Chapter 199 Treasure
Wang Yuanfeng was stunned for a while, and then suddenly reached out and touched his neck. Seeing the blood on his hand, his face became even uglier.

He put his sword back into its sheath and said bitterly to Gao Xian, "It's such a style of spring wind and rain. I've practiced it for 200 years, but I made a mistake! Thank you for your advice!"

Gao Xian said politely: "I also learned a lot from Mr. Wang. Learn from each other and make progress together."

The corner of Wang Yuanfeng's mouth twitched, Gao Xian's words always sounded weird, it seemed a little teasing and a little sincere, he didn't know what to say.

At this moment, he was not in the mood to respond to Gao Xian, so he just got off Feixiantai silently.

Wang Yuanfeng looked ashamed and said to Li Chengfeng: "Suzerain, I lost."

Li Chengfeng's expression was quite complicated. Li Feihuang's loss can be said to be due to his lack of experience and lack of swordsmanship.

However, Wang Yuanfeng was clearly defeated by the opponent's sword, by his best Qingfeng swordsmanship.

The problem is that Gao Xian's magic power is far behind him, and he can win because of his superior swordsmanship.

This is so annoying!

Li Chengfeng didn't know how to comfort Wang Yuanfeng. He thought for a while and said, "This person is so talented that he actually comprehended the essence of the Qingfeng Sword during the battle. It's really unexpected..."

Wang Yuanfeng smiled wryly, he also didn't understand this.

At first, Gao Xian's swordsmanship was obviously a bit different from his, so he could only keep walking and avoiding.

After fighting for hundreds of rounds, Gao Xian actually learned the essence of the Qingfeng Sword from him, and even made new ones.

This style of spring wind and rain is supernatural, but it is much stronger than him using the five thunders and gang qi to urge dense thunderstorms.

In the continuous rain of sword light, the sword was invisible, unknowingly breaking through his bodyguard and slashing at his neck.

If it weren't for Gao Xian's mercy, his head would be gone.

Such a peerless talent in swordsmanship really surpassed him by an unknown amount.

After this battle, Gao Xian's swordsmanship has become a family of his own, and he has the demeanor of a master!There is nothing to say about losing!
Li Chengfeng took a deep look at Gao Xian on Feixiantai, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart, if this kid was his disciple, it would be great!

It's a pity that Yun Taihao is cruel and poisonous, but it's impossible to give him someone up.

Li Chengfeng said to Yun Taihao: "Sect Master Yun, you have won this time."

Yun Taihao cupped his hands: "It's a fluke."

Beforehand, the four sect masters made an oath and agreed that the four sects would form an alliance in order of law. Li Chengfeng thought he would win for sure, but he never thought that he would lose to Lian Yunzong.

He regretted it now, and he couldn't go back on his word.

Huo Ye of the Chiyan Sect and Xu Cheng of the Shaoyang Sect were also dissatisfied with this result.

Lian Yunzong, who is the weakest, is the boss, who can be convinced.

However, Huo Ye and Xu Cheng felt that the result was good.Lian Yunzong's strength is insufficient, so he will not use the name of the leader to issue orders casually.

Although Xu Cheng and Li Chengfeng are old friends, it is a bit too extravagant to talk about their relationship because it concerns the interests of their respective sects.

The four suzerains discussed the matter of forming an alliance, and the other cultivators couldn't get in their mouths about it, and it wasn't their turn to speak.

Their attention was on Gao Xian.

Gao Xian defeated Huo Lingyun, Huo Lianshan, Li Feihuang, and Wang Yuanfeng in a row, showing incredible swordsmanship and spells.

Especially the sword technique, forcibly suppressed Wang Yuanfeng.Among the four sects, it can be said that the establishment of the foundation is invincible.

Most of the practitioners were also very excited to see Gao Xian defeating many powerful enemies in a row.This can be regarded as witnessing the birth of a legend, right?

Many cultivators came to Gao Xian to get close, but let's make friends, at least get acquainted.

After going back, you can also brag about it with others.

Although Gao Xian doesn't like to socialize, he enjoys the feeling of being flattered by others.

Even if they boast poor skill, enthusiasm can make up for these shortcomings.

It's just that there are not too many cultivators who are enthusiastic and let go. Gao Xian dealt with several waves of cultivators, and his surroundings soon became quiet.

Yun Qiushui waited until there was no one left, then walked over and said with a smile: "Fellow Daoist, this style of spring breeze turning into rain is unpredictable, and has the spirituality to breed all things. It is really sublime and incomparable...

"Fellow Daoist also has such talent in swordsmanship, in fact, you can consider specializing in swordsmanship in the future..."

Gao Xian waved his hand: "I have been practicing Qingfeng swordsmanship, but I just can't get it. Wang Yuanfeng showed the essence of swordsmanship, I was greatly touched, and I couldn't help but think of a poem."

He chanted softly: "Good rain knows the season, when spring happens. Sneak into the night with the wind, moisten things silently. This style of spring wind and rain is full of sword intent!"

"Good poetry! Good sword!" Yun Qiushui applauded, this tune is his favorite.

In particular, the sentence Moisturizing things is silent, which can't explain Gao Xian's silent, agile and wonderful sword.

Of course, being able to comprehend the sword intent and display it is mainly due to Gao Xian's 20 years of accumulation before he can make a breakthrough.

Facing Yun Qiushui, Gao Xian actually didn't want to brag.In fact, he has almost accumulated the Qingfeng swordsmanship, and this battle has given him a great understanding, and the swordsmanship has reached the realm of master perfection in one fell swoop.

This level means that he has fully comprehended Qingfeng swordsmanship, and when facing Wang Yuanfeng, he will naturally be able to handle it with ease.

It's just that he couldn't say it too bluntly, so he said this poem just as he liked.

Gao Xian said again: "My mind is rather scattered, I'm afraid it's difficult to walk the path of sword cultivation."

Yun Qiushui didn't say any more.This matter will not be discussed until Gao Xian enters Qing Yunzong...

After a brief discussion, the four suzerains also confirmed the alliance ceremony.

The next step is the cumbersome sacrifice to heaven and ancestors. Under the witness of heaven, earth and ancestors, the four suzerains formed an alliance and swore an oath at Feixiantai.

It's not Gao Xian's turn to show off in this kind of thing, he can only act as an audience below.

Yun Qiushui will be lively watching it, but he has no interest.

He and Gao Xian said: "I have to leave beforehand. The Qingyun Fa Conference will be held in October. You'd better come two months in advance. Contact me first, and we'll talk about the details later..."

After finishing speaking, Yun Qiushui drifted away.

After the four sects' alliance ceremony was completed, Li Chengfeng sent someone to set up a banquet, and the cultivators of the four sects drank freely.

This time, more people came to drink with Gao Xian, and Gao Xian relied on his body to be tyrannical, and he never refused.

At the end of the banquet, Gao Xian was praised by many people, saying that he is generous, cheerful, humble and polite.

These are not really advantages, they are the advantages worthy of praise when placed on the top foundation builder of the four sects.

The next day, Lian Yunzong, Chiyanzong, and Shaoyangzong all left Feixian Island by airship.

Li Feihuang stood under a big tree, watching the Aoki Airship enter the depths of the sea of ​​clouds.

She had a complicated look on her face, and she didn't know what she was thinking.


The white-haired and white-browed Li Chengfeng came from behind, he also raised his head to look at the sky, and faintly saw the blue color of the Aoki Flying Ship.

Li Chengfeng said: "Aren't you reconciled?"

Li Feihuang nodded, and she suddenly asked: "Patriarch, can I win if I use the Feifeng Tianyi Sword?"

"It's hard."

Li Chengfeng shook his head, "Wang Yuanfeng lost with the five thunder, gang and energy swords. Although your Feifeng Tianyi sword is strong, it is difficult for you to control it. If the Tianyi sword is still gaining momentum, you will lose.

"This alliance is irrelevant. The key is the Qingyun Ceremony. Only by getting the leader can you directly become a true disciple of the Temple of God. You must know that the true inheritance of the Qingyun Sect is also graded..."

Li Chengfeng said with a solemn expression: "Only the true disciples of the Temple of the Divine Firmament can obtain more mystical spiritual techniques, have the opportunity to condense the third-grade golden pill, and have the opportunity to become a Nascent Soul!"

Li Feihuang nodded vigorously, "Patriarch, I know the seriousness. It's just that I can't swallow the breath in my heart."

"I think Yun Qiushui attaches great importance to Gao Xian. With Gao Xian's talent, even the muddy pond of Yunzong can't tolerate it. You may meet Gao Xian at the Qingyun Fa Conference."

Li Chengfeng said: "It's a good thing for you to hide your clumsiness now.

"There are still two years left, you can further refine the Chifeng Tianyi Sword. If you really want to meet Gao Xian, give him a surprise!"

Li Feihuang pursed her lips, her beautiful phoenix eyes were firm, "In two years, I will definitely be able to refine the Scarlet Phoenix Sky Wing Sword, at least I can communicate with Qi Ling!"

In the past, she always felt that Nanming Lihuo's divine light was enough to sweep away those Foundation Establishment cultivators.In terms of cultivation, I don't talk about slack, but I don't want to be too active.

The setback by Gao Xian this time also inspired Li Feihuang's fighting spirit.

Li Chengfeng was very pleased with this, and the more frustrated he became, the more courageous he became. This is the true nature of a cultivator.

He said: "The Qingyun Dharma Conference every 60 years will always gather a lot of geniuses. I heard that Lu Shidao of the Liuhe Sect and Zhang Zhengxin of the Xuanzhen Sect are extremely powerful figures..."

At the same time, Yun Taihao was talking to Gao Xian in the quiet room.

The quiet room where Yun Taihao lives has exquisite furnishings, and the faint fragrance of incense in the room has magical effects such as calming the mind and exorcising evil spirits.

It was the first time for Gao Xian to come to Yun Taihao's room, and he was quite envious of the environment here.

Even though he has more than 30 spirit stones, he can't afford the furnishings in this room.

When a cultivator reaches the foundation building level, he can barely achieve a well-off life.At least he can afford the elixir, and the cultivation resources can be obtained by various means.

However, it is only a conventional cultivation resource.If you want the best magic weapon, or even a magic weapon, it is far beyond the ability of ordinary foundation-building monks
At the level of Jindan, just like Yun Taihao, being the head of a small sect is very enjoyable.

Basically, you can get anything you want, and you can meet all kinds of needs.It's not a problem to get one or two magic weapons or something.Can even get a spirit weapon?

Gao Xian thought of the sword that had glanced at Yun Taihao. From his point of view, this sword is the best on this person. It may be at the level of a magic weapon, and it should be far from a spiritual weapon!
Yun Taihao noticed Gao Xian's eyes, thought that Gao Xian was envious of his sword weapon, and he was also a little proud.

No matter how talented this kid is, he was born as a casual cultivator after all.There is no accumulation at all.

Yun Taihao said calmly: "Gao Xian, I told you before that you won the first place, and I will allow you to participate in the Qingyun Fa Conference. In addition, I will give you a treasure.

"I keep my word. Just go to the Qingyun Fahui. If you need help, you can come to me. I still have some connections in Qingyunzong."

Yun Taihao took out a small item from his sleeve and handed it to Gao Xian, "This is a treasure for you. If I read correctly, this item is very suitable for you..."

Gao Xian's eyes lit up when he saw that thing!
(Everyone is amazing, it’s really in the top [-]~ Bow to everyone~ I actually want to update more. To be honest, I wrote it at [-] o’clock in the morning the day before yesterday, and my head was buzzing. I feel like my blood vessels are about to burst~ I’ll update it steadily first~)

(End of this chapter)

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