Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 162 Consonance Sword

Chapter 162 Consonance Sword (ask for a monthly ticket!)

"You absorbed the essence of a female foundation-builder?!"

Zhu Qiniang is such a calm person, after being stunned for a while, she couldn't help but confirm with Gao Xian again.

The method of harvesting and nourishing has always been to rely on the strong to bully the weak, and the superiors bully the inferiors, so that they can benefit from it.

According to Gao Xian, the other party was a female foundation-building cultivator, who also practiced the secret art of harvesting and nourishing, but was killed by Gao Xian!

Gao Xian beheaded Zhu Changsheng, because Zhu Changsheng was careless and incompetent. In addition, Gao Xian's secret technique was mysterious and unpredictable, and the Qinglian Feihong sword in his hand was invincible.

With the combination of various factors, Gao Xian was able to reversely kill the great monk who built the foundation with the body of Qi training.

The problem is that Gao Xian and that woman are getting out together, and these methods can't be used.How did he manage to counterattack and build a foundation, plundering the other party's life essence?

Gao Xian nodded affirmatively, trying his best not to show complacency.After all, the method is a bit bad.

Zhu Qiniang was startled and sighed, "The vajra is really powerful!"

Gao Xian laughed and said modestly: "It's a fluke. This witch is throwing herself into a trap, seeking her own death, doing what she has to suffer, and reaping the fruits of her own..."

Zhu Qiniang felt a little uncomfortable, she interrupted Gao Xian: "What are you going to do?"

"I'll pretend to be Bai Yurong for two days first, and if I disappear after that time, no one will suspect me."

Gao Xian said and handed the storage talisman to Zhu Qiniang, "Help me deal with it."

He has already taken down Sister Bai Yurong's storage bag, sword weapon and so on.

He did not touch the rest, such as robes and personal items.The main thing is Qiniang, who can check in detail.

This is the main house where people live, so it is naturally inconvenient to dispose of corpses.Zhu Qiniang went to the unoccupied room with the storage talisman.

Taking advantage of the time, Gao Xian also checked sister Bai Yurong's storage bag.

In addition to some magic tools and medicines, the two people's storage bags also have a lot of spirit stones.There are a total of eleven red high-grade spirit stones, which are 11 low-grade spirit stones!There are also 130 middle-grade spirit stones, a total of 12 spirit stones.

So many spirit stones made Gao Xian dizzy.He knew about high-grade spirit stones, but this was the first time he saw them with his own eyes.

Gao Xian soon woke up, the 12 spirit stones must be the legacy of his teacher Xu Mingyuan.

Xu Mingyuan is 80 years old, and has been building foundations for at least 100 years.He is so stingy and greedy for money.

Even if you save three or four thousand spirit stones a year, you will still have three or four million spirit stones in 100 years.Therefore, such a large number of spirit stones is not an exaggeration.

Zhu Changsheng doesn't have many spirit stones because he has a big family and runs the Changshengtang, so it is impossible to have too much cash on him.

Gao Xian was playing with the red high-grade spirit stone, and he couldn't help showing a happy smile on his face.Who doesn't like money, unless it is Jack Ma!

Zhu Qiniang came back soon, and she couldn't help showing joy when she saw the high-grade spirit stone in Gao Xian's hand.High-grade spirit stone, this thing is very rare.

Knowing that time is precious, she hurriedly said: "The robes and artifacts on them are of high quality, especially the foundation building, which is full of second-order robes and artifacts, which is very luxurious."

Normally speaking, Zhu Changsheng, a 100-year-old foundation-builder, lived a long time and accumulated a lot of money.

It is very abnormal for a great monk who has only established a foundation to wear a second-order magic weapon.

"All the swords and magic weapons of the two of them are worth about [-] spirit stones. It should be processed through Yunshuilou, so there should be no problem."

Zhu Qiniang still trusts Yunshuilou. On the one hand, Yunshuilou is powerful, and it is not something a small sect like Qishazong can get involved with.

On the other hand, she has cooperated with Yunshuilou many times, and the other party is very reliable.

Gao Xian exclaimed: "My teacher's accumulated wealth of more than 100 years is cheaper than them!"

He said with some emotion: "The teacher has a spirit in the sky, let them fall into my hands. Those family properties should be inherited by me, a direct disciple!"

Zhu Qiniang was a little funny, Gao Xian would really make excuses for himself, this may not be able to deceive others, it should be enough to deceive himself.

She said: "With so many spirit stones, I just happened to help you buy a thousand-year-old chalcedony."

Millennium chalcedony is jade that is quenched into liquid in the ground fire, and after thousands of years, it is slowly solidified into jade.

The pure aura of chalcedony can permeate the blood and viscera, strengthening the whole body inside and outside.It has a very good effect on practitioners below Jindan.

Because of its wide application range and particularly good effect on body strengthening, the thousand-year-old chalcedony is very expensive.

The usual price is [-] spirit stones per drop.

Zhu Qiniang was worrying about how to raise spirit stones, and suddenly got a windfall, which solved all the problems at once.

Gao Xian said: "I have absorbed a lot of essence, and I don't know how to digest it for a while, so don't worry about the thousand-year-old chalcedony."

Zhu Qiniang has absolutely no experience in this area, and she doesn't know how to solve it.

She said, "Don't worry, I'll ask someone."

"By the way, look at this flying sword."

Gao Xian handed the platinum bracelet to Zhu Qiniang. He studied it for a long time and finally determined that it was a flying sword.

The appearance of the bracelet is like platinum, the shape of the bracelet is simple and unsophisticated, with a rhinoceros-like pattern engraved on the outside, and complicated cloud patterns engraved on the side.

The cloud patterns are too complicated, Gao Xian can't remember so many cloud patterns even after reading the "Secret Explanation of Cloud Patterns" once.

The main reason is that the moire is different from the text, and the texture is very similar.The commonly used moiré is fine, but the uncommonly used moiré really needs to be read.

Comparing with "The Secret Explanation of Cloud Patterns", Gao Xian has always figured out the meaning of the cloud patterns on the platinum bracelet: dividing water to ward off evil spirits and swords.

He is now more interested in this water-dividing evil spirit sword, but it is still difficult to judge the grade of this flying sword.

Zhu Qiniang took the platinum bracelet, she was not as good as Gao Xian in cloud pattern, but she was very familiar with various refining materials.

As soon as the platinum bracelet was picked up, Zhu Qiniang's complexion changed slightly. She looked carefully inside and out for a while before she said with certainty: "The bracelet seems to be forged with Geng gold plus some other materials, and the quality is very high. .”

"The bracelet is so small, how is the flying sword placed?" Gao Xian asked.

"This bracelet should be a sword box. Like the storage bag, there is a separate space inside. The difference is that the sword box can gather spiritual energy to nourish the flying sword. If the flying sword is damaged, it can also be restored through the sword box As it is..."

Zhu Qiniang didn't know much about Feijian, but it was more than enough to explain to Gao Xian.


Gao Xian asked curiously again: "Why is the sword case of Chiyan Sword so big?"

"You're a scabbard, not a box. It's totally different."

Zhu Qiniang said: "As far as I know, ordinary second-tier flying swords rarely use sword cases. This flying sword is by no means ordinary!"

"Are there any taboos for refining such a high-grade flying sword?"

Gao Xian is still very interested in Feijian, although he hardly uses the Chiyan Sword, it is because the Chiyan Sword is too poor in practicality.

He asked, "Should I buy a book on how to practice swords?"

"The sword cultivator takes the path of combining body, spirit, and sword, which is very dangerous. It is true that the sword is in the presence of people, and the sword is dead. Of course, once the sword cultivator has achieved something, he can really sweep the same level..."

Zhu Qiniang did not approve of Gao Xian's path of sword cultivation, it was too extreme.

A sword cultivator is good at killing, but a cultivator is for longevity. Fighting is a part of a cultivator's life, but it is not the whole thing.

She knows Gao Xian very well, and Gao Xian's character is not extremely paranoid.

If one cannot take the sword as the only one, then it is impossible to go too far on the road of sword cultivation.

Zhu Qiniang was afraid that Gao Xian would go astray, so she emphasized the various disadvantages of sword repair.

The effect was also immediate, and Gao Xian immediately lost interest.

Gao Xian has a clear understanding of himself, he is greedy for life and afraid of death, greedy for money and lust, greedy for comfort, why live for the sword and die for the sword, only the sword in his heart, he can't do this!
After giving up the fantasy, Gao Xian was not so interested in the water-dispelling evil spirit sword.

He said to Qiniang: "I'll go back to Xu's house for two or three days. Don't touch these things for now. I'll talk about them when I come back."

Zhu Qiniang confessed: "I'll be waiting at home for the past two days. If you have something to do, you can urge the Golden Butterfly Talisman, and I will rush over to meet it immediately."

The golden butterfly talisman is divided into male and female talismans. Within a hundred miles, the male and female talismans can be connected through mana resonance and breathing.

That time Gao Xian was blocked by Xu Lingyun and almost had an accident. After returning, Zhu Qiniang bought this pair of golden butterfly charms so that Gao Xian could contact her in an emergency.

"Don't worry, I have counted."

Gao Xian urged Wuying casket to return to Xu's house in a hurry, and entered the main room. He checked the talisman left on the door and window, if someone came in, it would definitely be touched.

Looking at Chunxiang again, she stayed at the door of the wing room and never went out.

After confirming that everything was fine, Gao Xian heaved a sigh of relief.

Staying in Bai Yurong's room, the various furnishings in front of him, such as the eight fairies and eight screens, the pineapple wood soft wall, the vase with two ears, the incense burner with animal heads, etc., are all women's aesthetics, with the smell of Bai Yurong.

Gao Xian still couldn't help sighing, Bai Yurong was her spy and it had nothing to do with him.Why did their sisters want to kill him?He still can't figure it out now, just to covet a little essence?
Thinking of Bai Yurong's sister, Gao Xian thought of the huge essence he had absorbed.

The woman wanted to absorb his essence, but he countered it and lost her life.

The main reason is that the vajra is as firm as a vajra and remains motionless, and the red dragon swallowing the moon method is good at devouring the source and cultivation of female cultivators.

After this battle, he absorbed [-] to [-]% of the woman's essence.

Both yin and yang cultivation, dry cultivation and kunxiu can cooperate with each other to operate the magic power of consciousness.One-sided plundering such as the Red Dragon Swallowing the Moon method can only absorb the life essence of the opponent.

Spiritual consciousness and mana are all attached to the cultivator, no matter what method of recovery, it is impossible to plunder other people's spiritual consciousness and mana.

These two forces are separated from the body of the cultivator, and there is no foundation for existence.It cannot be transformed into other powers.

The so-called essence is the source of life of the cultivator, and it is the life force formed by the integration of body and spirit.

You must know that women are foundation-building monks, and he can't digest such a huge essence for a while, so it will be stored in the red dragon for the time being.

Gao Xian didn't feel very well, as if he had eaten too much and couldn't digest it, making him uncomfortable.

Fortunately, Sister Lan is in charge of the bureau, and she can completely control the essence that Chilong wraps around, without any real influence on him.

He tried to practice the Great Five Elements Kung Fu, practiced the Iron Dragon Hand, and practiced the Great Vajra Pestle, but the digestion and absorption of essence were all very poor.

A large group of essence condensed together, like a stone.Only by urging the Red Dragon Swallowing the Moon method can he absorb the essence power and transform it into himself.The efficiency is very low.

According to this efficiency, it may take a year or two to fully digest.

In the afternoon, Chunxiang came over to ask what to eat for dinner, Gao Xian excused that he would practice the secret art quietly in the past two days, and asked Chunxiang not to disturb him if he had nothing to do.

The transformation technique is amazing, allowing him to completely transform into Bai Yurong.Qingyuan Ruyi's robe can also be changed at will.In addition, Bai Yurong's sword, flying sword and other magical weapons are in his hands, so the impersonation is even more seamless.

Gao Xian lived in Zhou's house for two days and knew how Bai Yurong and Chunxiang communicated. He thought to himself that there was nothing wrong with pretending to be Bai Yurong.

I was afraid that Bai Yurong and Chunxiang would have some special communication in private, such as sleeping together and cultivating together, which might reveal their flaws.

Gao Xian only wants to hang out for two days and run away, trying to talk to Chunxiang as little as possible, so it should be fine.

Staying in the room with nothing to do, Gao Xian couldn't solve the Jingyuan problem, so he turned his attention to Lingxi Sword.

According to what Qiniang said, the imprint of divine consciousness on the flying sword can be broken directly by force.There is no sword spirit in Feijian, so no matter what he does, nothing will happen.

Gao Xian's spiritual sense is far superior to Bai Yuzhen's, and with the addition of the Zhengyang Spear, he quickly destroyed the divine sense imprint on the platinum bracelet.

Unlocking the platinum bracelet, his spiritual sense was finally able to enter the sword box and sense the Lingxi sword.

Just like what Qiniang said, the sword box and the scabbard are completely different.Inside the sword box is a small closed space, which is full of Qi of Gengjin. The Lingxi sword is suspended in the air, and the body of the sword naturally breathes Qi of Gengjin.

The Lingxi sword and the sword box fit together and are in a very stable state.

Gao Xian could not pull out the Consonance Sword simply by using his spiritual consciousness.

He patiently used his spiritual consciousness to cultivate for most of the day, and it was not until Zishi that he pulled out the Lingxi sword.

To be precise, the Lingxi sword was pulled out with divine consciousness.

According to Qiniang, for ordinary cultivators, the flying sword is a sharp weapon, and there is no difference between a knife and a sword.

Gao Xian didn't quite agree, the smooth and elegant blade of the out-of-box Consonance Sword had an extraordinary beauty.Flying knives are not qualified to touch porcelain at all.

The Lingxi sword is one foot three inches long, and its blade is seven minutes wide. It is as thin as paper.The blade has no hilt, and the whole body is as transparent as crystal and ice.

The Lingxi sword suspended in the air, only a needle-like point of light can be seen from the front.Viewed from the side, the outline of the sword is almost invisible.

The translucent blade can only be seen from a top-down angle.

According to Gao Xian, Lingxi sword is like a piece of transparent glass, because it is so thin that it is difficult to observe with eyes.

Looking at the Lingxi Sword, which is as thin as paper, its actual weight exceeds that of the Qinglian Sword.

Gao Xian weighed it, and it weighed 33 catties.

The Lingxi sword is also extremely sharp, with a single strike, ordinary things will be split by the sword.

In order to test the Lingxi sword, Gao Xian took out the stone-cutting sword he had used before.As soon as the Lingxi sword went down, the Stone-Chopping Sword broke silently.

This also surprised Gao Xian, the Stone Slashing Sword is not cheap, it is considered a very good sword weapon at the level of Qi training, he has also killed many practitioners with the Stone Slashing Sword, and the edge of the sword is not damaged at all.

As a result, under the Lingxi sword, the Zhanshi sword is similar to tofu.

Even if it is the Qinglian Sword, it can only be so powerful if it is transformed into the Qinglian Feihong Sword.

The Lingxi sword is so sharp, Gao Xian was a little extra careful.

He doesn't have the ability to unite body and sword, if he is accidentally touched by the sword of Consonance, the result will be miserable.

Gao Xian tried to control the Lingxi sword. This flying sword is very heavy, and it consumes a lot of consciousness when it is activated.

Bai Yurong's room was a bit too small, but fortunately, there was a protective magic circle that was enough to isolate the sound, and no movement could be heard outside the Lingxi Sword.

Where the Lingxi sword passes, it will leave a bright light of thin strands in the air, and the howling sound of the sword will be clearer and longer, just like the clank sound of plucking the strings.

The faster the Consonance Sword flew, the louder the howling sound of the sword, but it was always clear and melodious in the high pitch.

Just like a phoenix singing in the nine heavens, its sound is endless, and it spreads all over the world without fading.

Gao Xian was very surprised, the howling sound of the Lingxi sword was very special, when Qingyue sword howled, he, as a swordsman, felt his blood surging.

The howling sound of the sword has a kind of magical power to shock the soul.How powerful it is, he couldn't say clearly.

After all, the room was too small. After Gao Xian got a little familiar with the characteristics of the Lingxi sword, he entered the Temple of Mind, where he could freely use it.

After some tests, Gao Xian probably mastered the Lingxi sword.

With his strong spiritual sense, he can push the Lingxi sword to a distance of two hundred steps at most.Any further away, and he would be a little bit powerless.

Yujian does not hold the Consonance Sword with spiritual consciousness, but the resonance between the divine consciousness and the Consonance Sword to establish a stable and close connection.

The operation mode is probably similar to that of controlling a drone, but if he needs to provide mana support for Lingxi Sword, it is equivalent to charging Lingxi Sword.

This process consumes both consciousness and mana, which is very complicated and delicate.Although his consciousness is strong, his mana is at the level of Qi training.

Putting the Lingxi sword in a circle two hundred steps away and then retracting it will consume [-]% of the mana.

If he is entangled in fighting with the enemy, then his magic power will not be able to support him at all.Although the Lingxi sword is good, it is not durable.

Gao Xian held the Consonance Sword in his hand and waved it lightly, the water-colored sword light gave out a low-pitched piercing howl.

The Lingxi sword has no hilt, Gao Xian said he was holding it, but in fact he was pinching it with three fingers.Fortunately, he practiced the Vajra Pestle, his physical strength is very strong, and three fingers are enough to stably control the 33-jin Lingxi Sword.

Coupled with the auxiliary control of spiritual consciousness, it can control the Lingxi sword more stably and faster.

"Melee slashing is also very useful..."

Gao Xian suddenly had an idea, which was dangerous but very exciting!

(Three shifts every day, have you seen my sincerity?!)

(End of this chapter)

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