Chapter 187 Alliance
Facing Yun Taihao's cold and blade-like gaze, Gao Xian's expression remained unchanged, and his eyes were calm and natural.

After going through so many things, so many trials of life and death, Gao Xian's city mansion became more and more deep, and he was able to calm down the uneasiness in his heart very well.

Gao Xian was silent for a while, nodded slightly and said: "I met Yun Zhenren's younger brother in Mingjiang by chance, and thanks to him for not giving up, he gave me a Qingyun Token and invited me to participate in the Qingyun Dharma Conference."

Gao Xian didn't say what he thought, he just simply stated the facts.

The Qingyun order was given by Yun Qiushui, not by him.If the other party took the initiative to invite him, he must be too embarrassed to refuse.

Gao Xian believed that Yun Taihao could understand the hidden meaning.

He didn't say it directly, because he didn't want to speak too hard.

The person opposite is Jindan Daoist, with deep scheming and decisive killing.Be polite to this one.

Yun Taihao didn't care about Gao Xian's words, he asked directly: "Qingyun Puja, are you going or not?"

Gao Xian was silent again, Yun Taihao asked so directly, he didn't give him any room to maneuver.

It's easy to say no, but the consequences of deceiving Yun Taihao are quite serious.

After all, he would definitely offend the suzerain greatly.

It stands to reason that he is the deacon of Lian Yunzong's outer sect, and his name is on the list of Lian Yunzong.

What does it mean to go to Qingyun Dharma Conference?That is not a traitor who betrayed the sect.

Gao Xian never thought that one day Yun Taihao would force him to ask such a sharp question face to face.

This suzerain really does things like a sharp sword, pointing at the vitals as soon as he makes a move, making it extremely uncomfortable for him to advance or retreat.

Wan Yingying, who was hiding behind Gao Xian, felt that the atmosphere was not right.She grabbed Gao Xian's cuff uneasily, poked out half of her face and secretly looked at Yun Taihao.

She just made eye contact with the other person, and then hastily retracted her head, her heart beating wildly in fright.

Wan Yingying didn't know Yun Taihao, but she could sense Yun Taihao's fear with her natural sensitivity.She grabbed Gao Xian's sleeve more and more vigorously.

Wan Yingying's small movements and emotional changes made Gao Xian break away from the confrontational emotional state. He patted Wan Yingying's shoulder lightly, signaling her not to be afraid.

This small action also allowed Gao Xian to adjust his mood and state, and organize his thoughts.

Yun Taihao, who came to the door suddenly, just didn't want to give him time to think.The opponent's majestic Jindan real person used this strategy, definitely not to kill him.

Maybe they wanted to force him to retreat voluntarily, so even if Yun Qingxuan came, he would have nothing to say.

Don't be intimidated by this old boy!
Gao Xian already had an idea in his mind, and he said to Yun Taihao seriously: "I want to participate in the Qingyun Fa Conference."

Yun Taihao sneered: "Is there anything wrong with me, Yunzong?"

This is a very serious statement, and it is simply asking for guilt.

If it were Gao Xian who was a year ago, he must have shrunk.It is not in line with his workplace survival strategy to be directly subordinate to the big leader.

Now, Gao Xian is quite resentful!

This old boy used him as bait, if he hadn't been capable, this would have been ashes long ago.He had the nerve to ask this question!

Of course Gao Xian would not be hard on Yun Taihao, he said very politely: "The Zongmen treats me very well, this is not the same as my participation in the Qingyun Dharma Conference.

"Fellow Daoist Yun Qiushui values ​​me so much, so I can't refuse his invitation. Qingyun Dharma will gather experts from all over the world, and I want to see and see."

Yun Taihao was noncommittal, of course he knew that Gao Xian became a true disciple of Qingyun Sect through the Qingyun Dharma Association, so he had a better future than staying in Lianyun Sect.

To his surprise, Gao Xian was so resolute that he didn't flinch when faced with his persecution.

If Yun Qingxuan hadn't been involved in it, he would naturally be able to use tricks to manipulate Gao Xian.

Of course, if he hadn't met Yun Qingxuan, he would not have known that Gao Xian had Qingyun Token in his hands.

"Unfamiliar things!"

Yun Taihao hated Gao Xian's behavior, but he would not be swayed by his emotions to do stupid things.

Killing Gao Xian would not only offend Yun Qingxuan, but also lose two foundation-builder monks and an alchemy master in vain.

Yun Taihao pondered for a while and said: "You can go to the Qingyun Fa Conference. If you can win the championship in the Fa Conference, I can find someone to help you become a true disciple of Qingyun Sect."

Gao Xian looked at Yun Taihao calmly, this man is not a good person, he must have conditions for his words to be so nice.

Sure enough, Yun Taihao said again: "But, I have a condition."

"Please suzerain." Gao Xian complained in his heart, but his face was respectful and polite.

"In September next year, the four sects will form an alliance, and there will be a discussion on the four sects to determine the ranking. As long as you get the first place, you can go to the Qingyun Fa Conference. I will also give you precious five-element spiritual objects and a treasure. "

Yun Taihao said indifferently: "If you can't get the first place in the four sects, there is no point in participating in the Qingyun Fa Conference. You can stay at Lian Yunzong with peace of mind."

Gao Xian cupped his hands and saluted: "Obey."

Yun Taihao laughed, "Okay, I have a bit of arrogance."

Without waiting for Gao Xian to speak, Yun Taihao flicked his sleeves and turned into a blue light and flew away.

The sudden change shocked everyone in the Zhu family.A group of people looked at the blue rainbow in the sky in amazement, and everyone was a little panicked.

"Congratulations to the suzerain."

Gao Xian saluted the blue rainbow across the sky with a full gesture, regardless of whether Yun Taihao could see it or not.

Until the blue rainbow dissipated, Gao Xian said to everyone in the courtyard: "You do your own thing, it's fine."

With Gao Xian's words, everyone settled down.Gao Xian is also a Great Foundation Establishment Cultivator. If he said it was okay, then he would be fine.

Wan Yingying was not at ease, she pulled Gao Xian's sleeve and whispered: "Brother, that man is so fierce!"

"That person is Master Yun Taihao, the lord of Lian Yun, please don't be rude."

Gao Xian reminded that even though Tong Yan is innocent, Yun Taihao doesn't look like a broad-minded person, so it's better to be careful.

Wan Yingying patted her heart with fear on her face, "So it's Jindan Daoist, no wonder it's so scary!"

"How can you see him?"

Gao Xian was a little curious, Yun Taihao used his spiritual sense to shield the senses of the people around him in the yard, it was almost impossible for Qi practitioners to discover Yun Taihao's existence.

"He's standing there, why can't I see it?!"

On the contrary, Wan Yingying was very strange. She looked straight at Gao Xian with big eyes, and was very puzzled what Gao Xian meant by asking this question.


Gao Xian didn't explain, it was a bit complicated for Wan Yingying.

He knew that Wan Yingying's spirit was born special, Su Yue and Yang Qiying called it the seven evil spirits, and he wanted to use her spirit to refine the Yinsha flag.

Judging from today's situation, Wan Yingying's spirit is born with a keen spiritual sense, not the so-called seven evil spirits.

The way of spirit and soul is complicated and mysterious, even Zhenjun Yuanying may not be able to explain it clearly.

Gao Xian didn't know anything about it, let alone make random judgments.He can only say that Wan Yingying should have great potential for cultivation.

Even though he was too young, he couldn't see where Wan Yingying's talent was, and he didn't dare to teach her cultivation formulas casually.

After all, the Qi training stage is very important, and choosing a method is equivalent to choosing a future path.If you make a wrong choice, there is no way to change it.

The reason why casual cultivators can't do it is that there are too few choices.The vast majority go astray in the initial stage.

Gao Xian decided to wait for him to arrive in Qingyun City, and then find powerful people to show Wan Yingying.

Qinghong, who broke through the air and went away, also alarmed Zhu Qiniang, who was working in the Law Enforcement Hall.

Zhu Qiniang hurried back, and she was relieved to find that Gao Xian was fine.

Gao Xian repeated what Yun Taihao said, and Zhu Qiniang looked puzzled, "Four sects form an alliance?"

"It may be that the situation is not good, let's keep warm with a few sects." Gao Xian guessed casually.

"Yun Taihao attaches so much importance to it, this alliance must be very important."

Zhu Qiniang's expression was a bit dignified, "September next year, time is running out!"

In such a short period of time, Gao Xian is unlikely to advance to the second floor of Foundation Establishment.

The foundation-establishment monks participating in the alliance meeting cannot be limited to the early foundation-establishment stage.This is too bad for Gao Xian.

Gao Xian didn't care, "Yun Taihao is right, I can't win the first place in the four schools, and it's useless to go to the Qingyun Dharma Assembly."

Zhu Qiniang glanced at Gao Xian, "How stupid are you! The gatherings of the four sects must be full of masters. The Qingyun Dharma Conference is to convene all parties for a competition. No matter how powerful the casual cultivators are, they are still inferior to the monks who established the foundation of the sect. ..."


Gao Xian also suddenly understood, he muttered: "People are old and horses are old and slippery, sincerely don't deceive me!"

He explained to Qiniang: "He is more than 400 years old, and I am only 30 years old. It is not normal and reasonable to be cheated by him..."

Zhu Qiniang said angrily: "You have used all your cleverness on women!"

([-] characters ask for a monthly ticket in a low voice~)
(End of this chapter)

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