Chapter 173 Surprise
The mouse-like monk manipulated the earth magic power underground to perform various subtle changes, which shocked Gao Xian who was watching the battle.

The earth is the thickest, and the earth spells are thick and slow, making it extremely difficult to practice.

Not to mention qi cultivators, even foundation-builder cultivators are urging a thick earth shield, and rarely cast other earth-type spells.

Using earth-type magic to control the earth and turn it into a giant beast requires not only powerful mana, but also exquisite control over the earth-type mana.

Moreover, this giant beast transformed from mud and mana also increased the gravity of this area a lot.

Gao Xian no longer looks down on the monks in the early stage of foundation establishment, but the ability of the mouse spirit has changed his mind.

The monks in the early stage of foundation establishment cannot be generalized!

After the giant mouse head swallowed Zhang Chunjiang, the giant mouth suddenly closed, and the mouse head continued to collapse and shrink inward, and soon became a semicircular mound.

No matter how you look at it, Gao Xian looks like a grave bag!He complained in his heart, this mouse is very particular about killing, burying, and repairing graves!
With this tomb bag as the center, the ground of this section of passage is collapsing downward.

The huge earth element's mana is like a mountain, and it suppresses Zhang Chunjiang firmly.

The mouse spirit also emerged from the ground, his small mung bean-like eyes were wide open, and beads of sweat covered his black-haired forehead.

It can be seen that the mouse spirit is also quite struggling.

Mu Yunxiu snarled, and he raised the Jinxia sword in his hand and slashed at the grave bag.

The golden long sword divided the tomb into two. Zhang Chunjiang inside barely raised his sword to resist, but couldn't resist the power of the Jinxia sword, and dropped the sword directly.

The Jinxia Sword pierced through the Golden Light Art and Xuanyuan Gang Qi, and cut Zhang Chunjiang's chest with one sword.

As the sword edge passed, Zhang Chunjiang's purple qi robe was chopped off, and most of his chest was cut open, blood sprayed out like mist as the sword edge squeezed.

Zhang Chunjiang's eyes are bulging, and a little spiritual light between his brows shines wildly. After more than 100 years of practice, the pure mana has been transformed into Xuanyuangang, and the energy is gushing out in all directions.

Seeing that the situation was not going well, Mu Yunxiu drew his sword and turned into a phantom and flashed back seven or eight feet away. As soon as the magic seal in the hand of the mouse master who was casting the spell changed, the soil, sand and stone condensed into an earth wall in front of him.

The layers of sand and soil surrounding Zhang Chunjiang collapsed first, turning into countless dust and shooting out with the blue light, thousands of holes were punched out of the earth wall stimulated by the mouse essence, but it was not really destroyed.

Mu Yunxiu, who had retreated seven or eight feet away, blocked the impact with only his protective energy.

He took out an Aoki Dazzling Lightning Talisman from his sleeve, and took the time to use his mana to activate it.

Although Zhang Chunjiang's eruption was fierce, it proved that he was at the end of his rope and could only retreat from the enemy by consuming his source.

Mu Yunxiu waited until the radiance of Qing Yuangang's qi dimmed, and he urged the Aoki Dazzling Thunder Talisman in his hand.

Thousands of runes on the magic talisman flowed with spiritual light, and under the urging of mana, they turned into an extremely bright white thunder.

The foundation-building monks fought close to each other because their spiritual consciousness was intertwined and interfered with each other.

It is difficult to accurately lock the opponent when casting spells from a long distance.A spell that cannot lock on to its target cannot exert its power.

Just like this Aoki Dazzling Lightning Talisman, a second-tier top-grade one, a single thunder strike is enough to break the power of the protective spells of ordinary foundation-builder cultivators.

The problem is that in the state of entangled spiritual consciousness of both sides, it is difficult to accurately hit the opponent with the force of thunder.Such a powerful thunder force, as long as it deviates from a distance of one foot, [-]% of the power will be wasted.

Zhang Chunjiang is too busy to take care of himself now, even with his spiritual sense, it is difficult to control his own magic power, let alone resist foreign spells.

Sure enough, Qingmu Dazzling Lightning hit Zhang Chunjiang, although Zhang Chunjiang forced Qing Yuan Gang Qi to block it, he couldn't stop the fierce thunder.

As the thunder exploded, Zhang Chunjiang trembled violently in the blazing white thunder. His hair and eyebrows instantly turned into green smoke, and the exposed skin on his face and hands was carbonized.

Even the purple qi magic robe endured the thunder and exploded into thousands of fragments, and the fragments turned into balls of flames in the thunder.

When the thunder light dissipated, Zhang Chunjiang was already limp on the ground, like a charred corpse.

It's just that there is still light in his eyes, and he hasn't died yet.

Seeing this, Mu Yunxiu couldn't help sneering, this guy is really strong, even Aoki's dazzling light could not kill him.

Although the other party looked like he was dying, Mu Yunxiu didn't want to take any risks. The cornered beast was still fighting, and the foundation-building cultivator was also very good at self-destructing, so he should be careful.

He took out another green wood glare lightning talisman from his sleeve pocket, and silently chanted the spell to activate the talisman.

Mu Yunxiu also needs to carefully guide and trigger the lightning talisman of the second-tier high-grade, and it is absolutely impossible to cast it instantly.

Just as Mu Yunxiu was concentrating on casting spells, a sound of a sword's cry came to his ears.

The sound of the sword is like a harp, and the clearness is long and long, with a mysterious and extraordinary charm.

It fell on Mu Yunxiu's ears, but the sound of Qingyue's sword was like thunder, making him shaken and unable to control himself.

Mu Yunxiu's spiritual sense also sensed a flying sword approaching. The chi-long flying sword was as clear as crystal and ice, and the slender blade was unparalleled in sharpness.

Mu Yunxiu was terrified, where did the flying sword come from? !

His soul was intimidated by the sound of the sword, so his reaction was a little slow, and he could only use his natal supernatural power, Jin Yan Gang Qi, with all his strength.

The golden light condensed by the mana of the gold system was like a barrier, completely enveloping Mu Yunxiu.

The Lingxi sword pierced through the golden light barrier with a soft moan, and pierced through Mu Yunxiu's head, leaving a bright blood flower on his brow.

The Lingxi Sword did not stop after killing Mu Yunxiu, and shot directly at the mouse spirit in front of him.

The mouse spirit had already seen Mu Yunxiu being killed, and his small mung bean-like eyes showed horror.

"This flying sword is so powerful..."

The mouse pinched the magic seal with fine hands, and a round thick earth shield condensed in front of him amidst the shining yellow light.

Under his urging, the thick earth shield was more than a foot thick, and the runes condensed by the earth magic power shone on it.

His natal supernatural power is the thick earth and qi, the attack can be turned into a spear, and the defense can be turned into a thick shield.

Even though Gao Xian doesn't know Yujian very well, his strong spiritual sense is enough to suppress the mouse spirit and fully display the sharpness of the Lingxi sword.

The water-colored sword light pierced into the thick earth shield while shining, and at this moment, the thick earth shield exploded suddenly.

Although the Lingxi sword was sharp, it couldn't stop the ferocious impact of the earth element mana, and the water-colored sword was blasted several feet away amidst the rippling light of the water-colored sword.

Taking this opportunity, the mouse spirit burrowed into the ground, and the man disappeared into the thick soil.

Gao Xian was also very surprised that the mouse spirit played the thick earth shield so delicately.

When he operated the Lingxi sword, he had already activated the flame bomb, but he was still a step behind.This mouse spirit is thieves, slippery and fast.

The nine crimson roaring flame bombs could only hit the place where the mouse spirit disappeared.

Boom boom boom, the blazing fire burst out, blasting deep pits in the soil layer.

The sand, gravel and dust were flying in all directions with the impact of the flames, and Zhang Chunjiang was also blown out when he collapsed on the ground. The ground of the passage was constantly shaking under the impact of the fire magic power.

It is equivalent to the flame bomb of a 122 howitzer, how powerful nine bursts are fired.

Although the mouse spirit escaped into the ground first, his head was dizzy from the impact of the flames, and his body was sluggish.

He was shocked by the power of the opponent's spell, and secretly rejoiced that he had already escaped into the ground, even in the late stage of foundation establishment, he couldn't do anything to him!
The stratum can block the spiritual consciousness of ordinary foundation-building monks, but it cannot block the spiritual mirror of appreciating flowers.

Gao Xianneng could clearly see where the mouse spirit was, and it was obviously uncomfortable to see this guy trembling.

Apparently, the explosive power of the flame bomb has already had an impact on the mouse spirit.

This guy can move freely in and out of the ground, I don't know what kind of secret technique he is using.However, it is obviously impossible to use other body protection spells and magic tools in this state.

Gao Xian's thoughts turned, and he still urged the Lingxi sword again.

The ground will weaken the power of various spells, and only the sharpness of the Lingxi sword can easily penetrate layers of dirt and gravel.

In the sound of Lingling's sword chanting, the Lingxi sword sank into the soil.

The mouse spirit, who was lurking in the depths, did not expect Gao Xian to be able to lock his position.

The Lingxi sword separated the layers of soil, and penetrated directly into the mouse spirit's head from above.

The mouse spirit who was hit by the sword did not die, but a dense yellow light rose from his head, tightly wrapping the Lingxi sword.

Gao Xian was very surprised, this sword directly cut the opponent's natal aura, but didn't kill him? !

He used his spiritual consciousness to activate the Lingxi sword again, but his spiritual consciousness was cut off by the yellowish light of the mouse's spiritual consciousness, and the connection with the Lingxi sword became disconnected.

It seems that the WiFi signal is not good, and the smart Lingxi sword has become very stuck.

Gao Xian's vigilance is not good, and the mouse spirit does not know that there is a special magic weapon on his body, which actually cuts off his connection with the Lingxi sword.

This time the situation is not good!If the mouse spirit is relieved, let alone kill the other party, the spirit sword will be snatched by the mouse spirit.

In desperation, Gao Xian urged the vajra, he dodged to the mouse spirit's position, held the four-foot-long three-pronged vajra and pounded it down on the ground.

Sister Lan in the center of his eyebrows simultaneously helped him visualize the Vajra Dharma, and at the same time condensed the Dharma talisman to run the Vajra Dharma to the extreme.

Gao Xian's tyrannical physical strength comparable to body training and foundation building also erupted simultaneously, and the vajra plunged into the ground suddenly, making a dull and powerful noise.

The four-foot-long vajra could not touch the mouse essence, but the relentless force on the vajra could penetrate the ground, and the ground collapsed into a deep pit.
The terrifying impact force of the Vajra Pestle was continuously released along the soil layer, setting off layers of water-like ripples on the ground.

The mouse spirit was fully controlling the Lingxi sword, and the vajra pestle's fierce and inexhaustible power pierced through it, overwhelming the aura of the earth spirit bead on his body.

Without the support of the earth spirit bead, the mouse essence earth escape technique was broken immediately.The ferocious force and the force of the thick earth fell together, crushing the mouse essence into a meat paste, and the dead could not die again.

Gao Xian also heaved a sigh of relief seeing this scene, almost stumbled on a mouse.

In the middle of a mass of rotten meat, he saw the orb shining with earthy yellow light.

It's just that it's not easy to get the beads out of the seven or eight feet deep soil layer.

With a thought in his mind, Gao Xian took back the Lingxi sword first.

The flying sword is extremely sharp, it is easy to use for killing and destroying objects, but it is very difficult to use it to grab objects.

Gao Xian thought for a while and urged Ruyi Jinsuo.Among the spells he practiced, this spell was almost useless.

At this time, Ruyi Jinsuo could finally play a role.

Under his control, the gold threads of the Ruyi Golden Cable were twisted into a beam of golden light that penetrated more than ten feet underground, and the golden threads condensed with the mana of the gold system touched the yellow orb and wrapped it layer by layer.

As the golden light shrank, Gao Xian easily took out the orb from the soil layer.He didn't know what the specific use of this orb was, but it was a good thing anyway!
Putting away the orb, Gao Xian put away the magic weapon, robe and storage bag on Mu Yunxiu's body.

After finishing these, Gao Xian drove the magnetic wheel to Zhang Chunjiang silently.

This guy was very unlucky, he was first bombed by flame bombs, and then rolled all over the ground by the impact of the vajra pestle. His scorched skin was covered with dust, and his original appearance could no longer be seen.

Zhang Chunjiang seemed to have sensed Gao Xian, and he slowly opened his eyes with difficulty.

The continuous battle destroyed all the lighting techniques, and the cave was dark. Zhang Chunjiang could only see a slender figure standing in front of him, but he couldn't see the opponent's appearance clearly.

But he always felt that this figure was very familiar, but he couldn't believe his own judgment.

At this time, Gao Xian's fingertips raised a bright light, which illuminated Zhang Chunjiang and himself.

Looking at Gao Xian's handsome and flawless face, Zhang Chunjiang's eyes suddenly widened with dejected eyes, filled with incredible shock and horror.

He shouted with all his strength: "It's really you, Gao Xian?!"

Gao Xian smiled at Zhang Chunjiang: "Master Zhang, are you surprised or surprised to meet me here?"

(End of this chapter)

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