Chapter 144
"I bought you a three-legged yuan copper alchemy furnace, a second-tier medium-grade furnace, worth five thousand spirit stones. It is enough for you to build a foundation."

Zhu Qiniang led Gao Xian to the east courtyard, where there was a very spacious elixir room, with a four-foot-high three-legged copper elixir furnace already placed on a pedestal.

Normally, a second-tier alchemy furnace does not need to use charcoal fire.Designing a charcoal-burning pedestal also takes into account the needs of heating and saves spiritual stones.

Gao Xian fiddled with the three-legged copper alchemy furnace for a while, which was similar in structure to his original alchemy furnace, but more delicate.

The five-element magic circle is contained in the pill furnace, which can be activated by the five-element mana, and is no longer limited to the two kinds of mana of water and fire.

That is to say, through the magic power of the five elements, thousands of changes can be arbitrarily combined, and thousands of elixirs can be refined.

Yuan copper is extremely friendly to aura, so that alchemists can more accurately grasp the temperature of the pill furnace and refine higher-grade pills.

There are holes inlaid with spirit stones on the three legs. The higher the alchemy furnace is, the more spirit stones will be consumed.

If it is fully activated with spirit stones, at least nine low-grade spirit stones must be invested at a time.

Gao Xian was very satisfied with the new alchemy furnace, and went to the next room to look around again. Qiniang had already prepared a lot of medicinal materials.

There is only one bedroom and half a living room, and the furniture inside is very ordinary.

"The place where I live is kind of shabby." Gao Xian felt that the bedroom was similar to his Pegasus home, which made him a little disappointed.

Zhu Qiniang glanced at Gao Xian, "This bedroom is reserved for Daniel. You and I live in the main room.

"Uh, not so good."

Gao Xian was a little hesitant, Pegasus is a small place, it doesn't matter how he and Qiniang live.

With so many Zhu family members, he lived with Qiniang, so it was inevitable that people would gossip.

Zhu Qiniang said indifferently: "I am a great monk who established the foundation, who dares to laugh at me. They will laugh at you in private at most."

She asked again: "You don't care about other people's gossip, do you?"

Gao Xian said indifferently: "Anyway, no one dares to talk nonsense in front of me."

Seeing Gao Xian's weird expression, Zhu Qiniang couldn't help smiling, she took the initiative to hold Gao Xian's hand and said, "The people below don't understand the rules, so you just deal with it. In this family, you are the master!"

Gao Xian was in a good mood, he chuckled in Qiniang's ear a little lewdly and said, "I am the master, so you are my puppy?"

Zhu Qiniang gave Gao Xian a white look. Although she didn't quite understand, she knew that this was definitely not serious talk.

However, she was used to Gao Xian like this.If Gao Xian always looked serious, she would find it boring.

Zhu Qiniang called the housekeeper Li Niang over, she pointed to Gao Xian and said, "This is my best friend Gao Xian, who will live here from now on. His words are the same as mine."

Li Niang hastily saluted respectfully, "The villain has met Gao Ye."

Li Niang is over 50 years old, and she is in the middle stage of Qi training.She was tall, with big eyebrows and big eyes, and she was a bit ugly, and her words and deeds were capable.

Gao Xian nodded: "I will trouble you more in the future."

"Master Gao is too polite, just order if you have anything to do."

Li Niang hurriedly apologized, her posture was very humble.

She didn't dare to stay longer, and walked out of the main hall lightly after saluting.

Li Niang knew that Zhu Qiniang was cold and ruthless, and her methods were cruel.Absolutely in awe of this one.

She didn't expect that Zhu Qiniang would be so intimate with a young man, saying that she was a close friend, and the relationship between the two was not right.

However, to make Zhu Qiniang pay so much attention, she must not offend Gao Xian.

Li Niang summoned many servants and guards again, and told Gao Xian's matter again, she asked everyone to respect Gao Xian and never discuss it in private.

There are 60 to [-] people in the yard, and most of them can't keep secrets.Especially this kind of affair involving Zhu Qiniang spread quickly.

What these people don't know is that Gao Xian will use the shadowless robe to wander around at night when he has nothing to do.

There are a few who like to discuss in private the arrangement of Gao Xian's guards and maids, and Gao Xian writes them down in a small notebook.

Gao Xian was not joking, he recorded the names of these people and the content of the conversation in a book, and handed it to Zhu Qiniang.

Zhu Qiniang unceremoniously cleaned up these people.

Although no one was punished, being removed from the Zhu family meant that they could no longer obtain any resources from the Zhu family.

Without the protection of the Zhu family, they couldn't even continue to live in Lianyun City.

For low-level cultivators, this is a devastating blow.

Zhu Qiniang's thunderous tactics also made others realize how much Qiniang attached to Gao Xian, and the entire Zhu family was shocked.

Since then, the name Gao Xian has even become a taboo, and no one dares to mention it.

Gao Xian is quite satisfied with this effect, in his last life he couldn't control the Internet chatter.In this life, he wants to punish those who talk cheap!
Other people's gossip is a trivial matter, but the sale of deer horn powder and Tiangui Dan is a major matter.

Lianyun City is different from Feimaji. There are many medicine halls here, such as his master Sanyuantang, Lingyuntang opened by Xu Lingyun, etc., all of which are qualified to sell pills.

For cultivators, elixir is just needed, and the profit here is also the highest.There are many medicine halls, which also makes the competition in the pill industry very fierce.

Changshengtang can stand firm because Zhu Changsheng himself is a master of alchemy and can refine longevity pills.This kind of elixir is very effective, and it is of great benefit to the foundation builders.

After Zhu Changsheng's death, although Zhu Qiniang rose strongly, she was not an alchemist, and the business of Changshengtang was greatly affected.

During this time, Zhu Qiniang also mainly promoted Tianguidan and Lujiaosan.

For Lian Yuncheng, Tiangui Pill and Lujiaosan are low-level pills that are not popular, and no one will care.

After a period of promotion, the specificity of Tianguidan and Lujiaosan refined by Gao Xian gradually emerged.

The business of Changshengtang is booming day by day, which makes Zhu Qiniang heave a sigh of relief.With Gao Xian present, Changshengtang's business can sustain itself.

Because cultivators who came to buy Tianguidan and Lujiaosan also bought some other pills along the way.

For a store, a lot of popularity is a huge wealth in itself.

The competition among several medicine halls in Lianyun City is very fierce, and the business of Changshengtang is not good, and the other medicine halls are happy to see their success.

As a result, they were not happy for two days, and the business of Changshengtang quickly recovered.

Several medicine halls originally looked down on such low-level pills as Lujiaosan and Tianguidan, but no one thought that these medicines would sell well and become more and more popular.

Xu Lingyun's Lingyun Hall was also greatly affected.He was busy tracking down the murderer during this period of time, but found no useful clues.

The main reason is that Xu Shengye and his group are all dead, and the others don't know what Xu Shengye and his group are doing and who they offended.

He also heard that Sanyuantang was disbanded, and Xu Mingyuan's disciples had a quarrel.But he didn't think it had anything to do with Xu Shengye's killing.He spent most of his energy investigating the situation of other foundation-building monks.

At this time, the sales of low-level pills were getting worse and worse, and the medicine hall was his most profitable business, so he didn't have the heart to track down the murderer.

In order to solve the problem, Xu Lingyun summoned several alchemists from the medicine hall to study Tianguidan and Lujiaosan together.

After tossing for a few days, I cut and crushed the elixirs, trying to reverse analyze the elixirs of the two elixirs.

The problem is that there are no special medicinal materials in the two kinds of elixirs, which has stumped several alchemists.Xu Lingyun kept staring at the side again, putting a lot of pressure on several alchemists.

After a few days, several alchemists looked haggard.

Seeing Xu Lingyun coming in, the faces of the alchemists were ashen, and they lowered their heads and did not dare to look at Xu Lingyun.

Xu Lingyun frowned slightly: "What's the matter?"

The leading alchemist Bai Yanping said tremblingly, "My lord, we haven't found any special medicinal ingredients."

"That's it?" Xu Lingyun became a little impatient. These alchemy masters under him didn't find anything after tossing around for a few days. What a waste!

Bai Yanping was intimidated by the powerful mana emitted by the great foundation-builder, and couldn't control his trembling.

He hurriedly said: "My lord, the effects of the two pills are so good, we think that it is the alchemist who is highly skilled and brought the medicinal properties of the pills to the extreme..."

Xu Lingyun waved his hand: "Okay, you guys go down and rest."

After sending away several alchemists, Xu Lingyun's face darkened.He is proficient in alchemy, and he has long seen that the two kinds of elixirs are traditional elixirs, and no other medicinal materials have been added.

It's just that he didn't give up, so he asked a few alchemists to take another look.

Xu Lingyun was silent for a long time, and then he called one of his subordinates and said: "Go to the Zhu family to buy some people, and find out who made the Lujiaosan and Tianguidan..."

Money can turn the devil around.

There are so many people in the Zhu family, and many of them were punished by Gao Xian, so they have a lot of resentment towards him.It didn't take long for Xu Lingyun to know that the alchemist who refined Lujiaosan and Tianguidan was Gao Xian, who had a close relationship with Zhu Qiniang.

Moreover, Gao Xian was actually Xu Mingyuan's apprentice.This made Xu Lingyun very interested.

Xu Mingyuan is his cousin. Although the relationship between the two is not close, they are real relatives.Xu Mingyuan's apprentice, isn't that his apprentice!
Xu Lingyun's heart suddenly became alive when he thought of this, as long as he snatches Gao Xian, he can earn tens of thousands of Lingshi every year!For the Foundation Establishment Great Cultivator, this is also a huge sum of money.

As for Zhu Qiniang, of course it was a bit tricky.However, she is a newly promoted Foundation Establishment, why should she fight with him, an inner sect elder!

It's just that you can't go to Zhu's house to rob people directly, which is a bit unreasonable.

Xu Lingyun rolled his eyes and suddenly had an idea.Since Gao Xian is Xu Mingyuan's apprentice, the same goes for Bai Yurong.

Gao Xian became his apprentice, who would dare to rob him.So what if Zhu Qiniang is not convinced!
(End of this chapter)

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