Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 149: God Becomes the Red Dragon

Chapter 149: God Becomes the Red Dragon
The flying red dragon turned into streams of light and slowly dissipated, Gao Xian also regained his sobriety, but he could still faintly hear the deep dragon chant in his ears...

Gao Xian knew that the red dragon didn't really make a sound, the dragon chant he heard was just the mysterious change of the red dragon induced by his spiritual consciousness.

The divine dragon figure condensed with red light looked at Sister Bilan's majesty.

It's just that the red dragon is just a kind of dharma formed by the condensed spiritual consciousness after all, which can greatly enhance the power of the spiritual consciousness, which is incomparable with Sister Lan's supernatural power.

On the Fengyue Baojian, the light flowed and condensed, and the annotation of the Chilong swallowing the moon appeared.

Red Dragon Swallowing the Moon Method: God becomes a red dragon, swallows the moon and turns into Yin, with endless changes. (40000/40000 Grandmaster Consummation)

It is difficult to understand the effect of the Chilong Swallowing the Moon method only by looking at the annotations of Fengyue Baojian.

After the demonstration of Fengyue Baojian, Gao Xian knew that the most powerful change of the Chilong swallowing the moon method is to condense the divine consciousness into a red dragon.

In this state, his spiritual consciousness can be greatly enhanced, and it is difficult to be shaken by external forces.

Through intercourse and other methods, it can also absorb the other party's life source and spiritual consciousness, and transform it into its own power.

Chilong also specializes in restraining Yin consciousness and mana, such as evil spirits and female cultivators, all of which are within the restraint range.

The Chilong dharma form condensed with spiritual consciousness is similar to that of Sister Lan, but it is not as miraculous as Sister Lan. It is completely controlled by him, and he cannot hold the talisman by himself.

It's amazing that Sister Lan and Chilong Dharma can go hand in hand and strengthen his spiritual power at the same time.

This state consumes spiritual consciousness abnormally, and he can only maintain it for ten breaths at most.

Gao Xian made an all-round comparison in the Temple of Mind. Although the Chilong Dharma is strong, there is still no way to compare with Sister Lan. This is a fundamental gap.

The most direct benefit of the master's perfect Chilong swallowing the moon method is to increase the lifespan by 20 years.

So far, his life span has reached 247 years.Comparable to the Great Foundation Establishment Cultivator.

This is also the layer-by-layer blessing of many secret methods to have such a long lifespan.

For Gao Xian, the lifespan of 247 years means that his body and soul are strong and healthy, and he is in an excellent state.

Another direct benefit of the Red Dragon Swallowing the Moon method is that his spiritual consciousness has been strengthened by another [-]%.

With the blessing of Zhengyang Spear and Chilong Swallowing the Moon Technique, his consciousness sensing radius has reached 220 steps, and the one-way sensing limit is [-] steps.

This means that his maximum casting distance reaches [-] steps.It's just that the farther the distance, the less powerful the spell, and the worse the control over the spell.

According to the normal division of foundation building levels, the radius of spiritual perception of cultivators in the middle stage of foundation building can only reach [-] steps.

In other words, his current level of spiritual consciousness is equivalent to the middle stage of foundation establishment, much stronger than Xu Lingyun and Zhang Chunjiang at the early stage of foundation establishment.

It's a pity that he is too poor in other aspects.It is still impossible to face the hard steel of the foundation monk.

Continuously upgrading the secret method, Gao Xian's spiritual consciousness has been greatly improved. He still needs time to adapt to these changes and understand Zhengyang Spear and Chilong Swallowing the Moon.

When Zhu Qiniang came home at night, she saw Gao Xian sitting quietly in the bedroom, with a calm expression, even a little relaxed.

She was a little surprised, the news about the bet between Gao Xian and Zhang Chunjiang had spread, she did not expect Gao Xian to be so calm and indifferent.

She asked softly, "Axian, what are your plans?"

Gao Xian opened his eyes and smiled slightly at Zhu Qiniang: "I have two secret arts that specialize in subduing evil spirits, Zhang Chunjiang wanted to trick me, but he only wanted to humiliate himself.

"I'll give him a good look after I pass this level."

Zhu Qiniang nodded. She didn't know what secret technique Gao Xian practiced, but she knew that Gao Xian possessed supernatural powers, so she could use Qi training body to reversely kill the Great Foundation Establishment Cultivator.

Since Gao Xian was already prepared, it shouldn't be a problem to deal with mere evil spirits.

She said: "The sect sent me to Nanluo Mountains to wipe out monsters. It will take at least three to five months."

"They really didn't give you a chance, they just transferred you away."

Gao Xian thought for a while and said: "You have to be careful, don't give this group of people a chance."

Under normal circumstances, of course Zhang Chunjiang and the others would not have the guts to attack Zhu Qiniang.

If Zhu Qiniang was injured, the situation would be difficult.

Even though Lianyun City is huge, there are only hundreds of thousands of cultivators, and the market is limited.

Tiangui Dan and Antlers sold so well that they seized a lot of low-end medicinal pills market.He earns one more spirit stone, and others earn one less spirit stone.

If things go on like this, it will block many people's way of making money.

He and Qiniang have no roots or contacts in Lianyunzong, so they naturally attract people's hatred.

The problem is that he and Qiniang have no way out.

At this time, as long as you show a slight retreat posture, the pack of wolves waiting around will immediately pounce on you.

This is the case with Taoism, if you don't advance, you will retreat.

Qiniang told him the truth of this several times.He also has a deep understanding of this.

Zhu Qiniang nodded, except for Gao Xian, she was extremely wary of everyone.

She doesn't trust even close friends like Daniel and Zhu Ying.

"Don't worry, I know. I'm just worried about you."

Zhu Qiniang said with some concern: "The evil spirits in Dajiangfang are very powerful, and you must beware of other people taking the opportunity to plot against you..."

Gao Xian was about to speak, when suddenly he felt something, the mana in his body naturally condensed towards the liver.

He couldn't help but be overjoyed. After his spiritual consciousness had been greatly improved, he naturally pushed the five elements forward, allowing him to break through the bottleneck of the seventh floor.

Gao Xian closed his eyes and concentrated on practicing the five elements.

The mana flowing through the whole body converges to the position of Zhangmen acupoint, and an invisible spiritual orifice is naturally opened.

The spiritual orifice sinks inward, absorbing mana continuously until the spiritual orifice turns into a stable structure, and the previously absorbed mana is released again.

At this point, the spiritual orifice at Zhangmen point is connected with the other six spiritual orifices, and at the same time, it breathes out and operates mana.

When Gao Xian opened his eyes, the paper on the window was slightly white, and he actually practiced all night.

Seeing Gao Xian woke up, Zhu Qiniang, who was standing quietly by the side, couldn't help showing a heartfelt joyful smile: "I have advanced to the eighth level of Qi training, congratulations."

Gao Xian said with some emotion: "It's really beyond my expectation to advance to the eighth level of Qi training so quickly."

With the support of Qingyuan leaves, he advanced very quickly in cultivation.In addition, the rejuvenation technique combined with wood-type aura, he had already sensed the liver orifice two months earlier.

It's just that he is not in a hurry to break through. After all, he needs to stabilize his foundation in the late stage of Qi training.

Today, the spiritual consciousness has been strengthened twice in a row. Under the stimulation of the powerful spiritual consciousness, the liver orifices that have been accumulated are naturally opened.

The addition of a powerful spiritual orifice to breathe out spiritual energy, which cooperates with the other six spiritual orifices, has increased his mana by about [-]%, and the operation of mana is more efficient.

This level of mana is still not comparable to that of a foundation cultivator, but it is enough to disdain the level of Qi training.

Being promoted to the eighth level of Qi training also added another three years to his lifespan.

This is also because his lifespan has reached the foundation-building level, and the lifespan of his qi training has become very small.

To put it simply, the base is too large, and every point of improvement becomes very difficult.

After completing the promotion, Gao Xian was in a state of exhilaration inside and out, and he felt as if he was about to fly into the sky when he breathed.

This is also the liver orifice corresponds to the wood-type aura, and the transformed mana has vitality that nourishes the body and mind.

When Gao Xian looked at Zhu Qiniang again, he could see that she was faintly glowing with mana, and her whole body was pure and pure like a god.

At this time, he felt the joy and joy of a monk.The cultivator feels the heaven and the earth from the outside, understands the true self from the inside, crosses the long river of time with great will and strength, and enjoys the joy of life to the fullest in the world!

Compared with this, all battles seem so boring.

However, if a cultivator wants to live freely in the world, he needs endless resources to support him.

Do not fight or grab, where do you get the resources for you.

In this world of cultivators, even the endless spiritual energy in the world has its own owner.

A cultivator without ability will have to pay a price for breathing a breath of spiritual energy!
This is the world of great contention!

When Gao Xian thought of this, he also calmed down. It is of course good to be free and easy, but he is not qualified.

It's like lying flat on a yacht to watch the sunrise. The premise is to have a yacht and the money to afford it!

Gao Xian said to Zhu Qiniang: "Qiniang, how many spirit stones do I have now?"

Most of the profits of Changshengtang's sales of antler powder and Tianguidan are in Zhu Qiniang's hands.

The main thing is to maintain the operation of Changshengtang, and we can't just extract all the profits.

Zhu Qiniang said: "Including the [-] spirit stones Xu Lingyun compensated, there are a total of [-] spirit stones. Now we can mobilize [-] spirit stones."

In fact, Zhu Changsheng contributed a few second-order magic weapons, with a total value of around [-] spirit stones.These were all exchanged by her for the robes with swords and weapons.

She remembered all of these, but she couldn't convert them into spirit stones now, so there was no need to say more.

Gao Xian nodded: "I can't wear the red iron robe, it will be very troublesome to be seen. Qingyun and Xuanbing robes are not very good, I want to buy a first-order top-grade robe.

"Buy another one or two top-grade body protection instruments, buy a few life-saving elixir, and buy some powerful charms..."

Zhu Qiniang said: "In the morning, let's go to Yunshui Tower to have a look. This is the Qingyun Sect's branch here. The things in his house are all high-quality, but the price is high."

Yunshuilou traveled all the way to Lianyun City to do business, selling high-end goods.

Idle cultivators absolutely cannot afford it.

Zhu Qiniang's sword and magic crown were all bought in Yunshuilou, costing tens of thousands of spirit stones.

After doing a business, Zhu Qiniang and the shopkeeper of Yunshuilou can be regarded as acquaintances.

When she and Gao Xiancai entered the Yunshui Building, the shopkeeper Yun Chenglin came out to welcome them, enthusiastically leading them to the private room upstairs.

Yun Chenglin looks fair, speaks softly, is polite and kind, and is very good at dealing with people.

As soon as Gao Xian explained the request, Yun Chenglin took out a few albums, on which were drawn patterns of magic weapons, marking the level, material, characteristics and so on of magic weapons.

Yun Chenglin smiled and said, "Small business, the goods will only be delivered if the customer decides to buy. And a [-]% deposit is required in advance. If the customer regrets it, the deposit will not be refunded..."

Gao Xian glanced at Zhu Qiniang, Zhu Qiniang nodded slightly, that's what Yunshuilou does business.

There is no way, who made Yunshuilou magic weapon and elixirs very high-level, and it is difficult to buy in other places.

After choosing for a long time, Gao Xian finally selected a few items that would close his eyes, and finally paid a deposit of one thousand spirit stones.

The next day, several items were delivered.

The Qingyuan Ruyi Robe costs five thousand spirit stones.

The six-yang magic-dispelling golden shuttle costs three thousand spirit stones.

Heavenly King Eight Treasure Pill, one thousand spirit stones, four in total.

Gao Xian delivered [-] spirit stones on the spot and got all the things.

Back home, Gao Xian put on the Qingyuan Ruyi magic robe and the Liuyang demon-dispelling golden shuttle, carefully studying the changes of the two magic tools.

Qingyuan Ruyi Robe, the best first-class product, is woven with Qingyuan spirit vines and ten-thousand-year ice silk.

There are three kinds of spells inside: Qingyuan hood, wishful transformation, and nectar curse.

The Qingyuan shield has a super strong defense, which is not worse than the golden light technique.There are also changes in isolating filth and purifying aura.

Its unique inner and outer double green element cover enhances the protection ability to the highest level.

What Gao Xian valued most was the ability of the Qingyuan shield to control the wind, which can greatly increase the speed.This suits him very well.

If you want to change, the robe can change shape at will, which is very suitable for hiding and escaping.

The nectar mantra can detoxify, ward off evil spirits and heal injuries.

The six-yang magic-dispelling golden shuttle looks like a golden shuttle-shaped pendant.When it is stimulated, it will turn into a five-inch long golden shuttle, which has a miraculous effect on evil spirits.

The power of the six yangs of Jinsuo itself can form a natural defense, and it can resist evil spirits and pollution without deliberate stimulation.

Finally, the Heavenly King Eight Treasure Pill is the elixir of life extension.As long as he is not killed on the spot, a spirit pill can keep his life alive.

After Gao Xian had completely mastered the transformation of the two magic tools, he left Zhu's mansion with the shadowless vestment one day.

He used the transformation technique to turn into an ordinary-looking man, and boarded the Aoki Airship bound for Dajiangfang...

(End of this chapter)

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