Chapter 154

Yun Qiushui's inability to stay in Dajiangfang is mostly because of this evil spirit.

Xie Chong is cunning and hides it very secretly, he can't find it everywhere, and he has already given birth to the intention of going away.

Just happened to meet Gao Xian reciting poems by the river this evening, so Yaxing and Gao Xian went to Liuxianglou for a drink together.

Yun Qiushui didn't care about this kind of play-by-play. Gao Xian liked beautiful women and wanted to spend a good night together, but in his opinion, it was indulgence and unrestrained release of his true nature, which could be called romantic and unrestrained.

It would be boring if you like women but hide them.

Yun Qiushui didn't think much about it at the time, but seeing Gao Xian leading the woman in white to the direction of the long embankment, he couldn't help feeling a little curious.

"Is it an open-air game? This is too bold..."

Out of respect for his friend, Yun Qiushui didn't look at it too much.

However, the long embankment soon became cloudy.This made Yun Qiushui feel that something was wrong, and he immediately urged the nine-turn Yuanyang jade ring to condense into a Yuanyang mirror.

Although the nine-turn Yuanyang Jade Jue is only a third-order level, it contains Yuanling, which is a higher-level spiritual treasure than the magic weapon.

The Yuanyang mirror condensed by the nine-turn Yuanyang jade ring can reflect the situation within a radius of ten miles.

Yun Qiushui opened the Yuanyang Mirror and immediately locked Gao Xian. To his surprise, Gao Xian took the initiative in the black mist triggered by the evil spirits.

Moreover, Gao Xian casts spells quickly and smoothly, which is obviously a low-level spell, but its power is astonishing.

Xie Chong was easily suppressed by Gao Xian's spell, completely powerless to fight back.

Yun Qiushui was really surprised. As long as a cultivator has a strong spiritual sense and is taught by a famous teacher, it is not too difficult to cast low-level spells instantly.

Of course, for Qi practitioners, it is too difficult to instantly cast low-level spells.Even the disciples of the famous sect are very difficult to do it.

Gao Xian was not only instant, but the ice arrow technique he urged was really like a storm, and he shot a series of ice arrows in an instant, knocking Xie Chong into a fool.

That is to say, Xie Chong's body is as hard as gold and iron, which is why he held up this round of ice arrows.For other qi practitioners, they would definitely die.

Even the Great Foundation Establishment Cultivator, without preparation, will inevitably suffer from such a swift and violent ice archery.

Followed by a flame bomb, the little half of Xie Chong's body was blown to pieces.

The Flame Bomb actually has such violent power, and it is even more shocking that Ice Archery and Flame Bomb can be transformed freely, crossing the barrier between water and fire.

Lian Yunzong, where Gao Xian was born, is just an inconspicuous little sect. Being able to practice low-level spells to such a level can only prove that Gao Xian has a peerless talent in spells.

Yun Qiushui has a free-spirited temper, so he praised Gao Xian for his great ability without concealing it when he thought so.

As for the good luck, this evil crystal is very special.

Even if you kill 1 evil spirits, you may not be able to obtain this golden orb-shaped crystal.

Gao Xian didn't have Yun Qiushui's insight, he saw that the golden crystal was unusual, but he didn't know how precious it was and what was its use?

He cupped his hands to Yun Qiushui and said, "Fellow Daoist has won the award, and I was lucky too. This evil spirit is very unusual. He is actually quite intelligent, and he can pretend to be a human being without revealing any flaws on the surface."

Yun Qiushui nodded and said: "According to the ancient books, this kind of evil spirit that can transform into an adult with wisdom is called Mei, and Mei has a powerful soul and is good at charming practitioners.

"After Mei is killed, a crystal nucleus may condense. This crystal nucleus is usually as round as a bead, which contains the power of pure spiritual consciousness, which can strengthen the practitioner's spiritual consciousness. Therefore, this kind of crystal nucleus is called the refining pearl. "

Yun Qiushui smiled at Gao Xian: "Spiritual refining beads are also divided into different levels. This charm is not even at the second level, but it can condense golden refining beads. This top grade is of great benefit to foundation-building monks. "

"So that's it, I'm really lucky."

Gao Xian nodded to be taught, so there are so many particulars in it.With a flick of his sleeves, he put away the golden Alchemy Bead. It is a good thing and cannot be wasted.

Yun Qiushui actually came here for the refining orb, but he is such a character, even if a passer-by got the refining orb first, he would not bother to fight for it.

What's more, if it falls into Gao Xian's hands, he will only be happy for Gao Xian to get this spiritual object.

He reminded: "The golden alchemy bead is extremely rare. It is most suitable for breaking through the bottleneck. It can be used to enhance the consciousness, and it can also help the cultivation of spirit-like spells. It has miraculous effects."

Gao Xian couldn't help but be overjoyed, his great idol magic method can't be improved after reaching the master's consummation, maybe using the refining god beads can break through the limit.

He earnestly cupped his hands in thanks: "Thank you fellow daoist for your guidance."

"We hit it off right away, so why should Fellow Daoists say such strange things?"

Yun Qiushui waved his hand indifferently, and then he turned and asked curiously: "Fellow Daoist, your ice arrow and flame bombs are so powerful. I am also proficient in spells, but I am far behind fellow Daoist." .”

"I'm a casual cultivator, and I can't learn subtle spells."

Gao Xian explained: "So I can only practice ice archery and flame bombs hard. After practicing for a long time, I have some understanding..."

Of course Gao Xian wouldn't talk about Ice and Fire Nine Heavens, or Fengyue Baojian.I can only attribute everything to my own talent.

Yun Qiushui has a nine-turn Yuanyang jade ring, which can illuminate Gao Xian's whole body through the Yuanyang mirror.

He could see that Gao Xian used his own magic power to activate the ice arrow technique and flame bomb, and did not borrow any magic weapon.

Isn't this talent? !

He was very sorry for Gao Xian, for such a talent, he was actually a disciple of Lian Yunzong.What kind of future does this small sect have?

Yun Qiushui asked: "Are you an outer disciple of Lianyun Sect?"

"I'm not actually a disciple of Lianyun Sect, but I just have an identity in the outer sect of Lianyun Sect."

Gao Xian couldn't help sighing when he said this, if he was really a disciple of Lian Yunzong, he wouldn't have traveled so far for a foundation-building secret method.

Fortunately, he was very lucky, not only made friends with Yun Qiushui, but also got the refining pearl.

"So it is."

Yun Qiushui was quite familiar with the situation of these small sects, and knew that a casual cultivator like Gao Xian had to join the sect if he wanted to gain a foothold.

It's just that a casual cultivator like Gao Xian is absolutely impossible to become a direct descendant of the sect.

He regretted this quite a bit. With Gao Xian's talent, if Lian Yunzong cultivated well, he might have a chance to become a golden elixir.

He thought for a while and said, "It's not interesting for you to be in Lian Yunzong, why not change places."

Gao Xian shook his head, this is easy to say, but actually very troublesome.

It was not easy for him and Zhu Qiniang to gain a foothold in Lian Yunzong, and they had to start all over again in another place.

Although Lian Yunzong cannot get the resources of the sect, it can sell Lujiao powder and Tiangui pill, and can quickly obtain a large amount of human aura.

There is also the method of building the foundation of the Great Five Elements Kung Fu, which must be obtained from Lian Yunzong.

In a short time, he has no plans to change places.

Yun Qiushui said: "With your talent, you can definitely achieve something in another sect."

Without waiting for Gao Xian to speak, he said again: "I can introduce you to Qingyun Sect. You must have heard of Qingyun Sect. It is the master of Qingyun Dao. It is thousands of times better than Lianyun Sect with Zhenjun Yuanying sitting in the town. .”

Yun Qiushui suddenly hesitated when he said this, "However, Qingyun Sect has extremely strict requirements on true disciples.

"You are not from the Qingyun sect. If you want to become a true biography, you will be accepted as a true biography only if you win the championship in the Qingyun Dharma Association..."

"Qingyun Dharma Assembly?"

Gao Xian looked blank, he didn't know much about Lian Yunzong's situation, let alone Qing Yunzong which was thousands of miles away.

"The Qingyun Dharma Association is held once every Jiazi, and practitioners from all directions are invited to discuss the Taoism. The leader of the Qingyun Dharma Association will be awarded the status of a true disciple by the sect."

Yun Qiushui patiently explained to Gao Xian, "Because the leader's reward is so important, every Qingyun Dharma Conference will attract thousands of casual practitioners..."

"I see."

Gao Xian understood that Qing Yunzong used the true disciples as bait to gather tens of thousands of scattered cultivators to fight martial arts, and select geniuses from them.

According to what Yun Qiushui said, Qingyunzong is the master of Qingyun Dao, with Yuanying Zhenjun sitting in it.

For such a powerful sect, its status as a true disciple must be extremely important.

He was a little moved, if he could become a true disciple of Qingyun Sect, he would not have to worry about the cultivation method in the future.

Backed by such a big sect as Qingyun Sect, I don't know how much Tianguidan and Lujiaosan can sell.

However, only the Tianguidan and Lujiaosan he refined can give birth to the aura of humanity.

No matter how big the market is, there are countless pills he can refine.

No matter what, Qing Yunzong is much stronger than Lian Yunzong.What's more, there is this good friend Yun Qiushui to take care of him.

Gao Xian pondered for a while and said: "I have to consider such a big matter."

Yun Qiushui understood this very well, and he handed Gao Xian a cyan bronze medal with layers of cloud patterns on the front and the word Qingyun written in the middle of the cloud patterns.

"You keep this Qingyun Token. The Qingyun Fa Conference will not be held until five years later. If you are interested, come to Qingyun City with the token to find me."

Yun Qiushui said again: "If I'm not here, I will arrange for someone to contact you. Just don't worry."

"Thank you fellow daoist." Gao Xian sincerely cupped his hands in thanks.

"We are congenial, so there is no need to see outsiders."

Yun Qiushui smiled brightly and said: "Not to mention that you are extremely talented, maybe in the future I will borrow the light of fellow Taoists..."

"Friend Daoist is joking."

Yun Qiushui became interested, "Let's go, let's go back to the inn and have a few drinks."

He said to Gao Xian again: "You can't cheat this time."

Gao Xian laughed dryly, as expected Yun Qiushui saw it.But this friend is good, at least he didn't expose him on the spot, which saved a lot of embarrassment.

The two returned to the inn room, Gao Xian also let go of his arms, and had a hearty drink with Yun Qiushui.

The main reason is that Yun Qiushui told him a lot of secrets about the sect, and also gave him a lot of important advice on cultivation.

These tricks are simple to say, but no one breaks through this layer of window paper, and Gao Xian himself may not understand it all his life.

Although Yun Qiushui is young, he is knowledgeable and insightful in practice.

Gao Xian really benefited a lot from Yun Qiushui's guidance.

At the end of the drink, both Gao Xian and Yun Qiushui were drunk, Yun Qiushui took Gao Xian's hand and said: "Donghuang demon cultivators and monster clans have colluded together these years, ready to move.

"I don't know when there will be great changes in the Eastern Desolation. Lian Yunzong is on the border of the Eastern Desolation and is in a dangerous situation. Even if fellow Taoists don't come to Qingyun Sect, you should make preparations early..."

(End of this chapter)

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