Chapter 141
"Yes, yes, third senior brother."

Jiang Cheng was obviously in awe of the stout man, nodding his head repeatedly.

Gao Xian, who was watching the excitement, suddenly remembered that this stout man was Wu An, their third senior brother, and also the leader of their group of disciples.

Since Gao Xian started, Wu An has been the third senior brother, responsible for managing them.Wu An has a rough personality, he beats and scolds his juniors, and a group of people are afraid of him.

Gao Xian was never beaten or scolded by Wu An, mainly because he was taken care of by his wife, Wu An did not dare to be presumptuous.

Therefore, he didn't have a deep impression of this third senior brother.

It wasn't until Wu An scolded Jiang Cheng with his domineering and arrogant appearance that Gao Xian's memory was activated to recognize him.

Gao Xian thought for a while and quietly exited the room through the wall.After so many killings, he is not afraid of killing them now, but he feels that killing these two people is meaningless.

The main reason is that these two people are not enough, the key is Xu Qiye behind them.

Gao Xian didn't know who Xu Qiye was, but Wu Aneng was so confident. He thought that Xu Qiye was not a great foundation-builder, but had a close relationship with him, or had a very powerful position in the sect.

The vast majority of Pegasus Ji are casual cultivators, no one cares how many people die.However, Jiang Cheng and Wu An involved Xu Qiye. It is not very smart to kill people before they understand the situation.

In addition, Gao Xian doesn't really want to meddle in this nosy business.From his point of view, Mistress should have the means to protect herself.

If it doesn't work, it's not impossible to hand over the "Sanyuan Danjing".

After all, my wife doesn't know how to make alchemy, holding the "Three Yuan Dan Jing" is not only useless, but it is easy to cause trouble for the upper body.

In this world, resources are allocated according to cultivation.Once resources and cultivation abilities are out of proportion, it is easy to cause disasters.

Gao Xian has a deep understanding of this. He was forced to fall out with Zhu Hongan because of Tianguidan and Lujiaosan, and finally had to fight Zhu Changsheng.

In the final analysis, it is that others feel that he is not worthy of mastering so many resources.

Judging by Mistress's appearance, she shouldn't be of a competitive nature.Taking this opportunity to solve the trouble, on the surface, it seems that the "Sanyuan Danjing" is lost, but in fact it is exchanged for peace in the future, which is not a bad thing.

Gao Xian walked around the rooms, there were more than a dozen people living in the front yard, and they all seemed to be his seniors.

Xu Mingyuan had been missing for so long, and everyone obviously let go of their guard, and they all acted more relaxed and casual.Fortunately, no one dared to go to the backyard to make trouble.

When he arrived at the backyard, Gao Xian found that the whole yard was covered by a magic circle.

Gao Xian didn't know what kind of magic circle it was, it looked similar to the level of the magic circle in Li Shuanglin's house, but the protection range was smaller.

The magic circle couldn't stop the master shadowless robe, but he didn't want to go in.Regardless of the relationship between the original owner and the teacher's wife, he is not the original owner, and there are some things he won't do.

After walking around Xu's house twice, Gao Xian didn't find anything unusual, so he returned to the room.

After doing the routine homework, Gao Xian fell asleep in a state of great joy in double cultivation with Sister Lan.

The next morning, Gao Xian was reading a book in his room, when the maid Chunxiang came to ask him to go to the backyard, saying that his wife invited him to have breakfast.

Gao Xian was a little surprised, there were so many seniors in the yard, and his wife invited him to have breakfast alone, which was a bit too intimate.

On the other hand, Mistress doesn't shy away from this matter, she doesn't seem to be afraid of others talking behind her back.

It's not easy for Gao Xian to refuse, and my wife may have something to say to him.

Jiang Cheng and Wu An also heard the movement, and they watched Gao Xian follow Chunxiang to the backyard with cold eyes.

"That woman really dotes on this brat!"

Wu An's face was gloomy, and the more he looked at Gao Xian, the more unpleasant he became.

He followed Xu Mingyuan when he was a teenager, and worked tirelessly for 30 years, but he didn't get any benefits.

When Xu Mingyuan died, Bai Yurong treated him very coldly, leaving many things to Jiang Cheng, and looked down on him.

This is not just a matter of attitude, but also involves actual interests.

Without the support of his mistress, he would soon be marginalized in the Xu family.

In a fit of anger, Wu An went to Xu Shengye and asked for cooperation.

After a few days of planning, he managed to connect a group of brothers and sisters. At this time, Gao Xian suddenly appeared.

He could naturally see that Gao Xian's robes and swords were of extraordinary quality.This made him feel threatened.

The teacher's wife valued Gao Xian, which made him even more upset.

Wu An said to Jiang Cheng in a deep voice: "That woman must have an affair with this kid. If we don't fight, Xu Mingyuan's family property will eventually fall into the hands of this brat!"

Jiang Cheng whispered: "Master, if she wants to have an affair with that kid, she shouldn't be so blatant..."

"You idiot, they have no scruples now!"

Wu An raised his hand to teach Jiang Cheng a lesson, but after thinking about relying on Jiang Cheng to win over the crowd, he slowly lowered his hand.

"You are timid, and you always do things at the beginning and the end. That's not acceptable! We must get the "Sanyuan Danjing" today, and we will have it in the rest of our lives."

"Yes, yes, I listen to the third senior brother." Jiang Cheng repeated yes.

Gao Xian came out soon, and a group of seniors stood chatting in the yard, and they all looked strange when they saw Gao Xian.

Wu An said mockingly: "Senior brother Gao is still favored!"

Gao Xian ignored Wu An, he said to Jiang Cheng: "Senior Brother Jiang, I have something to go out for, and I'll be back soon."

Jiang Cheng asked enthusiastically: "Where are you going, junior brother? My wife has something to announce this afternoon, so you have to remember to come back early."

"Ok, I know."

Gao Xian smiled and nodded at Jiang Cheng, then turned and left in a cool manner.

Watching Gao Xian's upright back disappear, Wu An, who was ignored, became more and more disgusted with Gao Xian. He made up his mind in his heart that he would find a chance to deal with this brat severely in the afternoon!

In the afternoon, it was the hottest time of the day.Fortunately, the sky was cloudy, and there was a chill in the breeze.

In the courtyard of the main house, Wu An, Jiang Cheng and many other disciples stood casually in several rows, and Gao Xian stood at the back.

Bai Yurong stood on the platform of the main room, facing many disciples with a serious expression.

Bai Yurong, who was always gentle and demure, had never been so serious.Many disciples were still chatting casually, but they soon felt the power released by Bai Yurong.

Although Bai Yurong is not a great foundation-establishing monk, she is still in the late stage of Qi training.At this moment, she is urging her spiritual consciousness, and she is the teacher's wife, so she naturally suppresses all the disciples.

Wu An originally had a stern face and an arrogant look, but when Bai Yurong's cold gaze swept him over, he instinctively lowered his head.

Gao Xian, who was standing at the back, was a little surprised by Bai Yurong's majesty.In his memory, he had never seen this side of Bai Yurong.

After all, she is a late-stage Qi training practitioner, the wife of a great foundation-establishing monk, and she is indeed knowledgeable and capable.

Bai Yurong's gaze swept over Gao Xian, and her icy face eased.

There are more than 20 disciples in the courtyard with different appearances.Gao Xian was among them, he really stood out from the crowd.Many disciples are set off like dust.

Bai Yurong also sighed in her heart, this little disciple has grown up in only a few years, and he is obviously alienated and indifferent to her.

Many disciples were intimidated by Bai Yurong's might, but they didn't notice the subtle change in her face.

Bai Yurong adjusted her mood and said indifferently: "I called you here today mainly to talk about two things, first, your master disappeared for dozens of days, it must be an accident.

"Old Xu and the others are gone, and I can't teach you skills. From today onwards, you are all graduates, and the Xu family has nothing to do with you.

"Second, I decided to close Sanyuan Hall. All the disciples in Sanyuan Hall will be dismissed, and each person will be given 50 yuan of spirit stones as the dismissal fee."

Bai Yurong waved her hands as she said, "Leave Jiang Cheng to deal with the aftermath, that's enough, you all go away."

Seeing that Bai Yurong was about to leave, Wu An became a little anxious, he suddenly raised his head and shouted: "Master!"

This sound was full of air, and the voice was very loud, and the loud voice was very rude.

Although many disciples had discussed it in advance, they were also taken aback by Wu An's voice.

Bai Yurong looked at Wu An calmly, "Wu An, do you have something to say?"

Wu An was a little afraid to face Bai Yurong's bright eyes, he lowered his eyes instinctively, then felt that this was too lacklustre and raised his head abruptly.

"Master, all of our disciples have followed Master Xu for many years and have worked hard for Master Xu. Today, Master's words will drive us away, it is too heartless!"

"Oh, what do you want?" Bai Yurong asked back.

Wu An felt guilty when Bai Yurong looked at him, but he had no choice but to let go.He bit the bullet and said: "Master, we are learning alchemy from Master Xu. Now that Master Xu has gone, please pass on the "Three Yuan Dan Jing" to us."

"So you want the "Three Yuan Dan Jing"."

Bai Yurong nodded. A group of alchemists want the "Three Yuan Dan Jing", which is very reasonable.She just didn't expect Wu An and the others to have the courage to force her in public.

Seeing Bai Yurong's gentle attitude, Wu An and Jiang Cheng felt a little hopeful in their hearts.

They also didn't want to turn against Bai Yurong, and it would be best if they could get the "Three Yuan Dan Jing" smoothly.

Bai Yurong could also tell now that Wu An, Jiang Cheng and others had already colluded in private.

She smiled and said: "You have been with me for many years, so it is reasonable to pass on the "Sanyuan Danjing" to you.

"However, I have never seen the "Three Yuan Dan Jing" in Lao Xu's body. You asked me for the "San Yuan Dan Jing", but you found the wrong person."

When Jiang Cheng and many other disciples heard this, their expressions became very ugly.

Indeed, for so many years, Bai Yurong never cared about alchemy, or even about Sanyuantang.

Xu Mingyuan is very selfish and greedy for money. The "Sanyuan Danjing" is such an important alchemy classic. According to his personality, it is reasonable not to give it to Bai Yurong.

Wu An's face was uncertain, he thought for a while and said loudly: "Master, it's already come to this point, you still lie to us!"

Without waiting for Bai Yurong to speak, Wu An said to Jiang Cheng and many other disciples: "The "Three Yuan Dan Jing" is in the hands of my wife, she just doesn't want to pass it on to us!"

He said coldly: "Bai Yurong doesn't regard us as disciples, so we don't have to be polite!"

Many disciples were encouraged by Wu Anyi, and each of them had grim expressions.

They naturally gathered around Wu An, holding their swords and seals one by one, with fierce eyes.

Standing beside Bai Yurong, Chunxiang's little face was pale from fright, and she couldn't help but took two steps back.

Bai Yurong was very calm, she looked at Wu An and said, "Why, are you going to kill your teacher and betray your family?"

In the world of cultivators, the inheritance of masters is one of the most important foundations.Betrayal of the teacher's school is a felony wherever it is placed.

Many disciples showed hesitation. If their affairs spread, even Yunzong would not tolerate them.

"It's all this far, what's so scary, the big deal is to go to other places to make alchemy."

Wu An said loudly: "With the "Sanyuan Danjing", the world is so big, there is no room for shelter, you are afraid of farts!"

He gripped the hilt of the sword tightly and shouted at Bai Yurong: "Bai Yurong, don't force us!"

Bai Yurong was about to speak when Gao Xian came in front of Wu An, he said in a deep voice: "As a disciple, to actually threaten Master's wife is disobedience and offence, deceiving the master and destroying the ancestors."

Wu An was a little afraid to directly attack Bai Yurong, but Gao Xian's appearance at this time was exactly what he wanted.

He sneered at Gao Xian: "Little brat, it's not your turn to talk yet!"

As Wu An said, he drew his sword out of its sheath fiercely, and slashed straight at Gao Xian's handsome face!

Gao Xian waited until Wu An's sword was about to fall before pulling out his sword. The blue-colored sword edge flicked lightly, Qinglian's sword came first, and the sharp sword edge brushed Wu An's arm holding the sword in a low voice.

The broken arm holding the sword flew up with the edge of the sword, and the blood also spurted out.

Gao Xian retracted the sword into its sheath, and at the same time slid back lightly, avoiding the spray of blood.

From drawing the sword to withdrawing the sword, Gao Xian's movements are quick but natural and graceful, like white clouds coming out of a mountain, like a stream passing through a dense forest, with an indescribable charm.

Wu An was stunned for a moment before he could react. He instinctively held the wound on his severed arm and screamed, and stepped back in panic, looking fragile and embarrassed.

All his ambition and courage were cut off by a single sword.

Jiang Cheng and a group of disciples who were about to strike were also frightened by Gao Xian's swift sword strike, their faces were all pale and stupefied, and no one dared to move.

Bai Yurong, who was standing behind Gao Xian, also looked at Gao Xian in amazement.

With her cultivation of the ninth level of qi training, she knows how fast and sublime this sword is.

I haven't seen him for three years, Gao Xian has such a powerful swordsmanship, no wonder his personality has changed a lot.

It's just that such a Gao Xian seems to have been taken away by someone, and it's like a completely different person!

Bai Yurong looked at the radiant Gao Xian, feeling rather complicated...

(End of this chapter)

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