Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 116 The Awakening of the Cultivator

Chapter 116 The Awakening of the Cultivator
"Seven evil spirits?"

When Zhu Qiniang heard Gao Xian talk about Wan Yingying, she pondered and said: "This should be the saying of the Seven Evil Sect. The Seven Evil Sect likes to divide people's spirits into several levels. The Seven Evil Souls are the highest..."

Lianyunzong has two neighbors in the east, one is Qishazong and the other is Chiyanzong.

Zhu Qiniang has been engaged in the medicinal material business all year round, so she has to deal with all kinds of people, and she has a little knowledge of the Qisha Sect and the Chiyan Sect.

She pondered for a while and said: "The Yin Sha Banner is also a poisonous magic weapon of the Qi Sha Sect, which is very powerful. According to this statement, Yang Qiying and Su Yue must be members of the Qi Sha Sect."

Everyone knows that there are other sects behind the Red Snake Gang, but no one can clarify which sect it is.

At least Zhu Qiniang has no access to this information.

Through the dialogue between Yang Qiying and Su Yue, Zhu Qiniang could make an accurate judgment on their identities.

"The Seven Evil Sect has a ruthless style of doing things. They plan to start in September, and the Pegasus Fair is probably coming to an end."

Zhu Qiniang knew the style of the Qishazong, and she showed a bit of worry.

The Pegasus collection is very important to her and Gao Xian, it can be said to be their foundation.

Whether it is the sale of medicinal materials, elixir, or contacts and many other channel resources, they are all built around Pegasus Collection.Some of the Zhu family's connections were also borrowed.

It was easy to leave Pegasus, and change to another place. She and Gao Xian didn't even have the qualifications to sell pills.

Gao Xian couldn't help sighing, he thought for a while and asked, "It's impossible for the Sect Master Lianyun to be ignorant, so he doesn't have any countermeasures?"

"Yun Taihao? It is said that this middle-stage Golden Core Daoist is self-willed, and the affairs of the sect are all his own."

Zhu Qiniang shook her head, she didn't know anything about this Jindan real person, she just heard some anecdotes about him.

As for Yun Taihao's more specific situation, it is not something she, an outer disciple, can know.

"Right now, no one knows how the Zongmen views the Pegasus Collection, let alone how the Zongmen will respond."

Zhu Qiniang said: "Big changes are imminent, and we should make preparations in advance."

"They said they will do it in September, and there are at least a few months to prepare."

Gao Xian said: "Let's prepare two hidden shelters first, find two houses on the outermost edge, and dig a tunnel to connect them to the mountain. In order to hide, it's better to prepare a magic circle that can cover the mana breath?"

Gao Xian was not familiar with this aspect, so he could only make a suggestion, and how to implement it depended on Zhu Qiniang's arrangement.

Zhu Qiniang nodded, Gao Xian had the same idea as her.

Without a clear result, they can't give up on the Pegasus set.It's a good idea to prepare a shelter.

"The magic circle is more troublesome, and it is easier to prepare one or two magic tools to conceal the breath."

Zhu Qiniang said, "I'll make arrangements first."

Gao Xian said: "I'm going to remind Lao Zhou and ask him to ventilate the Zongmen. No matter what, let the Zongmen be prepared to see if we can keep the Pegasus Collection."

"The sect will not take us seriously, nor will it take Pegasus Jitai seriously."

Zhu Qiniang reminded Gao Xian: "Let Lao Zhou come forward to ventilate, and you must not stand out."

"Yes, I know."

After saying this, both Gao Xian and Zhu Qiniang felt a little heavy.

Originally, they lived a happy life in Feimaji, but the struggle between the Seven Evil Sect and Lianyun Sect caused huge waves, and if they were not careful, they would be wiped out.

The future is gloomy, Gao Xian and Zhu Qiniang naturally hug each other tightly, which makes them feel closer and more secure.

"I don't know what they're trying to do!" Gao Xian held Qiniang in his arms, feeling more and more that such a peaceful life is beautiful, and hating uncontrollable fights more and more.

"There is no pure land in this world. Either be bullied or bully others."

Zhu Qiniang thought about this very clearly, and she said seriously: "You still have to practice hard, bullying others is better than being bullied."

"It's not very good for everyone to get along peacefully," Gao Xian said.

He is still adhering to the ideas of his previous life, preferring stability and order rather than fighting.

Of course, the abuse of food is an exception!
"The pot is only this big. If you eat more, I will eat less. If things go on like this, you will become stronger and stronger, and I will become weaker. I can only be slaughtered by you."

Zhu Qiniang didn't agree with Gao Xian's idea at all. She said directly: "A cultivator fights against the sky, the earth, and people. If you don't have the heart to fight, don't be a cultivator."

Gao Xian was startled, Qiniang's words were simple and direct, but very reasonable, she was simply a thinker!
Indeed, even the aura of heaven and earth absorbed by the cultivator has an owner.If you want to absorb more aura of heaven and earth, you have to pay for it.

Not to mention those rare treasures, magic weapons, and secret techniques, all kinds of resources need to be obtained as much as possible.

Gao Xian is a little ashamed, he has always had the mentality of a petty citizen, muddling along, just about enough.

In this respect, Zhu Qiniang is far less enlightened than Zhu Qiniang.

"Qiniang is right, I want to learn from you."

Zhu Qiniang felt that the taste of these words was a little weird, and before she could figure it out, Gao Xian said, "Learn advanced experience from Qiniang..."

The sun and the moon turned around, and it was July in a blink of an eye.

The sun was very strong during the day, making the room stuffy.Even if the alchemy furnace is activated with spirit stones, the high temperature emitted by the alchemy furnace itself is difficult to eliminate.

Under normal circumstances, Gao Xian would rest in July and August.

It's just that Gao Xian didn't dare to rest when he knew that the Qishazong was going to attack in September. He started alchemy every day while he still had time.

For more than a month, the big cow, who was as strong as a cow, was so tired that he was black and thin.

The main reason is that the alchemy furnace can't rest well, so Gao Xian can still find time to practice and rest normally, and Daniel can't sleep for two or three hours a day.

Regarding this, Gao Xian didn't dare to brazenly say that it was Daniel's blessing, so he could only give more spirit stones and teach him more alchemy techniques, so as not to let Daniel be busy in vain.

Gao Xian sneaked in and even had time to meet Zhou Yuling privately.

He reminded Zhou Yuling to be careful about Yang Qiying and his wife, saying that they were spies from other sects.

Gao Xian also told Zhou Ye about this matter, and he implicitly expressed his concerns about Pegasus.

Presumably Zhou Ye is such a treacherous old man, he should be able to understand what he meant.As for how Zhou Ye told Zongmen, Gao Xian couldn't control it.

To Gao Xian's disappointment, Zhou Ye didn't say anything, and Zhou Yuling didn't know anything.

Gao Xian was a little dazed, not knowing what the plans of those in power like Lian Yunzong were.

He had no choice but to rent two houses with Qiniang on the edge of Pegasus as planned.

The ancient Zongmen ruins in Qingxia Peak are huge, and there are always casual practitioners who can dig up magical artifacts.

Many casual cultivators gathered in Pegasus Market, which also caused the price of Pegasus Market to soar.

Even for the two thatched cottages on the farthest edge, a sum of spirit stones is required.

In order to buy the magic weapon for concealing the breath, Gao Xian even sold the silver-scale sword robe and the golden front sword.

In fact, he has a shadowless robe, which is enough to cover his own breath.However, Zhu Qiniang does not have shadowless cassocks.And Zhou Yuling and Zhou Ye couldn't ignore it either.

Qiniang had already paid for him to buy Tianyi Zhenshui, and she didn't have many spirit stones to use.

In the end, Qiniang asked someone to buy a first-grade high-grade magic weapon in Yunshui Building, Lianyun City, called Fuyunqi.

A small white triangular flag, when unfurled, is like a cloud of gas, which can cover aura, mana and other auras within a radius of several feet.

With Floating Cloud Flag, if something happened to Pegasus, he took someone to find a corner to squat, at least he could stay out of the matter and not be implicated.

Gao Xian felt that things would not be so simple. The Feima Collection might not have been important before, but now that there are ancient Zongmen ruins, it is impossible for even Yunzong to just leave it alone.

It's just this kind of upper-level plan, but no one will inform him.He can only prepare in advance and protect himself.

In August, Gao Xian devoted most of his energy to cultivation.

There is no shortcut for the Great Five Elements Kung Fu, but with Tianyi Zhenshui, it is half the effort and several times the effort to practice.

One day, one true water, the efficiency of cultivation can be increased by three to six times.It's no wonder Tianyi Zhenshui is so expensive, it's worth the money.

When the Great Idol's divine method reaches the master's perfection, it will be even more beneficial to his cultivation.

Whether it is the understanding of exercises or the subtle control of mana, they have all been greatly improved in all aspects.

Gao Xian has made very fast progress in the Great Five Elements Kung Fu. According to his estimate, it will take less than two months to condense the kidney orifices and reach the sixth level of Qi training.

The more refined his cultivation base, the more proficient he is in controlling spells.

The most complicated and delicate Seventh Gold Sword and Shield have been practiced by him to the level of a master.

At this point, Gengjin Sword and Shield can truly achieve instant and unhindered movement, gathering and dispersing freely.

However, the strongest spells that Gao Xian mastered now were ice archery and flame bomb at the master level.

These two spells and the Ice and Fire Nine Heavens really fit together so well. The combination of these two spells made the power of these two spells reach an unimaginable level.

For a Qi training level practitioner, no one can support him for a round of Ice Fire Nine Heavens.

In contrast, Gengjin Sword Shield and Ruyi Jinsuo are not compatible by one level, and there is no way to achieve that kind of harmony.

This also caused the Gengjin Sword Shield to practice a lot slower, and its power was also much less powerful.

The degree of fit between the yin-yang wheel and the geomagnetic wheel is not very good. After this period of hard work, Gao Xian finally pushed the geomagnetic wheel to the level of a master.

The speed of the geomagnetic wheel has increased by nearly [-]%. According to Gao Xian's estimation, the speed of his driving the geomagnetic wheel is not much worse than that of Li Shuanglin.

After more than four months of accumulation, he has accumulated more than 3000 humanitarian auras.

Pegasus gathered a large number of loose cultivators, and Lu Jiao San and Tian Gui Dan became the best-selling pills.

Seeing that it was almost September, Gao Xian didn't want to wait any longer, he had to make use of every ounce of humanity.

There are quite a few spells that can be directly upgraded using the aura of humanity, but it's not easy to choose which one to upgrade.

Normally speaking, of course it is to upgrade the Ice and Fire Nine Heavens.

He practiced hard in the Temple of Mind, and finally raised the Ice and Fire Nine Heavens to the level of proficiency.Investing more than 1 humane auras is enough to become proficient, and it will definitely increase the power of flame bombs and ice archery again.

Zhengyang gun, this very powerful soul spell also has great potential and is worth upgrading.After practicing for this period of time, he also raised the Zhengyang Spear to the level of proficiency.

After much consideration, Gao Xian chose to give priority to upgrading the Mirror of Appreciation of Flowers.

If the Seven Fiends want to attack Feimaji, they will inevitably mobilize the great monks who established the foundation.

No matter how much the Ice Fire Nine Heavens and the Zhengyang Spear are improved, they will not pose much threat to the Foundation Establishment Overhaul.

In such chaos, the important thing is not how many people to kill, but to grasp the situation on the battlefield as much as possible, so as to avoid the reality and better protect oneself.

According to Gao Xian's understanding, the most important thing in war is to master information.

Sun Tzu said: Know yourself and the enemy and you will never be imperiled in a hundred battles.

Modern warfare pays more attention to the control of information, just like the most important thing in air combat is not stealth aircraft, but air early warning aircraft.

The most powerful feature of the Appreciating Flower Spirit Mirror is passive observation, which will not be sensed by the cultivator's spiritual consciousness.

After investing more than 500 points of human aura, the mirror of appreciating flowers was immediately promoted to the realm of master perfection.

Appreciation of Flowers Spiritual Mirror: To see the truth clearly, to see the true and false, and to illuminate the darkness with a candle. (5000/5000 Grandmaster Consummation)

In the commentary on the Flower Appreciation Spiritual Mirror on the Fengyue Baojian, the words "candle shines on the netherworld" are added.

Gao Xian didn't know the specific significance of this, but he clearly felt that there had been some subtle changes in the Mirror of Appreciating Flowers.

(End of this chapter)

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