we still need to doubt this? In the global martial arts world, who can defeat Chen Yang?"

"Who is Wix? I have never heard of such a famous person before."

"I heard that he is the strongest person cultivated in European and American laboratories, and his strength is astronomical."

"But to be honest, no one knows how strong Wix is. It is said that no one can truly understand his combat power."

"According to rumors, I heard that this bastard Wickers can tear a lion apart with his bare hands. Is that true?"

"What an international joke. I know it's fake the moment I hear it."

"It's true. It is said that there is a video specifically about the bastard Wicks. He was locked up with two male lions in an iron cage. In the end, both male lions were killed by him."

"This guy is a genetic warrior. I heard that the bones are fused with special substances, which is very scary!"

"No matter how strong he is, he is definitely no match for Chen Yang. When Chen Yang participated in the 'Supernatural Battle', no one could last more than three minutes under his punch."

"The genetic warriors trained in European and American laboratories are basically giving food to Chen Yang!"

"Why hasn't it started yet? People are anxious to wait——!"


Domestic live broadcast platform.

The comment section is becoming very lively at the moment.

Almost all boxing fans were waiting for the boxing match to start and chatting at the same time.

All of a sudden.

The atmosphere in the live broadcast room seemed extremely heated.

(End of this chapter)

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