Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 190 The Big Picture

Chapter 190 The Big Picture
Yin-Yang Treasure Wheel: Yin and Yang converge, and the Dharma turns like a wheel. (130/10000 entry)
On the front of the Fengyue Baojian, the annotations of the magnetic wheel and the magnetic wheel have also changed.

Qiankun wheel: Harness the power of celestial magnetism and terrestrial magnetism, fly in the sky and travel on the earth, break all kinds of laws from the outside, and protect the gods from the inside. (223/20000 experts)

Gao Xian looked at the notes on the Fengyue Baojian, and couldn't help showing surprise on his face.

The yin and yang wheel is a low-level spell. He first practiced the yin and yang wheel in order to practice the geomagnetic wheel.

In this spell, Gao Xian realized a little bit of the principle of yin and yang, and it also has some bonuses to the geomagnetic wheel.

It's just that this kind of bonus is very small, and it is not enough to cause a qualitative change in the geomagnetic wheel.

The best combination of partial spells and serious spells is the Ice and Fire Nine Heavens. The combination of Flame Bomb, Ice Archery and Ice and Fire Nine Heavens has produced a qualitative change, pushing the two low-level spells to the second-level top-grade level.

After Gao Xian finished building the foundation, the importance of the geomagnetic wheel further decreased, and the yin-yang wheel was even more useless.

It wasn't until the celestial magnetism wheel appeared that he realized that celestial magnetism and terrestrial magnetism were quite compatible.

This time, two kinds of spiritual objects, Tianmagnetic Bead and Thick Earth Bead, were used to upgrade the yin-yang wheel to the yin-yang treasure wheel.

Not to mention, the yin-yang treasure wheel actually integrates the celestial magnetic wheel and the earth magnetic wheel into the universe wheel.

This is the first time for Gao Xian to encounter such a situation, Fengyue Baojian can combine two serious spells!

With the blessing of the Celestial Magnetic Bead and the Thick Earth Bead, his Qiankun Wheel directly reached the expert level.

This may also be due to the Yin-Yang treasure wheel, but Gao Xian is not clear about the specific situation.

Gao Xian's consciousness entered the Temple of Mind, and tested the new spell of Qiankunlun.

The universe wheel is the combination of the celestial magnetic wheel and the earth magnetic wheel. When the spell is activated, a platinum halo with a diameter of about one foot will be formed behind his head.

When urging the universe wheel, there is no need to deliberately distinguish between terrestrial magnetism and celestial magnetism, and the universe wheel will adjust and change naturally.

The two auras of celestial magnetism and earth magnetism are naturally fused together, which greatly increases the speed of the universe wheel.

Gao Xian tested various data, and his flying speed reached two hundred feet per breath.

Converted to the data of the previous life, it is 300 meters per second, which is more than 1000 kilometers per hour.

The speed of a general civil airliner is [-] kilometers per hour, that is to say, it is now faster than ordinary civil aviation.

The radius of the spiritual consciousness of the foundation-building monks in the later stage is three hundred steps, 150 feet.

It only takes him [-] seconds now to fly out of the range of the spiritual consciousness of a monk in the late stage of foundation establishment.This speed is very, very amazing at the foundation building level.

Gao Xian didn't know the golden core data, judging from Yun Taihao's hands-on situation, his normal speed was only at this level.

Of course, his ability to fly so fast is not only due to the subtlety of the Yin-Yang and Qiankun wheels, but also the blessing of his and Sister Lan's powerful spiritual consciousness.In addition, he has a strong physical body and can withstand the pressure brought by high-speed flight.

The universe wheel will release the invisible mana magnetic field to protect his body and soul.But when flying at full speed, the body is still under a lot of pressure.

Sudden changes in direction and speed will put the body under tremendous pressure.

What needs special attention is that Jiuzhou is not the earth!

The physical constants and physical rules of the previous life are not fully applicable here! ! !

So the speed of sound here is different from that on Earth. No matter how fast the ice archery and flying sword are triggered, the sound will be transmitted simultaneously.

It's the same when it comes to flying. What Gao Xian feels when flying at high speed is not air resistance, but the collision between his own magic power and the invisible aura around him.

Science is an orderly knowledge system based on testable explanations and predictions on the form and organization of objective things.

Modern science is just existing scientific achievements, not the truth.It is not a universal truth.

Gao Xian was not used to it at first, but he quickly adjusted, this is not the earth, not even the universe he is in...

His body strengthened by the vajra pestle is comparable to ordinary body training in the late stage of foundation establishment, and it is extremely tyrannical.

It's just that he has a cautious personality, and although he is physically strong, he rarely fights in close quarters.

There are extremely powerful ice archery and flame bombs, and it is so cool to bombard others from a long distance.That's the joy of mages.

Unexpectedly, on the Qiankun Wheel, his strong body can also give full play to his advantages, further increasing the speed of the Qiankun Wheel.

The price of harvesting so much is that the magnetic beads and thick soil beads are all broken into powder.

These two beads are very good spirit objects. Among other things, the magnetic wheel magic is contained in the magnetic beads, and they can be sold for [-] to [-] spiritual stones.

Although the Thick Earth Bead has no spells, its pure and pure Thick Earth Power is still higher than the Celestial Magnetic Bead.In terms of value, it will not be lower than Tiancizhu.

It's not a pity for Gao Xian, he has benefited from the power of the two spirit beads, and if they are broken, they will be broken.

Coming out of the quiet room, Gao Xian saw Wan Yingying teasing Nan Tianshou beside the bed, no, teasing Xiaobai.

A little over two years old, he is very close to people and has a good personality. He will giggle when he is teased.

This is much more fun than the cold little black cat, and it is more interactive.

Wan Yingying's face burst into smiles, although the Zhu family is big, there is no one who can play with her.

That is, when Gao Xian is free, he will chat with her and play a small game or something.

Today I finally met a fun one, Wan Yingying was reluctant to let go.

She is young but very smart, knows that children are fragile, and moves very gently.

Seeing Gao Xian coming, Wan Yingying hugged Xiaobai excitedly and moved over, "Brother, this kid is so fun..."

Before she finished speaking, she felt a little heat in her chest.I reached out and touched it, only to find that it was soaked through.

Wan Yingying was stunned for a moment before she understood what happened, and the smile on her little face froze.

Gao Xian couldn't help laughing out loud, Wan Yingying's face flushed red, she glared at Gao Xian, "Brother, you're still laughing!"

The nurse next to him hurriedly picked up the child, Wan Yingying poked Xiaobai's forehead lightly with her finger, she said fiercely: "Boy, forget it this time, next time I will spank your ass..."

Wan Yingying hurriedly changed her clothes, finally Gao Xian was free, she was more willing to cling to Gao Xian.

Gao Xiancai made the wheel of heaven and earth. He was in a good mood and didn't want to make alchemy.Play chess and chat with Wan Yingying.

In the evening, someone from the Nan family came to report the funeral.

This man seems to be the great-grandson of Nanpingsong, and he also looks about 70 or [-] years old. He is dressed in rough linen and white clothes with a long white belt around his waist.

When the man entered the door and saw Gao Xian, he knelt down and kowtowed, "Mr. Gao, my ancestor has gone..."

As he said that, the man's eyes were red, and he looked sad and painful.

Gao Xian helped the man up, comforted him a few words, and sent him outside the house himself.

When the man left, Gao Xian sat in the room silently.

If he had known that Nan Ping Song would not pass the fifteenth day, he was not surprised to hear the news of his death.It's just that when an acquaintance dies like this, there is always some feeling in my heart.

Seeing Gao Xian's serious expression, Wan Yingying was a little uneasy to be by her side, looked at Gao Xian eagerly but dared not speak.

Gao Xian noticed the little girl's embarrassment, and he smiled at Wan Yingying, "I am always in awe of death. It is this kind of awe that makes us bravely pursue the Dao..."

The little girl was too young to understand Gao Xian's words, so she just nodded in agreement.

Gao Xian laughed and patted the little girl's head, "Don't talk about that, let's play chess."

When Zhu Qiniang came back, Gao Xian told about Nan Pingsong's death.

Zhu Qiniang said: "The sect has spread, and tomorrow the suzerain will attend the funeral."

"Lao Yun is pretty good at it."

Gao Xian didn't think it was a big deal, Nan Pingsong had served the sect for hundreds of years, so he could be called the elder of the sect.

As the suzerain, Yun Taihao attended Nanpingsong's funeral to express his importance to the elders, which can be said to be beneficial but not costly.

If you really want to be kind, you must make some arrangements for the Nan family.Yun Taihao obviously didn't mean that.

When the funeral is over, the Nan family will definitely move out of the Buddhist scripture hall.Fortunately, with Yun Taihao attending the funeral, the other family did not dare to go too far even if they followed the Nan family.

The next day, Gao Xian and Qiniang went to the Buddhist scripture hall together.

Almost all the senior officials of the sect had arrived, and when Yun Taihao arrived, they offered a stick of incense to the old man, and all the members of the Nan family wept and kowtowed to thank him.

However, it will be cloudy and snowy again, making it even more bleak and desolate.

Everyone present, no matter what attitude they have towards Nan Pingsong, they will inevitably be affected by the atmosphere of this meeting, and feel sorry for each other.

The big bell on the top of Jinxia Mountain gave out a deep bell, 36 bells, which also showed Zongmen's recognition and respect for Nanping Song.

After the ceremony, everyone from the Nan family carried the coffin to the cemetery.

Naturally, the top leaders of the sect would not go with them, but the sect master hadn't left yet, so no one dared to leave first.

To everyone's surprise, Yun Taihao took the initiative to greet Gao Xian: "Gao Xian, come."

Gao Xian walked over to greet the head and saluted, with a respectful gesture.

The people around didn't know what the two said, they just looked at the suzerain's attitude, they were quite kind to Gao Xian, and finally, they took the initiative to pat Gao Xian on the shoulder.

This scene shocked Wang Chuan, Li Yunze and other inner sect elders even more.

They followed Yun Taihao for more than 100 years, and it was the first time they saw Yun Taihao being so close to others.

Juniors such as Yun Feiying and Yuan Chongguang stared even wider.Especially Yun Feiying, as Yun Taihao's direct disciple, she has never been treated like this, and she feels quite complicated.

Yuan Zhongguang couldn't help but use his spiritual sense to transmit the sound: "Feiying, the sect wants to accept Gao Xian as a disciple?!"

"I do not know."

Yun Feiying glanced at Yuan Chongguang, and warned again: "Don't talk nonsense in front of the suzerain."

Yuan Chongguang was dying of curiosity, but he didn't dare to ask any more.

No one knew that Yun Taihao already regretted his gesture of intimacy.

"Sovereign, the Four Sects Alliance Conference is about to begin."

When Gao Xian saw Yun Taihao's close attitude, his heart suddenly became alive.

He felt that the opportunity must never come again.He said sincerely: "I want to get the first place for the sect, but I am afraid that my ability is limited and I will fail the trust of the sect master."

Yun Taihao felt something was wrong, his face remained calm, but he was muttering in his heart: "What does this kid want to do?"

"Before the alliance meeting, I want to try my best to improve my cultivation."

As Gao Xian said, he bowed and clasped his fists to Yun Taihao, "I also ask the suzerain to bestow the five-element spiritual objects first. The more I improve my cultivation, the more sure I am of winning."

Before Yun Taihao could speak, Gao Xian said again: "I am definitely not doing it for my own self-interest, but for the sake of the overall situation of the sect. I would like to ask the suzerain to learn from you..."

Gao Xian also figured it out, why should he be polite if Yun Taihao wanted to use him.

He only wanted the five elements spirits openly and aboveboard, and he still had to put on an awe-inspiring look of being dedicated to justice!Even if Yun Taihao is upset, he won't do anything to him!
Yun Taihao was silent, it's okay for this kid to be bold, he's still so thick-skinned!

(End of this chapter)

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