Chapter 184 Homecoming
"Someone's coming, boo!"

Zhou Ye cautiously lay down at the entrance of the cave and looked out. Through the faint cloud formed by the Floating Cloud Flag, he could only see a figure outside, but he couldn't see the other person's appearance clearly.

Zhou Yuling in the corner comforted Wan Yingying softly, "Yingying, don't be afraid, she's fine."

Wan Yingying's small face was pale, but her big bright eyes were firm, and she nodded slightly with her mouth tightly pursed.

Zhou Yuling hugged Wan Yingying with some distress. This little girl is smart, well-behaved, brave and strong, but her life is too hard.

Encountering the invasion of the demon cultivator, even the father was killed by the demon cultivator.This child was able to keep calm all the time, and he knew that it was not easy to sneak to her for help.

Zhou Ye at the entrance of the cave suddenly said nervously: "It's broken, that person came straight to us. Prepare to do it!"

Zhou Ye was holding a second-order lightning talisman and a golden light talisman in his hand, his old face was full of nervousness.

Although he is at the ninth level of Qi training, he seldom fights with others and has little combat experience.

Facing the ferocious Demon Cultivator, he was a little panicked before he even made a move.

Zhou Yuling let go of Wan Yingying, and she urged the body shield on the Kanshui robe, holding the Kanshui sword in one hand, and the Shuiyue sword in the other hand, and walked lightly to the other side of the cave entrance.

The cave is narrow, there is no escape space, and no way out.If you really want to be found out, you can only fight hard.

She has seen the ferocity of Moxiu, and she would rather die than fall into Moxiu's hands.

Compared to Zhou Ye's nervousness, Zhou Yuling was much calmer. She didn't have much combat experience, but she was naturally alert and decisive.

The more critical the time is, the calmer she is.

The floating cloud flag was as thin as a veil, and Zhou Yuling couldn't see the facial features of the person coming, but could only faintly see the person's slender figure floating in Tsing Yi, which made her feel extremely familiar.

Her heart skipped a beat: "This is Gao Xian!"

Zhou Yuling couldn't believe it, how could Gao Xian appear here?Could it be the magic cultivator's illusion?

Before Zhou Yuling could figure it out, Gao Xian raised his voice outside and said, "Uncle Zhou, Yuling, it's okay, you guys come out."

Across the floating cloud flag, Gao Xian could also see the mana breath of Zhou Yuling and Zhou Ye with the flower appreciating mirror.

Both of them are ready to wait, Gao Xian doesn't want to stimulate them.Once they accidentally activated the spell, he was fine, and there was no guarantee for the safety of the two of them.

Both Zhou Ye and Zhou Yuling were dubious, Gao Xian's arrival was too coincidental.Moxiu is also proficient in illusion, they are not sure that it is Gao Xian outside.

Gao Xian knew that the two were worried, he smiled and said: "Yu Ling doesn't need to hold the Shuiyue Sword so tightly, I am really Gao Xian."

This sentence convinced Zhou Yuling that only her father knew about Gao Xian giving her the Shuiyue Sword.

She was full of surprise: "It's Brother Xian!"

Zhou Yuling didn't discuss it with Zhou Ye, and just rushed out of the cave.

Gao Xian looked at Zhou Yuling with a smile. He hadn't seen her for a few months. Although Zhou Yuling looked exhausted, the eight spiritual orifices in her body were able to breathe out mana very stably, obviously reaching the ninth level of Qi training.

There is still a faint sharp sword energy in her sleeves, obviously the Shuiyue sword is also practiced very well.

After going through so many things, Zhou Yuling's brows became a little less detached and a little more persevering, and her whole person has obviously matured a lot.

"Brother Xian!"

Zhou Yuling was also looking at Gao Xian carefully, she felt that Gao Xian had changed a lot, his face became more handsome, his figure was more upright, his previous slickness was gone, his blue clothes and long sleeves fluttered in the wind, he really looked like a heavenly man.

This kind of Gao Xian also made Zhou Yuling feel a little strange.She wanted to hug Gao Xian, but couldn't help hesitating.

"Why are you in a daze, are you mesmerized by my unparalleled handsomeness?"

Gao Xian joked casually, he stepped forward and hugged Zhou Yuling gently, "Long time no see, do you miss me?"

Zhou Yuling couldn't help but reached out and stroked Gao Xian's cheek, the familiar indecent tone made her confirm that Gao Xian was in front of her, it was absolutely true!

Her curved bright eyes are full of surprises: "Brother Xian, Brother Xian, you are finally here..."

Zhou Yuling was suddenly excited and hugged Gao Xian tightly. These days, she was frightened, thinking that she would never see Gao Xian again.

This will be a reunion after a long absence, and there is a sense of ease in escaping from death, and the whole person is suddenly excited.

Gao Xian understood Zhou Yuling's feelings, but when he saw Zhou Ye came out, he was embarrassed, of course what the old man did.

He lightly touched Zhou Yuling's head, and muttered, "It's fine if you don't grow up, why are you still getting smaller..."

It's not that Zhou Yuling has become shorter, it's because his body evolved after the foundation was established, and he grew a little taller.

Zhou Ye didn't care about his daughter making out with Gao Xian, he asked nervously, "Gao Xian, how is it going outside?"

They hid in the cave, and could only faintly hear a huge roar outside.But I don't know what happened.

"It's okay, the suzerain has arrived, and the magic repair has been solved."

Gao Xian knew that the old man was a little scared, so he briefly introduced the situation.

Only then did Zhou Ye let out a sigh of relief, "That's good, that's good!"

"Brother Gao Xian!"

Wan Yingying who ran out of the cave also ran over excitedly, she hugged Gao Xian's thigh and started crying.

Gao Xian was a little surprised, why is Wan Yingying here?

The little girl is almost ten years old, and she is getting more and more beautiful and lovely.This will cry so much, it looks very pitiful.

Gao Xian looked at Zhou Yuling, and Zhou Yuling whispered in Gao Xian's ear knowingly: "Wan Zhen deliberately appeared in order to distract Moxiu, Yingying ran into the cave by herself. Wan Zhen should be dead."

Hearing this news, Gao Xian was actually not surprised.

Moxiu invaded Pegasus and killed indiscriminately, causing huge casualties.In this case, it is normal for anyone to die.

You must know that the opponent has more than 20 blood-clothed foundations, and this force can easily destroy Pegasus Ji.

In order to set up a trap to ambush Yun Taihao, they left some of them alive.

In this case, it is normal for anyone to die.

It turned out that Yun Taihao was superior, and he invited helpers to destroy the opponent's Jindan real person in one fell swoop, causing Mu Zhengfeng to flee in embarrassment.

Gao Xian hates Yun Taihao very much, but he has to admit that this person is capable.

If it weren't for Yun Taihao's strength, everyone in Feimaji would have died.From this aspect, Yun Taihao has done a good deed.

Gao Xian feels sorry for the little girl, even at this age, it's not good to be too intimate.

He comforted Wan Yingying a few words in a soft voice, and then motioned Zhou Yuling to hug Wan Yingying.

Wan Yingying hugged his thigh tightly and cried loudly, not letting go no matter what.

The little girl was rescued by Gao Xian once before, and she especially trusted him.

These days she has been in fear, and knowing that her father is dead, she just wants to follow Gao Xian.

Gao Xian could see what the little girl was thinking, and he said, "You will follow me from now on, it's fine."

With these words, Wan Yingying was relieved a lot.

Zhou Yuling comforted again softly, and then reluctantly let go of Gao Xian's thigh.

Gao Xian said to Zhou Ye: "Pegasus Collection is no longer available, so it just so happens that you go back with me this time."

He was afraid that the old man would be worried, so he said again: "I have completed the foundation building, so I can protect you no matter what."

Zhou Ye's old eyes widened, "You, have you established a foundation?!"

He was both surprised and delighted, if Gao Xian was a foundation-builder monk, he would be able to form his own power in the sect, the situation would be completely different.

Gao Xian nodded: "Uncle Zhou, I'm not joking."

Now not only Zhou Ye was excited, Zhou Yuling and Wan Yingying were all excited.

Even though Wan Yingying is only ten years old, she still knows how important foundation building is to a cultivator.

After Gao Xian completed the foundation building, he has stepped into a higher level and completely changed his destiny.

Facing the surprised and admiring eyes of the three, Gao Xian felt very good.

The compliments from many Foundation Establishment cultivators were mostly a kind of politeness.After all, they are all foundation building, who is worse than whom?Who can really convince him!
Zhou Ye and others are different, their surprise and admiration are all from the heart.We all know each other so well, this feeling is even better.

Gao Xian was proud in his heart, but his face was calm and calm, showing the demeanor of a great foundation-building monk.

When Zhou Ye and others regained their composure, Gao Xian took the three of them back to Pegasus.

Most of the Feimaji that had been burned, killed and looted had been turned into ruins.Broken limbs can still be seen in many places, and the scene is extremely bloody.

Demon cultivators are different from ordinary cultivators. Their spells are very vicious, or they draw strong negative emotions from them, or extract broken souls, or use flesh and blood to refine secret arts.

Ordinary cultivators will end up miserable when they encounter demon cultivators.

Gao Xian stayed in Feimaji for three or four years, and he still has a lot of affection for this small place.

Seeing Fei Ma Ji become such a miserable situation, he felt sad.

In front of Li Shuanglin's mansion, there were a thousand or two thousand cultivators gathered.

Most of these people were covered in blood and dust, and their faces were full of anxiety. They were all very embarrassed.

Li Shuanglin and Lu Lingfei stood at the front, surrounded by more than a dozen practitioners from the law enforcement team in black.

Zhu Qiniang was standing on one side, talking to two foundation-building monks.

Gao Xian turned his eyes and saw the plump Huang Ying in the crowd.This elder sister was still wearing a scarlet robe, but her temple hair was disheveled, and there was still some dust on her face, she looked somewhat embarrassed.

Even so, Huang Ying, who was wearing a bright red robe, was quite eye-catching in the crowd.

Gao Xian was overjoyed, the old man is safe and sound, which is really good news.

Many cultivators gathered in a group, and Gao Xian led people in, only to urge the crowd to separate.

He urged the Great Five Elements Sword Gang to be soft and tough, and naturally opened a channel among the crowd.

Some cultivators are more irritable. When they feel someone pushing from behind, they immediately hold their swords and glare at each other.

He soon discovered that Gao Xian did not push people with his hands, but used mana to condense them into Gang Qi.

These people immediately realized that Gao Xian was a great foundation-builder, their anger dissipated in an instant, and they all lowered their eyes and bowed their heads as much respect as they wanted.

Zhou Yuling, who was following Gao Xian, had a delicate face full of pride.The man in front of her is the Foundation Establishment Great Cultivator!
Even Wan Yingying couldn't help raising her small chin, looking proud.

Although Zhou Ye was reserved, his back was straight.Gao Xian is his eldest nephew, even son-in-law, half son!

Both Li Shuanglin and Lu Lingfei saw Gao Xian and his party, and both of them had their eyes on the leader Gao Xian.

Qi practitioners can recognize Gao Xian's urging of Gang Qi, so the two of them can see it more clearly.

Li Shuanglin's face couldn't help but change, he knew Gao Xian, Zhu Qiniang's little face head, alchemist.

Not only did this kid succeed in building the foundation, but the aroused qi was soft and easy, showing strong control.

Li Shuanglin was a little unbelievable, it only took a few years of effort, even if Gao Xian completed the foundation building, his cultivation base was actually more pure than him!How can this be? !
Lu Lingfei's expression was also a bit complicated. He and Zhu Qiniang had no conflicts. Between Xu Lingyun's group of old guys and Zhu Qiniang, he still faintly leaned towards Zhu Qiniang.

It's just that Gao Xian succeeded in building the foundation, he and Zhu Qiniang were so close, and Xu Lingyun, Zhang Chunjiang, and Pang Su were all dead. This combination of men and women is enough to change the power structure in the sect.

For him, this is not a good thing.

No matter what the two Foundation Establishment cultivators were thinking, when Gao Xian came close, both of them adjusted their emotions and smiled kindly at Gao Xian.

Lu Lingfei was the first to salute: "Congratulations, Fellow Daoist, for successfully building a foundation. It is truly a peerless talent to build a foundation by yourself at such an age."

He knew that Gao Xian was born as a casual cultivator, and it was really not easy to build a foundation at the age of 30.

Gao Xian bowed his hand and returned the gift: "It's a fluke, I will ask fellow Taoists to take care of me in the future."

Li Shuanglin also squeezed out a smile and cupped his hands in greeting, "Fellow Daoist Gao, I haven't seen you for two years and I'm already a Great Foundation Establishment Cultivator. Congratulations..."

Gao Xian is also polite and polite, he doesn't like Li Shuanglin, but there is no need to be rude in this meeting.

The people around could hear it clearly, but many people here knew Gao Xian, and they were deeply impressed by this little boy hugging Zhu Qiniang's thigh.

Seeing Li Shuanglin and Lu Lingfei being so polite to Gao Xian, everyone was shocked, this kid can also build a foundation!
Many people looked at Zhu Qiniang. If they knew this, they would desperately want to hug Zhu Qiniang's thigh...

Huang Ying was very close to Li Shuanglin and the others, and could clearly hear their conversations.

She couldn't help opening her mouth wide in a gaffe, and stared at Gao Xian in a daze.

She was very, very familiar with this handsome man.It was because of the familiarity that she was even more shocked.

Gao Xian attaches great importance to property and has been obsessed with alchemy, how can he have time to practice?Gao Xian is also greedy for women's sex, on the one hand he is concerned about Zhu Qiniang, and on the other hand he has ambiguity with Zhou Yuling.She is also willing to refuse and welcome.

Such a man can also build a foundation?
She thought about it again, Gao Xian had once displayed tyrannical spells, which proved that his cultivation was indeed superb and his talent was indeed extraordinary.

Gao Xian's lust and greed for money are all his disguise!This man is so scheming...

Thinking of these past events, Huang Ying couldn't help but feel a little dazed. In the past, she always felt that although Gao Xian had a good mind, his personality was a little naive and weak, which was easier to handle.

Now it seems that Gao Xian is just playing with her casually, just playing around with her.But she never really grasped Gao Xian!
Otherwise, she would be able to join Gao Xian's side today, and borrow the prestige of this great foundation-establishing monk in an upright manner.

Huang Ying sighed in her heart, it turned out that she was the one who was innocent...

"Sister Ying, you are fine."

Gao Xian took the initiative to talk to Huang Ying, seeing Huang Ying's preoccupied look, he said, "Sister Ying, if you need help, just tell me."

Huang Ying suppressed the bitterness in her heart, she forced a smile and said: "No, I just saw that you succeeded in building the foundation, and I am very happy for you..."

(End of this chapter)

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